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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 99 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180425-003441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9076533 No.9076533 [Reply] [Original]

It's... back...
I'm so happy.

There's been a lot blood sweat and tears holding through but I did it. Fucking iron hands bizbros.

Yeah it will probably dip below again but I'm fine with that. I'm strong.

We'll all fucking make it. 100k eoy

>> No.9076572

I wont fucking make it, I only have 15k in this market. do i even have a chance anon

>> No.9076598

What coins anon?

>> No.9076619

Buy block array and double that stack in 2 months

>> No.9076627
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I got around 20k, I want to make it so bad.

>> No.9076633
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Imaginary ones.

>> No.9076695

I just want 250k. Its not rich, but it would be a great start.

>> No.9076757

You'll make it.

I trade roughly 400k of my stack but the rest I'm holding are in BTC, ETH, OMG, NEO, BNB, BCH, ZRX, QTUM, LTC, XMR, EOS, IOT, (((LINK))), CND, BAT, REQ, MOD, KNC, GAS, ONT. Heavily weighted towards the first 5.


thats enough to make it desu. I had like 8k at start of 2017. ATH was 1.44MM


will be doable for sure

>> No.9076887

My goals 500k but even 200k would drastically improve my life. I think we can still make it but its going to be a little luck, putting more in on dips, and maybe a couple good projects without going all in on something that tanks. Im going to keep putting in any money I can come up with and hope this time next year we all have made it.

I mostly do long term holds, I might take a couple thousand to start doing short term trades to get more btc.

>> No.9076928

How does it feel to be a millionaire?..

>> No.9076982

until he gets out, he's a internet millionaire. he best get the fuck out now.

>> No.9077009

OP congratulations, We have not even hit full bull run yet....I hope you like private jets....

>> No.9077036

Dude, cash out into a deprecating currency?

>> No.9077049
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1m + from 8k.... you're my fkn hero man. Where do I attain this godly knowledge to make these kind of gains?

>> No.9077053

Cash out a couple hundred K man.

>> No.9077096

What is your end game? When you trade where do you take your profits to?

>> No.9077118

>down so much
>damn biz wish i had cashed out at the ATH
>finally gets back after much blood sweat and tears

>> No.9077159

This is kinda true in a sense. While I am technically a millionaire (I also have almost 200k in stocks/other savings) it doesn't really feel like I am until I decide to withdraw them. However, I believe so much in crypto that I will probably never do that and fuck the tax niggers.

you get lucky and bought some eth, xrp, dash (darkcoin) when they were worth literally nothing.

I already did during the run up. I do some short-term trading with roughly 400k but it mostly stays in fiat nowadays.

to USD on bitfinex (or transfer btc to kraken to withdraw if I ever need money but I dont). No end game other than hopefully crypto actually becomes the next internet. I'm betting a lot of money on it.

<3 hindsight it's always easy to know what you should've done. Like I said, we'll probably see another dump soonish but it's whatever.

>> No.9077361
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Hmm so you would hodl coins you were fortunate enough to get into early. Would you ever day trade or short coins? Also do you think there is still potential for people getting in now to make serious gains?

>> No.9077373

I had 2k when I started trading the day after Christmas. Currently sitting at 18k. Am I going to make it? I feel like going 9x during a huge correction is good, but I dunno.

>> No.9077405

Well you are obviously fucking Superman so you keep doing you nigger

>> No.9077421

You ever heard of real estate?

>> No.9077433

You'r doing great. If you keep that up you'r going to make it. Gj!

>> No.9077467

Fuck how... shorting?

>> No.9077473

Thanks guys. I really just want to get 100k so I can postdoc anywhere without worrying about funding. I hope you make it too!

>> No.9077588

Nah, I've probably lost like 0.03 btc on bitmex. I just do arbitrage with my main stack and throw the daily gains into solid projects, they don't moon a ton but they gain

>> No.9077593

Well done mate... Nice to know other anons having similar success

>> No.9077634

crypto is going to be banned, at least in the U.S. There's no way the government(the federal reserve) is going to allow non-fiat currency in the long term. The only way to retain value is buying some real asset like land.

>> No.9077679

Congrats man, I'm still making my way back to 1M. At 750k now.

>> No.9077683


How do I make it to 1m from 200k now that the bubble has burst?

I need a 5x but I'm scared to buy 200k of shitcoins since it's borderline gambling.

>> No.9077787

It isnt "borderline gambling". It IS gambling. If you have safe bets like BTC ETH, just hold until the next normie hype media cycle and it will do 5x from now, dont be a dumbass and lose everything gambling with shitcoins like me.

>> No.9077851

how did you get that much from arbitrage?

>> No.9078070
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I invested 5k and will be happy if I make 70k. Am I thinking right?

>> No.9078073

How'd you fuck up?

>> No.9078084

>1M exactly
nice larp thread

>> No.9078125

Anyone who browsed /biz/ since 2016 should have 7 figures, dummy. /biz/ shilled the fuck out of ETH, OMG, WTC, and antshares, and then into the massive bull run of everything. That's easily four figures into seven.

