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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 313 KB, 1655x923, discrose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9062724 No.9062724 [Reply] [Original]


Now back in the market, Wojak searches for the best supply chain crypto to invest his savings from McDonalds in. This is the video the gutter oil cartel doesn't want you to see.

>> No.9062770
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>> No.9062778

pretty good shill Bizonacci

how heavy are those bags though

>> No.9062779

APEX Network (CPX) is the coin he is referring too btw

>> No.9062786

DEVERY is the savior

>> No.9062791
File: 388 KB, 717x784, jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do high quality chain link so we could show 2020 no linkers how stupid they were.

P. Š how much you got paid by Chad?

>> No.9062807

another masterpiece.
i really need to sell my stack ven and all in amb.
will it moon hard?

>> No.9062846

Nice shill bitch.
You used to be cool

>> No.9062864

dude I liked your earlier stuff but this is some weak, shilly shit

>> No.9062872
File: 64 KB, 720x960, dog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so fucking good. 10k poorfag reporting in.

>> No.9062898

You could have at least shilled under another account, retard.

Why would anyone buy those stupid supply chan coins when you can just program some dapp in ether, eos or whatever to do the same?

>> No.9062900
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>> No.9062906
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>> No.9062918

New CMO at work.
Nice shill fuckhead

>> No.9062937

Shilling your bags now? Damn dude

>> No.9062941

All the fags crying about this being a shill, welcome to /biz/, newfrens. Love you 'nacci, keep 'em coming.

>> No.9062948

that bearfag pic on food box at 1:17 is a nice touch

>> No.9062964



Good fucking job, bizzo

>> No.9062966


Just enjoy the video you dumb faggot, its funny. I wonder why you're so butthurt, kek.

>> No.9062980

>Discrose the partnerships

>> No.9063003
File: 60 KB, 400x350, IMG_20180423_233229_234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So comfy

>> No.9063004

Didn't laugh. Terrible shill.

But I might actually FOMO in.

>> No.9063042
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>> No.9063049

Daily reminder Fatsetti lurks here and literally paid MrBearwolf to stop posting.

>> No.9063075

Chad is so powerful and mysterious

>> No.9063103
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, 1524338679037.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9063113

my uni buddy got hired by AMB to freelance those movie poster designs kek

>> No.9063187
File: 1.35 MB, 750x1200, 300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not your buddy, and im not hired by AMB, but I did make some of the movie posters.

>> No.9063189


>> No.9063197

KEK Ambrosus tweeted this.

>> No.9063208

Yeah no, he didn't.

>> No.9063231

They retweeted the video that has only been for 30 minutes without linking it towards their twitter.
It was a paid shill but I don't knock him for it

>> No.9063233

Nice LARP faggot

>> No.9063258

Lmao that Chad ambrosus faggot that is confirmed to browse /biz/ probably paid him to make this

>> No.9063259

So it took you a grand total of 2 months to sell out.
Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.9063270

The devs are in the meme telegram groups, it's authentic and you're just a salty walty or a modum scrotum

>> No.9063279

hahahahaha this is fucking pathetic. I hate this crypto space so sosososo much. Get me out of here PLEASE

>> No.9063298

0.2 AMB has been deposited to your wallet.

>> No.9063310


whats his name and how much he get paid and post proof you fag

>> No.9063314

2 Liters of Onions Milk has been deposited to your stomach.
>t-thanks, Modum

>> No.9063328
File: 394 KB, 750x1200, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KYS Faggot

>> No.9063345


>> No.9063368

kek nice job

>> No.9063386

where is official Angel Chadsetti

>> No.9063400

Based /Biz/onacci showing us the way.

>> No.9063401
File: 57 KB, 678x1024, 1516476264254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given that supply chain coins are where I personally find the most applicable widescale real world usage, I've become intimately familiar with WTC, VEN, and AMB over the past few months. This was excellent Bizonacci. Have a waifu for your troubles.

>> No.9063471
File: 174 KB, 1200x1000, Ricebag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know there are team members in the meme channel right?

>> No.9063473
File: 40 KB, 500x540, 1514160223929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a paid shill thread. Post your best paid shills.

>> No.9063524

>Bizonacci openly shilling now instead of making funni meme video
press s to spit

>> No.9063589

t. salty walty who likes yellow chink willy in his bum

>> No.9063679

Sorry you'll never ever get a LINK video from me. You'll have to wait until the movie instead.

>> No.9063696

He did LINK before already retard

>> No.9063713

You're going to regret not buying in a couple of weeks.
Bizonacci made a fantastic meme video of an incredibly promising project and you feel butthurt because your virgin coins got trashed in it.
Ambrosus shared the video because they are in the same TG group as Bizzo, not because they paid him.

Keep letting your emotions get to you - it wil feel so good having you FOMO in at 5$ in May.

Fucking basedboys stay poor while we AMBlets fuck polish thots.

>> No.9063721

a-a....are you /one of us/?

>> No.9063736

He already did a LINK video, retard

>> No.9063740

Thanks for the shill. Some of your best work yet, guy.

>> No.9063744
File: 29 KB, 398x394, 1517506914440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o-one of us

>> No.9063745

Supply chain coins are a meme and 99% of crypto projects are a scam. Bizonacci sold out, but he's getting paid by the AMB gypsy squad, so whatever.

>> No.9063751

Do you even watch his videos? Engage the SHADOW FORK

>> No.9063775

You know, just because you're holding VEN bags doesn't mean you you need to act like this is a tribal conflict. SAD!

