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9088334 No.9088334 [Reply] [Original]

>immigration at an all time high
>my country
>all business owners and conglomerates ecourage voting for the current party to remain
>the immigration has given them a state-funded workforce that they get PAID to take in
>massive economic booms, if not for the unions normal swedes would be without work - is the claim
>truth is that people start up random companies and accept the immigrants into a random warehouse where they play games and do nothing all day
>the business owners gets PAID to have them 'working' for them
>as a genuine Swede, i do not get these boons to get a 'job'
>conglomerates are milking the state and €uro system as much as they can
>normal people are left with no way to climb a corporate ladder, as the corporations can earn more by not hiring competent people

What should I do?
This is something that's extremely widespread, I know of 14 different companies that does this malpractice and I'm left jobless..

Should I do like them, startup a fake business and apply for immigrants to do jack shit for as long as possible?
I'm starting to feel this is some sort of corruption..

>> No.9088352

Move to Poland.

>> No.9088372
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RIP Europa

>> No.9088376


>> No.9088381

About 10 years ago or so I used to think wow sweden really does sound incredible, they've got it figured out.
Corporate welfare won't last, free money won't last. What does the average swede honestly think about it all? Or is it out of sight out of mind kinda thing?

>> No.9088386

that's exactly what you should do. Since it's a state wide practice, the bubble will take a while to hit the economy it's basically free profit till then.
Just collect your share and save for the rainier days when the immigration bubble pops

>> No.9088413


I live in Germany and it's absolutely insane here.
Most people (~80%) here actually want this and support what's going on.
There is no hope anymore. There is no future.

>> No.9088421

I would leave. Stop supporting the countries that no longer protect their citizens. I'm planning on leaving America if it continue to get worse.

>> No.9088428
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You know what must be done

>> No.9088457
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>he believes in political solutions

> "What should I do?"

Get a nordic girlfriend. Have lots of white babies. Like more than 8. Own house with a large garden. Do permaculture.

Un-slave your mind:



>> No.9088475

You don't have to leave per se, instead stay and accelerate the problem so it collapses sooner rather than later. The thing has to collapse for them to ever change. Avoid paying taxes, that's the only thing they'll listen too, money.

>> No.9088478
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pic + a simple life = how to bring down the (((system)))

>> No.9088496

Where are you moving to?

>> No.9088562
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Not him but I'm moving to Japan once I finish my Master's in Teaching. Fuck America, enjoy your 70.7% overweight/obesity rate, RIDICULOUS taxes, and a 45% chance of developing cancer in your lifetime.

Oh, and I STILL have to pay American income tax despite living in another country, so I plan on revoking my citizenship as well.
>Land of the free
I'm out

>> No.9088566

Svenne här också. Det är fördjävligt.

What OP says is true. The fact of the matter is that there's a rampant passivity throughout our country. There's also a tendency to go with the flock when it comes to 'heated' political questions such as immigration/integration policies because if one was to speak out against the obvious problems, one is labeled a racist/xenophobe. I worked in one of the largest NGOs for two years before I left, and that was honestly one of the biggest wakeup calls when it comes to government spending and how we allocate tax-payer money. There's no hope, so get rich off crypto and fuck off asap.

>> No.9088596

have you tried claiming that you identify as an immigrant and considering you otherwise is discriminatory and offensive?

>> No.9088598

Those of us that are left without a job are turning, as they say, "racist".
Hilarious, as we can't obtain a proper livelihood compared to the goody two-shoes old timers that has been around since ww2..

>assist the ruination to start anew faster
I don't know anon..

If I can't opt for a political solution, the only option left is to leave, I think.
Might have to learn some Suomi.

Här i norr har Nordfront verkligen galopperat iväg ifrån en populistisk synvinkel. Helt sjukt, vandalerna vinner..

I wish we could get another truck of peace a few months prior to the election to shock opinions..
Feels wrong to wish for terrorism, but what can one lone northerner do.

>> No.9088647

Fuck man, and here i am thinking about moving from Helsinki to Stockholm. Doesnt seem like a smart idea now. I knew the things were shit in Sweden but didnt think things were that bad. How the fuck did that happen?

I know we've bunch of niggers here also but there is no ghettos/areas where you shouldnt go in any city. They just hang around in poor areas and do whatever. You can actually drive over a nigger in some areas and nobody gives a fuck, thats one positive thing if i had to give one.

In smaller villages they have this thing called "Nogling" wich means pretty much "drive over as many niggers as you can". Hilarious stuff if you ask me.

>> No.9088648

Men det är ändå inte förvånande. Människor känner sig hotade och vänder sig till 'enkla' lösningar när det inte verkar finnas andra alternativ till problemen.

