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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9055499 No.9055499 [Reply] [Original]

Psst anon, what should I buy a masternode of?
looking for upcoming gems with relatively low cost per MN

>> No.9055579

Look into Apex (CPX) and go for a T2 or if you can afford it T1 supernode.

>> No.9055617

zencash needs 42.
trig token is 500 and 1500.
substratum is any amount for node.

>> No.9055785

PFR 10k+
XLQ 10k

XLQ is going to be featured on the bitfineon exchange based in Switzerland with free trading pairs. Release Q2/Q3.
You heard it here first.

>> No.9055820

xlq is alqo

>> No.9055838


>> No.9055925

Interzone if you would make to real gains. They had no exchange and are on crpyto bridge now. A lot of big holders dumped it from 5k to 400sat. I have already 3masternodes now and if you trade clever you can double them every 2 3 days. I make decent money everyday from it. Wonder nonody is talking about it

>> No.9055934


>> No.9055962

apex seems like a scam. would stay far away from that team

>> No.9055980

>buying into ponzis
you're retarded my friend, buy into pyramid instead

>> No.9055985

Block array costs about 8k for master node now, im selling ary mn for 7k if u want, 3 different node tiers

>> No.9056002

how are master nodes not just a gimmick that otherwise dead shitcoins implement as a last ditch effort to get attention from autists who don't feel smart enough just running a proof of stake wallet?

>> No.9056444
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n e w a n d i m p r o v e d

>> No.9056515

Being this new

cpx is a beast

>> No.9056654

Yeah, now is the time to buy CPX on Switcheo.

>> No.9057453
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>> No.9057872

AMB, we know there are masternodes but no info on that yet, I believe they'll be revealing the tiered MN info this week along with partnerships.

PayFair - cheap ass trust nodes, depends on how successful the platform will be but very well worth a shot as they are still cheap.

>> No.9057915

How much do.the nodes cost tho?

>> No.9057919
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UTN Token.. any other choice is fucking retarded anon

Mainnet just released, 1 mill UTN only to run node, price is like 0.023. Not listed on major exchanges yet, low market cap and deals with russian government.

>> No.9057939

T1 CPX node

>> No.9058284

T1: No minimum requirement T2: 70,000 CPX required T3: 200,000 CPX required

>> No.9058323

I meant a T3 node then

>> No.9058488

did they do merchant integration?

>> No.9058548


thats hefty cash at $.23 right now

>> No.9059223

payfair obviously

>> No.9059705
File: 26 KB, 696x291, zencash-platform-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zencash is coming out with supernodes, with a 500 ZEN collateral.
supernodes.lebre net
~1000-2000 estimated supernodes to come online at the end of May
The rewards from this supernode can be put into the smaller 42 ZEN secure nodes for compounded gains.

>> No.9060493
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>> No.9061205

psst nucypher

>> No.9061718

sys masternodes launching in a week

>> No.9062597
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One of the best new masternodes coming out is for Wispr (WSP).
New coin
Good devs
cheap masternode
on Cryptopia
Staking has been great so far

>> No.9062680


Seriously. Have working product. Why not buy a masternode in the project bringing easy masternode setup to plebs