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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9049658 No.9049658 [Reply] [Original]

Wageslave Salarayman general:

I fucking tired of the working life /biz/. I am tired of all the corporate BS, i am tired of working 9:00 - 18:00. I am tired waking up at 7:00AM force eat/force shit/force drive (if been stuck in traffic is driving).

I like being productive, I like working on my own projects :Crypto/mining/trading , drop shipping, botting virtual gold for cash.

And what is this working life and how did it not already collapse?! Cause no one is actually motivated or wanting to work on their own. The sentiment is always the same give me money and will do shit for you.

I work for IBM as HR. So fuck much permissions and road blocks for every fucking thing! Fuck efficiency lets make everything as complicated as possible so something that is supposed to be done in a hour takes 2 days and goes to hell and back for approvals!

I see it in the candidates also. They don't want to do the shit, i would not do the shit also. But they put their brave boy/girl faces and say "Sure i would be happy to work for you guys"

We must go back this work shit is not what its cut out to be.

Not to mention this fucking 8 hours mandatory shit... Nigga i done my task for the day- just let me go home i have other shit to do!

>> No.9049714

Unicorn startup IT guy here, let me sleep for a few hours so I can wake up and get yelled at because people suck at life

>> No.9049851

I know right.
Let me take the blame for the delay caused because someone else took his sweet time to approve X.

And those hypocritical training videos about Watson (their AI supper computer)

Watson is so helpfull it can do that part of your job and soon more... soon its gonna be doing your whole job. How awesome its the future aren't you glad.

>> No.9049903
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>be me
>go to an interview for a minimum wage customer support role
>start out well and confident
>HR asks what do I know about their company and why do I want to work exactly for them
>tell her that I didn't do any research and I don't care
>HR: well, then let's not waste our time, thank you for coming

>> No.9049928

I agree 100%. I'd rather be more productive doing my own stuff in my own projects.
BTW what are your skills? We could team up to do some crypto related stuff. I hole heartedly believe biz is full of like minded people

>> No.9050123

Pretentious fucks.
I despise these kind of fucks. Rubbing their own ego. The candidate does not need to know a thing about your company.
Its your fucking job to represent and present the company not the candidate... especially if its minimal salary.

You are not in interviewing a fucking director...

Don't mind them anon, they are just salty cucks wishing there somewhere else or riding the high horse cause they HR.

>> No.9050432
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>my work operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
>clock in for my shift at 5 am
>get a bunch of shit done
>until management and the officecucks start for the day
>get hammered by phonecalls from them about the person who was on shift before me fucking up, and i get the blame for it
>mfw happens for the next few hours
>officecucks then have the audacity to complain about productivity decreasing while they continuously bother me and my coworkers all day

working nights and weekends are the best for this reason. no one irritates you at all