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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9054159 No.9054159 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone FUD me on U Network

>> No.9054189

no you have to BUY NOW !!!!

>> No.9054203

I want you to fud me retard

>> No.9054230

Sir Buy now Sir. Good option to make big gains sir. thank you sir.

>> No.9054235

pls sir produce some fud or gtfo

>> No.9054258

It seems there isn't any yet, worst thing about it is having to use an absolute shithole of an exchange. Close to fomoing in myself

>> No.9054263

become wii u marine sir thank you

>> No.9054266

Same shit as Steem already have. Its a stinky Chink coin. Early Investors will drop there bags in a few hours/days. nothing new here and only on shitty exchanges.


>> No.9054279

thank you sirs

>> No.9054302

Dude your racism is wrong.

>> No.9054311

please teach me for right racism sir

>> No.9054312

Stfu kike faggot

>> No.9054322

I'll fix it for you:
Herrro my western friend, get on mai big coin raight nao

>> No.9054418
File: 79 KB, 250x269, 1515875112624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

na thats chink racism.
i like pajeet racism more please sirs.

>> No.9054521

that's the best you can do? Sounds like the same shit people were saying about Antshares back in the day

>> No.9054561

Lol. It’s chinkish not pajeetish

>> No.9054572

because it's some discord group's flavor of the month pnd. just like chainlink.

>> No.9054635


What are you a faggot Racism is never wrong.

>> No.9054641

name is shit.
that's about it.

>> No.9054665

I hope they go the ANS route.

>> No.9054673

then again their direct competitor is called fucking steemit so

>> No.9054683


>> No.9054702
File: 31 KB, 521x540, shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fud needed.....look at this healthy grow

>> No.9055188

the coin is chinese you fucktard

>> No.9055694

Still just a growth from around 20 sats to 50.

>> No.9056395

just had a look at this and im less than impressed

originally i got excited when someone said this was actually "chinese steemit"

turns out it is fake chinese steemit. Most of the team is nobody americans from American universities with 0 connections to China. Look at the bio's on the team page- wut a joke

Its literally a steemit clone working from 0 with American money from SV

project map is slow and a long long way away from developing anything good.

>> No.9056430

>D chart

>> No.9056472

>8 months ahead of schedule
>project map is slow and a long long way away from developing anything good

You're better than this Rakesh...

>> No.9056489

Nice, i like that you said the opposite of everything that’s true

>> No.9056493

its a pnd and it has already gone 3x in the past week. guess whats next?

>> No.9056548

You're not even trying, pajeet

>> No.9056562

rofl ... based on the responses I suspect the recent gains are 100% a pump and dump group at play

1) The team is American asians with 0 connections to China... they dont even have proper bios.. one guy has "10 years xp in internet industry" - the fuck does that mean
2) One of the business devs has a "Masters in Arts" with 0 relevant experience. Why is this person even getting paid a salary? are you kidding me
3) I dont see any genuine connections to China except the Americanised Asians with SV money.
4) "Advisors" count for jack shit if they're not involved in the running of the business

5) look at how slow the roadmap looks... They will not even have their Steemit Clone up until May 2019 (in Beta).... that's 1000 years in cryptoland.. and thousands of missed moon missions

TL DR - dont invest- better moon missions out there.. this is a short term pump & dump scam

>> No.9056624

Better off buying a real Chinese moon mission such as QLC which has a team full of competent people (and not a bunch of absolute nobodies)

>> No.9056643

Nice FUD, someone refute this. From their twitter they say they're 8 months ahead on their roadmap. And there was a conference where they where speaking in china.

>> No.9056667

So now that we've established nobody is capable of FUDding this coin at the moment, here's my Bibox referral link for anyone who wants to start a chain. Thank you sirs many lambos and moon.


>> No.9056672

To be fair, 2.7xs by Sats.

>> No.9056959

Their twitter was also pumping the fact that they had 100 unemployed college grads send them resumes for a job.

Im definately sitting this one out.

The wait for when/if UUU will be successful will be slower than REQ

>> No.9057074

Didn't know this.
All the best to UUU holders but I personally think kneejerk purchases are a bad idea.

>> No.9057108

This coin is so pure the best fud anyone could come up with is job applicants.

