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904225 No.904225 [Reply] [Original]


garlic bread.

>> No.904252
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>> No.904271

bio major, not pre-med :l

>> No.904859
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International Relations
>I want to work at an embassy for the diplomatic service. I'm definitely not really qualified for this position and I only memorize stuff for the essays and the tests without really understanding it. I'm barely knowledgeable about the subject matter, but bro I'm going to get to vacation like all of the time. Important responsibilities? Yeah I'll totally ace those bro!
>I'm going to work at an embassy for the "diplomatic service". I'm extremely knowledgeable about my work, but the position I'll be assigned to will have vague duties and little to no official responsibility. I'm DEFINITELY not going into the intelligence field.

>> No.904868

>chemistry and astronomy is "god-tier"

>kinesiology, aka majoring in being a personal trainer at a globogym is in the same league as computer science(one of the highest paid majors in every online list)

Saged, hided, reported & banned

>> No.904887


Technically, Economics major (with graduate degree) is the highest paying, but engineering has the highest average. Comp Sci, Petroleum Engineering, or any engineering degree are the only ones worth getting if you only plan to get an Undergrad degree. Everything else generally needs a graduate degree to become successful.

>> No.904895

That's ignoring the fields where your employer may be likely to pay for you to go to grad school.

>> No.904948

Anything besides STEM is pretty shit.

>tfw in my 3rd year of chemical engineering in australia
>tfw most of my peers from high school are arts and business majors
>tfw my field has the hardest starting pay
>tfw I'm set for life because I choose STEM and didn't chicken out of a hard degree
>tfw they'll probably get no jobs since over saturated fields

Super super comfy right now.

>> No.904951
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Forgot pic.

>> No.904953

what's chem e like? how interesting is it?
I originally wanted to be an artist in highschool and freshman year of college but saw the bad road ahead and decided to take some stem classes. turned out to really enjoy and do well in calc 1 and 2, pyhsics and chemistry. would you recommend I go for chem e? I am currently planning for chem major but that seems to be pretty fucked

>> No.904958


I've switched to STEM recently. I'm probably the only biochemistry/biomedical engineering major who has minors in international relations, economics, and a foreign area/language.

>> No.904959
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>chemical engineering
>set for life

engineers are the number 1 group struggling to get a job and chemical engineers seem to be the worst of them all. check the unemployment statistics yourself.

sure they have slightly higher pay (cause there are so few of them). good luck.

>> No.904962

If you like chemistry, definitely go Chem E. Forget a regular chem degree all together.

It's one of the toughest majors out there though, good luck. It's very lucrative if you can make it.

>> No.904965

is international relations a real thing I wanna do it

>> No.904966

>Information Systems not on the list.
>Shit Tier

Just wanna do data stuff, man.

>> No.904968


Yes. But you have basically four possibilities:

A: Go to work in the private sector for a company doing business internationally. Get paid to translate, be a liaison etc. Alternately you can always teach English to non-native speakers and get paid.
B: Go to work for the military, segments of it love IR degrees.
C: Go to work for the State Department doing diplomatic work. Place is packed with silver spoon sucking faggots, good luck getting in and then not killing anyone.
D: Intelligence. But that's a whole other, often scary, world with some scary people in it.

>> No.904972


Lel the butthurt art major took the time to write this whole thing up

>> No.904974


>i picked the degree with the highest salary as shown by my advisor

Enjoy being stuck at that rate your whole life while your business major peers make bank.

>> No.904977

what is self employed considered?

>be me
>quit shit 9-5
>start 2 businesses
>net 50k monthly

>> No.904982
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>tfw music major

I just wanted to follow my dreams bros

how am I supposed to live with myself now? can I be saved?

>> No.904984
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>OP here
there are just so many options, I can't decide what to choose from, do I choose based on enjoyment, money, or is there another way to make these decisions.

>> No.904986

What kind of businesses? Did you invest much into the startups? I, too, am thinking of quitting 9-5 to become 50k/min masterrace.

>> No.905023


answer these

are you in a band?
what music do you play?
do you make money out of it?

if you answered "no" to the last one, well you failed at life

>> No.905034

>all those minors
Why not a double major?

>> No.905036


I already am. My original IR major qualified me for a foreign area minor and an economics minor. My biochemistry and biomedical engineering majors explicitly bar me from chemistry and biology minors even though I qualify for them. In fact given all of the philosophy that I took I could probably minor in that too.

I'd just rather not triple major at this point.

>> No.905044

I was in music before I switched to econ. Get out while you can. Plus all the money from a real job can buy you real gear.

>> No.905049

>computer science
>not god tier

>> No.905052

arts fag here
was gonna enroll in arts, but after realising its shit tier, i quit.

what should i do? i suck in maths and science so that rules out all the godtier stuff.

>> No.905055


International relations. It's more respectable than poli-sci, and gives you travel opportunities. Also just what is it that you want to do with your life?

>> No.905056

Starting 1st year of Business Admin.
Wish me luck.

>> No.905057

this may sound cheesy but, i just like to draw stuff, i was also thinking that animation would be a great choice too, but unfortunately, arts and animation fields are over saturated by tumblr fags and people who animate with power point.

I really like arts, but i also want to get a job.

What does international relations do?

>> No.905058

I'm a kinesiologist, it's really easy to make money off idiots and no one ever think about studying in kinesiology.
You only move people's muscles around, so get paid fairly enough considering what you're actually doing is nothing at all.

You only get 1 math class too.

>> No.905062

what are the requirements to be a kinesiologist, what do i have to study?

>> No.905070

Fellow Australian here. You don't have a clue about the engineering job market here if you think it's going to be easy. Go look on the whirlpool forums if you want to see how competitive graduate jobs in chemical engineering are.

>> No.905364

fukken lol delusional phaggot

>> No.905375

>mfw I'm in shit-tier because of music
I don't give a shit and I'm proud to play in my feces.

>> No.905391

>censoring shit on 4chan

>> No.905395

But once you turn 40+ nobody will employ you because you're old and outdated and young graduates are cheaper and up to date.

>> No.905399

>tfw law student
>tfw german
>tfw want to leave the country now
Great, guess I will have to do some research regarding international banking law and try my best to snatch a job at a Swiss/New York law firm.

>> No.905401
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>> No.905407

pretty spot
as a person who considered most of these majors for those exact reasons

ended up going mechanical since oil prices dropped though. It is the broadest one

>> No.905458
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Anyone here in economics? I'm in my third year and I have no idea what the fuck I'm going to do when I graduate. I just want to work a lowly middle class job.

>> No.905480

Mathematics here. Spent a lot of time with no job and no experience. Half the jobs I'd interview for would be like "Why would you want this job with a maths degree?"

Of course, I graduated with a shit GPA, so it's probably more me being a fuck-up.

>> No.905516

Same anon, except entering my senior year. It's a pretty flexible major though with lots of potential positions, assuming your GPA is at least a 3.0.

>> No.905676

Biz admin is the best, have fun wagecucks. Tfw plebs study the fuck out their minds at chemnuclear shit to get less money than a biz owner. And 60 hr/week

>> No.905781

That's when you go to grad school/start a business/write books

There's a lot of places to go after that, anon.

>> No.905793

I graduated with a degree in Econ and got a lowly middle class job. Ask me anything.

>> No.906269

Where's the math one? Or are these only the shitty ones? In that case compsci isn't like that if you're going to a proper institution for it.

>> No.906274

It's a mixture of enjoyment (i.e. can I see myself doing this for a really long time, potentially the rest of my life) and feasibility (paycheck, effort required). You need a mix between the two.

I would say answer the first requirement, and then "compromise" from there based on the second one.

An example:

Say you like doing science, you might pick pure physics or astrophysics or something.

Do your research about the profession and your potential future. Then think about things like these (for this case):

>Will I be content potentially not making a lot of money?

>Will I put in the effort to stand out as a physicist and be top of the class throughout undergrad, grad, and however many postdocs so I can get a position as an actual physicist in the future?