I doubt another terrorist attack will do any good. What scares me the next 10-20 years when the marginalised jobless newly arrived migrants grow up. Couple that with imminent automatisation of major industries and we'll be left with a fuckton of unemployed. Our overburdened welfare system is going to completely go down the hole

>> No.9088651

god damn and i thought the UK was fucked

Anon have you considered writing up what’s going on in detail with a bit of evidence and spreading it to alternative media outlets? We hear the sweden yes stories all the time but this is a completely new dimension that people need to know about

>> No.9088666

Start a business, employ the immigrants in menial roles, gain government bucks, reap the rewards.

This won't last forever, it literally can't.

>> No.9088684

Based fins, lol

And to answer your question - a passive missinformed population who are too scared to think critically and logically. If you thought the PC culture on US college campuses were bad, it has been rampant in Sweden for ages. You can't go against the flock in any regard. And then there's the notion of 'lagom' which fucks everything up even more

>> No.9088815

This is one of the issues I forgot to highlight, once the 2nd generation from the immigrants comes of age everything will start to seriously fall apart.

What I'm most worried about is our hospitals and healthcare.
At the moment, normal doctors hired at state hospitals work 16 hours shifts, when the law states maximum 8 hours a day.

They're burning out like moths to a flame - and we don't have NEARLY enough med-grads coming on out.

Perhaps I should educate myself into a doctor.
Stab wounds seems to be the trend in the UK, might become over here aswell..

>> No.9088878

I've tried once before, but got censored on all 'open' forums except the chans.

Even the usually open site that people talk smack on, flashback, removed my thread within minutes.

If I try the semi-political route I will need to out the companies in question, where I'll most likely be called to court against said companies.

They will, as in the past, have the same excuse there - "they're currently in training, learning the jargong and the business principles. They also don't know Swedish properly enough to do a good job, but we assist them as much as we can"..

As there are already prior court issues that has attempted to fight it before in this fashion, I don't think I can do it better then those before me - since the entire judical system is as left it can go..

The saying goes: "Alla ska med" - "Everyone shall go together"..

>> No.9088906

people are means of productions for their countries but in poland they are just slaves.

>> No.9088941

Meh look at the bright side, If you place your money alright now you will have atleast a couple of million sek in 5 years even with a starting capital as small as 50k sek starting today.

The main line is ride of the tech wave the coming years, invest/save what you can, educate yourself in the meantime if possible and then leave. Bonus if you can find a decent woman that will follow you.

>> No.9088981

I don't know how Sweden has lasted as long as it has.
What do they do aside from cheap furniture?

>> No.9089015

We import other countries trash for a fee and recycle it for extra green €uro bucks..

Steel and lumber is also very profitable for the country, but that's only for the oldtimers.

>> No.9089047


I don’t mean posting it publicly, I’m talking about sending a report to the likes of breitbart, infowars, zerohedge, gatestone institute, etc and letting them do all the publicizing from a country that has some sort of free speech

>> No.9089072

>Perhaps I should educate myself into a doctor.

This. The state's probably so desperate it'll hire your non-immigrant ass.

Will you need to stumble your way through med school? No doubt.
Will the hours suck? Definitely.
Will you get really, really good at treating stabs and shrapnel wounds? Oh yeah.

But having a medical degree is a ticket to immigrate anywhere. Guaranteed exit plan.

>> No.9089101
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Hey how's the dating scene in Sweden?
Are the women stuck up bitches?

>> No.9089136

The milking of euro money are happening in the environment and agriculture sector too. Farmers are looking first hand what subsidies they can fill from EU and environment jobs are massively overfunded from state side.

>muh Sweden
>im such a good person

>> No.9089209


same iin the US. we built zero medical schools for decades, and enjoyed importing doctors from the rest of the world.

the result was 24hour burnout shifts and emergency room filled with uninsured migrants

>> No.9089267

yeah do this anon, breitbart drudge etc will get the word out for you. Infowars our information is being censored heavily but not as bad as yours.

>> No.9089316

>Hey how's the dating scene in Sweden?
For me its very easy to get laid.
>Are the women stuck up bitches?
I wouldnt say so. Most are accually nice but ofcourse some are just retarded

>> No.9089324

Come to Australia.

More right wing, government policies actually make sense. Political correctness is lower than almost any European country (except maybe like Hungary or something). Immigrants here are chinese / indian / other europeans and actually work.

>> No.9089357

Yeah, and this has caused unnescessary monopoly per crop over here.
Same on the dairy industry, as they barely make due with the subsidaries it's completely impossible to start new business' in agriculture.
Even just continuing to run a agriculture company is a net loss - WITH the subsidaries.. we can't sustain ourselves if we couldn't import food anymore.

>is that a scorpion in my boot?
No thanks..

I'll look into it, as I would need to post some sort of sources I'm sure to get any sort of credibility.

