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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 584 KB, 881x573, lizrose2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9042037 No.9042037 [Reply] [Original]

Liz Rose testing out the Spankchain beta platform, go check it out. Those who haven't, consider buying some. It's developing pretty rapidly.

>> No.9042051

also don't be assholes spamming BEEFCURTAINS again

>> No.9042142

my god she's cute, and will answer pretty much any question. I think I love this platform

>> No.9042308
File: 575 KB, 871x581, lizrose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok last one I promise

>> No.9042497


>> No.9042670
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 1519624705935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also don't be assholes spamming BEEFCURTAINS again

>> No.9042724

the first crypto with a real life usecase congrats to the blockchainspace you really made it

>> No.9042736

what, how is it sad? it's just a beta test stream to test the capabilities of the platform and take in feedback from the users

>> No.9042769

No. It‘s a final stream testing the betas.

>> No.9042778

nice play on words +1

>> No.9042794

How do I start my own cam on spank and get payed? I'm a dude. No fag boys watchin me.

>> No.9042884

I'm not sure how it works. I know it's coming in the future, but you could probably message the team and get it going.

>> No.9043051

video doesn't load for me

>> No.9043065

works perfectly for me. are you using mobile?

>> No.9043120

i tried on chrome and opera, firefox worked though.

>> No.9043164

that's odd, tell the devs if you're still there.. since that's the point of this

>> No.9043316

i get "404 oh shit"
i was promised beef curtains

>> No.9043345


yeah her stream ended, next up is an azn girl

>> No.9043810

You cant make this shit up

>> No.9043903

yeah, in 1hr17m Chew's stream will be active. I'm really impressed with how far they've come since their first stream. I posted about that when it first went down, and it was flooded with beefcurtain spammers. Also the stream was horrible and kept dropping off. It's basically crystal clear with very little latency now.

>> No.9044119

>>also don't be assholes spamming BEEFCURTAINS again
... I like SPANK but... you basically just asked us to all spam beef curtains again.

>> No.9044178

I can't imagine cam...dudes have anyone but gay guys watching them. Women can just go on Omegle/CR/Shagle and get their pick of the litter

>> No.9044199

but I asked nicely

>> No.9044218

I mean shit it is basically. And the Spankbank is basically dividends, whenever they get it in...

>> No.9044239

I can see there being a market for cam-dudes for women. Same as cam-girls. It's not all about seeing a girl fistfuck herself. We have porn for that. The live interaction is really nice. The conversation and genuine laughs can be addictive.

>> No.9044289

If I had a nickel for everytime I paid for porn, I’d be in debt.

>> No.9044335

to be fair, you don't really have to pay to watch the stream. they've also got some cool "goals" thing built in to incentivize more people to tip. when it hits a certain amount, there's a big reward for everyone

>> No.9044438

Why the fuck would a girl pay for that? Are you fucking out of touch with reality? A girl can find a guy for conversation and genuine laughs easily any day of the week.

>> No.9044548

I think you might have missed the point of camwhores

>> No.9044595

2h 34m in this thread. i hope they're paying you.

>> No.9044617

Women have the vaginas and culturally told to be nonsexual. A nice woman pic is more taboo than a nice guy. Guys pay for it; cocks are everywhere.
Women get unsolicited dick pics regularly but hetero guys have to work or pay for free nudes.
AND Omegle/CR/Shagle are free (and easy for 90% of women)
AND all passable women have a stable of beta orbiters they could bang IRL

>> No.9044628

nah, just watching a movie. I closed the stream about 2h ago and just respond whenever the thread updates. it's not really a big deal. it's not like I'm hardcore shilling it. I'm just excited for a platform that's actually functional. GOD FORBID

>> No.9044650

you speak like you see the world through ugly. try being handsome for a day and get back to me.

>> No.9044794

I see the world through logical constructs, and my response presented several justifying my convictions.
Unironically, every person regardless of race, Creed, gender or orientation deserves to jizz to whatever they want. It's a free country.
... buuuuuut a woman paying for sex is like an Eskimo buying a bag of ice.

>> No.9044818

>actually functional.
About as functional as an old geezers dick

>> No.9044862

Ok I've been on it and have seen some hot ass camgirls, Spankchain is a sick investment that no one cares about for some reason.

>> No.9044981

No one cares about it because of their silly tokenized economy with spank tokens/booty tokens. You could just build a cam platform that uses ETH /LTC/BTC etc without buying into any of these silly controlled giftcard economic experiments.

Wanna get rich, go make an "open source" cam site that accepts Bitcoin (potentially a good application of Lightning)

>> No.9045003


Who cares?

She's a whore.

>> No.9045010

this. the only reason why devs want this to take off is because they pre-mined it.

>> No.9045850

A-are you trying to samefag here?

>> No.9046015

this chinese bitch they have on right now is so boring

>> No.9046058

>tfw you pay for free nudes

>> No.9046882

I'm pretty sure they also want to cut out the middle man of porn that is banks + camsite companies.

No one wants to have a porn stars bank acct so they don't get accts. Cam sites exploit that and take 50% of all tit-based income to let them cash out.

>> No.9046975

But it does use Eth right now. Eth lets you get one ride, Spank is a monthly subscription with a weekly allowance.
Long run, 1k in Eth will get you less cumshows than 1k of Spank, b/c it will print money.
You're supposed to be all NEETs here, how is picking tokens to getore tokens difficult to understand?

>> No.9047046

eh I might throw some money at this shitcoin eventually. it's kinda pointless as a coin but eh i'll buy as few shows with the few coins i'll get.

>> No.9047229

Some post pics of chew plz

>> No.9047257

Name ONE REASON why this is done with an ERC20 Token instead of just using Ethereum for everything.

>> No.9047271

Post pics of chew and maybe I will tell you

>> No.9047291

This is her twitter

>> No.9047363
