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9057887 No.9057887 [Reply] [Original]

>real estate in america

>> No.9057905

I'm not American, but if house looks like shit maybe it is prestigious neighborhood and land costs much.

>> No.9057921


2,602 sqft in a large city.

What is the problem poorfag?

>> No.9057930

>prestigious neighborhood

>> No.9057932

it's california, everything is costly in california
burgers have this strange obsession for living around spics and niggers

>> No.9057946

yeah compton is very prestigious. it is featured in the arts and the area is very "cultured"

>> No.9057949

I came here to post this

>> No.9057955

Only half a mil!? ice cube was just fudding compton so he could purchase more

>> No.9057968

ice cube lives there and he's a millionaire

>> No.9057971
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>he doesn't understand the concept of supply and demand

>> No.9057981
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after seeing this $1M per BTC does not sound retarded anymore

>> No.9057988

It's really out of control. I just bought a house out of sheer necessity (needed more space, rental prices are currently higher than mortgage + tax + insurance prices where I live). $500k plus needs maybe $5-10k of work. Fucking madness.

>> No.9057998

What city?

>> No.9058014

We're in a housing bubble. The banks are pumping up the market for their own benefit. Once interest rates collapse, so will housing prices. That's when they'll swoop in and buy up even more property.

Ask yourself propertycucks who like renting out slums, how high are people willing to pay for rent? Incomes aren't increasing at the same rate, it's only because people are willing to dump 80% of their income toward rent. This won't last long and once your neighbor sheckelstein finishes his condo complex next door and people start fleeing the inner cities will you start feeling the bern.

>> No.9058036

>Once interest rates collapse
It's the opposite though. Interests rates are increasing and when they reach like 8% nobody will be able to afford homes at these prices anymore.

>> No.9058063
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Supply and demand do not drive housing market. That is debunked many times. Rent prices reflect net salaries and purchasing power, selling prices dont, they reflect mostly interest rates

>> No.9058093

yeah if people who live in mofuckin C P T have huge access to credit it's just a matter of time until based carlos swindles their equity into the crypto market.

when they get divorced especially

>> No.9058104

Yes, this is what I meant.

>> No.9058107
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Must be LA, SacTown, Oak, or San Friedciso. Definitely California though.

>> No.9058122

4 bed, 3 bath in one of the biggest metropolitan areas in the world. I don’t see how this is that surprising. You should see the rent prices in New York and Moscow. Hell I never even saw houses in Moscow

Compton is in LA

>> No.9058134

He is also a nigger

>> No.9058157

it's in compton and abuts a massive warehouse

>> No.9058170

What's wrong with that price? The tag is probably even discounted. I've seen worse houses that costs $800k-$2mil and they didn't even have a second floor.

>> No.9058185
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Yeah I'm sure most people would gladly pay half a million dollars to send their kids to these schools.

>> No.9058204

Not in California. A 3 bedroom house can have 10 Mexicans living in it.

>> No.9058206

why would anyone live in a shit shack like this if he could sell it for half a million

>> No.9058207

1) real estate is at the end stage of a bubble

2) LA real estate is always going to be valuable because of it's proximity to the water, even houses in nigger town

3) investors are hoping that compton gets gentrified like Williamsburg in Brooklyn.

>> No.9058237
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It's basically the same shit that the Jews did to the Germans after World War 1 and people wonder why the Holohoax happened?

>> No.9058240

ok boomer. It's funny how wrong you've gotten it. The inner cities all over america are becoming gentrified. The suburb are eroding. Families in Compton can sell a shack for $500,000 and buy a newer 5 Bed 3 Bath with a pool for half the price, 2 hours from LA. The white flight of the 60's to 80's is being copied by the mexicans and blacks.

>> No.9058433

Commiefornia and jew york are not a representative of the average American real estate. In most places, you can get a good home for less than half that price.

>> No.9058454

The next real estate market crash will probably be globbal.

>> No.9058504
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>supply and demand do not drive the housing market
>salaries and purchasing power don't draw people to an area which therefore drives up demand

>> No.9058557

Good observation, you are correct and automatically smarter than many of the posters in this thread. This is the bay area, otherwise known as one of the most expensive areas in the world apart from nyc, london, iceland, vancouver, and sydney

>> No.9058579
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>This is the bay area

>> No.9058642

Checked and you're right, I made a mistake, it's not the bay. Greater Los Angeles area, exact same effect. Still a brainlet cherry picked example for a thread

>> No.9058650

Subprime crisis was global.

>> No.9058673

Most of america is shit though. No one wants to live in the middle. Iowa, Bama, Nebraska, Ohio. It's cheap because it sucks. Very little music, food, culture, good looking women, opportunities. Money goes to the desirable areas to live. Not surprised trumps base loves cheap trailers in backwoods. Let them stay in the middle of nowhere but the west coast should cut their funding to the fed. It just props up the bottom feeding red states. Corporate and political welfare fuck over Cali and the rest of the high tax states.

>> No.9058689

>Rent prices reflect net salaries and purchasing power, selling prices dont, they reflect mostly interest rates
that is demand and supply you fucking retard

>> No.9058698


Interest rates are >2% they can't "collapse"

>> No.9058769

this is great, never seen it thanks

>> No.9058837

yearly price of "owning" a home in Land of The Free™

>pay $20,000 mortgage
>pay $10,000 property tax
>pay $6,000 electricity/water
>pay $5,000 maintenance/repairs
>pay $4,000 HOA fees
>pay $3,000 home insurance
>pay $15,000 health insurance
>pay $10,000 student loans
>pay $10,000 pension you will never live to see
>miss a payment? go homeless

>> No.9058860

>be freedumb loving Texan
>own an overvalued home
>tax assessor is corrupt
>pay 2000 a month in property taxes for a home that should be close to 1000
>have many sleepless nights about what do
>be living paycheck to paycheck

I owe over 200k in student debt, im stuck making around 60k for the next 4 years.
>crapitalism still not abolished
just end my life senapi

>> No.9058879

>get assraped by mortgage
>get assraped by property taxes
>get assraped by speculative bubbles
>get assraped by demographic replacement of formerly white hoods
>get assraped by utilities
>get assraped by HOAs
>get assraped by contractors
>get assraped by student loans
>get assraped by health insurance

the crapitalist system makes the Soviet system look like utopia in comparison

>free housing, free education, free healthcare
>no mortgage
>no property tax
>no utility fees
>no bubbles
>no contractors
>no demographic replacement
>no HOAs

i want USSR back!

>> No.9058903

the issue with crapitalism is the crapitalist is preoccupied with offloading the burden of enslavement onto the next goy. the entire society is built on a pyramid of offloading enslavement onto someone else.

instead of having stable shelter with no risk, the crapitalist allocates risk into living necessities (shelter, food, etc) that is burdened onto the renter. the entire system is preoccupied by transferring risk to others.

the communist model does not allocate risk into living necessities (shelter etc..) and guarantees a stable shelter, food, and frees the population from preoccupation of risk and fear.

with the emancipation from preoccupation of risk allocation of the crapitalist system, the communist population focuses on solving space colonisation and real world issues, instead of the basic shelter issues

>> No.9058913

Capitalism =/= Free market

>> No.9058944

did you live in the soviet system?