If you answered anything but a definite yes to those last two, you compromise from there.

In engineering you still do physics but don't need a PhD, and make more money, too.

Chem and bio are easier if you still like science and want to go "all the way."

You can also double major and minor to keep your options open and target niches at the same time.

>> No.906277

>this may sound cheesy but, i just like to draw stuff
Keep it up as a hobby while going to school for something that will pay you (and fuel your art supply). Seriously. Do you know how many famous artists, especially online, are just self-taught hobbyists? Art school is seemingly a "rich kid experience" these days.

Also, just saying, if you don't have talent, your school won't give it to you.

Source: I went to an art school for high school.

>> No.906289

How's the job market in Europe for chemists? Where can I find statistics on this?

I'm doing a PhD right now.

>> No.906509


>> No.906520

where would advertising be on these lists

>> No.906539

>won't ever work in NE

top kek someone's bitter they couldn't hack it. other than that that list is pretty accurate.

>> No.906548

>Low Tier

I guess 65k/yr with great hours and even better benefits is pretty low tbh.

That chart looks like it was written by a 300k starting mathematics major with any job he wants.

>> No.906554

>petroleum engineering

are you brown and is english your second language? or, alternatively, do you mind working on an oil rig with the bare necessities for months at a time? if so, petroleum is for you!

>i'm telling you right now you won't get a job

jokes on you i got the first one i applied for

>t. business major

the ones who "make bank" are typically STEM majors who go on to get an MBA, don't delude yourself.

>> No.906627

Your degree doesnt determine what kind of job you will get in the future. Its what you do with your degree and your experience outside the degree. The degree is a stepping stone into the working world.

>> No.906633

>trades not even listed.

well shit.

>> No.906663


So where would Actuary be?

>> No.906703

I'm only looking for a middle class job. What do you do, anon?

>> No.906714
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post the relevant one you massive faggot

>> No.906723

>still no trade jobs

help I need validation from nobodies on an american multisubject imageboard.

>> No.906728

>business majors are shit

you obviously know nothing about the field then. work hard, network, and you'll eventually be getting paid more than all the Top Tier and some God Tier ones too. motivation is key.

>> No.906732

It's sort of unrelated to economics. I work in fraud investigation for a big auto lender. It's an interesting job but I feel like I got jewed on the salary ($43k/yr). It's not necessarily a bad salary for straight out of college, but I think I could asked for more and probably would've gotten it.

>> No.906735


Actuary is Mathematics AND Statistics, so in between God/Top Tier, but eventually getting to the God tier, depending on what you Minor in, or double Major in, or even what type of companies you work for. If you work for the normal insurance companies, then it's just Top Tier, but if you work for really unusual Actuary jobs, then it's God Tier.

>> No.906744
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Well said, back in 2011 I was mad keen to do astrophysics but I had a think about it and picked EE instead. After studying the engineering physics courses I'm pretty glad I made the change.

>> No.906745

What the fuck is a networking major?

>> No.906746

What would be better?

Computer Science or Software Engineering at the University of Waterloo?

I really like Software Engineering more, since it deals with the product from the beginning till the end, and incorporates the user experience, but some people say CS pays more, but then some say SE pays WAY more...

Which one do you think pays more, straight out of undergrad?

>> No.906749

You learn how to shill.

>> No.906751

computer science at waterloo is fantastic. almost 100% of undergrads there get a job straight out of college.

>> No.906754


I talked to one of the Admissions Officers today, and he told me exactly how to get into Waterloo for Math, or CS, or Software Eng

>Get an 85 in Advanced Functions and Calculus&Vectors

>70 in English is enough

>DO THE SUPPLEMENTARY AIF or you will be denied

>Get an 88% minimum in your top 6 courses, and you're GUARANTEED this year.

That's literally, so easy for me to get, I already have 3/6 done, and I'm just finishing off my English, and Adv. Functions + Calculus right now, so I might actually finish before December, and he said if I want I could apply for the January Admissions, and he said that requires the same average, but I'll get a spot much sooner (way early offer).

So, if I get accepted to CS or SE, you'd still recommend CS over SE?

Any reason why?

>> No.906756

Look at the degrees of the 1000? richest people in the world. What percentage are STEM? What percentage bothered with a degree? I hate these threads they are irrelevant as fuck. Knowledge is power the more you have of it the better your understanding of the world and what makes it up holistically. There is no such thing as shitty knowledge. And you cucks wonder why you're not the chosen ones

>> No.906760

I'm being biased, but my father graduated from carleton university with a BS in computer science and then went to Waterloo and got his Master's for it there.

waterloo is in the top 3 schools in Canada, and the number 1 school for the computer science program.

I do not know enough about their software engineering but I do know that if you go there for Computer Science, you'll be set for life.

>> No.906769

I think you people are seriously underestimating the usefulness of Finc/Econ/ gen business/ business database design

At my (public mind you) school, JPM runs an actual feeder program. They literally will nab you in jr year and let you ride out your college career getting fucking 30/hr as a god damn intern. (you have to work quite a bit though)
and if you dont wash out you are guaranteed at least 75K starting. Not to mention that nearly any business that you're looking to get hired by is gonna have a division or some form of internal money management people. Be sure to take the technical courses, and try to have some analysis write ups for your job search portfolio. If your school has a good program, you should use it to pick up as many certs as you can (bloomberg certs seem very impressive but are actually a complete joke for example)

The big 4 acct firms also recruit, and thats an easy 50k straight out of school, with lots of room to move up or jump over. I would say that accounting is going to be a safe bet for graduates for about another 6-8 years or so, but they are at high risk for automation. Still, an accounting degree (with good gpa) proves that you are at the very least a competent individual

Econ has lots of versatility, and as long as you dont pussy out and get a BA, people know that you can do at least moderately tough calc and whatnot. Its a great option to pick up as a minor or double major

gen business is shit to major in, but it wouldnt be a bad minor, since the classes will be heavily teamwork and presentation oriented, and will get you primed for corporate work. not to mention the networking opportuninites, which is vitally important.

data base design is sought after as well. people want to see advanced excel. they will go wild for SQL. (GIS is a good idea too)

taking a business/technical writing course is essential. it can seriously set you apart and wil serve you all throughout your career

>> No.906771

this, but you should note that companies like JP Morgan, Charles Schwab, etc. are hiring students from Ivy Leagues and high-target schools usually.

if you're from a non-target school, then you need to put yourself out there. it's not guaranteed, but it could quite possibly happen

>> No.906792

typically true, but like I said they have an established feeder program with my alma mater. I wish I wasnt such a rebellious asshole who didnt want to work for 'the man' (its also something that you have to be gunning for from day 1.

But otherwise the big names make their rounds like they do at every school in the top 100. Sure they're only taking the top percentage (unless you're a pretty girl. not kidding) but they'll at least give you a shot and take your resume.

Obviously being a minority helps. I've got a brown friend who is set with JPM, since hes competent and adds to their quota.

I also know MANY pretty blonde girls who got jobs straight out of undergrad, and its pretty clear why.

all the pretty blonds in accounting got absolutely pounced on. Several of the 'go out literally every night' /5-year-plan/ mrs degree girls got highly paid do-nothing jobs strictly for their looks.

lots of fucking early childhood education majors siphoned money off of government grants to do 'research' such as 'the effect of dance on learning ability'

im ranting

>> No.906793


Yeah I was talking to a University rep today, and they said it's a good idea if I could double Major or Minor in something else, for example I'm thinking of doing Computer Science, or Software Engineering, or just Mathematics (Financial Math), and they said it would be a good idea to Minor or double Major in Business, or Economics, or even do two minors, or even a triple Major.

They said, do as much school as you can/want, because that's what's going to set you apart in the application file, the more qualifications you have, the better off you'll be when they sift through resumes. Writing "Triple Major - Mathematics (Mathematical Finance), Computer Science, and Business" will set you apart like nothing else.

