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File: 34 KB, 660x360, DZ7zsxpX0AANCzr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9060507 No.9060507 [Reply] [Original]

>When a black guy joins your discord

....I didnt think I was racist but I feel at uneasy. Explain this to me.

>> No.9060521

Never relax

>> No.9060524

you're racist

>> No.9060534
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He kinda looks like an autistic tom brady

>> No.9060539

>not calling him a nigger

What discord fagot

>> No.9060547

Avoid eye contact.

>> No.9060578

He’s probably going to rob you. Be diligent.

>> No.9060617

imagine being a relatively intelligent black person above the average nigger IQ. like a nigger that can join discords and post on /biz/, they're really above the medium. and then they have to see their race turned into retarded monkeys, and being happy / proud of it.

that kind of suffering is probably immense.

>> No.9060709

Good insight. You're correct

>> No.9060774

Not saying. I feel intimidated but at the same time I have more of an edge. On the flipside when I run across a pajeet i tend to avoid because they're mostly uncool.

>> No.9060825

There is nothing wrong with being racist. Racism is a natural survival mechanism used to protect ourselves from danger. All sane people are put off by being around people that are not like them.

>> No.9061134

That's me lol. I've been lurking here for a year, this sub made me rich. I just don't care desu.

>> No.9061188

He seems ok. His pics show that stereotypical black guy. But his written text make him seem ok.

>> No.9061189


>> No.9061198
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this, it's a basic evolutionary survival instinct. It's also logical, even in the 21st century. Blacks commit vastly more crime than other races.

>> No.9061256

racism is ok, races are different

>> No.9061279
File: 38 KB, 1024x1024, 4713EF3E77A646CA9859E12B8D1EC919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this sub
Definitely a nigger

>> No.9061300

>this sub
go back to rebbit stupid nigger

>> No.9061379

Reported for racism. Enjoy your respective bans, white boys.

>> No.9061432

loooool go the fuck back to twitter you dumb nigger. You could have kept your mouth shut but noooo, you just HAVE to yap about racism, just like a typical nigger. How shameful.

>> No.9061465

deluded cumskins never stop moaning

>> No.9061486

Or else ? :DD

>> No.9061531

white fragility rears its pink, tender head once again

>> No.9061598

It doesn't bother me at all. The memes are hilarious and 99.9% of you would never do or say anything in real life ;)

>> No.9061620

Asspie nip rearry tore niggers a few new hores today

>> No.9061623

just call him a nigger and form a kkk union

>> No.9061630

anyone dumb enough to mix with jungle people irl deserves your disregard

>> No.9061648

i can probably kill you with my bare femenine hands

>> No.9061715

haha i will have sex with your gf while your sister tongues my anus, whiteboi

>> No.9061737

mad whitebois lmao

>> No.9061772
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I'm not moaning, I'm letting you know that whining about racism is retarded and makes everyone hate you. People know that blacks, mexicans, females, etc, get an easy ride in professional environments as long as they put on a modicum of effort. It's simply immature and idiotic to complain about about getting oppressed when you live in a world of affirmative action and diversity quotas. You should probably distance yourselves from other victim mentality blacks and their guilt-riddled cuckpanions.

>> No.9061785

day of the corn fields soon, nigger
this time we will do what euros did to niggers back in the days

>> No.9061789
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>do or say anything

This is probably what he thought also.

>> No.9061816

sure whitey, in the meantime ill enjoy cucking you

>> No.9061830

can't cuck me out of bf, nigger

>> No.9061863
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can you stop larping you are probably both fucking Mexicans.

>> No.9061869

Niggers should fucking leave once and for all.
Don't you have some subreddit you can hang out at? Why do you feel the need to shitpost here?

>> No.9061884

>being a shitskin
most horrible curse ever

>> No.9061898


>> No.9061913

Is this bait? You seem more worked up about this than anyone else here lol
Literally nobody cares except you. Good luck with your endeavors anon, hope you find happiness.