>> No.9078129

>fakes it
still loses

>> No.9078256

I bought into scam icos and bad icos that werent a scam but the project wasnt good enought and price collapsed as soon as it got into market.

>> No.9079037

Congrats, I have the same goal but for my PhD instead.
Good Luck to us!

>> No.9079057

Man I goofed. Got into btc in 2015 but just set it and forget it, didn't even think about alts until late 2017.

>> No.9079096
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>tfw still only 50% of my ATH


>> No.9079206

if this run continues you will make 70k. the problem is once you get to 70k youll say "shit. that was easy" and then want to make 700k

>> No.9079270
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Tfw started at the absolute peak in December and still somehow managed to surpass my ath this week

>> No.9079316

>Implying there will be a US in the next twenty years

Mentally ill faggots will give it away to the shitskins before crypto is banned, and the pajeets love crypto.

>> No.9079361

he didnt, hes roleplaying

>> No.9079369
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This is my blockfolio lel. BitMEX kinda ruined me in December. I went from $200 to $7500 to 18 cents. I wish I could win an award for the biggest idiot or something like that so that this wasn't all for nothing. Also congrats OP glad to see some of us made it!

>> No.9079411
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>> No.9079441
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This has to be a record holder.

>> No.9079502

Just buy Crypto20 and pray for the best

>> No.9079531

any chance you wanna flick us 0.1 btc?

Dad wont stop fucking my sister until payment is made

be it blood or gold

>> No.9079566

Thank you anons, I wear it with pride

>> No.9079634

how the FUCK did this even happen

>> No.9079640

What are you holding? Are you bitcoin maximalist?

>> No.9079641

Can confirm. Went from 2k to 6k. Literally said "Shit, that was easy".

>> No.9080265

BitMEX happened, anon.

>> No.9080316

I'm only 3k but my goal is 5mil before 2020 or this decade ends.

I don't think I'm gonna make it...

>> No.9080326

This is actually an older pic though. Some Polish /biz/anon sent me .01 BTC after seeing one of my posts so at least I have something in crypto. Just with I had the .7 BTC I once had. If I ever /makeit/ I'm gonna give half back to /biz/ for being there for me through the shitty times.
Yeah that's exactly what happened to me. "Wow I turned $200 into $7500, it'll be real easy to turn that into $50000!"

>> No.9080339

that's my goal too. i'm at 13K but might be getting around 500K outside of crypto this year so that will be a huge boost

>> No.9080467

Fuck I feel poor now.
I mean I am poor. Only managed to invest whooping 2.7k.
Of course at the height of the bubble.
I managed to get it to 4k....
I'm hoping to break 10k so I can start investing for real.
But it was not easy for me.
Word of advice to people just getting in: look at the God damned charts and if the coin is at the peak of its value do not buy it.

>> No.9080565

You can make 250k with 15k. Follow your gut, dont fomo, dont overleverage yourself, dont stress too much. If youre stressed, dont trade. tether/DAI or whatever is ok. Its only hard until youre at 30k... then 60k.. and suddenly everything seems possible. Set checkpoints

>> No.9080595

You can do it anon

>> No.9080774

Thank you. I wasn't trying to whine, seriously.
It's just realization that there is so much I still have to learn: and I learn a lot through the bear market and did manage to get my initial investement to 4k but now the bull market is new to me.
Like seriously-> bear market is easier. It's slower of course but I learned to make money on it. Now I'm not exactly sure what's going on. I'm overdiversified too because of what I was doing during bear so need to learn how to go back to basic coins.
Anyway thx for a good word!

>> No.9081638
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I started in December, bought at the top, rode it down, now climbing back up. Currently sitting on 17%. I'm delighted beyond words since that's only five months. Of course it could turn around just as quickly, but maybe it goes up even more. I too will be comfy millionaire one day.

>> No.9081923

Hence, wait for the crash of the current bulltrap.

>> No.9082158

I did at first, but then I realized that if I don't trade the bullrun I won't know how to.
I learn the best by doing. I can read books on trading....and yet I learn the quickest when I'm doing it. So I'm half in now.
And it is more stressful and I can't quite figure out how to make the money on it other than hold lol.
It's been a whole 2 weeks though

>> No.9082180

>Real Estate

Look here comes the boomer

We're at the top of the market you dingus. Interest rates are going up that means cheaper home prices.

>> No.9082250

I'm shorting at least 2k on the weekend. This one is suckers' rally.

>> No.9082412

It is, I agree but i think we are going to break 10k before it goes down, precisely because it's not a natural rally.
I have a theory(tin hat variety) why and of course I could be wrong, but it just feels like that 10k is important and TA be damned.

>> No.9082783

>worried about "conspiracy theories"

This is /biz/ not plebbit - we all know it's manipulated here newfriend. You won't get dumbass fedoras telling you you're wrong because you can't provide an academic citation to PROVE it's manipulated. It's ok - you just lurk moar and learn to trade the manipulation itself.