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[ERROR] No.9094272 [Reply] [Original]

We're never gonna make it, are we

>> No.9094276

shut up faggot

>> No.9094290

>we're not going to get rich for no work
probably not

>> No.9094317
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i have to try

>> No.9094399

If you have 20k in it right now you never have to work againin your life.
If you can get 10k into crypto by august you have an early retirement by age 35 if you work a normal wage cuck job. Its ok OP youve made it rejoice.

>> No.9094404
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No, No you're not.
Not with that attitude.
Keep fighting until you win. There's nothing else.

>> No.9094414
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Pure delusion.

>> No.9094433

Everyone is going to be real sad when they randomly ban crypto in the US.

>> No.9094462
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Even if me make it
Only going die soon after ;_;

>> No.9094475

nope too many boomers still alive

>> No.9094481

Should have bought bcash, dumb faggot.

>> No.9094482
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I have no doubt they will try.

>> No.9094570

R.I.P. Anon

>> No.9094654

salty no coiner the fact there are people like you is the evidence that makes me bullish.

240k CND here
1k OMG
2k SKY

Screenshot this come back in 6 months you broke slack jawed faggot.

We are also not fully bottomed yet fyi

>> No.9094722

I'm jelly you won't have to kill yourself like the rest of us will

>> No.9094854
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lol, stop stealing pics from other anons from other threads. He was donating plasma.

>> No.9094855

He won't be slack jawed. His jaw will be well chiseled ala Chad due to the fact his only means of income is smoking cock.

>> No.9094913

Wow kek
Your reading comprehend poor

That me in other thread getting monthly life preservation plasma infused

>> No.9094916
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>> No.9094978

Wow, for a “girl” you have some thick fingers. Fingering must be fun

>> No.9094982

Implying it's not a government scheme to suck up inflation. There are winners and there are losers. SEC and CFTC are overall bullish on crypto

>> No.9095002

I’m up 2% from 24 hours ago.

>> No.9095008

Me and you are going to make it brah. OP is a faggot and isn't going to make it.

>> No.9095014
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>thinking hes a girl
The Absolute STATE

>> No.9095033

I have to try

>> No.9095051

Bitcoin is not going back to $20,000 in 2018. It may not EVER go back to $20,000. Screencap this for your stupid meme image if you want, although it won't ever be added since I'll turn out to be right. if you think this ride won't ever stop you're a fool.

>> No.9095059

Also, no im sorry you are not going to make it.

>> No.9095081

Screenshotted get ready to get memed faggot

>> No.9095094
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 1523969338699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, whatever you say, boyo.

>> No.9095173

Bitcoin will be at least $50k by end of 2018. Screencap this faggot.

>> No.9095221

Anyone else finding it hard to believe that ANY good-looking girl has depression? Everyone fucking loves them and wants to help while us depressed beta cucks are just going to die alone. As far as I see it every single girl that's at least 6/10 and depressed is just doing it for attention and nothing else.

>> No.9095238

Based on what do you make this claim? The fact that you bought the top like the FOMO-ing bulltard you are? Kek.

Markets are fucked now, there's no appetite for risk. Normies are scared shitless after what, in their minds, just happened. There is nowhere near the kind of money available to drag BTC's decaying carcass over $10,000 (we couldn't even break $9750 for Christ's sake).

Here's a more realistic outcome for you: we retrace from here to the $6000s, crawl back to the $7000s, then finally capitulate and visit $3000. We'll trade mostly sideways from there, perhaps making our way to the low $8000s by year end.

>inb4 muh mining costs
Difficulty will adjust, and mining is still relatively cheap in third-worlds.

>> No.9095267
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I have some serious anxierty and depression right now due to real life issues that I can not effect.

Some family members having real trouble and I just cant help them.

I work 6 days a week most often, sometimes long hours, and I will keep doing so for my family.

However it would be nice to have a big nest egg, I cna only be positive and hopeful and pray that goodness comes our way friend.

So keep trying, keep dreaming and have faith.

We will make it, just give it time.

love and peace friends.

To you my friend, I am sorry that you have these complications, but know that just keep hope. If you do pass heaven will be glorious and you will suffer no longer and find happiness and peace and love.

>> No.9095268
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Go on...

>> No.9095277

If your portfolio has a lower eth/btc value than when you first bought in with fiat, you will only make it by accident and you will be sharing your victory with a bunch of people who haven't even heard of crypto yet. I'm barely above my initial BTC value because I'm a fucking altcoin hodler. But I am not fooled by fiat gains. I'm just not very good.

>> No.9095295
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Wow my friend, you will make it, congrats! I just dont have the money to spare due to family stuff.

I look forward to many of you making it just remember to use it for happiness and good and love and peace. Dont be greedy and vile like most rich people.