Talk to anyone who lived under a communist regime see how great it was

>> No.9058952

I didn't even see the location. I just saw the picture and price. Seems about right.

>> No.9058964

More like the yearly price of being a white-collar wagecuck who just bought a McMansion.

>> No.9058988

USSR/Iron Curtain had no artificial risk allocation.

only the crapitalist system artificially allocates risk with yiddish tricks like: property tax, mortgages, utility bills, student loans, insurance fees, pension fees, rent fees

none of that existed in USSR

Yes, I did. Everything was free in communist Poland: government was giving flats for free, kindergarten were free of charge, mothers didn't have to work at all for 4 years after giving a birth, there was no unemployment, everybody had a job, even if he didn't want it, jobs were not only easy to get but light, not hard like today, people worked without stress, workers could even drink alcohol in workplace. That's why we had a lot of children, because we didn't have to care how to feed them, we didn't have to worry about losing job. Everything back then was so clean, smart and humanist, no degeneracy, no drugs, no emigration to the West, no prostitution, FUCK WE LITERALLY LOST PARADISE!

Fuck, dude, you must understand that soviet economy was completely isolated from western economy. It was not possible to translate value of our economy to dllar. The fact is that back then in communist Poland average Polish working class family had 3-5 children, now it is 1-2. Back then such family didnt have to worry about money , losing job or unemployment, there was no loans, no debts, no banks. Today people dont have more children because they cant afford them

>> No.9059002

Straight outta compton

>> No.9059015

I was with a woman who grew up in the DDR, from Schmalkalden. We were together for a little over two years.

She said it was just fine. No poverty, no bread lines, everyone knew they had a place and future. She also fondly recalled how society was more involved, that your commie block neighbors would just invite you in for coffee at any time if needed something, or that schoolmates would check on eachother if they were having trouble getting to school on time, that sort of thing.

>> No.9059056

These people over extend themselves and then complain about $. If I made $60,000 a year I would be looking at cheaper homes.

>> No.9059065

My coworkers said it was amazing and only mentioned the good things about it. They were telling me that everyone had to work and those who wouldn't, they would be forced. The pay was shit, but they didn't mind it since they lived happily.
Funny thing is that Lithuania, like other Baltic countries, was the most richest country in the USSR.

>her grandmother obv lived most of her life in USSR
>says "everything was better in USSR
>streets were safe at night
>everyone got an education
>everyone had a job
>everyone got healthcare
>says she misses USSR and everything's shit now

>> No.9059090

Problem is commies never care to define what they view as "capitalism". They always point to stuff that government monopolies and intervention cause (healthcare is too expensive, medicine expensive etc.) and attribute it to capitalism. Capitalism traditionally meant the free market, but that is not what the communists describe. Rather, communists describe government favoritism as bad and wish to solve it with a larger government that has the power to exercise even more favoritism. So I agree with communists in the sense that government favoritism and authoritarianism is bad, but there's nothing bad about the free market.

>the communist model
>guarantees a stable shelter, food
Why would anyone produce stable shelter and food if he isn't getting paid for it and has to share it equally between every other citizen? There's no incentive to produce under communism. People produce stuff for personal gain, not out of the goodness of their heart.

>> No.9059110

except this common situation for metro areas where there are jobs.

I am in NJ and its the same fuckin thing throughout Cali, NYC, East coast, PNW, Texas etc...

>> No.9059133

crapitalists artificially allocate risk by creating laws that deprive others of access to necessities when no real or natural barriers exist.

a crapitalist sees a potato on a field and will create laws to prevent starving person from obtaining the potato. the person is now at risk of getting imprisoned if he violates these artificial laws that allocate risk where non exist.
crashes are artificial and happen when the oligarchs decide its time. no modern technological society can stop the supply of food or labor, but certain trade and financial policies and laws can make people unemployed, homeless, starving like much of the US
the supply of food, labor, and shelter is a constant in industrial society.

whether there is a crash or not, there will always be food, labor, and shelter for the entire population. the only thing that denies people access to this are laws and financial policies based on speculation and artificial risk allocation- thus creating "crash"/depression conditions

>> No.9059186

Problem is, there's fuck all in terms of decent cheap houses. All new construction in my metro area is "luxury" condos and McMansions crammed together. The cheapest ones are 400-500k. It's retarded.

>> No.9059198

no, i am in a shitty condo and its the same situation here in Boston.

>> No.9059201
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that is because they cant afford anything else

you are not making any sense here. ofcourse downtown areas and such are preferred more so but the supply demand theory do not apply to housing market as people (like you) seem to think

no it is not. not anywhere close. majority of rentals are owned by major housing funds, pension funds, cities, government. it's not individual thinking rent vs buy

>> No.9059216


>everyone had a job digging holes and filling them again
>but comrade there is no more space to dig holes
>not problem comrade, just take away their shovels and give them spoons

>> No.9059240

>a crapitalist sees a potato on a field and will create laws to prevent starving person from obtaining the potato
>create laws
Again, this is what a GOVERNMENT does. Not the free market. Stop with your intentionally vague wording and define capitalism for me. You seem to describe an authoritarian government, which I'm against as well. So I ask, are you against a 100% free market?

>whether there is a crash or not, there will always be food, labor, and shelter for the entire population
Nah, it needs to be produced. If there's no good incentive, people will only produce for themselves and those who can't produce get fucked.

>> No.9059275

sounds like capitalism



>It’s as if someone were out there making up pointless jobs just for the sake of keeping us all working. And here, precisely, lies the mystery. In capitalism, this is exactly what is not supposed to happen. Sure, in the old inefficient socialist states like the Soviet Union, where employment was considered both a right and a sacred duty, the system made up as many jobs as they had to (this is why in Soviet department stores it took three clerks to sell a piece of meat). But, of course, this is the very sort of problem market competition is supposed to fix. According to economic theory, at least, the last thing a profit-seeking firm is going to do is shell out money to workers they don’t really need to employ. Still, somehow, it happens.

>While corporations may engage in ruthless downsizing, the layoffs and speed-ups invariably fall on that class of people who are actually making, moving, fixing and maintaining things; through some strange alchemy no one can quite explain, the number of salaried paper-pushers ultimately seems to expand, and more and more employees find themselves, not unlike Soviet workers actually, working 40 or even 50 hour weeks on paper, but effectively working 15 hours just as Keynes predicted, since the rest of their time is spent organising or attending motivational seminars, updating their facebook profiles or downloading TV box-sets.

>> No.9059357

Sheriff sales. Usually the people who got tossed will do some minor cosmetic damage and leave garbage everywhere but it's well worth it over half the time

>> No.9059382


You should read Coase's 'The Nature of the Firm' it explains why that happens, and you'll be able to see how outsourcing has been fixing that problem and how blockchain technology will fix it for good.

>> No.9059437

It’s called gentrification.

>> No.9059512

Typical smug liberalism. "No food, culture, good looking women, opportunities" - the only thing that matters there is opportunities, and there are fewer opportunities in non-liberal states, because liberal politicians (along with Pubs) have let the non-liberal states rot while they allowed the jobs to be sent overseas.