But again, do you want to spend the extra 2-3 years, to make the next 50 years of your life extremely better? Definitely, but most people just won't do it, or give up.

I'm not crazy about a triple Major, but I'm thinking of doing a double Major, in Mathematics or Computer Science or Software Engineering, with Business or Economics, most likely Business though, since it looks like it makes more sense.

>> No.906795


So since I'm brown, what if I changed genders, like Caitlyn Jenner, and used the "transgender story", will that get me hired in the next 4-5 years, because of how the US/Canada is moving towards "Gender fluidity"?

>> No.906809

>But again, do you want to spend the extra 2-3 years, to make the next 50 years of your life extremely better? Definitely, but most people just won't do it, or give up.

careful with this.

sure, lots of people treat college as a 4 year party (I was decently guilty of this) and end up not utilizing the full potential of the opportunity.

But there's also the other side of the coin. People who immerse themselves in academics, and end up either burning out or graduating with lots of titles but few memories.

By all means, get as educated as you can, but its worth it to realize that everything has an opportunity cost. A triple major of in-demand degrees is a great advantage, but you should be aware that degrees dont matter as much as undergrads are led to believe.

what I mean by that is; degrees are very important to someone starting his career. But they become progressively less relevant as you accumulate job experience and positions.

Not to mention that degrees are not the only thing that employers want to see. You will eventually be interviewed by a real human. And that person is going to be screening you on other factors as well. Personality, life style, 'well roundedness' Etc.

Basically, I would advise against triple majoring unless you are confident that you can still strike a balance. If your academic load is too high, it can impact your GPA, prevent you from participating in clubs (which is something employers want to see) and hinder you socially (which effects networking)

I only say all this because I bought into the utmost importance of academics too, but post graduation showed me that my GPA didnt matter nearly as much as I thought, and I (along with many others) ended up getting hired due to networking.

That being said, Math majors are the single most sought after. Definitely go math + a differentiatior

>> No.906834


I see, so don't make academics the ONLY goal in university then.

Also, what do you think about Earth and Atmospheric Science? (You seem to be pretty knowledgeable).

York University is the only university in Canada that offers a Space Science program, anything good about doing that? I think it would be very interesting, and I'd actually be "into" it.


^link for program page.

>> No.906838
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>tfw natural mind for calculus
>tfw parents forced me to go to law school

>> No.906842


and? How are you doing now?

>> No.906848

Pretty good, I guess.
I work in my father and his partner's office. I'm pretty good and experienced in jurisprudence, but I feel very unsatisfied. I'm thinking of enroling for a doctorate.

>> No.906849


so did your dad have a practice before you entered law school?

makes sense how he'd force you towards it, the family business is gonna help you out bruh

got that fall back money to do whatever you want

go for the doctorate!

>> No.906852

>so did your dad have a practice before you entered law school?
Yeah, they did.
My father is very pleased of me so far. Thanks.

>> No.906857


Hmm.. id say this is good and bad. First the bad:
im a little confused because the courseload seems sparse for a 4 year degree.

Its worth mentioning that if you are interested in being a rocket scientist or something than this is NOT the program for you. Those guys are gonna want to see very heavy mathematics and physics work. Not to mention that a bachlors isnt going to cut it. If you really want to take that path, you need to go physics +math/ engineering. Which is out of my scope of knowledge.

I forgot to take into account that you are heading into college... the mistake that many freshman make is that they have been 'naturally gifted' (I was) or otherwise were smart kids in highschool, and they think that this will carry over to college. The thing to keep in mind is that youll be attending (presumably) the best school you get accepted into. Which means that you will no longer be above average. Every year, the Pre-med, Pre-law, Bio-chem, Investment management, Engineering, etc classes are packed to the fucking brim, and every year half those kids switch, fail or drop out, because they overestimated their abilities. Just be aware

But if you do really like that program:

>> No.906861
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You would be a hero and a beautiful human being

>> No.906864


It has a lot to offer.
My schools Earth/ocean program was pretty good. Its a specific area so its often overlooked. I worked with the school on interdisciplinary research projects on the economics side. (I was the guy who ran the CBAs and told them their ideas weren't feasible) and I very much enjoyed it.

From what I see from a brief look at the home page, it looks like the most useful aspects would be

air quality/ atmospheric analysis ( perfect for an environmental role. air quality is becoming more and more of a mainstream corporate / public concern. envrio-business analysis and consulting is quite lucrative. also might lend itself to carbon credit fields. weather dynamics is interesting.

GIS! I cannot stress this enough. use everything in your power to get GIS certified through your school. its got tons of applications. fields from public policy, marketing, agriculture, energy (oil especially) everybody is looking for GIS right now. Combine a solid GIS background with some data presentation skills (native GIS can be confusing for non users) and you'll be very prepared for the job market.

The space stuff I dont have much experience in. but satellites are a safe bet I suppose. They threw some generic cool sounding classes (spaceship design??) but as I said before, your gonna need hardcore physics and engineering to do that.

You said before that you were considering math / comp sci/business.

Im biased in this due to my own education background, but I think there is lots of opportunity for synergy between the Earth/ocean/ atmosphere program and a math/compsci/ econ or related degree.

Math is obvious. comp sci is a great idea in that its perfect for simulations and data analytics /presentation of the EOA subjects. Econ and finance could be used in a similar way, economic modeling is something that gets overlooked by the hard science folks much of the time, but if it isnt economically feasible, then it isnt really feasible at all.

>> No.906868


Awesome, thanks for the POVs!

Alright I think I'll probably do a Math related undergrad first, then after 1-2 years decide if I want to do a second degree in something else like this Space Science thing, or not.

Gives me some time to network and get to know college life and how much I can take on, compared to high school right now.

Thanks for all the help, its much appreciated!

>> No.906879


I disagree.

I studied Political Science and Classics, now I'm managing a team in a financial services firm. I'm two years out of school so I figure my future is pretty bright.

If you're intelligent you can rise rapidly in any organization. You just need drive and basic social skills.

>> No.906907


>not God tier

Ya goofed

>> No.906909


What is geology? How is it 'god tier' material? isn't it just studying rocks?

>> No.906921


I didn't go to college - the post.

>> No.906922

Who do you think mining companies go to when figuring out where to dig?

>> No.906923


Geologists, but it doesn't seem to be a career with a lot of jobs, so wouldn't it be harder to get one?

>> No.906926

You'd be surprised. You need geologists for things like geothermal heating systems as well. My uni got set back millions of dollars because they tried to skimp on geological consulting when constructing theirs.

>> No.906927


This is what a lot of kids don't take into account I have found.

Something like math. They see the $140k jobs for it but not only do they frequently require advanced degrees but there are only like 100 of those positions in the entire country.

By this logic majoring in library science is a good bet since university librarians make six figures consistently... good luck getting one of the 50 jobs though.

>> No.906940

Yo /biz/ how can I make money off my history/polisci double major. I just started sophomore year at a top 20 university and don't want to be poor.

>> No.906944


yes but geothermal heating systems have probably been done for so many institutions you can just pick and choose from different existing plans and make a few MINOR changes for your place, and it'll be fine

so again, the salary is way down

It might be important, but if it just has 1 job (mining) that actually pays well, with like 100 jobs in the USA, then its fucking useless, unless you have previous connections and know/will know people in the industry that can get you a job

it seems like a heavily network dependent thing, even more dependent than getting a job at fucking Google

I'm sorry I just don't see it as a God tier degree, perhaps there's something else I'm missing?

>> No.906946


Yep, i always look at that, everyone says "do this, so much money" but then i ask them how many jobs, and is it easy to find one, "no, there's only 10 jobs in this province/state"

>> No.908110

I'm happy for you, m8. There's a guy in my physics classes set on astro but he seems a bit naive and not nearly as bright as the engineers (never thought I'd say this but I go to a top 10 eng school) and I can't help but feel a bit sorry for him.

