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9045963 No.9045963[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are wearing these "pants" in public not considered indecent exposure?

A girl bent over today at the gym and I could literally see her anus.

>> No.9045981

are you a faggot or something?

>> No.9045992


how is this /biz/ related, and more importantly, why are you complaining about being able to see a girl's anus?

>> No.9045997
File: 658 KB, 583x584, 1503269426197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attractive women can get away with murder in broad daylight.

>> No.9046001


choose one

>> No.9046002

I fail to see the problem here.

>> No.9046012


I hope you have daughters in the future you fucking morons.

>> No.9046069

hey you forgot to pick up your package of onions

>> No.9046077

any straight man have 0 problems with that

>> No.9046092

>having kids
Gf and I have been shopping together for clothes recently and the majority of women's clothing seems like it exists for the sole purpose of showing off and bring easy to rip in half. I'm not sure how we fix the problem other than keeping them in the kitchen.

>> No.9046128


That's irrelevant.

The question again is how are yoga pants/leggings not considered a public indecency?

>how is this /biz/ related,


>why are you complaining about being able to see a girl's anus?

Because I'm not a closet homo obsessed with buttholes and just want to go to the gym and to restaurants to eat without having to see buttholes? Is that so much to ask?

>> No.9046142

>I hope you have daughters in the future you fucking morons.

no one on this board should be having children and contaminating the human gene pool. If you want to contribute to humanity in any way, do it by making a commitment to not reproduce. Any of you.

>> No.9046143
File: 453 KB, 750x1204, 43AC4463-FBBB-4EB3-87C6-EEF80F194669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you rather a man do it OP?

>> No.9046148
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This is actually great you soi-sipping faggot

>> No.9046155


I'd rather no one do it.

Wear fucking pants you degenerates.

>> No.9046160

Don't raise your daughters to be whores you fucking idiot

>> No.9046173


whenever i see a nigger's ass i just imagine how bad it must smell

>> No.9046178

Also, don't you understand how normalization works, the more you see people in tights and there assholes around you, the less you'll be reactionary towards it and will eventually feel nothing. The only solution here is you seeing this more.

>> No.9046193


There's been studies done on this.

How your kids turn out has more to do with their environment, not parenting.

There needs to be some kind of cultural order for your daughter to not turn out a whore

>> No.9046195

kind of hard when theres constant propaganda 24/7 - have you watched any movies recently?

you can instill all the morals and values you want at home but that shit goes out the window at school, in social media, and in movies/tv

regardless - acceptance and complacency enables degeneracy.

my point is that you probably wouldn't be cheering this on if these were your daughters in question. It leaves nothing to the imagination and is trashy

>> No.9046209


You're missing the point and jumping to the conclusion that it's OK to normalize anything regardless of it's effects or consequences.

>> No.9046211

> turned on by nig-fags

>> No.9046215

don't waste your time arguing - that poster is either a (((shill))) or deluded and attempting to rationalize their meaningless hedonism to others

>> No.9046216

No, I wouldn't be cheering them on. My two daughters are not degenerate morons though, so it's irrelevant.

I can sit back and enjoy the idiot whores who show off their assholes in public and also prevent my own from doing it. I don't let them watch the electric Jew propaganda and I teach them proper morals.

>> No.9046223

>I don't let them watch the electric Jew propaganda and I teach them proper morals.

you are a very very rare exception - the majority of parents use TV and movies like a fucking babysitter nowadays