>> No.9089994


I'm pretty sure that was the whole point of CAP, like everything else the EU does it's to fuck everything up by stealth and then assume total control over that particular domain

However the slow creep phase is almost over. Shit is about to get REAL ugly in europe followed by the REAL EU shock and awe takeover

also we're back

>> No.9090149

Calm yourself german bro
The fire will rise - just wait and be prepared
But this time do the cleansing right please

>> No.9090381
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Why don' t you move to Budapest??
Obviously biased, but I lived in UK and China and can comfidently say the quality of life is million times better here even though relative wages are lower.
Beautiful city, nice people, stunning architecture and nature, great food, thermal baths evetyhwere, no shitskins, based, tradcon girls, no toxic pc culture, can speak freely.

>> No.9090407

empires rise, empires fall.

your children will speak mandarin

>> No.9090514

We'll see about that.

>> No.9090551

there were some pastas about the dark side of teaching english in japan/china

something about unreliable demand and no real progression in life

>> No.9090684

Because Germany is actually very livable. Except for some incel cucks, most people here are not afraid of Muslim hordes overrunning the fatherland. Unlike you mongrels presume, there is also no civil war in the streets.

>> No.9090716

Just round up all your buddies and go on a murderous rampage of 'slims. Seriously. You are the change

>> No.9091211

Can you get a brown person to help you go undercover and expose these operations?

>> No.9091232

>goody two-shoes old timers that has been around since ww2..
Holy shit, your boomers are worse than ours!

Boomer genocide when?

>> No.9091287
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Sweden is fried and done, get out while you can. Have fallen below russia in crime and low safety. Now jsut wait housing bubble to pop and sek inflate. Muslims will be majority in 20 years no question about that

>> No.9091753
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My dude Brevik had the solution

>> No.9092021


Stop complaining. You can get a Job in few months learning to Code. You can start a Business getting spoiled by state funding. You can leave your place AND start again.

The West is done. Stop complaining. Accept it. After you are rich you can start to care again.

>> No.9092746

Yeah it has its downsides, I teach here and worked my way up to quite a unique and a fairly good teaching job, but like you say progression is limited.

Tfw 360k a month pay, ¥20k a month rent for my shoebox apartment , ¥200k a year bonus, but little chance to improve in the future and I live in the middle of nowhere.

Tfw also shit Japanese language level

>> No.9093029

karma is a b****. Take what your ancestors sowed for you, this is the backlash of colonialism.

>> No.9093218

Shut up you stupid african. This is because jews hate whites, nothing else.

>> No.9093237

You uncivilized savages have had and will have no say in the future of Whites. You're nothing more than a herd that has it's uses for (((them))).

>> No.9093267

so let me get this straight: The Swedish state takes your money to pay immigrants to work at fake startups?

>> No.9093300

Look, if you want to defeat the State, the easiest thing to do would be to deny them their money. Take your money out of the bank. Go all in on crypto. Quit your job. Live off welfare. Get every native Swede to do this and the system will collapse soon enough.

>> No.9093336


>> No.9093384

Nah, you're just cool with Muslims raping children at swimming pools.

>> No.9093399

But he's actually getting bent over by higher IQ jews that have had this planned since before he was born...

>> No.9093410

enjoy living under asians as theyre the majority of the world population, 60%+. they have a good track record of not committing horrible atrocities and being racist.

>> No.9093444

>truth is that people start up random companies and accept the immigrants into a random warehouse where they play games and do nothing all day

>> No.9093514

I feel horrible for you guys. Sweden was always a country I dreamed of visiting. No longer. Beautiful ,kind people and a generous welfare/tax system that worked. Globalization is ruining the world at an alarming rate. Australia is getting worse every month. Not as bad as you guys but immigration is killing us. Our infrastructure can't keep up, housing is completely overpriced (I think Sydney just topped most expensive city in the world) and cost of living is rising, mainly electricity. Indians are the main cause. They are taking all the lower end jobs and government jobs are employing them for diversity quota's. Incredibly rude people that lack hygiene or any manors. They live 5-8 people per apartment also pushing down quality of life for everyone else. Say anything at all and you're labeled a racist.

I think that is the real push from (((them))) is to make us fight for the dollar, working harder and harder just to have a basic standard of life. Our freedom is dying and we're more enslaved than we think.

>> No.9093600

It's because all Western countries more or less have consumption-driven economies, but no consumers due to birth rates of 1.3. Thus, new consumers must be imported and given money to buy things with. It is a chink-tier scam by Boomers who don't want to be the ones left bagholding when negative growth starts happening.

>> No.9094409

The whole concept of constant growth is ridiculous and unsustainable. We need a correction and a change in how we take on growth. Just like the old days. 7 years of growth and 7 years of correction.

>> No.9094446

it's not permanent growth, it's the growth model. Western countries need a more investment-driven growth model, clearly consumption-based models are incompatible with women's liberation and export-based models don't work all that well either. once you get rich enough, there is always some country that's more pajeet-tier than you and can undercut you.