>> No.908121

>At my (public mind you) school
Michigan? I'm there and I saw a JPM internship poster on display a couple weeks ago. Don't remember if they were taking math majors, but
>doing math/physics
>plan on grad school right after ugrad
>sadly have to look past prestigious company internships for summer research at universities/nat'l labs instead
I do want to pursue research though so my interest in finance/business is kind of half-assed anyway.

>> No.908141
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bumping for an answer

>> No.908194
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>Small/ commercial appliance repair certification
>not on the list
How does it feel knowing you could have fixed people's washing machines and retired at 60?

>> No.908327

Entrepreneurship is true God-tier. All else is naturally lower.

>> No.908370

Thinking of getting a ccba certification. Is it worth it as far of employment opportunities are concerned?


>> No.909322

Right before I started my 4th year of college, I realized how shit Psychology was and how more and more interested I became in Physics and Chemistry. I wish I had a huge reset button to eliminate all debt and GPA classes to get a practical degree. Alas, I am in debt $26,000 and haven't even graduated yet because of my lack of motivation to go on and actually finish a degree in Psychology.

>> No.909330

Alright, I'll bite. What actual job market is there for physics and mathematics majors besides education and PhD-required jobs?

>> No.909342

underrated post

no entrepreneurs = no jobs

>> No.909501

I feel for you, anon.
They've discussed this to death on /sci/ and physicsforums, the answer is that it's pretty limited in terms of actually doing what you studied during your major, apart from high school teaching. This isn't to say you're only gonna be stuck with shit jobs, but the odds really are against you, especially with the flood of engineers on the market.
I really see them, especially physics, as "research foundation" degrees though, that you springboard off of for your eventual PhD. This is coming from someone that wants to pursue research, though.
For anyone that doesn't aim for a PhD or high school teaching, the physics bachelor's won't really serve them well. They'd really be a lot better off in engineering, which in the U.S. is also a pretty prestigious career.

>> No.909663

Geography doesnt get oil money. They study people and cultures not rocks. Geography is people who couldnt do geology because of chem pre-req.

>> No.909675

Oil, mines, Mars. God-tier.

>> No.909678

Theres tons of geologist demand. Its lower now because of low oil but tons of people need geologist. Most grad schools will fund you for an Ms or phd.

>> No.909686

Most entrepreneurs simply fill a void created by demand.

>> No.909725

Hey, Forestry is just as valid of a choice for somebody wishing to grow marijuana in Northern California. The person who made this has obviously never heard of Humboldt State...

>> No.909749

Would you rather be an employer or an employee?

>> No.909890
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>mfw people actually think physics is good

regards, physics major

>> No.909917

what do you do it for? having trouble justifying my physics major

>> No.909942

Had a friend that was music major. Had to listen to her talk about college was fun and easy while im busting my ass in mechanical engineering. She's currently working as a driver for a funeral home, top kek. 4 years of tuition for nothing.

>> No.909947

I though I really liked to the subject then you realise that it's hard as fuck and there's no real job prospects unless you go the PHD route (still not worth it).

>> No.909948


>> No.909963

what year into the major are you?

>> No.909969

Physics has benefitted me immensely as an entrepreneur and investor.

I've started 2 high-tech businesses so far (I'm 31) and because of my deep domain knowledge I've identified several valuable startups and invested in them before they blew up, leaving me with a nice piece of each pie.

Basically, it's never a bad idea to become highly educated in *the* field that forms the basis for all scientific and technological innovation. Also pretty much all physicists can find work as engineers, but not the other way around. In addition, physicists can also find work in the financial sector thanks to our superior analytical skills. Finally, physics is not as saturated as engineering is so there's actually some good jobs left.

Just my thoughts.

>> No.909970

just started final year

>> No.909975

The skills are very transferable tbh, a lot of people studying are trying to squabble for a few prestigious PHD placements though, did you do BSc or MPhys or a PHD?

>> No.909981

BSc then MSc
I would've gone for a PhD if it weren't for the fact that I got the opportunity to co-found a great startup

>> No.910629

>implying you need a business major to do business related work

Business majors in general and admin. Is just a big knowledge guide. Our whole course can be pirated and anyone with a good savings account can accomplish what took us years to study for within half the time. Stop being an asshat, I make only 70k annual and I wish I went into computer science instead of receiving phone calls from mr. Olsen at 4am in the morning telling me that he had a bad dream that that products<services

>> No.910765

Not gonna lie that sounds hilarious.

The problem is, while you can easily learn all you need online, from what I understand it's nearly impossible to get hired without an actual degree.

>> No.910768


It was a maturity thing mostly, I was young and watched too many space documentaries lol

>> No.910778

You guys do understand that you can work for the state department? Its filled with silver spoon kids who come from the Ivy's. The department is desperate for people outside of this group, because these silver spoon kids are mostly idiots. Also if you're a minority then it helps for the department image. The test is the most random test you'll take in your life. The interviews have no set amount of people needed for hte next round. Everyone can pass if you work together. If you're trying to break into the families of elites this is the place you want to do it. Its filled with the kids of the 0.5% and above. Best benefits and mandatory leave to the US once a year. You developed business and military contacts. This board wants power and this job provides it for you and so many people don't know about this job. Its a standard office job but it has its perks.

>> No.910792

You can be completely disconnected with reality and logic itself and still go places- just look at Bernie Sanders

>> No.910793

Double major. A few more hours, but that way you have both doors (dream and money) open should both happen to come through your preferred door

>> No.910846


>> No.910882

Political science doesn't imply politician, anon. Most politicians go to law school.

>> No.910885

Depends. Plenty of employees have easy lives and plenty of employers are stressed as fuck. Why would I ever choose the latter if it's a situation like that? I'm not out for a power trip, man.

>> No.911450

Finally adjust this list.

Put Law (in the US) into Shit Tier because of the ridiculous risk youre taking and put Law (in Switzerland and Germany) into God Tier because of the ridiculously high salaries combined with the non existing risk youre taking thanks to the european social system.

>> No.911457

>medicine in god-tier

Fucking bait

>> No.911525
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>dumb girls
Fuck you buddy, somebody's gotta change your bedpan and set your catheter when you're old and decrepid or have an horrible accident. Even if nurses start out as dumb girls they harden the fuck up real quick. They see shit nobody else does and get paid a fraction of what the guy that runs around with a notepad handing out prescriptions gets.

You can piss off your doctor. You can piss off your lawyer. You can piss off your accountant. Don't ever, ever piss off your nurse.

>> No.911555



>> No.911567
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Mining Engineer-In-Training here, graduated last November.

No jobs out there in mining as far as I can see (Teck hit fucking 5.90 2 days ago - what is this, 2009 all over again?), so I've been working as a Civil EIT. The money is okay and I've been able to pick up some marketable skills, but the work is just too damn cookie cutter.

>tfw you miss working in operations
>tfw your career isn't progressing like you want it to
>tfw your boss thinks you've got a better analytical mindset and better report-writing abilities than Civil grads do, but you just want to work towards becoming a mine manager

Life is pain.

>> No.911578

should i switch from accounting to math? im tryna be god tier

>> No.911581

get a real job

>> No.911586

21 year old college student that fell for the university meme here.
Gonna minor in accounting and graduate soon. Right now I'm working at Sears, what should I be doing instead of working retail. Obviously anything but where do I look for internships and such

>> No.911589

Talk to accounting firms, be persistent in pursuing work with them?

You're a student, so they wouldn't be looking for a skilled worker - they're looking for somebody that they can mold into one of their own, and who'll be graduating with the credentials that they're looking for.

Go up to their front desk and drop off a business card that has a link to your LinkedIn profile, try to set up an informational interview with somebody in a management position, get to know the company and the business like that. If something opens up you'll be the first guy on their mind. Stay in contact as much as you can.

That generally works in the engineering world - it might work in your field, too. Getting work experience while you're still a student is key- I wish somebody had told me that back then.

