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9050632 No.9050632 [Reply] [Original]

once mainnet is launched, is that it? does that mean that it's all systems go and we start staking. or is there more to it.

i sill cant believe link is gonna make me a millionaire. feels good.

>> No.9050653

How much linkies do you have to start staking?

>> No.9050655

We will see all kinds of news dropped once mainnet comes around. It could be a series of partnerships. Equivalent to EEA for ethereum if not bigger.

>> No.9050657

Is my 13.5k stink stack enough to get some passive income?

>> No.9050672

no one really knows. some say any amount, but more means your node is more reputable but then some people disagree. it's hard to get a handle on it.

>> No.9050690

do you think it'll be Q4 when mainnet launches now? or sometime over the summer?

not too bothered either way. i dont mind waiting another 6 or 12 months to become a milkionaire

>> No.9051382

How much you got OP? More than 20k guarantees you a millie. However, if this happens this year or 2019, know one knows. I hope for this year of course but I'm more confident in 2019. Seems too soon unless we see an avalanche of developments before october but what do I know...
We're gonna make it either way. Just hodl.

>> No.9051401

>How much you got OP?
only 9k. had to work hard to get that up from 5k as well.

still hoping to mkae it with just that. i dont need multimillions. i'd be happy with selling at $250 per LINK

>> No.9051415

$250 per link 2020

>> No.9051419

It's in the whitepaper you butt licker. 0 needed. No requirements.

>> No.9051442

yeah, that's what i said you fucking smooth brian. but no-one knows how the stake will affect reputation yet.

>> No.9051535

>set up node for niche that no one else thinks of
>no link but no competition
>amass link/reputation
And I'm the smooth brain.

>> No.9051647

Damn, not that much but not a total linklet either. You'll do fine. I'm up to 80k link since last week. Every dip amassing a little more.
I'm getting tired of waiting though. When all you do, every day, is think about link and if you have enough to make it things get boring quickly. I still have to wagecuck and it's getting unbearable. Good luck anon.

>> No.9051650

>We will see all kinds of news dropped once mainnet comes around.
ChainLink don't have a history of "dropping news". Maybe organisations that plan to use the network will announce it publicly, but I wouldn't expect that immediately after main net launch. Large financial orgnaisations especially will want to wait and see that it works and is flawless before throwing their hat in the ring.
>It could be a series of partnerships
Haha I wouldn't get your hopes up. I am not expecting any partnerships with ChainLink. I think it will just be clients instead. Organisations using ChainLink like they use Google. They don't "partner" with Google, they just use it.
And anon the only "staking" mechanism that has been remotely hashed out is linkpool, and nobody knows if that is even going to work. If you want instant dividends/regular returns/staking bonuses then link is one of the last projects you should be looking at.

>> No.9051673

The majority of interesting “partnerships” (clients) will simply be visible on the network. I doubt they’ll be announced at all.

>> No.9051765

yeah, don't count on any "announcement" or "partnership" in the sense we're used to see in the crypto space. As >>9051673 said, this will be maintained low key while all the major players use and test the network. We will have to do our homework and search for info ourselves if you want any confirmation. Then, one day, you start to hear random news here and there, mentioning smartcontracts and chainlink and how "company x" uses them. THAT'S the singularity. When people realize that this is actually being used and is fully functional. See in Andromeda, anon.

>> No.9051984

Yeah you're right, but good luck when no one wants to use your node because you have no incentive to fetch correct data.

>> No.9052220
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you guys are fucking delusional

>> No.9052248

You don't even need LINK to run a node and earn passive income. Stinkers don't realize that their server specs and connection strength matter far more than some useless erc20 token. I wouldn't be surprised if it's announced that staking ethereum on your node gives better reputation than LINK desu.

>> No.9052290

Just get a VPS

>> No.9052436

They also don’t have a history of having a working product, but that will change. Sergey himself has stated that they need the token to be worth as much as possible, so they will start rolling out the news when the time comes.