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File: 269 KB, 641x530, 1504560823491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9068978 No.9068978 [Reply] [Original]

>No matter how much money you make you can never get your foreskin back.

>> No.9069056
File: 188 KB, 1029x733, 5444C236-8B62-4A84-A714-291E0751511A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw still have my foreskin because mom didn’t believe in circumcision

ran into some problems later in life when phimosis led to several years backlog of smegma coming out all at once (for a while I’d carry around q tips because my dick would ooze cheese every half hour or so) then I had a problem where a water polo player girl with massive lower body strength fucked me so forcefully she tore my frenulum, I was bleeding everywhere. But now no problems at all.

>> No.9069131
File: 132 KB, 481x622, 20180421_132111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foreskin overrated

Penis look cuter and more sensitive w/o foreskin
Don't let /r9k/ jew posters make you feel insecure

>> No.9069152

>Penis look cuter and more sensitive w/o foreskin
this is objectively wrong you fucking troglodyte.

>> No.9069210

Not yet, but soon.

>> No.9069241

>he fell for the jew meme.

>> No.9069745
File: 39 KB, 640x427, 673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my foreskin, my jew now ex-wife convinced me to get it cut. Now, i don't have the cum control I used to have, and blowjobs aren't as satisfying without women being able to nibble my foreskin.

>> No.9069761

>Penis look cuter
absolute state
>more sensitive w/o foreskin
t. mutilated dick retard

>> No.9070475
File: 313 KB, 808x805, 1493083540564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize foregen is a meme right? They're more concerned with selling you little plastic foreskin models to put on your desk than actual research or medical advancements.

>> No.9070505

bro wtf you got an adult circumcision? Fuck man you're dumb

>> No.9070529
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nobody even asked me if i want it off

>> No.9070541
File: 5 KB, 250x250, E1F63283-F38E-41D3-AC63-AE02EBBFF90A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best feeling in the world is feeding your waifu cum covered m&m's from your foreskin like your dick is a veiny pez dispenser. Jews will never know.

>> No.9070581

delet this

>> No.9070584

Having a foreskin is fucking incredible and every time I see a dry uncut dick in porn I close the tab in disgust. Also saying that girls prefer uncut is a meme. Most of them are too fucking stupid to tell the difference.

>> No.9070610
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>people actually believe this

>> No.9070668
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horrifying if true

>> No.9070716
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>blowjobs aren't as satisfying without women being able to nibble my foreskin
Jesus christ, I honestly don't know how I could live without that. It's not always that I want it, but sometimes when I'm extremely horny, I ask my gf to gently chew on it, on the sides of my dick right under the head. Idk why but even if it hurts a bit it's just so satisfying. Sometimes I couldn't cum from a blowjob and after her doing that for like 30 seconds I was able to. Anyhow
>cutting yourself for a woman
No wonder you two divorced, you're not even beta, you're below omega. Imagine to be this weak minded that you can be convinced by a woman to literally mutilate yourself.

>> No.9070741
File: 74 KB, 500x461, iknowthatfeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iktf bro
Same thing happened to me. Doctors recommended surgery, mom was straight against it. Sex was painful and awkward for the first few years (1-2), but I am so happy now.

>> No.9070930

Ask someone who was phimosed up until 21. Still got foreskin but im able to pull it back like a mudslim.
I lost a TON of sensitivety however. I mean i couldnt even touch my glans before because it hurt. Fapping however got me an instaboner and dick harder than metal.
Now i can touch my glans with no problems (wouldnt want to rub it like a retard though) but i lost a goddamn good amount of sensation.

>All in all i lost about 0.5 inch because i cant get or keep it as hard as before.
>Fapping isnt as good as it was
>Can pullback however and touch my dick without crying

>> No.9070967

>able to pull it back like a mudslim
What are you talking about? Also, stop watching porn if you have problems with erections. Take the nofap pill

>> No.9070978

>mutilate yourself
>its jews that promote foreskin
Ah yes