Good luck!

>> No.911599

Thanks m8

>> No.911631

What does /biz/ think of Actuarial Science? I read that the starting salary is typically around 100k+ for Actuaries. What are some good degrees to double up with it?

>> No.911634

>didn't study for engineering
>forced to switch programs
>found a calling in biology, but I know it will get me no jobs

>> No.911646

Is Business Administration a bad major?

>> No.911767

math actually was good enough to enter CS.

I can still take the math related subjects of CS if I want.

It's a pretty useful degree in this country (Netherlands) from surveys the avg salary is higher than CS.

>> No.911780

What are your thoughts on IT? I seem to be getting a lot of very mixed opinions.

>> No.912443


>studied physics
>at insurance company now


>> No.912453
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>Philosophy major
>40k starting
>mid-career salary is 80k

>> No.912464


I majored in math and work 9-5 making enough bank to subsidise whatever I want to do with the rest of my day. My arts major buddies are working multiple part time jobs and barely have time to make art.

If you dont get into a god tier performing arts school then just find a career where you can make decent money without ridiculous hours and let that fund your performances

>> No.912467

Focus on your exams

Minors in comp sci, finance, or econ open up some of the oddball roles that drift into god tier (investment risk consulting actuaries are going to be huge and already make bank), but you have to leave time to finish at least 2 of the first 4 exams.

And being white is a huge plus in actuarial science, especially consultant subdivisions, because the field is saturated with indians and chinese who are math geniuses but cant communicate

>> No.912479

but what jobs can a philosophy major even get?

>> No.912487

None really.

Over here in Netherlands phil major gets paid 200 more than minimum wage (1500) on average starting. Useless degree

>> No.913387

Alright, I'm gonna start a company manufacturing X.

I need scientists, engineers, finance, facilities, HR, management, legal, IT. What good is a philosophy major to me? They have no real worth outside of the educational system. Get your teaching certs and you could probably land an alright position.

Not saying philosophy is a waste of time, but it's not useful from a business perspective.

Case in point: Shift manager at my local chipotle has a degree in psychology.

>> No.913888

>Biz admin is the best, have fun wagecucks. Tfw plebs study the fuck out their minds at chemnuclear shit to get less money than a biz owner. And 60 hr/week

You call people plebs for working in an intellectually challenging job which actually contributes to something and applaud those who only steal from those who actually contribute.

>> No.913893

CS can be learned 100% online too and infact thats pretty much what the university does: upload shit for you to do and then you write exams about it. And CS is even the most welcoming industry for autodidacts.

>> No.913956
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So do I have to go for a Masters if I'm taking Economics?

>> No.913959

>senior music major at private liberal arts college

feels bad man.

>> No.914063

are you jewish?

>> No.914112
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>> No.914121

Either a talentless writer or a master manipulator

>> No.914123


>> No.914128
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>> No.914138

>cant even come up with anything good for finance

>> No.914282
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>EE isn't even on there
>no one cares enough about EE to even shit on it
>least of all the EE's

>> No.914308

3rd year in community college. Taking intro to micro and taken macro. I'm in the same boat Anon we'll figure out one day

>> No.914312
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>studied Journalism
>got a job as a freelance copywriter 2 months after graduation
>have zero exp with copy writing
>am being trained
>praying that i do not fuck up

>> No.914336

I got my associates in psychology because therapy interests me but you can't do fuck all without at least a masters. I wish I was smart enough for STEM, I'm a goddamn child when it comes to math

>> No.914347

the type of math you need for a STEM (except for pure mathematics) bachelors isn't difficult if you're willing to put in the work.

>> No.914349

>large family business
>father is one of the directors there
>massive take over attempt by competitor
>was unsuccessful, but scared my father since no one on the board had any legal experience and had to spend a fortune on lawyers
>forced me to take up law so I would get into corporate law so when I joined the board I would be useful

I understand why he did it, but im still not happy doing law. The people who do law are so arrogant.

>> No.914353

Anything besides maths, physics, computer science and engineering is not good.

These four majors especially maths and engineering provide you with the technical knowledge to work in any field you want.

Can an accountant become a programmer? No. A physicist, engineer or mathematician can. Can an engineer or mathematician work as an accountant? Of course.

Most jobs involve problem solving and STEM graduates are the best problem solvers. It makes no sense to major in anything else major. Add in the fact that the job market for humanities and business majors is horrible I think it'd best to get some useful skills/knowledge under your belt.

>> No.914378

>not good enough for physics
95% of physics concepts are invented by philosophers

and that throws your entire chart into disgrace

inb4 phil major, nope, i just did some phil in high school

>> No.914380

>needing Hr
top kek

>> No.914382

most STEMs can't ask a girl out
if you expect to run a company with just STEMs, expect zero sales

>> No.914394

>95% of physics concepts are invented by philosophers
not only is that bullshit, but concepts are worth less than dogshit without rigorous proof, and that's something that philosophers are unable to provide.

>> No.914404

>Can an engineer or mathematician work as an accountant? Of course.
Not really. They're obviously smart enough to learn, but accounting is totally different. Critical thinking is only part of the job, you need to know how businesses work and what principles need to be followed.

>> No.914524

Wew lad.

You need salespeople, graphic designers, advertisers, not to mention there's a whole world called labor where people make tons of money knowing how to weld, spin a wrench, or twist wires.

You need writers, and at least some form of legal advice, so when someone inevitably hurts themselves with your product you aren't liable.

Also need an IT team, and compsci isn't exactly that. Many compsci grads can barely maintain their own computer, they learn just about nothing when it comes to admin/hardware skills.

>> No.914529

not really. yes they are useful skills, but if you wanted to work in 'high finance', management consultant, or some other highly desirable field, you're better off not doing one of those fields. they're so demanding that they'll prevent you from doing what really matters; demonstrating leadership and team skills. if you do something like finance/commerce you'll have all the time in the world to be involved with student politics, get important positions with relevant clubs, etc.

even if you do get into something non-tech related, you'll have to work hard to prevent being seen as the 'numbers guy'. it's hard to move up the ladder when you're stuck behind a spreadsheet.

also, you cannot just 'work as an accountant' without qualifications.

>> No.914564

in fact modern physics has made whole branches of philosophy redundant... philosophers can't even begin to argue about certain areas these days as they don't have sufficient grounding in physics to understand

>> No.914569

Seriously want the secret to making a ton of money as soon as possible? Well here it is folks. Learn a fucking trade especially anything Precision Machining. If you can operate a CNC lathe or mill move to the rust belt and pretty much name your price. It is instant money and isn't even hard.

>> No.914576

>Learn a fucking trade
Seriously the best troll /biz/ ever came up with, and perhaps one of the finest trolls on all of 4chan. It's even better than /fit/'s legendary SS+GOMAD troll, because while the latter will only make you fat for a few months until you realise you've been duped, the "learn a trade" troll will literally ruin your fucking life.

It's such a deliciously brutal troll, I fucking love it

>> No.914581

Learning a trade is one of the best things you can do in America. There aren't a lot of young people going into those fields. They pay better than the average college graduate. Take elevator repairman/installers. They make 80k a year.

>> No.914582

Look if you want to stay in the finance is king bulls hit circle jerk that's fine. Just know there are jobs starting at $20 an hour and more in trades. A 2 year degree if that and you can start making good money thay you can save most of then after a couple years easily start your own business.

>> No.914589

who cares if they make slightly above average? who respects an elevator repairman? think of your girl, shes gonna have to introduce you like "heres my man, the elevator installer"

have some ambition, don't go for some low ceiling low status job

>> No.914593

>He cares what other people think of him
HAHAHAHAH. Stay pleb, faggot. Also your girl will like you for who you are and if you're giving her the old lickaroo every night, then she's content with you.

>> No.914596

Most beta post of the year award. Not even a tradesman here.

>W-what will muh girl's friends think?