This party based snobbery is part of the problem - writing off half of a country, just because they didn't vote for a politician who doesn't give a flying fuck about you, just your vote, and helped wreck the economy and culture of this country in her quest for power and money.
And then you have the sheer gall - we're talking Jewish level of gall, to cry about CA being "fucked over", when the fucking has been done by the Democrats in Sacramento who have been burning the state down to the ground at every opportunity, on their watch. You know what would help CA? Repeal Prop 13. But oh no, we can't have THAT, then rich liberals would have to pay more property taxes, I know, we'll make up the deficit by taxing everything ELSE in the state, so rich, smug liberals can scrape by check to check in houses they can't afford anyway.
Most of America isn't "shit", either. That's the sniveling of a smug, pampered liberal. Most of America are average, boring people who just want to raise a family and maybe enjoy themselves once in a while. They don't need your "culture", or your "food", or your "good looking women" (who aren't, it's all makeup and plastic surgery and padded bras - and most of them aren't from CA, they move there from the states you shit on), they just want jobs, but there aren't any, because those jobs were given to niggers and pajeets and chinks, because "muh diversity".
Seriously, take your smug, shit liberal attitude and shove it up your ass, sideways. YOU are what's wrong with America, not some construction worker in mid-America.

>> No.9059529

Sure they can. They can even go negative. Learn to use Google, dummy.

>> No.9059548

I don't get why tech companies all crowd around SV where everything is super expensive, when their revenue stream is almost completely independent of location and there's no reason for them not to move somewhere cheaper.

>cheaper rent
>less tax
>can pay your workers half of what you pay in commiefornia and they can still live like kings
>pocket all differences as profit

>> No.9059565

thats where all the talent is

>> No.9059583

Funny when interest rates rose so did my house in California in the Bay area..

>> No.9059603

Because California has the best weather and a culture that a lot of skilled tech people like. You could move to a cheap location but your ability to recruit top tier talent would be handicapped.

>> No.9059609

Kek, imagine being this retarded.

>> No.9059638

>Be Californian
>Tax assessor isn't a fucking lying redneck so taxes are lower
>My property keeps going up in value

>> No.9059648

But all the people are only there because all the companies are there in the first place!
If you want to attract talent, just bump up salaries to the same level, people have feet and can move, especially if they are getting paid the same and houses are suddenly 500% cheaper.

Oh and besides, talent is a meme. What firms really want are hard workers who follow the rules.

>> No.9059682

when it comes to coding talent isnt a meme, it's a chicken/egg problem because the people are already there

>> No.9059691
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You can live innadesert 50min north and have a comfy house.

>> No.9059694

The only reason housing prices are expensive is because the federal reserve props up the price.

End the Fed.


>> No.9059702

Most of them don't, these days. "Silicon Valley" is just a catchphrase now for an industry that has spread across the entire bay, if not the state, and coast. Reno, for example, has a thriving start up culture, due to low commercial real estate and personal real estate costs, and it's relative closeness to the Bay Area. Kentucky also has a thriving startup culture, along with many other tax-friendly states. All you need now is access to high speed internet. Even in the Bay Area, the demo has shifted, there is more action in Oakland for startups locating there, than the real Silicon Valley, which is pretty much full at this point.

And, the reason why Silicon Valley is ground zero is 1/3 of the investment cash is there. You can find VC cash anywhere on the globe now, but Silicon Valley is where a lot of the rich fucks are who you need to kiss up to, to get the better funding. That demo is changing, too, as many of them are moving out, the "culture" of Silicon Valley is eroding fast.

Maybe you'd get shit more if you actually looked into it, instead of just running your mouth and being ignorant.

>> No.9059715

Ah, yeah, Palmdale, lets live among

>> No.9059725

Why do you brainlets blame the problems governments create on "capitalism" when it had nothing to do with it?

Kill yourself you fucking idiots.

You are the people that create these problems in the first place.

>> No.9059731

Some people don’t want to move to the absolute shit of places just for more money anon. Weather, culture, infrastructure and all those things money can’t buy are important to people who make a lot of money already. You would probably have to pay a significant premium to attract people to live in underdeveloped parts of America.

No anon, people want talent that can design new products and have inventive talent. Hard working and following rules are the norm.

California attracts tech because the infrastructure is there. The contacts, logistics and pool of talent allows them to share ideas. Weather is nice and they seem to like the culture.

>> No.9059734
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>he doesn't understand value investing

>> No.9059748

Isn't he some marxist faggot?

>> No.9059752


>What firms really want are hard workers who follow the rules.

No they don't. Companies are ran by people and people hire others based on a wide range of bias', most of them personal.

>> No.9059759

>550k for a fucking outhouse


thats enough to buy a tiny mansion here

>> No.9059778

Ah, yeah, Palmdale, lets live among meth heads, Mexicans, and cartel members. And have a 2 hour commute to any office location in LA proper.

Have you ever actually BEEN to LA? I'm betting you haven't, because only someone who's never been there would even think about commuting from Palmdale. And forget about doing anything IN Palmdale, you have a long drive to get anything done out there.

My best friend tried Palmdale a decade ago - he was able to build a house cheap out there, on 60 acres. Then it almost burned down twice from wildfires, broken into several times by meth heads and Mexicans, and was spending more than his truck payment in gas every month driving from downtown LA to his house, and MINIMUM 2 hours each way. He did two years of that, saved little to no money, and sold the place for 10k in profit. Talk to him about Palmdale, and get ready for a 2 hour rant on how bad Palmdale sucks.

>> No.9059779

If you're not a home schooler for your child you're a shit parent.

>> No.9059782

If by prestigious neighborhood you mean nigger filled ghetto, sure. At least the MS13 are doing the lords work and literally slaughtering niggers by the hundred of thousands in Compton and Watts.

>> No.9059785


Companies move to where the talent is, in silicon valley you have hundreds of thousands of talented workers, good luck having the same options in a flyover state.

>> No.9059797

see >>9059734
for more prestigious neighborhood

>> No.9059824

>What firms really want are hard workers who follow the rules.

LOL. You must be in high school. That's not what firms want, what they want is the most productivity and talent for the least amount of money. PERIOD.

>> No.9059837

You think I'm a hillary supporter. I'm not brain dead like your cuck ass. Conservatives are holding this country back. They want lower wages, more unplanned poor babies, they scream at illegals but never the companies that hire illegals, they want weed illegal, more prisons, more prisoners, more guns. USA #1 in guns, jails, and drug addicts. Yeah the law and order regimes started under Nixon and has lead to America's decline.

>> No.9059838



>> No.9059868
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>Most of America isn't "shit"
Most of America looks like this, which is objectively shit.

>> No.9059888


>> No.9059893

>Multi billion dollar deficit
>Propping up anything other than its own spic population

Um no sweetie

>> No.9059896

I'm fully convinced all of you are high schoolers or NEETs who have never worked a day in your lives, with the utter bullshit you spew.


Silicon Valley is not where all startups are located now. It's only 1/3 of the VC investors, too. It's completely possible to do a startup, and find talent, outside of Silicon Valley. You'd know that if you'd ever been out in the real world.
It's why I don't take much posted here seriously - the vast majority of comments, especially in threads like this, are from little manlets who still leech off mommy and daddy, have never entered the real world, and just run your mouths based on how you think the world works. It's fucking hilarious to read your complete shit attitudes and ideas. It's going to be even funnier when your tender little sensibilities smack into the real world, when you're forced to finally get a job - and god forbid, support yourself, and do adult things like buy homes. Nah, I take that back, you're all future life-long renters.

