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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9032680 No.9032680 [Reply] [Original]

What is your dream anons?

Let's share.

>> No.9032713

David Weistein
Masters in Early Childhood Education
Assistant Principal of Primary School
To get more shekels from the goy

>> No.9032720


>> No.9032728

>bachelors in chemistry and doctorate in pharmacy
I want a better work-life balance and to feel happy.

>> No.9032737

graduate student
get a phd, moderate/high paying job, live somewhere out in the open like the fucking animal i want to be

>> No.9032741

>3x AAS
>Self employed winemaker
>Have 40+ acres of land and build a self sustaining life to watch this whole shit go down.

>> No.9032744

how much do you make and where do you live? How do you like the pharmacist life?

>> No.9032750


>welder, 500k in a low cost of living area

>> No.9032782

>Plumber, 750k/yr, make my own hours. Wife is electruction, 560k a year.
>Trade school
>Goal is to make 1 million/yr

>> No.9032802

the profession itself is good,but the current job market narrows down to just hospital and retail and even those are hard to come by unless you will to live in the boonies.

Retail wise: its ok if your customers are patient and understanding, good market manager, well trained techs/cashiers etc. It's hell otherwise.

>> No.9032816

mach tool tech aas major
tool die apprentice
beat the poverty game and then take it from there

>> No.9032830

~130k salary + 20k bonuses in the Southeast.
I love helping people but the long work day can be brutal. So much effort goes into managing coworkers, keeping the pharmacy workflow efficient so we don't get backed up, and making growth in sales/profit.

>> No.9032835

Just now going back to college after dropping out
Free lance work
Create a casino slots game that would be implemented in casinos worldwide one day. I want to create one that is actually fun and interactive and not these boring ass reel watchers we have.

>> No.9032853

>school of trades
>all the trades, 10m a year
>100m a year

>> No.9032899
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> 1. 31
> 2. none
> 3. none, got early in Crypto, just not early enough.

> 4. Earning 7500-10000$ through passive Crypto income a month while I do nothing at all. Absolutely nothing except enjoying a simple lifestyle in the city I was born in. Work out all day, be around friends, perhaps find a gf, and drive some shitty car while in the back of my mind I am free from stress and financial burden, responsibilities and obligations.

I am close to that goal and it should come to fruition if we see only 1/2 of the bull run momentum of last year.

>> No.9032943

agE: 30
education: couple years of community college
job: pizza maker / "manager" / 80 hours a week workhorse
goal: I want a retirement fund and some other modest investments, and I want a chill spot. See, there's no chill spot. I want like a card shop type place or a lan center or something like that. A place where a restless soul can simply go and socialize and exist, somewhere besides a bar. So I will create such a place

Lately I've been fantasizing about renting office space, aggressively making money so that I can afford rent and a little fun, and do some eclectic shit. I dunno, I have some cool ideas, I just wanna live like I don't have a care in the world. As long as the bills are paid I'm good. I want to spread the love a little bit.

>> No.9032973
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some college
self employed
$300k-$600k, travel, get a condo in another country, spend time each year there. wake up, workout, eat out, work on projects, have an average qt gf/waifu

>> No.9032980

1. 25
2. B.S. Premedicine
3. Scientist/Engineer (74kusdpy)
4. make 100k b4 30yo

>> No.9033074

Apprenticeship as polytechnician (dont think this exists out of my country, basically cnc lathe and milling)
Assembly technician
Have 100k in bank. Only 20k needed. Earn 37 an hour.

>> No.9033097

Bachelors architecture
Have a slut with watermelon sized tits eat my ass out

>> No.9033121

How do you make 10k a month passively on crypto?

>> No.9034037

Aeronautical Engineering grad
Masters student/part time group consultant
Help make some shit that changes the way the world works, even if just a little bit

>> No.9034096

>Accounting and finance degree
>crypto trader
>to make it

>> No.9034202

1. 20
2. It support technician
3. Dont rly want one
4. Do hookers and cocaine then marry cockless bitch, have kids, then die

>> No.9034325

this but 25

based internet age economics just about getting me there

>> No.9034374

cruise by on good looks and luck. worked for me so far.

>> No.9034538
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>proper social life

>> No.9034601

1. 27
2. masters in mathematics
3. trading in a small european bank
4. do a PhD in AI/robotics

>> No.9034672

I just want to make music and art

>> No.9034716



>> No.9034803


>Bachelors of Science Electrical Engineering
>Hipster bicycle delivery guy

I want to become biologically immortal (stop and reverse aging) I don't care about anything else.

>> No.9034818

cute bf
fuck your datamining

>> No.9034895

>Law Student (masters)
>I want to get my private investigation business up and running, invest everything, then live like a king