>> No.914605


>learn a trade

yeah if you want to be a physical labor monkey your entire life, shit benefits, and absolutely shitty advancement options. Retire when you die due to lack of benefits and healthcare.

>> No.914609

I'm not saying do it for life. Do it while you work on building your own company or getting a better degree. Trade jobs are the best starting jobs to get money to move into something else. Plus CNC and Industrial Robotics are barely physical labor and a lot of places have pretty sweet benefits.

>> No.914614

To be fair though, "here's my man, an accountant" isn't much more exciting. Maybe "CPA" might sound a bit better, but it wouldn't surprise me if some people didn't even know what that was.

>> No.914636

>who respects an elevator repairman
A building manager with a broken elevator for starters.
People can respect skills regardless of what they are. His day job may be repairing elevators, but he's probably handy as fuck at home and women love that shit. People respect hard working tradesmen, at least where I'm from anyway.

>> No.914639

>implying you will have these jobs
haha, that's cute purdue nukefag.

>> No.914648
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It's mostly because EE is a solid major and there isn't much to say about it that would be funny. I could have put something like

Electrical Engineering
>You might as well minor in maths

>> No.914690

>rigorous proof
what's quantum mechanics?

You need to be able to theorize something and then prove it to begin with, and you immediatelly jump at the proof element.
Also what's Popper's falsicability criteria?
You clearly do not know and that's why you suck.
Occluded minded that's typical of engineers. Correct me if I'm wrong... lol.

>> No.914750
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>what's quantum mechanics?
something you haven't got the slightest clue about. even non-physical/idealized examples are mathematically sound in quantum mechanics. that's why a particle in an infinite well is always the first thing taught when introducing the concept of energy quantization.

not that i would expect a retard whose knowledge of quantum mechanics is derived from tv shows to know that.

>> No.914758


Majority of the people on executive committee's /boards any one of the following combos



Accounting + CA/CPA

With a sprinkling of Engineering majors.......

Literally read countless annual reports for reference.

Anything else is bunch of garbage.

>> No.914784

Actually its more like:
Ivy League undergrad or equivalent top school
Harvard Business School or equivalent top school
Your major only matters if you school cant offer you anything else, except what your degree says.

>> No.914785

Biggest bullshit list ever. The MEDIAN salary for a fucking Economics major is no way in hell 100k.

>> No.914792

El oh el. My uncle does that and he's got it made. Nice house, great wife, 3 kids. Since he's actually willing to work and good at his job, he makes crazy overtime and special pay covering important events, even though he doesn't actually work that much more than 40 hours/week.

Pretty nice meme tbh.

>> No.914795

this guy gets it. The reality is that top 1000 richest can have some non-traditional education as well (mentors, tutors, business partners, experiments they ran themselves) which won't show up, but is what helps them keep on top. If you're starting from the bottom or the middle, a degree is very important. Don't just do the bare fucking minimum though. Got time? Go to the library and pick a book.

>> No.914801

Started Electricy-focused mechatronics.
How fucked I'm?

>> No.914802

Or, you know, you could just browse the web. In the modern world theres no reason for you to not be informed or knowledgeable in a vast amount of fields. You can accumulate so much information and knowledge simply by cross boarding this shitty website its almost unreal. Simply double check facts and come up with your own conclusions, do research on certain topics etc. Learn to critically approach topics and problems, a skill very, very few people still possess.

We have unlimited knowledge at our fingertips yet most people are stuck on social media spamming emojis.

>> No.914834

Chem guy here, yeah a BS in chem is pretty comfy, but don't expect to make >50k out the door. I worked at a chemical plant as a QC tech with a poly sci major making 33k. It sucked and max I think I could pull from that company working for >5 years is maybe 60k as senior analyst.

>> No.914939

I wasn't implying shit you massive retard. And that 70k you're getting? that's your own damn fault, so don't cry about it.

>> No.915039

>implying I won't be dead by 40

>> No.915058

>3 aunts who are nurses
>cousin who is a nurse
>younger cousin had uni payed for before graduating HS because they needed nurses so bad
>all of them have infinite job security making $60k+ in the midwest where a 2000sqft house on 14 acres barely costs $100k

>> No.915105

I need to decide which Graduate degree to pursue. There are basically 3 options.

I got a B.Sc. in Business Information Systems (like 40% Business, 60% Computer Science) and interned as business analyst at one of the biggest companies in Europe and my GPA is literally the best one this school has seen in years, almost perfect.

My options are
A) specializing as a Data Warehouse Specialist which would enable me to do all kinds of database related work from setting them up to administration to doing analytics.
As I understand it people like this are in high demand but there aren't many jobs at the same time.

B) specialization as a software engineer, I guess that needs no explanation

c) specialization as IT manager, like consulting companies on their IT infrastructure and managing software projects

What would you do in my position?

>> No.915189

Honestly I would go with the Data Warehouse Specialist. It's only going to become more in demand as time goes on, it relates to your degree the most, and it gives you a diverse skill set. Doing things like the IT manager could potentially be learned on the job. In fact I would assume you would do things like it as you move farther along your career. And I would disregard software engineering, since that tends to be a very different field than the other two options.

>> No.915204
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I'm hoping to transfer to A&M's Business school, but most likely I will change to Agribusiness.
Is Agribusiness a fairly good choice?
How different is it to regular Business (Studies, Jobs, etc.)?

>> No.915224

That's the beauty of the boomers becoming elderly. They've got money and need people to take care of them.

>> No.915352

I'm currently pursuing a degree in Mathematics and getting good grades. What should I do now while in uni to make my resume stand out?

>> No.916038

Has anyone got any tips for me?

I'm a first year Maths undergrad (UK), I'm looking to not end up like some of the failures you see on /biz/. I'm doing my best to make my CV as appealing as possible, and I'm reading as many documents and shit as I can and basically doing everything in my power to make myself employable.

Ideally, I'd like to get into research, but I know that's unlikely, that leaves me with two other realistic options (well, unless I've filtered out something, shit like IT looks shit), finance or engineering.

Engineering's probably not for me, but I suppose it holds my interest as a backup.

Now for the part /biz/ gives a shit about, to be even remotely employable in finance, you need commercial awareness - I lack this, how do I get it?

Naturally, I intend to lurk /biz/ although I was surprised to see the lack of a sticky, any good advice or Pastebins?

>> No.916067

I don't know how internships work in the UK, but get an internship. It's vital for a business major and helps to make you stand out from others.

>> No.916099

Same got a BS in biological sciences. Worked at a Large Pharmaceutical company doing Quality Assurance. They paid me $13.50/hr. FML Bio degree without doing a PHD/Masters, or going the premed or prepharm or even Medical Lab tech is Beyond Shit tier. Can have an associates in bio and get paid the same as a lab tech or research assistant.

Thankfully about to get my CPA by next summer

>> No.916710

>I don't know how internships work in the UK, but get an internship. It's vital for a business major and helps to make you stand out from others.
That's the plan (once I'm done with all of these documents, I'll be off to the careers service), but like I said, I really need commercial awareness, although I could build that during the internship... sounds good.

>> No.916720

Senior medical student.
Going into ophthalmology

>> No.916779

>since over saturated fields
Honestly, what fields aren't over saturated these days?

I don't even mean that as a joke, I'm struggling to name a single field that isn't over saturated (teaching, maybe?). It's half the reason that I'm currently a maths undergrad (it's a versatile enough degree that if I can't get into research then I can try finance and if that fails then I could do engineering or if all else fails teaching... or at least, I HOPE it's that versatile).

>> No.916780

>check the unemployment statistics yourself.
Know any good UK sources for this?

>> No.916785

What about Biomedical? I've got a lot of friends that fucked up in college and ended up doing that, although a couple of them got good grades and did it by choice at a good uni.

>> No.916786

Actually, it's kinda odd that a lot of this thread (and indeed, /biz/ in general) has mentioned over saturation and yet a bunch of engineering things are top tier. Why's that?