>> No.9059906

this is literally 80% of towns in middle america. I like watching the show bar rescue because it looks like these bars are the saddest place in the world to drink, next to a Dotty's casino.

>> No.9059934

Blah blah blah, liberal. Funny how NONE of you supported Hillary, when she got 50% of the votes. Or more than 50%, as you brain dead assholes keep bleating.

And, see the word "cuck" - stopped reading. Opinion and comment worthless.

PS - I didn't vote for either of them, so keep your party politics bullshit to yourself, loser.

>> No.9059940

Cali has historically provided the lions share of revenue to the fed which then funnels it to red states. Seriously, what do you think Alabama makes, besides walmarts. I bet you're a fat inbred

>> No.9059944

i am a country salesman. i am offering you two countries to choose from:

Option A:
>expensive (shit quality) housing at risk of bubbles
>expensive (poojeet quality) medical care
>expensive (yiddish quality) education
>unstable jobs that are hard to come by where you will be replaced by poojeet and pablo
>retirement at 75 that barely covers costs
>unstable speculative-bubble based economy
>houses that you never own cos mortgage/property taxes
>anti-family social system that produces broken families and declining population
>open immigration to replace you

Option B:
>free quality housing
>free quality education
>free quality medical care
>guaranteed jobs
>guaranteed pension at 50 that covers all costs and allows you to live comfortably
>traditional family-oriented society that promotes family and reproduction
>closed immigration (Iron Curtain) not allowing foreigners to replace you

so which will you move to?

>> No.9059976

Most of America doesn't look like that, memelord. I've driven across the country, most of America is empty. It's pretty fucking beautiful, in fact, in most states that aren't on the coast. Wyoming is fucking beautiful - and empty.

Again, NEETs and losers running their mouths from ignorance. You're a perfect example of it.

Now, go on and post how every red state is like Far Cry 5, because that's the only real exposure to Montana you've ever had. Go on, you know you are.

>> No.9059997

Silicon Valley is tiny in space vs the rest of the USA but the whole world knows it's where you go if you want to be in tech start-ups or established. Don't be so dense and act like Cali doesn't have the industry in a chokehold. If someone mentions Reno and the south as a tech competitor to CA, they're comparing apples and orchards.

>> No.9060002


>> No.9060016

Stalinist Russia was borderline nationalist. They weren't communist by a long stretch. /leftypol/ faggots would have been executed under a Soviet regime.

Also tge soviets seemed to care more about their populace than tge West. Just look at the infrastructure and social safety nets set in place.

Go to fucking kiev or moscow and go into the metro. You'll notice its not a run down shithole like an NYC or philly subway and the soviet metro doubles as nuclear shelters, km underground, not in tge basements of post offices like in United States. Actually amerimutts had zero as far as civil defense goes

>> No.9060026

Damn you really showed Ice Cube and his multimillion net worth

>> No.9060031


Hrm I don’t know where you get the data for the number of VC startups. But in dollar value, CA still accounts for almost half of the money. The rest is on the eastern seaboard.

You can find talent in middle America, but that’s not where the real money is. A lot of people are coming out of school with degrees and people have varying degrees of preference. No one is saying that the Midwest is completely empty of tech companies and VC investment. It’s just that it’s small compared to the coastal cities. People like the infrastructure of SV.

>> No.9060045

Alabama is 4th for auto manufacturing, I know Mercedes has a large presence there, and they're a big cotton and agriculture state. Stupid, states like Alabama make the shit you take for granted, up there on your liberal pillar of smug. The paper you use, the food you eat, all of the "stuff" around is made in states you shit on.

Typical fucking liberal.

>> No.9060078

>California historically was great

It was also "historically" white before amnesty. Now it's shit. Coincidence?

>Alabama something something

What does Alabama have to do with anything? Alabama has a massive negro population that drives down the whole states test scores, drives up crime, welfare stats ect... Then brainlets like (you) say use this fact to say "lol dumb white Republicans in the south with their welfare and low IQ haha wow"

>> No.9060088

Sorry, i don't respond to neckbeards who move the goalposts like that. You're just farming ego and (you)s, not have an actual discussion.

>> No.9060090

>They don't need your "culture"

Flyovers are the first ones to consume Hollywood trash and hip hop music, they just enhance the problem while playing the victim just like you.

>> No.9060091


The only difference between NatSoc and Stalinism was the economy and the division of nationalist vs internationalist. Both had the same views on everything else.

Actually the alliance was inevitable, but the Anglos played on the paranoia of both to make them attack each other. First they got to Stalin and planted a thought, that Hitler might attack him, Stalin started amassing an army at the border, then US told Hitler he's preparing for a offensive.
Divide and conquer.

Hitler and Stalin towards the end of the war each had spoke with others about wishing a pact had stayed in place instead of war.

>> No.9060109

CA was a white RED State to be specific

>> No.9060116

You’re missing the point. He’s saying that even with manufacturing and whatever industry Alabama has it still doesn’t generate enough revenue to support itself and needs federal aid. If Alabama increased its take from the companies that do business there then it no longer becomes competitive. If it doesn’t increase their revenue then they continue to rely on the federal government. It’s a dumb scenario to be in and Alabama can’t get it’s shit straight.

>> No.9060144
File: 109 KB, 840x630, cuckshedoftrudeau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add chinkouver of Cucknada and cucksheds going for 5-7 milllion

>> No.9060149

just compare the glorious soviet subway systems (moscow, kiev) with the monkey gringo subway system (nyc)

metro system in USSR is literally like walking into the Hermitage museuem wheras in muttland its like walking into a rat-infested sewerhole

this is an allegory to the difference between mutt society and Glorious Sovieticus

>> No.9060151

Anon. I didn’t move the goalpost because your claim that the number of VC startups is unsubstantiated. I provided a citation for the dollar value in its place. And likewise, a dollar figure is by far a better measurement. Is Apple comparable to a 5 man start up company based on the fact they are both companies? That’s ridiculous.

>> No.9060163

Hey inbred, you got that shit fucked up. Cali's #1 in agriculture too. Cali beats Bama in paper production. Meat, oil, plastics, food, cash crops, Cali is always at the top. You red states really can't see how you guys have held us back since the industrial rev? It's obvious to everyone who reads a history book. The south is known the world over for being dumb and backwords

>> No.9060164
File: 145 KB, 500x332, it-used-to-be-a-nice-neighborhood-until-all-those-goddamn-white-people-moved-in-said-no-one-ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9060169

>muh empty nature

Drive from any state to any other state. Chances, are, you will pass by that picture multiple times.

>> No.9060321

I didn't say they were #1 in anything, you fucking spastic. No more (you)s for you, go farm atheist threads.

>> No.9060341

Reality: Didn't.

>> No.9060348

I'm 90% european according to my DNA test, mostly irish and british, and I fucking hate some white poeple. They make smart white's look bad. They're fat, mouth breathers, who hate on other races because they've been cucked by rich politicians. Keep blaming the poor, that's what the rich want, working poorfags.

>> No.9060369


that's what happens when a region locally devalues their currency. A lot of people think CA is more valuable because it shills higher dollar amounts, but they just devalued the dollar locally.

