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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9047282 No.9047282 [Reply] [Original]

Price went from 30 cents to 51 after cmo announcement. Guess how high this will go after partnerships, main net and masternode reveal? Damn right $5 EOY screencap this mofo. I’ll eat my own shit and YouTube it if it’s even $4.99

>> No.9047339
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all hail chadsetti

>> No.9048148

$20 EOY

AMB masternodes will make me a millionaire

>> No.9048202

i dont hold AMB but i noticed it pumped and then consolidated..the CMO news is big but they havent dropped any partnerships yet..i might wait to get in until they at least release one of the partners, IMO its too risky of a play at the moment

>> No.9048217

You are doing it wrong

Don't be a brainlet and buy high, get in now when this shit is dirt cheap

>> No.9048222

there are no partnerships you dumb nigger

>> No.9048228

but what if the partnerships dont get released and this shit goes sideways and then ppl sell then its dumpers town am i right

>> No.9048252

half of your cuck tggroup bought extrahigh when your swissnigger started to recruit you bagholdingshillers

it pumped for the same reason as the last 9times: the usual amb p'n'd group


>> No.9048290

You're choice

Fomo in at $2 for all I care, just letting you know that right now is best the time to be buying

>> No.9048298

did you see how unprofessioanl the presentation was? theyre just coating along until the time whn they can unlock their token share and cash out. AMB is basically a scam at this point. sure, tey started out honest, but now theyre just laughing at their share holders.

>> No.9048305

a big partnership was already verified/leaked on tgram( link to company website , they are already using AMB platform/sensors for product)......all mentions of it are being censored/taken down on reddit and tgram atm. Ill let you figure out who it is when they officially announce and you fomo in

>> No.9048320

Holy shit I love AMB now

>> No.9048346

bullshit. just another larp. nobody will use that absolute shit coin when IBM will take care of their solutions without pajeets and niggers like you dumping bags all over them. gypsetti had biz memes on his faggoty unprofessional powerpoint slides. absolute cuck show. couldn't have a professional video edit. just bag holders united now pajeet

>> No.9048354

this is the impression i got
i found this in december and was really hyped about the team and the idea
then the swissnigger started shilling it and recruit his tg bagholdergroup
then the p'n'd's started on amb frequently
the first vesting cliff for the teamtokens is due end of april
>our beautiful gaysetti said that they will wait until oktober with the teamdump
sure they will

then a "big presentation" which was a livestream for bagholders where he showed /bizmemes and amb tshirts
new cmo from the fashion industry for a former high tech pharma sensors company
are you serious?
this thing turned out a complete shitcoin

>> No.9048357


If you think that this most recent price action is a PnD, you really don't understand how to read volume.

>> No.9048376

oh look, one of the bagholdingautists from the tg"researchgroup"

>> No.9048403


>> No.9048424

Oh, also, the largest ico buyer has dumped almost 10 mil amb over the past couple days and managed to tank the price all if ten cents. Go dig through etherscan/tg and see for yourself

>> No.9048440

im still not convinced i mean isnt pharma like impossible to get into? i dont really care about the amb team presentation its obvious they have a sense of humor and arent tryin to do some ven type stupid after effects videos but still. they should drop at least one partnership. i would rather buy at $1 knowing its gonna go to $5 rather than at .50 and not knowing what the hells gonna happen

>> No.9048445
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>> No.9048470

WOW! they put a company symbol on their website.

>> No.9048475

We will see a lot of mad cucks over the next few weeks aa AMB crushes through 2$....well see most of todays doubters start piling in around then , your 1x will be my 10x

>> No.9048484

fucking lol
tüv has nothing to do with the intended (pretended?) usecase of amb

worst "researchgroup" ever
no job for you at swissniggers fantasyhedgefund

>> No.9048504
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Enjoy today's round of /biz/ autism


>> No.9048515


Ah good, starting off strong with personal attacks and 0 substance. That's always a good way to prove that your argument is a strong one.

Not sure what I expected with that weak-ass CMO FUD though. You really think that someone with a resume like that is going to tarnish his reputation and waste his time with a company that he thinks is going to exit scam?

Do you really think that someone as talented as him can't adapt to a new industry? Marketing skills are transferable across sectors, it's not like they're asking him to start engineering their tech, they have plenty of top-tier talent to do that already.

See you when this does a 20x. Screenshot this so you can remember how wrong you are.