>> No.9063838

Implying I bought the shitcoins. Implying I didn't make money off you AMBrainlets already.
Still doesn't mean bizonacci and the shills aren't sellout jews.

>> No.9063861

The fuck you talking about? Did you not read my first sentence? I don't hold any supply chain meme coins. VEN's a group of chinese scammers, AMB's led by gypsy scammers.

>> No.9063868


Whatever dude, if you think AMB won't climb from here you're wrong, poor and retarded.
Go buy Modum or something lmao

>> No.9063870

Bizoncacci needs us to buy shitcoins to help propel the narrative of his videos
the steaks won't feel real until we put our money on the line

>> No.9063920

Kek just bought 100k

>> No.9063980
File: 20 KB, 530x293, photo5816744634007793183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a Chad!

>> No.9064036

He literally is bearwolf.

Bet bizonacci got a fat stack of AMB for this. It was the logical next step for the AMB team, which does seem like a weird strategy because the team does actually look solid.

>> No.9064054

Is that drain scooping shit real?
>Bizcord: mGZYYZ

>> No.9064069

Yes, chinks do it to make oil to cook their food in


>> No.9064085
File: 234 KB, 904x711, 1517513085680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All they have for show is some humidity tampon in a box of chocolates and IRL shitposts about anon. IBM has already taken their market without minting magic interweb coin for you neets. You're holding onto a bag of shitcoins, that'll remain shitcoins for atleast half a decade.
GSK Pfizer Nestle partnerships confirmed kek. You fucking AMB idiots are either employed by Angel, getting paid for the shilling or a lot more retarded than I thought.
>muh chad ceo

>> No.9064102

>some humidity tampon
kek, you got me there

A private blockchain is a retarded paradox tho, get this through your skull or stay poor

>> No.9064128


>> No.9064129

Bizonacci has shat equally on all kinds of bagholders anon. He's just trying to tell a story about crypto.

>> No.9064141

fucking lol at bearfaggot/swissfaggot for deleting his latest reverseshilling thread after people got the evidence that they are the same person

fagsetti shills and fuds his own shit here
what a chad
you dumbfucks

>> No.9064149


>> No.9064199

>what others see as revolting, she sees as a bonanza!
I cant take it anymore, I fucking hate China so god damn much

>> No.9064204

after seeing that the sensortech will take years to develop, fatsetti obviously decided that in pnd'ing his own shittoken and teamdump on tgretards is more money than in actual business

>> No.9064224
File: 51 KB, 500x500, 1108ec1d9b421df2bd97800b9c61498b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


TRAC bags heavy, uh

>> No.9064231
File: 17 KB, 1200x600, 7AB6AD5F-066F-45DD-A5FA-437DDF05087B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modum is the superior supply chain token partnership with the Swiss post today

>> No.9064303

lol i sold your shitcoin today for 30 % gains finally and will never touch that shit again after your schizophrenic performance for bagholders
utmost retarded shit
go fuck some cheese you fucking mountaingipsy

>> No.9064321

>being this butthurt

>> No.9064329

Thanks, sold 100k

>> No.9064333

Didn't laugh, blatant shilling, but I don't blame bizzonacci for wanting make some money off his videos with sponsored content like every other YouTuber. I just hope that this kind of vídeos will not become the norm.

>> No.9064346
File: 401 KB, 447x438, 1520736252549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure you did

>> No.9064384


>> No.9064435

What was the evidence?
Imagine reverseshilling an actual piece of shit lmao

>> No.9064484


>> No.9064555

What text-to-speech software do you use for the Bog voice?

Also, 3/10 no bog

>> No.9064744
File: 30 KB, 808x485, photo_2018-04-20_15-03-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The bogs work for AMB

>> No.9064845

I didn't think I could harbour more hate for China than I already had.

>> No.9064867

The absolute state

>> No.9064893
File: 30 KB, 350x300, vomit 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1/10 of all fried food
what the fuck china

>> No.9065022

Weak shill

>> No.9065280


>> No.9065419

Indians poo in the street but the Chinese make you literally eat it lol

>> No.9065422

lost all respect for you my dude.
i donated to you before, too
But I understand a man gotta eat

>> No.9065529

ITT: Salty Waltys who didn't buy AMB a week ago

>> No.9065616

The chinks can barely be considered human

>> No.9065628
File: 73 KB, 500x500, 1521149466244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw ambonacci was one of the original ATH bagholders during swissfaggot LARPs
>mfw he needs to reach 10k sats to break even

>> No.9065694

What a shill faggot unsubbed and thumbed down

>> No.9065826

Why not use a distributed mirrored database with permissions locked down to track food origins? Like a blockchain isn't really necessary for this use case. What's the point?

No big corporation with any sort of due diligence is going to anchor itself to some weird unwieldy system built on hype and buzzwords. I think Ambrosus and Angel knows that to some degree, but they have have to keep the show going.

>> No.9065976

No corporation has enough incentive to be transparent about their supply chain or anything whatsoever. Doesn't it also cost money for them to use this blockchain? Why would a company waste money just so some random can find out where his chicken tendies were sourced from? I understand the the technology, but it might be ahead of its time.

>> No.9066024

Bizonacci makes funny videos from meme coins on /biz/ in order to make a story in case you couldn't tell, quit being such a sour faggot

>> No.9066845

bizonacci AMB shill now? top keks, now you ruse.

>> No.9067014

this is fuckinf amazing

>> No.9067464


You're a fucking sellout and I was one of your biggest fans.

Kek will punish you for this. You cannot make meme money from Kek and then become a sellout without retribution.

Praise Kek.