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9028393 No.9028393 [Reply] [Original]

BCash is trying to "burn" coins to increase its value.

The absolute STATE of this currency.

>> No.9028419

Rather than buying up bch for the inevitable flippening while you still have a chance, you are fucking spreading some bogus FUD? Sad!

>> No.9028456


>> No.9028489

So cashies are basically sending 12 percent of the mining fee to the genesis block in order to prop up their failing coin? I heard of the same thing accidentally happening with ethereum, but to do it on purpose is just incredibly desperate.

>> No.9028513

bcash has nothing to do with any flippening whatseover. it is a shit alt coin, like many other shit alt coins. I realize that your marketing directive is to compare it to bitcoin (btc) but bcash (shit) has no chance to flip anything. holders of bcash will have the chance to flip burgers however

>> No.9028565

Hahaha corecucks are losing their minds!

>> No.9028577
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>holders of bcash will have the chance to flip burgers however

>> No.9028671

the corecuck meme!!! BAZINGA!!!
checkmate biz

>> No.9029262

It's like $20 a day. Fees on Bitcoin Cash are basically nothing. I know its retarded, but the scale is microscopic. I guess maybe to the Chinese communists it might be good news. Idk, I'm a capitalist.

>> No.9029348

Sounds like something that retard Ver came out with....that whole fucking gang of retards are getting more and more desperate by the day.
Bmmuh babyes are literally dieing....fuking faggot

>> No.9029371

It's $20 or so a day. I'm not sure why they did it as all it does it grab headlines, and its a bad headline. But it has no effect on the network as a whole.

>> No.9029429

>Bcash being “burned” via sending to the Genesis block

When will people stop being scammed by this fucking coin? Allowing all those “burned” coins to end in Craig Wrights control is beyond sleazy.

>> No.9029442

what the fuck, they are burning coins? Is that even legal? how much longer will the government just sit here and let bcash attack Bitcoin like this.. who can I sue

>> No.9029481
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So how long will corecucks hang on to their delusions? At some point they have to sell their bitcoin right? Bitcoin cash is getting a ridiculous amount of adoption and new tech. At some point it's just cognitive dissonance to pretend everything is alright

>> No.9029623


Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.9029641

Corecucks on suicide watch

>> No.9029650

Bitcoin has to spread FUD in order to increase its value.

The absolute STATE of this currency.

>> No.9029848

>the absolute state of cashcucks

>> No.9029905

fucking kek at the last line

>> No.9029932
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>> No.9029947
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core cucks are so utterly besides themselves and its fucking hilarious

>> No.9029966
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You’re losing all grip on reality, faggot. Get help. Use your CoinyBit

>> No.9029984
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Why are corefags stealing bitcoin cash's name? That's the real question

>> No.9030015
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Poor guy

>> No.9030093

bunch of shit do nothing logos there to go with your shit fork coin. the delusion of bcash faggots is mind blowing. fuck btc and fuck bcash. they are both shit coins.

>> No.9030208

i love how you core cucks care so much about this coin. you can stop thinking about it. you cant stop replying in these threads. you hate it so much. it consumes. you.

there is a reason you dont give a shit about bprivate or bgold or bdiamond or bblack or anyother bitcoin fork.

you know bcash is the best version of bitcoin

get. fucked.

>> No.9030337

rent free

>> No.9030416
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Hash power increasing

>> No.9030547

What the fuck? That's completely retarded. Oh well, not like I thought BCH was going anywhere in the first place.

>> No.9030723

Its voluntary up to each miner if he wants to particapate.

At present, AntPool accounts for 7.3 percent of Bitcoin Cash blocks mined within the past week, though it has mined more than 10 percent of blocks mined in the past 24 hours.

I suppose core cucks aren't used to anyone making a good move at Slush Pool trying to help out core coin.

>> No.9030778

Just another shitty altcoin bcash is. It's cute you tried to trick retards into thinking it's somehow legitimate by using the Bitcoin name in your vercoin.

Millionaire felon ver sperging out over that guy calling it bcash without even trying to bait him pretty much sealed its fate. But bcashers, keep trying to shill your altcoin garbage. You're so desperate and it's pretty sad desu

>> No.9030921


Its understandable that anybody holding a losing coin is bound to feel bitter.

>> No.9031778

Bfags are truly epically pathetic. My god, just look at this ridiculous faggot.

>> No.9031987
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>I suppose core cucks aren't used to anyone making a good move at Slush Pool trying to help out core coin.

>> No.9032047

The illusion of scale in segregated witness

Author: Craig Wright


>> No.9032142


Their transaction volume is so weak, 12% won't add up to anything.