>> No.9057115



>> No.9057314

• Project solves a legitimate problem and by targeting Chinese market there is a lot of upside in adoption (Chinese people don't really use $steem)
• No ICO, Funded By VCS directly, private sale sold out very quickly, 1 UUU = 0.000004 ETH, been told by team member that most VC's have a long term outlook
• Draper Dragon, Qtum, poet, aelf, genaro network, chandler guo listed as investors/partners
• Onchain cofounder Yanbo Li as advisor, Onchain is parent company of both neo and ontology, he keeps a low profile but is very highly regarded, he's also the founder of NKN
• People love low sat coins
• Page 31 of their whitepaper, "Aug 2017, partnered with Huobi", already on hadax and huobi could be soon
• Alpha of release in April, ahead of schedule on development roadmap
• Project is apparently "very famous" in China
• Partnership with SV insight, ("U Network team launches SV Insight, a Silicon Valley tech media company with over 4M subscribers") they want to connect China with Silicon Valley, they can give so much media exposure to U Network (and they already have) ---> more adoption
• They're not just a dapp, dapp is just the first step for early adoption, then focus on their mainnet blockchain (with their upvote downvote algorithm) where other companies can build dapps on it
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/blockchain-connect-conference-silicon-valley-2018-tickets-44353362100?aff=website hosted by a very closely partnered company called SV insight (several U Network members founded it in 2015), U Network will be one of the featured speakers
• Cofounder Yan Su spoke at Alibaba Headquarters
They have individual U Network communities setup all across China's provinces


>> No.9057571

I heard they were partnering with the LoMoStar app, is this true?

>> No.9057633

Fudders like that never give factual evidence based on research. The problem with them is that, they don't even do research before they make a fud. To state this is a pump and dump is just pathetic, It's funny how guys like that don't see this as potential, but some of the BIG VC'S and partners believe it to be highly potential in long term. If he wants to talk about experience let's see what experience he has compared to these VC's that invest for a living with more money than he can ever see

>> No.9057702

worth nothing, lomostar is a bottom tier crypto project. Partnering with them would lower their value

>> No.9058001

its not necessarily a scam but the current price movement isnt natural. its discord groups pumping it because its only on low volume exchanges. its going to be at least 6 months before this thing even starts to gain traction. I expect dan larimer to launch an even bigger steem comptitor on eos before then.

>> No.9058080

What are you even talking about? LoMoStar is one of the most legit and promising projects. Do your research instead of looking at market cap. Download their app and you will see

>> No.9058144

volume of nothing and been around for ages. No big names onboard. you sound like a guy ffrom the team

>> No.9058368

In reply to the FUD:
1) check sean wang 4 founders exprience actually https://www.linkedin.com/in/%E9%91%AB-%E7%8E%8B-063a24162/ 2) Cathy zhao has very good business development exprience, if you guys know linkedln co founder Eric ly, after she interviewed and wrote about Eric's stroy...Made him super popular in china - silicon valley blockchain industry. 3) check the blockchain connecet confernece, see how genuine connections 4) check our github, yanboli commited a lot code.5) check our two monthes achievements

>> No.9059101

isnt NEO founder an advisor as well? Not to mention investors such as Draper fucking Dragon. I FOMOd in, but i'm thinking about holding this one for a while. 8 months ahead of their roadmap too.

>> No.9059374

I fomo'd but after making an account on Bibox,my Google Authenticator code is invalid every time I try to set up 2fa, any clue how to fix this?

>> No.9059939

Chink PnD that has already reached its peak thank to Muhammeds on 4chan.

>> No.9060157

It's been shitposted on biz 20 times in the last week. You need more FUD than that?

>> No.9060898

Try authy

>> No.9061201

Anon, had this problem too. First make sure your phone syncs the time from an Internet server, and not manually. Then also go to google authenticator and click 3 dots at the top right. Then settings , time correction for codes and sync now. Should work

>> No.9061368

Well, it’s garbage. Honestly you should sell.

>> No.9061414
File: 863 KB, 1600x900, 1522366770889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how this thing keeps recovering, it drops like 10-15% every day but recovers a couple hours later

>> No.9061491

50% on UUU, dont know if I will make it
when can we expect the first pump?

>> No.9061536

Fuck off and die, you fragile little bitch.

>> No.9061610

Right fucking now.

>> No.9061627

woot? u mean its pumped alrdy?

>> No.9061628

Think it will follow this channel for many hours. Then when we hit triple digits then we can see some amazing jumps to 0.01 cents

>> No.9061645

srly not sure about this coin atm, im straped in anon, hoping for the best

>> No.9061714

If you look at the orderbook I think you'll find it calming. Its paper thin both ways. It means that if the whales want to profit they need to pump it higher, and they can buy up the whole sellbook in one swoop. We just saw one miniwhale market buy the book down to 41, and the bots and buyers quickly brought it back up. Its no point tanking this now. Be calm anon, just set your exit high.

>> No.9061776

Meant filled all the sell orders.

>> No.9061853

kk thx anon, dunno why but I will listen to you kindfulstranger