>> No.9060374

Sacramento that piece of shit would be going for 240k tops. probably off of Arden next to the homeless whores weekly meetup corner

>> No.9060384
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>> No.9060400

So whites who can't get pussy blame other races? They act like welfare is the problem. 55% of welfare recipients are single moms and they use the tiny check to feed their babies. It's one of the smartest investments a country can make because it's pumped into the economy. wake up dumbfuck republicans

>> No.9060419

from January 2000 to July 2006, during Bush NWO leader's Housing Bubble, home prices surged 900%

Avg price of house around 1998 before globalisation and free-trade went full swing
>$180k in NYC (boros)
>$170k in SF
>$150k in LA
>$120k in DC
>$140k in Sydney
>$120k in Melbourne
>$140k in Toronto
>$130k in Vancouver
>£50k in London

Avg price of house after 2004 massive free-trade/open-borders
>$800k in NYC (boros)
>$1m in SF
>$600k in LA
>$500k in DC
>$900k in Sydney
>$700k in Melbourne
>$600k in Toronto
>$1m in Vancouver
>£1m in London
before free trade:
>domestic production of goods
>goods were affordable and of high quality
>lowest cost of living
>affordable housing (house costs only 2 times the annual salary)
>90% white

after free trade:
>homeless/opiod/suicide epidemic/white genocide
>highest cost of living
>unaffordable housing (10-20 times the annual salary)
>plummeting life expectance
>shit quality products that kill you
>millions of illegal shitskin locusts invading and killing whites

>> No.9060429
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>nd do adult things like buy homes. Nah, I take that back, you're all future life-long renters.

>I am a big adult and want to tie up a large percentage of my capital in an asset that will never outperform even boring investments like the SP500, let alone crypto

Just fucking kill yourself you cuck. There's nothing worse than a total loser that thinks he's a fucking winner. If you have a net worth under $10M and you're buying a house, you're a no clue faggot.

>> No.9060452

If you can't live without muh ethnic food then I hope you like living in a shoebox apartment that costs 100k per year.

>> No.9060515

Why does every fat tard with a keyboard act like white is the only acceptable demo? I'm the only white dude that loves asian and latina pussy? Cali and major cities is where you can find tons of hot pussy.

>> No.9060542

I bought a townhome for $89,000 in Las vegas, dumbfuck. My asian girl sat on my face when I got home today. She works at a sex store. Get that shit in bama you inbreds

>> No.9060648

It's not just the Chinese, it's any asian culture that has been infected by Confucianism. Of course, by now, many of them don't even know "how" it has infected them, but it indeed turns them into drones/ant people.

I've lived in Southern California my entire life. I went to a High School that was 90% asian in Westminister, CA. I even dated an asian girl for a number of years. I know Asians, ate their food, celebrated their New Years, even learned a little of the language. I can honestly say, from my perspective, they have no souls. They live a constant state of fear and anxiety, either from family, money, or health... Furthermore, they lack any form of empathy. They are sociopaths, greedy, arrogant, envious, and only communicate with non-asians unless you have something to offer them. One minute they will pretend being your friend, and the next they tell you to fuck off; complete lack of loyalty. They use trust as leverage for personal gain, and nothing more.

Indeed, Asians lack souls.

>> No.9060677

>USA #1 in guns, jails and drug addicts.

Not if you exclude niggers and spics. You and your marxist leaders want more of them purely for votes. They know most white people are smart enough to see through their bullshit progressivism/socialism/liberalism nomenclature. It's all the same shit: marxists that would have been tarred, feathered, and dragged behind a pickup truck just a few decades ago.

You are the problem friendo. Probably never even read the communist manifesto... -spared yourself a shitty book of anecdotes and boring drivel. Nothing logical or natural. Just total repression of everything that actually makes sense in a functioning society. At least hitler writes and speaks with passion. Marx was a boring, depressed wretch who hated humanity, which is exactly the profile of your average buzzcut gender neutral millennial bulldyke with peircings and colored hair, trying to overcompensate for their dull personality and hatred of the world around them. That'll show em. Thats how you rage against the machine... turn yourself into a hateful pretentious liberal. Sure, just swallow all those statistics your marxist professors give you via powerpoint. You love the taste of it seeping down your throat.

>> No.9060808

I'm far from a marxist. I like how stupid you make us whites sound. White poeple make up most of the homeless and drug addicts I come across. The whites in the south and midwest have become mostly meth heads. What do you expect from Bama with their kia factory

>> No.9060846

Women of all races will be good to you if you know how to handle them. Guys who get shitty results from women, are just as responsible as the women, no they're more responsible. Women behave how you let them.

>> No.9060972

>I'm far from a marxist

Whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.9061040

I dont give a fuck, I love it

>> No.9061042

costs more to tear it down and then you have a worthless piece of land
detroit real estate is priced that way for a reason

>> No.9061072

> I'm far from a marxist. I like how stupid you make us whites sound.
shlomo detected

>> No.9061220

Value isn't static

>> No.9061267

I'm a Spic living in Kansas. And I can 100% tell you that you're wrong. About it all. My living expenses per month are around $450, eating out at some awesome restaurants 3-4 times a week. That "culture" you talk about is here too. With less gangs surrounding it since there are less immigrants and niggers here. Women here are top tier, mostly Aryan background, and since theyre right wing, you have less chance of the crazy bitches. So fuck you and your microcosm of niggatry and liberalism

>> No.9061303

Also Check the Midwest. Kansas City is booming with tech and engineering jobs since the land is cheap, taxes are lower, and you don't have these fucking "diversity" people coming in to hire niggers and spics that are lower than the requirements.

>> No.9061374

I fucking love KC and other shitty midwest towns. But dude, it's in Kansas. I've lived in LA, SF, and LV now. I understand the $ benefits but if $ is not a factor, everyone visits KC and chooses to live on the west coast. The market is telling you I'm right. The whole world values LA>KC

>> No.9061409

Why is 4chan full of self-hating minorities? I bet you have a little white descent too.You look down on your mexican heritage and secretly resent who are. Let it go and embrace your wetbackness. Stop playing white boy in the midwest

>> No.9061422

Pablo from KC here
We are literally the largest ethnic group here. Whites are basically ghosts, but fuck all these poojeets flooding here. Seeing lots of Poojeets with blonde bitches. What gives?

>> No.9061497

Pajeets are literally richer and more qualified than you Pablos

>> No.9061564

The self hate is palpable here

>> No.9061596


Once you've realized that the only thing You should be proud of is that your family had enough resources and intelligence to get the hell out of dodge, it's hard to have any sort of racial pride

>> No.9061741

>mfw 1 bed apartment in my home land went from $5000 to $90000 in the last decade

Thanks i guess, may as well live with my parents for nothing and rent this fucker out to some chink students.

>> No.9061765

$5000 for an apartment? Where?

>> No.9061811

Because Pajeets only send their middle and upper-middle class to the US. Plane tickets from India to the US are not cheap.

Any Juan can just hop the border and 95% of the time is the absolute lowest class that does that.

>> No.9061821


>> No.9061907

No joke, my grandmother owns a single family house about 10 minutes away from OP's pic in South LA. There's like 10 Mexicans living in the house to the right of it and the house to the left of it is literally some gang's trap house.
The house itself has windows missing from the previous tenant, utility issues, and the Mexicans next door fucked up the fence and half the backyard.
It's worth at least 330K.

