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File: 430 KB, 1440x1155, Screenshot_20180425-210241~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.9093818 [Reply] [Original]

>So swift will not use chainlink?


Fuck you no linkies!

>> No.9093826

Hello there mr whales,

I was just wondering, how does it feel to know that you only have 2 months left to shake out the weak hands? How does it feel to accumulate a project with so many iron hands that it takes you this long to even gain only this little market share.
Don’t you get bored playing with yourself the whole day setting sell orders and buy orders and filling it yourself only to accumulate 100-200 linkies everytime?

Your time is ticking and I sincerely hope you enjoy the last two months, shaking out the weakhands is what I want you to do as well.

Be sure to do a test pump first to shake out swing traders before the real pump to singularity.


General Link marinen

>> No.9093831

um...no he actually doesnt say that. retard. nice snapshot of a random comment tho

>> No.9093846
File: 191 KB, 804x922, fatsergeylink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You asked him a direct question and got a bedtime story about smartcontracts.
>Be sure to do a test pump first
"Hold my bags"

>> No.9093852

consensus =/= chainlink

>> No.9093860

lol. this numbskull cant even give a proper response. no shit there is an oracle problem.

>> No.9093868

wow. I envy the people that don't understand that SWIFT made Sergey shadowfork to put biz out in the cold. Must be nice living in that fantasy land.

>> No.9093915

i aint fucking selling whale fags

>> No.9093933
File: 60 KB, 1241x585, mobiusnetwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oracles are needed. Mobi has the solution. Patent pending niggers.

>> No.9093940


>> No.9093953

thanks, radesh

>> No.9093954

You're fucking welcome. I was about to sell 100k before my panic attack in the telegram. Now someone is on about how smartcontract.com is helping SWIFT create their own oracle WTF IS GOING ON

>> No.9093959

How did he even answer the question faggot

You deluded linkies are retarded i swear

>> No.9093973

yeah. SmartOracle you nigger. aka chainlink. did you learn about chainlink today for the first time?

>> No.9094004
File: 35 KB, 995x301, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally on their homepage. they are working with swift. what the fuck are you worried about

>> No.9094006

No but I go to the telegram after wagecucking all day and first thing i see is SWIFT created their own oracle and smartcontract.com created an oracle for them? Is this confirmed or only rumors because if they're are working on a "centralized" version they'd be more inclined to jump to the more trusted "decentralized" version when ready right?

>> No.9094028

Oh makes sense now. Disregard. Fucking shit I'm just now started to put the pieces together I have literally ignored all link threads for fucking months not my fault.

>> No.9094033

Jesus Christ, Rory must feel so sick of talking to us and trying to calm us down. I know Sergey doesnt do marketing, but he could at least throw us a bone.

>> No.9094035

I have some a big chainlink discovery, not sure if I should put it all in one post or just start new thread and allow others to see.

>> No.9094052

they arent working on a centralized version. dude you need to research more and open your ears. they already proved that you need to have a decentralized oracle in the Sibos POC 2018 and are now in the process of putting it into production for swift. You bought the right project.

>> No.9094061

Can't you just post it here kid.

>> No.9094069

*sibos innotribe poc 2017

make a new thread. if its fud it better be good.

>> No.9094089


new thread

>> No.9094095

New thread, tripcode in here and new thread so we know it's you. Also link to new thread

>> No.9094103

link to the thread here once you post it. Thanks anon

>> No.9094107
File: 60 KB, 604x610, disbeleif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rory is just a community manager he doesn't know anything

>> No.9094114

Fuckoff sherlock link you are worse than wolfbearfag

>> No.9094119
File: 1.84 MB, 2000x2000, 1524663256041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1000 eoy nigga

>> No.9094130
File: 8 KB, 226x223, 1514664509902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just learned today...
t. /pol/ retard

>> No.9094141

Ok, I'll make a new thread in about 10 minutes. Not going to tripcode though but will comment back in here once its up.

>> No.9094147

Sh-should I buy more, anon?

>> No.9094148

it better not be weak FUD

>> No.9094150

people just dont understand that chainlink is literally just a middleman, they don't "solve" the "oracle problem", they're literally just trying to be a network that can integrate with smart contract platforms to deliver data on demand for contracts.

but that requires the networks themselves to integrate with and use chainlink, when they don't actually solve the problem with poisoned data, or single source reliance. they're not a market for data, they're just trying to allow you to go from one singe source of data to a smart contract on demand, with as little risk as possible.

real solutions still need to be developed, such as a market for oracle data, so you're not relying on a single machine to deliver you the result, but a massive number of machines all independently getting data at the same time. and if the data is inherently single source, then simply providing signed data from the source obviates any need for the token to protect against invalid data, and you can simply reward the fastest node/randomly selected node that answers your network query, because the data has no counterparty risk.

>> No.9094159

RV cops, they're going to shut down erc20 tokens. Link isn't safe.
I knew I should have sokd last night.

>> No.9094160

Make a trip just to make it easier to find the thread, you faggot.

>> No.9094162

Hahahaha 1k eoy nolinker fsggots!