>> No.9048516

we will see a lot of mad tgcucks when amb goes back to 35 cents after it pumped a bit for the teamtokendump

>> No.9048561

go fuck yourself
you did't respond to one of my arguments in the post
instead you babbled about the most recent price action which i did'nt even mention
the 8 p'n'd's before were obvious
all by the same group
shilled on /biz many times to lure you faggots in
this will be the bigger one for the teamtokens

i can see your one of the tgcucks because of your mental gymnastics with your little essay why the misplaced cmo is so great

>> No.9048576


lol a Chinese pre-ICO whale just dumped 10M tokens over the course of 72h and it was absorbed with only a 10% loss because new whales couldn't wait to buy in before the impending news. Weak FUD.

>> No.9048597

also i said nothing about exitscam fagsetticuck
only that the first vesting cliff is due
after that, not much action for the next six months until the next vesting cliff is due and they will finally reveal some partnerships (if they have any by then) to get the next pump

>> No.9048613

just read your stupid shit
you really think your some "cryptoresearcher" in the swissniggersquad
almost cute if you were'nt a fat basement autist

>> No.9048640

Holy shit you're salty. Don't worry you can FOMO into AMB when VEN is revealed to be the Chink scam we all know it is.

>> No.9048660

Some of you faggots are gonna cry when this shit pumps

>> No.9048670

buy tefood and trac you idiot and stop seeking validation by joining a internetcult

>> No.9048690
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like the last 8 times?
pic related, the swisscucks

>> No.9048693

the only thing going for AMB is its potential use of chainlink. they must be a serious outfit if theyre looking that far ahead. otherwise, it's just a scam coin. time will tell.

>> No.9048695
File: 966 KB, 3001x2000, Versace-women-ss18-post-show-bts-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this pajeet coin even have a CMO? Because AMB has the former head of Versace.

>> No.9048758

now the childish gipsy who spergs out at business partners, employees and competitors on every available channel as the ceo and a cokehead from the fashion industry as cmo for a company who claims to want to break into the high tech-pharma sensors business
i'm convinced

>> No.9048789


Oh man you are going to look really stupid at the end of this week. I'll be back to say I told you so, don't worry.


I spent maybe 15 minutes using easily available tools on etherscan and some common sense. It really wasn't that hard to figure out. Why are you so angry about it?

>> No.9048798

HAHAHA. You have pajeet coins with no marketing budget. We have first class marketing, the most important thing in a speculative market such as crypto where almost everything is vaporware.
Don't worry mate, I'm sure one of us AMBros will let you ride in our lambos.

>> No.9048838

oh boi...

>> No.9048846

First class marketing? Wasn't your Chief Marketing Officer fired for incompetence? Then it became a public spectacle where fatsetti blamed everyone but himself?

>> No.9048864

As a holder dumb fuck. I'm not part of the team. Holy shit to be this stupid.

>> No.9048880

holy shit this is legit. i just set my buy order for the next retractment period if not ill just market buy. currently 50/50 EOS/ETH but i have 10 ETH ive been meaning to designate towards a low marketcap token

>> No.9048889

>first class marketing
but there isn't anything to market desu, no partnerships, no path to success, just gonna stall you out with AMBlet merch and ride off into the sunset after the new CMO drops some justin sun style tweets. get out when you can because it's an absolute shit coin that will never be adopted.

>> No.9049042
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>absolute shit coin that will never be adopted.
Who fucking cares?
Wait... you didn't actually....

HOLY FUCK. You think that any of these crypto projects are going to be adopted.
My sides.
Oh how cute.

>> No.9049165

Exactly, none of these projects will be adopted. Supply chain projects are a total joke, but VEN is pretty based and state of the art as far as the vaporware scam goes. On the other hand, AMB comes off as group of rag tag gypsies, fresh off a driveway paving scam. It’s so obvious they take their cues from VEN, even copying the whole luxury brand connection (VEN and Louis Vuitton, AMB and Versace).

>> No.9049190

>VEN is pretty based and state of the art as far as the vaporware scam goes.
Yes the Chinese. I repeat the fucking CHINESE are the innovative ones. You can't make this shit up.

>> No.9049201

I know I know... who would've thought?

>> No.9049266

"You should be buying PFR instead of whatever crap youre holding. Their mainnet comes out on April 30th. Do you realize that Localbitcoins now has KYC? Do you understand that once PFR is out, people will all jump ship to avoid having to upload documents? People kept doubting the project but these guys deliver. Do you want to be poor forever."..

>> No.9049323

Do you really believe a large corporation can outperform a dedicated tech start up?

>> No.9049412

IBM is the laughing stock of the tech sector. Always third rate with first rate prices.

>> No.9050130
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