>> No.9061955


its all based on interest rates and income. people will spend as much as they can on a house and they trade at the margins of how much can be borrowed

idiots make things way more expensive for themselves and everyone else by collectively doing this

>> No.9062003

>calling yourself a spic

begging you to seek introspection paco.

>> No.9062439

you want to bet on detroit reascendant?
on a timeline that beats other investments?
be my guest friendo
i hope detroit succeeds but my money's going elsewhere

>> No.9062490

Hmm interesting if Stalin and Hitler actually buddied up like the japs did with germany

>> No.9062498

They don't want to be considered America anyway. Where I live you can get a house twice that size for half the price and I don't live in the middle of nowhere either.

>> No.9062567

Fun Fact faggot, After the federal reserve act was passed in 1913, the IRS was established, the 16th amendment (income tax) was passed, and 4 years later, individual property tax was passed.
You want to know why ? Because all Bankers need to die, they need to be bled out in the streets.
There is no such thing as freedom. Take it from a person who is debt free.
Land of the Free my ass. Were cattle to the Fed. Slaves.

this was never allowed in USSR

>> No.9062674

wow big man your life sure does sound amazing and not incredibly sad at all

>> No.9063001


I think that sort of economic system fosters a particular kind of social harmony whereas capitalism fosters a particular kind of social competition. The state is the father - brothers and sisters can squabble, but they still do what's right for their family. I'd be okay with it assuming a comparative quality of life, and I don't want for much as it is.

>> No.9063112

You didn't hear? Asians and hipsters are gentrifying compton. No lie.

>> No.9063177

HOLY SHIT! you better come here to mexico, with that amount of money you literally can buy a fucking mansion in a VIP area next to the fucking sea, no joking

>> No.9063292

I spoke to a black dude from the US who was doing this in Tijuana I think. Said it was much cheaper, he said for the price of a decent US house you basically get a mansion and it's pretty safe supposedly. idk though. He would make trips into california for groceries and stuff.

>> No.9063341

this b8 m8

>> No.9063361

i actually work for real state here in mexico i know the market at least were i'm living in (next to gulf of mexico) and let me tell you there are fucking mansions way more cheap than that shithole op is showing

>> No.9063522

are you me?

had a jew who would always low-ball and begged me to get him homes at 80% below market value, even though he could easily afford above market value. what gives?

>> No.9063556
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If you buy a house do you also become the land's owner

>> No.9063639

are you retarded? the USSR was nothing but a game of transferring risk around such that the party could make the most pantsu-on-heado retarded decisions on earth and scapegoat someone else.

>> No.9063700

Depends. Most countries are a land lease. You own the structure and the land, freehold. But you don’t own the land in the sense that you can do whatever you want on it or declare it another country. Ultimately the land belongs to the people and by extension represented by the government.

>> No.9063770

no, in capitalist cunt you dont now own your own home due to artificial risk allocation (speculative bubbles, property tax, mortgages, utility fees, fines, HOAs >>9058879)

they sell you an illusion of ownership, however in USSR you owned your home without any of the yiddish tricks outlined above >>9058879

>> No.9063781
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>Quality housing (communist blocks)
>Quality education (learn what we need, not what you want)
>Quality medical care (waiting for two hours before the only doctor in a radius of four villages can see you)
>Guaranteed jobs (ditch digging with shovels)
>Guaranteed pension at 50 (because you'll die by 55 due to bodily ailments from said ditch digging)
>Probably the only true one but nazis have that too
>Closed immigration (misspelled emigration because you're not allowed to leave, no immigration because no one wants to enter)

Did you know mao's farmers used the corpses of all the people who had starved to make the field more fertile? That's communism, a shallow grave under a wheat field.

>> No.9063866
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look! Datsun 240Z

>> No.9063873

everyone who says that communism is bad is a retard. my coworker lived in the good old UdSSR and always praised it. people worked for themselves and traded their goods for other goods. everyone was able to get a house or food. people even built their own streets. small communities where formed where people helped each other and provided themselves with everything they needed. no need for welfare. these spoiled niggers, who think that their so called "democracy" is better, don't know what real work is, they don't know what it means to help other people, these fuckers need money to buy some useless shit that doesn't even provide something useful for themselves. hurhurhur communism is bad hurrhurr democracy is good hurhur let's pay 1000 dollars for some useless shit and then complain that we don't get enough money for sitting on our asses and doing nothing hurhurr ...
btfo you democracy loving brainwashed shitheads

>> No.9063924
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jeeez no architects in Compton? Need one there?

>> No.9063967

>wake up at 3 am for fake b.s. paper-pusher job requiring PhD
>have to get to work 3 hours early or my boss will fire me
>no unions are allowed under penalty of death
>jump into the shower
>faulty water lines spew toxic sludge on me
>"God bless the free market" I say and scrub my obese body
>pop a few Jimmy Dean's All American Breakfast Slammer BurgersTM into the microwave
>catch some news while I dry off
>"Today another black teen was killed in the street. Officers say he brandished a lollipop in a threatening manner. They were given raises and the Congressional Medal of Honor for their bravery"
>eat food and get into my truck
>work is a 4 hour, 1,7000 mile drive
>have to stop for gas 3 times
>listen to the radio
>"Young Thugga's latest track, 'Kill de White Man' has gone triple platinum"
>get to work finally
>arrive just on time
>security cameras and TSA search me before I can go inside
>work for a few hours
>boss calls me into his office
>he tells me I'm being fired and introduces my replacement
>he's an illegal immigrant, I have to train him before I leave today
>dude speaks no english, gets paid $0.50 a day
>try to show him the finer points of accounting over the next 5 hours
>lunch break was denied
>no breaks allowed at all
>finally about to go home
>hear a scuffle by the door
>Cletus, who was fired a week ago, came back with a fully automatic rifle (legally bought)
>he's spraying the place with completely legal gunfire
>office mates start clapping
>they get gunned down when they stand to applaud
>duck out the back door
>drive the 1,7000 miles back home
>try to fill up
>out of money
>boss forgot to pay me again, but what can I do, it's capitalism :^)
>decide to walk home
>cops stop and search me because walking is illegal
>try to run
>start having a heart attack
>get shot by the police
>they leave me for dead in the street
>woke up 30 minutes ago
>stumble back home
>forgot I was out of Hot Pockets

>> No.9063970
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You're just against globalism bud, sounds like you are more likely paleoconservative. My great grandparents also lived in a world you described, except they didn't live in a communist country, they lived in a kingdom with a parliament.

The golden days of tightly knit communities are over because you can connect with anyone through internet/by phone or just drive your fast car wherever. Life was better when a horse was the fastest mode of transport, but we're beyond that now. Time to make your peace and withdraw to a place you actually like instead of hating the one you're in right now.

Introducing communism won't help you nor anyone else.

>> No.9064103

>great grandparents also lived in a world you described

as did millions of Glorious Sovieticus who were lucky to be blessed by the wonders of the USSR, still yearning to return to USSR.

for you it was long ago, for us we lived in paradise, until CIA sabotaged it!

lived in Hungary. Nobody was starving, you guys had a great education system, you even had the right to set up small businesses. We were doing fine.

