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9078524 No.9078524 [Reply] [Original]

I’ll be honest. I do t want a bull market, and the thought of one makes me nervous.

Making money in bear market is easy, all tou have to fucking to is short butcoin a couple times a week on low leverage. I soubles my stack with low risk. Not much stress.

Now i remember what bull market felt like. Constantly not knowing the top. TA being useless. RSI oversold on all timeframes for days. Still going up.

Having to track many shitcoins and alts at the same time and moving funds, trying to keep on top of news and pump events etc. Its extremely stressfull.

Im tempted to just go into two coins only and hold this run if it turns bull after summer. Only nees to track two and guess the top.

>> No.9078555

>mfw lamden mooons
>kek kek kek kel kek lamblets

>> No.9078581
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unironically this

>> No.9078594


>> No.9078611



>> No.9078702

Stress and nervous?

You fucking cuck cunt, you are not out for crypto

>> No.9078708
File: 79 KB, 250x427, E2E1F403-1B48-4291-ADD3-908F3B378B7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time my life was consumed by crypto because it demanded so much attention. Was super stressful watch the delusional europhia on here and reddit know crash had to happen but still rising. Tracking shitcoins in addition was the hard part.

Bear is nice. Like I said, only track bitcoin, trade couple times per week and can get on with life easily.

Biz is also better. Pink wojaks are funny and indians and normies
Fucked off amd got rekt.

>> No.9078735


Idk bout u senpai but im not some neet with 16 hours a day to dedicate to crypto in bull market. So its stressful to try get dirt done with limited time. Unlicke bear where it takes 2 trades a week and looking at one coin.

>> No.9078755

He stated a fact. Can you really say with absolute certainty that you don't feel a shred of stress or nervousness in the crypto market? Also, don't mistake honesty for weakness you dumb fucking retard.

>> No.9078791

I fucking hate you bull market faggots
So much easier in bear market
Every time you sell in bull market, you can wake up with the price up 30%

>duhhhrrr just don't sell then

NO you faggot, i am addicted to trading and i refuse to hold when i could also wake up to a huge crash

FUCK THIS BULL MARKET very very few people will be LUCKY not skilled, LUCKY to hold the coin for a 5 day pump and happen to catch the top and sell

>> No.9078870


Everyone unironically thinks the coin they hold is future top 10 coin. Lol. Just an insight into whats ahead.

>> No.9078940

Perma bear market would kill crypto and your sccumulated shitcoins would be worthless

>> No.9078942

true but when they see their precious coin with non stop sells in the order history
They panic and think it will never get that high again
Then they sell the low, a few SATS later it starts pumping again and they buy in higher

RIP biz traders

>> No.9078996

so you're an addict to gambling and want the market to tank so you can handle your addictions better. What a selfish piece of shit you are.

I want everyone to get no more gains cuz I have a gambling problem and it's best for my problems if the market is crashing. You arent the market and you are 1 person so fuck you wishing others a lack of gains so you can make money you selfish peice of garbage. Your parents should have aborted your sad pathetic ass

>> No.9079039


Just cause ur a shit trader and need a bull market?

>> No.9079048
File: 22 KB, 480x360, Kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying 99% of the market isn't selfish cunts in it for themself?

Are you fucking retarded, only reason why ppl shill here is because they bought in that coin

They want more and more ppl to buy in AFTER them so the price is higher

All i want to do is keep adding to my stack which is 10x easier in bear market. Then once i have accumulated we can bull market. Yes... i am quite selfish. Join me, or get dumped on

>> No.9079075
File: 55 KB, 1000x1000, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw Incase you haven't noticed this is a greater fools market. You buy in the 'low' and hope someone buys in after you so they can hold your bags

This is the whole point of making money in this market, someone HAS to buy the top and if you are lucky you are the anon that sold up there and made profits

>> No.9079271

Good riddance to bear fags

>> No.9079365

90% of alt coins won't exist within a year.

>> No.9079420
File: 20 KB, 300x562, 1513469922356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually you're right anon

>> No.9079591

This. That's because crypto is intrinsically worthless. But idiots will pay a lot for things that are intrinsically worthless.

Crypto is clearly a bubble that is going to pop eventually, due to it having no real-world value. But that won't happen for years. In the meantime, it's going to keep going up, up, up, like bubbles do.

>> No.9079603

Bear market will be back next week when whales pump their bags on the new FOMOers who wanted to ride the wave from 10k to 20k.

>> No.9079715

If the stress/nervousness is really getting to you, you should sell out of the market. "Investing" (speculating) in crypto is like gambling. You should only be gambling with an amount of money that won't make you nervous.

Trying to really trade Bitcoin with a decent amount of money made me nervous, so I cut my exposure down to an amount where I felt comfortable. Now I'm focusing my time on making money in ways that I enjoy more.

>> No.9080083

Um Sweetie.. Call me in 24 hrs

>> No.9080101

this is the exchanges last hooray really if they dont pull a bull now expect mt.gox insolvency