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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9063989 No.9063989 [Reply] [Original]

I pity the retards that aren't holding Request Network. Request is one of the most assured moon missions. Why? Because it has brilliant token economics. It's really that fucking simple.

Request Network has the BEST token economics I've ever fucking seen, and it WILL make holders rich. It's just a matter of time. Once people are using the network the price of the token has to go up, it's mathematically inevitable. And because of that, it's just a waiting game for your lambo. It's so, so fucking simple that I laugh my ass off at the peabrains on here buying things like "Ambrosus" or "Ripple" or other nonsensical, dogshit tokens. God it feels fucking amazing to be a REQ holder, soon all ICOs will use REQ's fundraising dApp to raise their money, and all the problems of websites crashing will be solved.

You also have to remember that the team creating REQ is the same team that created Moneytis. Just go look at some reviews for their service, they were universally loved by their customers. This is seriously the best hold in all of crypto right now, I pity those of you too stupid to see it. Oh well, have fun with your massive, massive fucking shitcoins. Seriously, good luck, because you'll need it. I'm going to be a fucking millionaire in 24 months from holding onto fake internet money even if REQ just gets 1% of Paypal's yearly transaction volume. And what will you have? Nothing, you'll have useless, zero liquidity tokens that nobody will buy from you. It feels amazing being a massive dicked genius that will also be rich through no effort of my own.

>> No.9064037

Really doesn't matter without adoption. And so far we've seen no hints of any

>> No.9064046
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REQ will fail without LINK.

>> No.9064082
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(((LINK Thread)))

>> No.9064089

1.5 K REQ here. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.9064096

lmfao nice meme capitan.
price predictions on reqk?

>> No.9064101

LOL. The plug in doesn't even exist yet. Of course it's not being used to pay for things, you can't even get the plug in as a business. Also, the crowdfunding dApp (which ALL ICOs will use) will be out in a month.

5.6 billion dollars raised in ICO funds last year. At a .5% fee, that's 28 million dollars worth of REQ tokens bought and taken out of circulation. At a price of 25 cents per token, that's 112 million tokens bought over the course of a year. Do you realize how hard that would moon this coin? LMAO.

And that's only ONE of the MANY use cases, and that 5.6 billion figure WILL grow as the market as a whole grows.

>> No.9064115

20 dollars by 2020, easily. 50 dollars if the fiat problem is solved.

>> No.9064117

This is one of the worst shitcoins on the board. Amazing pajeets have kept it so popular. But then again reddit fell for it, so I'm not sure why biz wouldn't either.

>> No.9064167

ok calm down stan
fees are .1% and capped at $1.5

If an ico raises $25m, why would they essentially pay $25k just to use request?

>> No.9064188


Why do negroes like yourself think this is a funny insult?

>> No.9064209

cuz I just blew up your entire argument whiteboy

>> No.9064571

yall hear about twitch being interested in using req? check the subreddit if you dont believe me. if that happens, we /top10/ real quick.

>> No.9064628

Jesus is this autism?

>> No.9064669
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Let's be unreasonable for a second and tink about the most ambitious partnerships REQ could have:
>PayPal (even though I wish that shit to die)
>Goverments (and this is in their roadmap)

>> No.9064696

How about a big 4 auditing and accounting giant? Like PriceWaterhouseCoopers?

>> No.9064710

desu coinbase and paypal are direct competitors and their fees are higher than req. seems like a lot of people would use req if they could save money

>> No.9064715

... is this bait?
REQ is already partnered with PWC.

>> No.9064721

>Let's be unreasonable for a second
an unreasonable Req holder gee I wonder what that would look like

>> No.9064743

That's the point, probably the biggest partnership outside of Amazon they could get. And we're positioned 101 on CMC.

>> No.9064775

i think its mostly people being apprehensive of investing until fiat integration comes out. most of reqs usefulness is in fiat integration, so i see why there isnt much price action right now.

>> No.9064781

Req holders starting desperate attempt at shilling as their horse is still stuck on the starting gates

>> No.9064798

Fuck off m8
This market is a meme. I don't feel pain anymore. Literal shit mooning and coins with working products and real partnerships get suppressed by gay whales.

>> No.9064877

Damn, you dumb

>> No.9065009

ITT price predictions:
$100 within 6 months

>> No.9065160

thatd be nice

>> No.9065345

trips and $100 eoy 2018

>> No.9065365
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For REQ to gain back its momentum the devs are going to have to re-focus the project back towards a Bitcoin oracle and ERC20 token integration at the very LEAST.

The market punished them for the ridiculous "crowdfunding" bullshit, and I hope they have learned a painful lesson and won't pursue this blind alley.

>> No.9065648

Well that's a nice ladder

>> No.9065995


literally no way this shit reaches 100 within 6 months or a year

You know how rich I would be?

>> No.9066049


REQ already said they have 3 corporations lined up to use their crowdfunding dapp when complete.

They may actually fucking drop a Kickstarter bomb on us.

>> No.9066055
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If we all put our collective will together we can make it happen anon

>> No.9066063

Crowdfunding is where a lot of the money is at in this market. How do you think ICOs will raise their money?

>> No.9066074


All you req holders are so retarded I’ll spell it out for you
Only 600 million circulating supply of 999 million

Req team just printed 50 million to pay for stupid and dumb dapps crowdsourcing apps and ico shit

They are dumping these 50 million coins for $ to fund their projects because the coin is worthless
They dumped millions last week
There are 300 MILLION COINS left to sell and dump for paying for their stupid outsourcing and dev pockets - that’s another 300 million coins waiting to suppress the price
The price will never be 30 cents again until these 300 million coins are printed and sold
It will take years you idiots to see even 30 cents
Token burning won’t help you

>> No.9066096

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA The best fud in this thread is literally "There are more tokens than what are circulating right now". Fucking hilarious.

>> No.9066112


>> No.9066165

God you sound like a pretentious cock bag.

>> No.9066702

so you only buy coins where circulating supply = total supply? how is that working out for you chief?

>> No.9066749
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Volume is actually looking strong with good support at the 2,700 SAT level.

Get ready for the next break-out once Bitcoin settles a little.

Alts always follow with a 1-2 day lag.

>> No.9066761


Isn't there an agreement to withhold the remaining coins out of circulation until after a period of time??

>> No.9066890

>Once people are using the network
Why the fuck would anyone use it instead of Coinbase Commers which is already available? And don't give me "muh decentralization" meme. 99.9% of people don't give a flying fuck about that.

>> No.9066904


>> No.9067036

So what you are trying to say is that:
1) our linkies have a pungent odor
2) they will be worth around one thousand dollars of united states currency at the end of this year?

>> No.9067091

But XVG partnered with porn hub?

>> No.9067311

It's cheaper and will have a larger number of coins available

>> No.9067387

150K and comfy as fuck.
If it was $100 end of year I could buy 4chan and shut the cancer down.

>> No.9067560
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These are the only two projects in crypto i care about. I used to hold xlm too and still think it'll succeed but I feel like these will gimmie most gains.