Hungary was colloquially known as the happiest barrack in the Eastern block due to perceived greater freedom and quality of life its citizens enjoyed. Compared to other soviet countries, Hungarian human rights record was relatively clear and the people enjoyed many amenities and were unkown to chronic shortages and long queues. Lot of alternative culture was tolerated to a degree, best described by Kádár's slogan "Who is not against us, is with us".

Czechoslovakia and Hungary were just fine under communism because their citizens knew what they were doing

>> No.9064109
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Actually I have a 30 minute commute by train and can enter/leave whenever I like, work just needs to be done. Also, just because I dislike USSR economic policies does not mean I'm a free market lover. Disagreeing with policies is easy, change is easy too, improvement is way harder though. You have to ask yourself why you are trying to change the system, what will it do for you? Why are you unhappy? Think that through and find out more about who you truly are. You can always move to a place where people are more like you. It will take a big effort, but if you can't bring yourself to making that effort, then you didn't really want to be in a place like that anyways. I like nature and free space, so I've gotten a bachelor's degree in teaching and am currently working at a bank to gain one year of experience. After that I'll be moving to a place where I can work, live and practice my hobbies in peace. Figure out who you are.

There is no greater good than your own, given that it is just to you and fair to others.

>> No.9064123

You know the difference between the spics/Mexicans and the Chicano then. I'm talking about the spics, the ones who barely work, their kids wanna be black, looking for handouts. Just awful

Mexicans are the worst, my dad is a lawyer that has to help them since they don't know the laws here and they fuck themselves trying bribes and shit.
I'm less than 5% white within a 10% margin of error according to 3 seperately gene tests. Around 50% Native American, and 35% Mexican, with 10-15% Mezoamerican. My family got the fuck out of Mexico when Pancho Villa destroyed our village. We've all looked down upon the Mexicans who would rather do shit illegally instead of doing it the legal way like us. Im proud of just my family lineage since we got out over a century ago and decided to assimilate. We are Mexican descendants, but we aren't Mexican in any other way, except the food. We'd rather just say American.

Going on that, I also hate the redskins who wants free tax dollars cause "the white devil" took their shit. So what, that was your ancestors fault. Just focus on what you have to do, instead of playing the race card for everything.

>> No.9064186
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>> No.9064272

It is as you say, it worked really well for some nations. But know that the berlin wall was torn down from both sides and that many people moved from east to west. I am only trying to say that a big population is detrimental to social cohesion as there are too many people to get to know and you'll wind up in a country of strangers.

Would you also abolish most technology then as it is detrimental to social cohesion? Because I would, and I'm not communist.

>> No.9064285
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Will I ever be able to afford a decent house I'm 19 and wondering if I should just end it all.

>> No.9064564

USSR was never focused on the automaton-producing autist tech that is pervasive and endemic to the west. USSR was focused on advancing Space/Military and industry to sustain the population.

The life extinguishing tech of the west was alien to USSR. Soviet society was cohesive, communal, and very childlike.

Also, the communist bloc, preserved good aspects of european culture. Small, tight-knit communities, well-trained classical musicians- and no degeneracy

No poverty, no bread lines, everyone knew they had a place and future. I also fondly recalled how society was more involved, that your commie block neighbors would just invite you in for coffee at any time if needed something, or that schoolmates would check on eachother if they were having trouble getting to school on time, that sort of thing.

>> No.9064859
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>i ain't like dem other spics
>come here the LEGAL way
>no not me i look DOWN on my people

god you sound fucking pathetic.
they all work you fucking retard, that's kinda the whole argument in favor of illegal immigration, that you can pay workers pitiful wages under inhumane working conditions.
you don't understand this though, you think self-hating your kind puts you above them, but it doesn't.
it makes you a literal cuck.

instead of being proactive and teaching your people not to follow nig culture and be proud of their culture while maintaining respect for the country you want to suck up to anyone in a higher class than you.

you are literally autistic, seek help for this kind of thinking.
and this is coming from a mexican who's likely whiter than everyone in this thread.

>> No.9064875

still a nigga

>> No.9064925

only correct if you mean 80 percent of towns adjacent to i-95

>> No.9064947

Mexican coons, now I’ve seen it all.

>> No.9064951

Can confirm. Grew up on one of them. Unless you're near a big city everything looks the fucking same.

>> No.9064970

now use today's prices and scale for inflation

>> No.9064982


The absolute state of OP

>> No.9065005


The average family income: $2,000
The average car cost: $850
The median home price: $4,000

The average family income: $3,300
The average car cost: $1,510
The median home price: $7,000
University of Pennsylvania annual tuition was $600:

Home price / income = 2.2
Car cost / income = .45
Tuition / income = .18

The average family income: $5,300
The average car cost: $2,000
The median home price: $12,000

The average family income: $9,000
The average car cost: $3,000
The median home price: $18,000

The average family income: $18,000
The average car cost: $5,000
The median home price: $55,000

The average family income: $29,000
The average car cost: $8,000
The median home price: $120,000

The average family income: $40,000
The average car cost: $16,000
The median home price: $130,000

The average family income: $42,000
The average car cost: $20,000
The median home price: $280,000

The average family income: $48,000
The average car cost: $30,000
The median home price: $380,000

>> No.9065080

According to wolframalpha 3.3k 1950's USD when scaled for inflation equates to about 34k today. Notice that the median home went from 2x family income to nearly 10x family income. That is untenable and will lead to loss of social cohesion.

>> No.9065112
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Here you go....Right outside Nashville a major city with food sports and concerts...payments on this bad boy are probably like $600 a month

>> No.9065127


For a second I thought that said "the people's history" and thought it would be some commie bs. Kek.

Yea, look at that jump from 1970 to 1980.

Take us off the gold standard they said. Nothing could go wrong they said. Inflation is a myth they said.

I actually don't think the median home in 2017 in $380,000. Seems high. But in any case it's still overpriced. .

>> No.9065157


You forget

>Pay $50,000 in taxes

>> No.9065171

There's a town just outside of Chattanooga that's the whitest city in the US. It also happens to have some of the cheapest real estate and lowest crime rate. Imagine that

>> No.9065230


those were the times when whites still had their cunt, before yids opened borders/free trade

My NYC friend there just sold his condo for $1.6 million ... he bought it back in 2001 for USD$145k and wanted to sell it when it skyrocketed to $800K in 2006.

historically, before the locust hordes swarmed upon white cunts, houses were always no more than 2X the national salary average. housing was never a speculators/investors market. that was a time when white gentiles still had their country, before the great pillaging by globalists.

>> No.9065268

before 2000s/bush NWO/globalisation, the US has ALWAYS had avg housing price = 2X avg salary

>will lead to loss of social cohesion.
it already did and then some...

Life Expectancy Declines Among Americans for Second Year

The statistics are clear in the last 45 years suicide rates have increased by 60% worldwide.
Fertility has dropped by 50 percent over the past 40 years.
Cancer cases have increased 57% in the last 20 years.

Americans Are Retiring Later, Dying Sooner and Sicker In-Between

(((pure coincidence)))


thanks globalists

>> No.9065288

you literally haven't been anywhere in the states have you?