>> No.916817
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Fuck me, I've posted in this thread too much, but this is the best I could find.
Source: http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/dcp171776_337841.pdf

>> No.917083

Except now people with Medicine degrees are getting massive wage cuts at entry level, I feel bad for them

>> No.917088


>> No.917224


>> No.917234

Why do people act that (most) majors even matter when people in fucking liberal arts and sciences are able to take jobs in banking, business, investments, etc?

Seriously majors don't matter anymore unless you literally majored in art. Talking about big shot cities like NY and Dubai btw

>> No.917244

That's the dumbest thing I've heard all day. Fuck off with that shit logic.

>> No.917256

I wonder....

Engineering or finance. Pick one, be as specific or as general as you want.

I'm asking because when I've finished my maths degree (I'm only a first year now, UK), I'll have a good shot at both, but I'm unsure which one to go for. I've been convinced that finance is pretty fucking good and I'll be looking for an internship, but I've yet to really see much for or against engineering, although I suspect it is oversaturated. Thoughts?

>> No.917259

Tfw double majored in Anthropology (focusing on physcial/forensic) and Geology

I know I will probably never use my anthro knowledge, but it was a lot of fun

>> No.917263

>That's the dumbest thing I've heard all day. Fuck off with that shit logic.
Why? Because it's true?

>> No.917287

With his logic, a company like Wells Fargo is going to hire a Life Sciences major over a Risk & Insurance major. Or a Political Science major over a Finance & Banking major.

>> No.917288 [DELETED] 

I conduct a business in Japan!
I want to sell a Japanese product abroad.
I am looking for a broker.
The one with the interest
Please inform it of

>> No.917289

If you're telling me a degree doesn't matter anymore, then you're a maximum idiot.

>> No.917735

>ctrl+f architecture
>0 found

Yea, im pretty sure we are the irrelevant piece of shit who stuck between engineering and art faggots with a hint of hipster cancerfaggotry.

>> No.917754

>tfw I'm also a math major
Is this my future?
Have an internship lined up with a boutique investment this , will that be enough?

>> No.917761
File: 60 KB, 791x722, reworked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using non capital letters in capitalism

>> No.917782

I did comsci but I feel like more of an Information-Technology grad

>> No.917976

I was an English major. Took me about a year after graduation doing temp work to find a contract job as a tech writer. Now I'm at another place doing the same thing. I was one of the lucky ones. Most of the people I knew in school work retail and probably will for life.

If I can ever afford to have kids I'm not letting them anywhere near a liberal arts degree. Trade schools have better prospects.

>> No.918035

>are you brown
>and is english your second language?

>do you mind working on an oil rig with the bare necessities for months at a time?
Not at all.

Guess I'll do it.

>> No.918206

Actuaries are oversaturated right now, which is why the exams are so damn difficult. It's basically like a guild from the 1500's (like doctors)--they keep supply really low so they can jack up prices (in this case salary) of all the actuaries.

One of the smartest people I know (math major, could legitimately be a math professor right now if he wanted to) is struggling with the actuarial exams. It's not easy, and you have to really love the job to put yourself through the rigors of studying for the exams.

>> No.918214

better place to ask

changing from law to Systems Engineering
good or bad idea?

>> No.918383

umm. what major will get me the women, money, job opportunities, and cocaine?
serious question

>> No.918410


>> No.918419

>no Econ

Awwww, the butthurt art major doesn't hate my concentration, how nice

>> No.918669

Elementary school teacher

preferably becoming a Kindergarten teacher. Trust me the ratio is like 90% cute party bitches to 10% males according to stats

tons of jobs, easy as shit, weekends and summers off perfect for partying and binging on coke

>> No.918675

>easy as shit
You shouldn't become an elementary school teacher until you have been working in a school for at least a year. If not, you are in for a rude experience.

>> No.918685

I didn't add economics because there isn't much to make fun of with it. I'm in STEM.

>> No.918739

what's your email?

want to talk to you further about this as I'm also interested as well!



>> No.918821

These rankings aren't really that useful on their own, and they're usually just meme based.

For example, accounting is in great tier but I doubt anyone here actually knows what you do with this major. You probably think "audit" or "tax" if you're somewhat business aware, but you probably don't know that the biggest growing department at the big 4 is consulting, they also pay more.

Also, the charts tell you nothing about workloads. Even within accounting, audit is busy as fuck during the first 4-5 months of the year, but you basically get paid to do fuck all for the rest of the year. I watched anime on my tablet while replacing some old templates with new ones yesterday on autopilot. Tax also has a busy season, but they're also pretty busy all year round. Personally not for me. Consulting has the least workload (as in you go home at 5) but you get spikes of mini-busy seasons when implementation dates are nearing. Then again, despite being the cushiest highest paying job, consulting is also the position that gets shafted hard when the economy tanks. Audit and Tax people don't really have to worry about their job security too much. All 3 have pretty decent exit opportunities as /biz/ memes will tell you.

>> No.918874

What about actuary?

>> No.918963

What you guys think about Industrial Engineering? It never appears in the tiers

>> No.918974

>Psych Major
>One of the only people in this major who understand that you won't get shit without grad school
>Money possibilities with a PhD or even a Master's is at least 50k

I'm okay

>> No.918980

considering management accounting after i've passed my smaller exams. i see it as a consistent 9-5 that will pay the bills then some. am i right?

>> No.919008

Mid tier but god tier if you mix with millwright or electrician trade

>> No.919346


I'm not saying that everyone should go out and get an engineering degree or other "safe" major, but the 1000 richest people in the world are on that list for reasons that have nothing to do with their degree (or lack thereof).

>> No.919773
File: 7 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter what you major in. Everyone except the billionaire class is fucked.

>> No.919775

Consulting requires really good social skills. Tax and Audit don't, right?

>> No.921115

Pretty much.

>> No.921176

I don't know anything about actuaries.
What, so like an AP, AR, Payroll person? You'll probably make an alright wage, but you're not going to have much of "then some" unless you get lucky. You usually want some public experience unless you get into a company known for training their people very well like GE.
I don't know much about tax, but Audit requires you to talk to clients. You can't be a total sperg in front of the CFO, and you need to be presentable.

>> No.921239

Feel the bern!

>> No.921901


Teaching philosophy.

>> No.922180

>Also pretty much all physicists can find work as engineers
Please don't rely on this assumption. I know a guy who majored in physics, but then couldn't find any work whatsoever after he graduated. His wife left him with the children and they were all living out of a car for a few years and not able to afford food. Finally he was lucky enough to land an engineering job, but he still makes less than everyone else at the company because he doesn't have the relevant knowledge and can't do much besides write the C# code that drives the industrial robots they design there.

>> No.922192

Kek. Music=Shit tier.

> Orchestral conductor, brass instrument specialist (meaning I play most of them). Haven't even finished my studies.
> Been working as a musician since I was 14
> Tfw I make the equivalent of 2500 dollars a month (it's a lot of money in this south American shithole).

Don't scorn the arts, and philosophy and history and such. They are overcrowded, sure, but most of that crowd is made up of idiots who have no idea what they have to do or even what they want to do. Academic ("classical", as the plebs call them) musicians can live relatively well, even if they aren't at the top. Too many kids wanting to be rockstars, and a lot of shitty violinists who aren't aware of how much you truly have to study and how great you have to be to actually make it.

It's pretty easy if you know your shit, and actually research the field and have the skills to make it BEFORE you decide to go for it. Most people in arts are just kids going through a phase. It's hilarious to see them as adults when that phase doesn't end; fucking disgusting failures and pop musicians.

>> No.922205

>Please don't rely on this assumption.
Tell me more, I'm a maths undergrad who's often confused when I'm told that I can go into engineering.