>> No.9061934
File: 118 KB, 708x633, 1522907522193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is all pajeets scammers trying to start a race war because they get mad at poo in a loo jokes.

>> No.9061993

hello, im black and im staying
been on biz for 2 years and 4chan for 8

also turned my $15k initial into $115k to date, trading since october

any other blackbots here?

>> No.9062072

The proper term is winskin

>> No.9062086

Yeah this looks like a post game press conference

"Eeermmm yes uhh errrr yeeaaass in practice we can approximate solutions to NP hard problems errrrmmm yesssss"

>> No.9062118

yep, racist confirmed

>> No.9062182

>it's the "look at me, I'm so very calm and positive, I love myself and everyone else" ploy again
oh please. The advice I gave you was genuine good advice. There was no malice or anger in it, and you would do well to follow it.

>> No.9062320

Ok, thanks for the advice. Goodbye!

>> No.9062469

As if there’s anything wrong with that?

>> No.9062492

what a faggot OP is for not being an internet tough guy shielded behind the intimacy of the internet.

>> No.9062588
File: 70 KB, 620x372, 454230E2-FF48-4704-A195-3A4E52854619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“I’m black and I’m a Federal judge... see, there’s hope that feral, dark-skinned farm equipment can graduate from a top 5 law school and ascend to the highest ranks of government.”

>> No.9062610

It hurts Thomas Sowell to such a degree that his career revolves around finding new straws to grasp at

>> No.9062624

U probably are fat and got no bitches and stink lol!

>> No.9062654

>aggressive nigger

>> No.9062684

Just call them niggers repeatedly and give them facts to why niggers are inferior. The smart niggers will laugh and stay. The dumb niggers will leave. If you cant be racist in your discord youre doing it wrong.

>> No.9062686

Yeah, because you're all violent monkey-beasts who get extreme pleasure from murder

>> No.9062751

Hahaha u fucking bitch fag you probably dont look at the cashier in the eye when you make your way out of the house once a week to go buy doritos and mountain dew virgin mr "bb.b.b..bbb i had sex with a fatty in high school im not a virgin!" lookin ass

>> No.9062801
File: 48 KB, 400x500, 2482A197-9C97-4C8A-82FC-02AF56AE253E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blacks don’t really belong in our society because the deterrents to bad behavior are shrugged off by them and their actions are excused by (((academia))) and (((certain segments of the legal community))), who blame the victim, ie. white people. This is not a recipe for a stable society. Let them have a separate society that we need not take care of.

>> No.9062805

jesus christ stop projecting so hard. How embarrassing.

>> No.9062849

>tfw your IQ starts with 7.

>> No.9062853

Their "society" would collapse so fucking fast.

>> No.9062876
File: 251 KB, 750x750, 28430845_581840528868669_513186920436596736_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha u fuckin whore i guarantee i had sex with over one hundred cis gendered binary female human beings in the time span of 20 days u cant even compete U dont even know bro

All i know is if poeple really have deep seated fear/hatred of other people they most likely are mad at the world because of their own shortcomings but try to blame it on externalities FAGS!!!!!! hahah!!!!!

>> No.9062901
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Yeah bitch my IQ is 769!!! Lol! Fag!

>> No.9062927
File: 90 KB, 653x477, BEC28850-B326-4724-8B46-03838C699636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s a little something called NMP. Multiculturalism is dragging our society down at a slower rate. When ‘Wakanda’ collapses, it will only be relative to the high standards of living they presently enjoy. Whatever is left will just move on like Africa had for scores of millennia.

>> No.9063085

what is this reddit shit?
>my personal opinion is that it's all memes, man. memes, you cannot truly hate someone that you don't know. BLACK PEOPLE ARE O K

>> No.9063144
File: 539 KB, 630x435, 1522996239909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw sperg gets annihilated in 6 words

>> No.9063159

Ur fucking gay bro

>> No.9063179

Like honestly i a m a phd in electrial engineering and make $700K a year and my girl friend is a victorias secret model who lets me fuck her in the vagina monthly.