>> No.9065330

This man is correct....The midwest is frozen solid during winter....The only fucking store is a walmart 40 minutes away...the only food is mcdonalds and burger king which is fine dining by midwest standards....When it rains if you dont get killed by hail the mudslides will get you and if you manage to survive that a tornado will fucking rip you apart...also tornado rips your house and car apart...Hospitals are few and far between...there are actual people who sit on their porch 24/7 in the midwest just shows how boring it is....in summer prepare for the onslaught on mayflies and hordes of locusts....when that is over the heat will suicide you...

I enjoy seeing fat mid westerners being miserable in Trumpland while i enjoy checking out the hotties in bikinis and feeling the cool ocean breeze and enjoy thousands of delicious independent restaurants and cafes and then go to disneyland right as i prepare for weekend ski trip in lake tahoe all in California..

>> No.9065392
File: 26 KB, 400x239, tortilla dee and tortilla dum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hotties in bikinis

yeah no, pic related is all there is in socal. the hotties are white upper middle class and above, and they're leaving. the hottest chicks you'll find are white girls in the military...who are typically from the south or midwest.

but yeah if you like toad women and paying 500k for a 600 sq ft shithole in a cartele infested neighborhood, CA is the best :)

>> No.9065421
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You don't own nothing goyim

>> No.9065435

lmao that’s Compton. that’s the ghetto’s ghetto

>> No.9065443

>toad women
Honestly! Why is this statement so accurate!? The look like toads! It describes them flawlessly!

>> No.9065468
File: 111 KB, 942x872, 1523391607038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like how stupid you make us whites sound
pic related

>> No.9065475


>> No.9065500

Those are pretty good deals pablo, my family owns 5 beachfront mansions and rents them out to naive Canadian Asians who are willing to pay 5x what it's actually worth. Not that I would ever go to fucking Mexico myself, but it's a great income stream

>> No.9065553
File: 2.72 MB, 2333x3500, 1523583315241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Military women

Ok you're either on meth or completely deranged in your perception of hot...

>> No.9065702

>there are fewer opportunities in non-liberal states, because liberal politicians (along with Pubs) have let the non-liberal states rot while they allowed the jobs to be sent overseas

We're reaching Republicuck levels not thought possible.
>Be red state
>Vote Republican in every election for the last 40 years
>Every state level politician is Republican
>Republican politicians let their own states go to shit while doing everything they can for special interest donors
>Constituents blame the Democrats and continue to elect Republicans

>> No.9065765

Native Amerians are shit tier when I judge a Civilization, Barely beating Africa.

>> No.9065770
File: 264 KB, 1300x600, mnduluth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's not even hot, you fag. she looks old as shit and just tans a lot and diets.

see pic related. That's from Duluth, MN--"flyover country." Those chicks are college athletes so they're more masculine that the average chick already, and they're also wearing 0 makeup and NO thot clothes (like your bitch), have no surgeries, etc.....

and they're still hotter than 90% of the toads in CA.

>> No.9065828

>those chicks are college athletes
And every one of them were BLACKED

>> No.9065926
File: 16 KB, 517x313, idts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very unlikely.

>> No.9065970
File: 22 KB, 461x602, CAfagsfuckoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, two different cities in CA make the top 10 for interracial marriage. That's why the whole state lacks the beautiful, beachy blondes it was once famous for--they bailed.

>> No.9066185 [DELETED] 

This is you by the way

>> No.9066213
File: 1.18 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20180420-200802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you

>> No.9066249


Finally someone gets it.

>> No.9066276

I seriously hope your retarded ass don't think college girls, athletes none the less, don't get dicked by the local football and basketball stars. The marriage stats are the result of cucks like you that settle with the used goods.

t. actually went to college and saw every Jamal with a Stacy from Volleyball

>> No.9066304

98% of those girls are ugly as fuck.

>> No.9066321

What interracial marriages are happening in Honolulu, HI?

>> No.9066369

Asians and whites would be the largest I'm guessing

>> No.9066407

God damn. Well said, fucking wannabe white mexicans.

>> No.9066469

This is actually a photo from a town in south-central PA called Breezewood and is notorious for being basically one giant truckstop. The entire economy is built on convenience and travelers.

But go travel just five minutes down the highway or into rural PA and it is mostly beautiful empty mountainsides. There is a lot of beauty in America, its not just all truck-stops and highways.


> Breezewood has been labeled a "tourist trap" which prevents travelers from easily transitioning between Interstate 70 and the Turnpike, instead routing traffic along a two-mile loop lined with gas stations, hotels, and restaurants.

>> No.9066555

This guy gets it.

>> No.9066576

How in the hell did you end up 200K in student debt?
Why are you only making 60k?????

>tfw went to state UNI at 25k for 5 years and poised to make 70k+ starting

>> No.9066625

Because then you would be left with no shelter and forced to rent someone else's 500k shit shack

>> No.9066697
File: 43 KB, 640x539, 1b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw went to Aberdeen Uni for free and poised to make $47k living rent-free in my parents city centre apartment while they're away enjoying early retirement travelling the world.

>> No.9066724

God this thread is cancerous I'm about to buy a helicopter and start giving free rides...

>> No.9066851

oh shit hes a jew

>> No.9067602
File: 616 KB, 1160x3292, housing prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not just real estate its the USD.

>> No.9067736

>apples and orchards
U faking wot

>> No.9067861

Houses haven't gone up in value. The value of dollar has plummeted. Food and shit is now almost entirely subsidized by the government and is the only thing that's remained around the same value, but is used to measure inflation along with the cost of computer power.

The government is hitting a $1 trillion deficit a year. The federal reserve has been expanding the monetary base non stop for a decade now. Everyone and their grandmas are making 6 figures now there is so much money being poured into the economy. Housing prices have nothing to do with building or labor costs. Its entirely due to high inflation which the government has rigged the CPI to play down.

Housing prices are not in a bubble or about to "collapse" because the value hasn't changed. Unless the Federal reserve is going to stop QE and let its debt mature their will be no deflation either. That may not even be possible because interest rates would sky rocket and most banks would collapse.

>> No.9067958
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>> No.9068038


This. Expansionary monetary policies incentivize industrial production so the price of industrial goods falls because industrial goods are easily produced. The problem is that this overabundance of currency makes the prices of things which are not easily produced skyrocket, especially things like land which simply can't be produced.

>> No.9068126

homeowner in SV here....The tech companies prefer it here and always will

>near beaches can commute to work and live near beach
>near ski resorts for weekend getaway ( lake tahoe, truckee etc...)
>near yosemite national park ( hence why apple names a OS after it)
>top public schools ( see palo alto/cupertino etc)
>unbeatable weather sunny and warm all year mildly cold nights in winter
>lots of hills and mountains
>continuous flow of top talent (Stanford, Berkeley, CIT etc....)
>stores and shops and the malls are thriving here
>3 major international airports all nearby each other
>Amazon wanted in with a new headquarters here with tax breaks and demands but the bay area basically said "fuck you we aint giving you shit" while shithole wannabe tech hubs cities like austin and boston all spread their buttcheeks open for Bezos' 3 inch peen

I bought this property as a investment and its paying off well....lots of people are leaving but they're being replaced by richer people...also the population is still growing which is a good sign for further economic health and further rising housing prices