>> No.922240

I know a Ph.D in Econ who has struggled to find jobs

get certified in something useful like a CPA

>> No.922276

In Engineering, math is just a tool. Going into engineering because you studied math is like getting a job as a surgeon because you know a lot about scalpels, and there's actually not much overlap with math and physics majors after the first few introductory classes. Using mechanical engineering as an example, since that's the branch I'm most familiar with, most of what we learn is pretty domain-specific knowledge like materials science, thermodynamics, finite element analysis, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, etc. Sure, you may be able to operate mathematical machinery, but you have no idea how the physical world works.

>> No.922305

I literally just want to travel and live a simple nomadic life why the fuck do I need to study all this useless crap god please kill me I don't know what I'm doing

>> No.922317


Sheeeeeet... everytime I pick up The Economist, I always see those weird ads for Deputy Finance Minister of Guinea. Pack your bagz dawg

>> No.922431


>> No.922469

I wonder.

Maths undergrad here, UK, first year.

When I think about it, the only fields of engineering that I could get into are civil or mechanical, all the others would require knowledge that my degree doesn't give me (e.g. how the fuck would I do electrical or chemical?).

Now this thread has mentioned a lot that engineering is oversaturated, but I want proof. Show me a source that points to civil and/or mechanical engineering being oversaturated in the UK.

Do this and you will genuinely change my life, I'm stuck between engineering and finance, and doing this will put me into finance.

>> No.922686

Start learning how to make exosuits then.

>> No.922694

What can I do with my masters in history? Graduating this year.

>> No.922740

Any opinions on computer engineering/electrical and computer engineering on the east coast ?(NY/NJ)
Both Rutgers Engineering and NJIT seem good but are there any applications for it on the east? Should I just go to ME/CS?

>> No.922792

Work in a museum or as an archivist somewhere. Or go to law school or enroll in a PhD program.

>> No.922797


Medicine isn't saturated and never will be saturated, untill they'll actually make half decent surgery robots that is.

>> No.922843

>Medicine isn't saturated and never will be saturated
True, but it's shit in the UK.

>> No.922860

Working 12 hour work days and being on call 24/7 365 days a year is great! IT sucks where I'm at the moment

>> No.922865

What does your tech company do?

>> No.923003

I'm going to have to link to /sci/, but I think I've just poked a hole in the maths/pure science degrees and any arguments against engineering degrees, namely, I believe that I've shown that engineering is not as oversaturated as /biz/ claims and also that maths/pure science students have no a very low chance of getting jobs in engineering.

Here's the posts
Poke a hole in this argument and I'll reconsider engineering as a career choice - in short, you'll change my life, otherwise, just read the posts and copypasta them whenever you need to talk about saturation or shit on maths undergrads.

>> No.923006

And for anyone who can't be bothered, here's a less retarded link.


>> No.923081


can you tell me whether social anthro from a good uni is worth it? It looks really fun but I'm worried it'll be like middle eastern studies in terms of content/how it's regarded

>> No.923137

I just transferred from a STEM major to Finance. I'm just better at financial side of math. What kind of math should I expect for Actuarial Science?

>> No.923152

I'd wager a guess here and say that the person has struggled finding the exact jobs they WANT. Not just anything in the field.

>> No.923160

tbh social didn't really interest me. It was pretty much the history of civilizations and such. I focused most on the archaeology/osteology since that's what benefitted my geo degree the most. IF anything the name of the uni will benefit you more than the degree itself

>> No.923169
File: 131 KB, 469x600, rCVgy6W (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this people choosing a career based on the salary and employment rates

I work in a CS company and make an above average salary even though I'm not already 21 and I hate every second of it. Most CompSci people are autistic, opinionated and disgusting human beings who should be put down.

I can't bring myself to study CompSci anymore. I rather be poor than to spend more time with any of these people.

>> No.923176

I know that feel.

>> No.923193

Wait, I thought the reason people study CS was to get jobs that wouldn't involve interacting with other people.

>> No.923200

>Most CompSci people are autistic, opinionated and disgusting human beings who should be put down.

This. One of the main reasons I want to get into corporate environment is because the people aren't openly autistic.

>> No.923225

I really feel there should be a distinction between people who take CompSci with the desire to be programmers and people who take CompSci to work in networking/security/infrastructure etc.

Code monkeys are a dime a dozen and only start to earn big figures once they've been in the industry for 10+ years. Networking/security/infrastructure has great pay at the start and only gets better.

>> No.923293

>jobs that wouldn't involve interacting with other people.
This is a lie. Doesn't matter if you're a researcher, developer, librarian, accountant, hacker, plumber, artist, forester, Bear Grylls...you are ALWAYS going to interact with someone when you work a job. Jobs differ in terms of WHO you're working with, (clients, coworkers, bosses, customers, etc) but at the end of the day, if you don't have passable communication skills, you're fucked.

>> No.923490


oh right, I'm going for the lse course so yeah providing i get in I assume the name holds enough weight alone, but the course there is specifically the only course I'd like to do. My science is too shit to consider biological anthro so yeah

>> No.923500

Need to feel validation because you realized after the first job college degree doesn't matter?

>> No.923745

I'm pretty sure there are links on the Travel board sticky that recommend ways of doing just that. I haven't actually taken a good look at them mind you, but I mean, there's a board...for that...you know?

>> No.923857
File: 154 KB, 837x534, ZX Spectrum PCB issue 4S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st year computer engineer
i just really like computers

>> No.923888


I know a philosophy major making 150k. He is 43 and working in business intelligence. It's true that philosophy majors are smart; they tend to rape the LSATs. But it isn't a good major in 2015. The economy we ("we" referring to people who are currently college-aged) inherited is absolute shit and you can't get away with a philosophy degree in the same way people who entered the workforce in 1990 did.

>> No.924042

it's called an IT degree

>> No.925023

For I need a masters in stats to be in top tier? I'm currently doing applied stats at UCSB.

>> No.925035

*Do I need a master for stats to be in top tier?

Sorry I fucked it up on my phone.

>> No.925042

stats ought to be god tier these days

>> No.925086

Oh, great, this retarded thread again...

That one is even worse than OP's

>> No.925092

>no economics

shit by default

>law on anything but low or shit

shit by default

>> No.925096

>micro and macro in third year
is this bait?

>> No.925110
File: 181 KB, 662x724, 1435448056218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooh no
how dreadful

>> No.925118

see, the fact that you dont consider stubborn opinionated twats annoying makes me think youre one of them

>> No.925128

>you're not annoyed because someone acts a certain way
>literally just posted >>925092
>too chickenshit to voice your opinion outside an anonymous board

oh boy you'll go far

>> No.925131

>too chickenshit to voice your opinion outside an anonymous board

says the guy doing exactly that

if someone were to present me with a chart that shit in real life, sure, id give them a piece of my mind

the difference is in prompting, and context, but youre either too autistic or too much of an idiot to understand that

>> No.925348

Music Teacher.

>> No.925863

...is that anyone's dream?

>> No.925870

Why isn't CIS(Computer Information Systems) on god tier?

>> No.925872

>political science in shit tier

You can make huge money in political science these days, intern on some campaigns, take initiative and make yourself invaluable and before you know it you're getting hired by some PAC or political campaign that is throwing millions in any direction that gets them votes with a 6 figure salary.

The amount spent on elections each year has been steadily rising for years consistently where as kinsiology (something you have in mid tier) you have a wide variety of work, anything from physical therapist to...physical therapist! wow you can make nearly 40k a year! Go really big and you can be a PE teacher or even a gym personal trainer! wow such limitless potential.

Whoever made this list is an idiot.

>> No.925958

Can you succeed as an engineering major if you go to a shit shool? I go to a rural school in MD that only offers Calc 1 for math with a teacher who barely knows the material. I want to go for electrical engineering but dont know if it will be impossible based on math and science at my school now. Also what is the job outlook and the earning potential?

>> No.926009

high unemployment rate

>> No.926133

just testing

>> No.926719

That's some damn good bait.

>> No.927038

>implying that accounting degrees are low tier
someone don goofed