>> No.9094164

No one believes your weak ass FUD Anon

>> No.9094182

I did.

>> No.9094197

oh shit.

Unironically gonna buy some more chainlink when I get my next paycheck.

>> No.9094229
File: 445 KB, 720x938, IMG_20180425_213655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>9093818 (OP)
>How did he even answer the question faggot
>You deluded linkies are retarded i swear

>>>9093818 (OP)
>um...no he actually doesnt say that. retard. nice snapshot of a random comment tho

>Oh makes sense now. Disregard. Fucking shit I'm just now started to put the pieces together I have literally ignored all link threads for fucking months not my fault.

You bunch of Russian can't access telegram?

>> No.9094257
File: 344 KB, 720x933, IMG_20180425_213740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9094273

Hey dumbass it was in slack not telegram

>> No.9094291

sounds more like he's saying they won't be using link

>> No.9094297

you're a brainlet.

>> No.9094302

crypto tips girl just made a video about nick szabo. this is basically the underground elite giving the bat signal to other elites to buy LINK now!!!


>> No.9094310

Where is the thread?

>> No.9094320

hopefully he's not another LARPer.

post the thread anon

>> No.9094338
File: 315 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-04-25-21-30-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jabroni look again

>> No.9094343

wood bone

>> No.9094371

Yup I was wrong my apologies. I will burn 5 link to the eth 0 address as my penance

>> No.9094386

75% done righting my post up...it will be sloppy but hopefully you guys will get the idea.

>> No.9094401

wait, there's such a think as a chainlink community. i thought this coin was just a joke?

>> No.9094405

oh shit.

brainlet detected. This better be a good thread

>> No.9094410


>> No.9094418
File: 6 KB, 231x218, 1521744036263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9094426
File: 32 KB, 230x230, 8EBA1AE2-F1F5-472C-9C36-89B075383C96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurry up anon! REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.9094436

What're you trying to say? I didn't know smartcontract.com was working with swift on centralized oracle and developing a decentralized one at the same fucking time. Who would have thought.

>> No.9094439

I hope this is a good bedtime story

>> No.9094447
File: 113 KB, 364x336, 43EB73B8-00F0-4B33-BDFF-8DD1D4C5D3A6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw mike generic

>> No.9094449
File: 271 KB, 1114x768, lereddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>9094338 (You)
>wait, there's such a think as a chainlink community. i thought this coin was just a joke?

Guys how do I DELET tis?

>> No.9094465
File: 156 KB, 746x982, 1507098088228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bans over boys!

chainlink marine back from hell! what up!

>> No.9094467

Wait is smartcontract.com working with swift on centralized oracle and developing a decentralized one at the same fucking time? How is this even possible?

>> No.9094468
File: 243 KB, 800x530, bog4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been struggling with that since chainlink first released. The latest intel is that assblaster is in fact an insider so there could be something coming up.

On that note, do the bogs run the world? I've been unable to discern who's jewing who on either subject for a long time now.

>> No.9094506

Link to this thread.

>> No.9094517

They've been providing centralized oracle service for years.

>> No.9094554

You better fucking deliver or I will find you and beat you up, faggot

>> No.9094563

hahahah whoooooops

>> No.9094584

Better proof it was spell check or nobody will take it serious FUD

>> No.9094596

Hey dude. It's fucking bed time. Hurry up.

>> No.9094614


>> No.9094637

while talking about smart contracts

it says "dont ditch centralization at the bottom"

good find. though i dont know who this woman is or her influence.

>> No.9094747
File: 7 KB, 377x127, tothemoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rory just confirmed you faggots are not going to the moon

>> No.9094798


>> No.9094931


Problem: Hey, we need all this outside data for our smart contracts.

Solution 1:
>I know, let's code it ourselves.
>Oh fuck, data is wrong... fuck fuck fuck accidentally typed 0 = 1 instead of 0 != 1
>Millions of people lose their money, SEC is called, feds raid developer's houses and shoot their dogs

Solution 2:
>I know, let's trust a federated oracle network
>Oh hell yeah, data is correct and our smart contract is working as expected
>Millions of people never know the difference until devblog.shittoken49428.com has a new post saying how good LINK has been

Unfortunately, I don't have the time to get into this right now, but let's be frank: Sergey has _millions of dollars_ on the line for solving this problem. You have an opinion on a chinese stipple art deconstructionist forum. I think that Sergey understands The Oracle Problem better than most and will make the right choice.

You make some good points, but I'm sure this is nothing new to him, and I'm sure he's considering the above carefully.

>> No.9094968

>chinese stipple art deconstructionist forum
too many syllables

>> No.9094984
File: 41 KB, 1107x430, Mobi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mobi understands the problem more so than Chainlink. Patents pending

>> No.9095082

Someone read the pastebin :)

>> No.9095156
File: 293 KB, 732x810, You need middleware.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9095364

Anyone who thinks chainlink’s success or otherwise is tied to swift, sell your stacks now.

>> No.9095526


What is the pastebin

>> No.9095572


If they wanted to succeed they wouldn't have built their platform on stellar