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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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904961 No.904961 [Reply] [Original]

I need a casual timepiece for my daily peon tasks ranging from going to the bank, checking my PO box at the post office, or just going grocery shopping

So I was considering picking up a Grand Seiko (retails for about $3,500-$6,000) but it turns out the only Seiko store in the area doesn't carry anything but the lower end products.

One of the employees didn't even know what a Grand Seiko was.

So I booked a flight tomorrow to New York City where I'll visit one of the official Seiko boutique shops and buy it. I am flying back the same day.

Talk about a pain in the fucking ass

>> No.904964

This is bait. You're a retard. I suggest you find better ways to spend your time anon
>Not knowing about The Millionaire Next Door

>> No.904973

Lol, whatever helps you sleep at night. I'll post a timestamped GS this time tomorrow when I am back.

>> No.904983

Here is the profile of the person you are going to impress:

1) thinks that $6K is a lot of money
2) have so little going on with their daily lives they actually take note of others' subtle adornments
3) male

Well, OP, if you're looking to make other dudes like yourself hard, I'm sure you're going to be really successful.

>> No.904996

who is that

>> No.904999

>wanting to impress people who can't tell the difference between a $300 watch and a $5000 watch

Do you think people at the grocery store even know what watch you're wearing? You could just as well wear a Seiko Monster and they'd compliment it.

>> No.905003

>Bragging about being "rich" to anonymous on 4chan

Upper-middle class, and even lower-upper class are marginally better off than the median. Unless you're in the top .3 % or so, you have no business calling yourself rich. Sorry, m8.

>> No.905005

>I'm rich ur not
>I fly twice in one day to purchase watches worth several thousand but I still post on the NEET business board of a Korean NEET Quran scripture discussion twitter

These posts aren't even somewhat believable lol

>> No.905075

is it the crazy bitch that was going off about some deranged political rants

>> No.905087

Why is it always a watch for new money types? Can't you be a bit more imaginative?

>> No.905094

They don't have enough money to buy Bentleys and watches are easy to show off.

OP, the only real rich people problem is suspecting everyone who's not as rich that he's out for your money.

>> No.905100

Buying a Grand Seiko is like buying a Volkswagen Phaeton.

>> No.905131

Bait: the thread

I feel that watches are obsolete but they function as one of the few nonretarded male accessories. Buy what makes you happy.

>> No.905141


Bad choice of watch, hilariously I am a watch engineer. If you really want to fuck around give me the exact location of the retailer your visiting and I'll buy all the Grand Seiko's.

>> No.905170

Get yourself a nice swiss made automatic. Omega, Baume $ Mercier, Tissot... Do some research. Its better to spend more money and get something quality that can be a heirloom. It should retain value fairly well over the years if you have good taste.

>> No.905850

He's not even rich. I earn pretty much median salary, and could fly somewhere and buy one of these without sneezing. 6k seems like a lot when you're a broke student, but when you've been working a couple of years in a non-shit job, it's nothing.

>> No.906368

>is it the crazy bitch that was going off about some deranged political rants
>who is that

That's Sammy, the trap.

>> No.906434
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>implying you are rich

>> No.906456
File: 481 KB, 876x1000, Kari-Voutilainen_Sarasamon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> using a watch that's not Voutilainen

>> No.907967
File: 346 KB, 2360x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not op but common anon ! A grand seiko is fAr superior in quality to any watch from tissot. For one Grand Seiko have a Rolex tier in house movement . If he wants something in the same tier than GS I would recommend Nomos , not Swiss but German and they are slick as fuck

Pic related

>> No.907969

>going to the bank,

Did you cheap out and not go for a full service private bank? I just have them meet me wherever I am when I have time.

>> No.907972

Parents earn $130k in Canada before taxes.

Student Loans only get offered to parents earning less than $160k in Canada.

Apparently my family should be able to afford $65k / year in tuition fees for college, even though our after tax income from the $130k is like $75k.


They expect us to live on $10k a year.



>> No.907981
File: 442 KB, 635x467, mfwrealestate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>22 years old
>buy new apartment bc i need at least 1100ft^2.
>throw party for my friends
>mfw some rentfags bitch and ask why i need so much space


>> No.907984

They were supposed to have saved money on an education fund , and gotten the tax benefit from this about 20 years ago , so if your parents didn't save up get a dam job and help out

>> No.907987

Wrist Watches are obsolete , but just like sail boats , revolvers and vintage cars , watches are collected for the appreciation of mechanical accomplishments from past times , their beauty and elegance

>> No.908028
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>> No.908041
File: 6 KB, 225x225, money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust fund company has lost me north of $100k this year, and I'm forced to pay them their fee on top.

Meanwhile in my PA I'm up about 21% YTD, and have compounded at that level since 2008.

But I'm not "old enough" to manage the real money yet.

>> No.908045

>active management

Its your own fault

>> No.908053


I guess I wasn't clear. I have no say over how the trust is managed.

>> No.908057

If cannot change the allocation of the funds you cant lose money since the benchmark is the gain/loss you recieve

>> No.908064


No. I guess I have really screwed up my communication here.

The trust was set up decades ago by a family member to distribute his wealth to his heirs. It is managed by a contracted third party of his choosing.

I have no say on allocations. The trust company determines what the investments should be based on my ability to withstand risk (my age, basically).

I have no say what % goes in bonds, what % goes in stocks, which funds are invested in, whether I'd prefer an index fund or not (btw I would).

None of this is up to me. At all. You seem to be under the assumption that it's invested in the S&P or whatever else. That is not accurate.

On top of this, the company is paid a % fee each year for management. Again, I have no say in this. The structure was designed decades ago and is bound by the trust documents.

I hope this makes more sense to you now.

>> No.908071


I have just read over my response, and it sounds snappy. I am sorry for this; it was not my intention.

>> No.908096

>does his own grocery shopping
>thinks he isn't a peon

>> No.908103

I clear about 200 per year after taxes and wear an $8 digital Casio from Wal-Mart.

I was thinking about buying a Ball watch, though.

>> No.908468


I'm a fan of IWC- the Portugieser is Annual Calendar is on my list. If you're going to spend 6-8k on a watch, at least go with an Rolex date adjust or a IWC chronograph.

>> No.908513

yo bruh can you pick me up one while your at it? I got some sweet maple syrup i can trade you.