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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 163 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9026889 No.9026889 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9026906

Are you really this desperate to promote your useless shitcoin?

>> No.9026913

you look like jailbait. how old are you?

>> No.9026918

How many successfully completed transactions so far in the marketplace?

>> No.9026929

What's growing on your forehead?

>> No.9026933

Can't tell. That's one of the main points of a decentralized marketplace. We have over 150 stores I believe.

>> No.9026943

I don't know anything about your shitcoin, but if you're not competent enough to rotate your photo before uploading it, I doubt you're competent enough to do anything in crypto.

>> No.9026951

All that natural shilling on this board

>> No.9026954

Why didn't you rotate your post image to be the correct orientation?

>> No.9026964

>I don't know anything about your shitcoin, but if you're not competent enough to rotate your photo before uploading it, I doubt you're competent enough to do anything in crypto.


>> No.9026968
File: 280 KB, 1080x1225, Screenshot_20180421-163842_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow up question, how many golf balls can your CEO snort in one go?

>> No.9026972


>if this project ever becomes mainstream the lead dev will have associated it with a CP and alt-right hate forum

i'm out boys

>> No.9026984


Wasn't my fault. Showed correctly when I posted on Discord, opened in Windows, but 4chan fucked it up.

>> No.9026987

tell your nigger shills to stop ruining /biz/

>> No.9026995
File: 104 KB, 507x507, allin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I all-in OP?

>> No.9027009

>core dev blames his computer illiteracy on a scandanavian soup boiling forum
The absolute state of crypto

>> No.9027013

>lead dev
>doesn't understand how images and meta data work

>> No.9027029

were you standing behind a screen window when shit hit the fan?

>> No.9027032

4chan hasn't been edgy or obscure for a little more than a decade now get over yourself norman

>> No.9027042

Holy fuck you're the biggest fucking retard. Going through your github made me puke.

>> No.9027048

give the guy a rest. he's worth more than you'll ever be yet he's here spending time with you autists

>> No.9027052

Care to explain why?

>> No.9027054

Is there no rating system for completed transactions to know if a seller is trustworthy?

>> No.9027056

> What's growing on your forehead?
> Biz doing research on a coin asking the right questions!

>> No.9027059

>he's worth more than you'll ever be
no he's not lmfao, he posted how much he owned in the other thread

>> No.9027067

Traps or lolis?

>> No.9027070

Delete this board, holy shit.
What a cancer.

>> No.9027073

You look like a particular lead dev of a coin that rhymes with Shitcoin Trivate. Why should I trust you

>> No.9027076

stfu nigger

>> No.9027086
File: 7 KB, 225x225, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz in a nutshell

>> No.9027089

Tits or GTFO

>> No.9027094

What makes you qualified to be the lead developer of anything if you don't know how to rotate an image?

>> No.9027097

I do 10x the development work than 99% of the other masternode/POS coins as shown by my/Phore's github.

>> No.9027098
File: 201 KB, 842x700, 1519087804848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give the guy a rest
So you want us to give him circle jerk replies only? Ain't your safe space.

>> No.9027101

At least this twink knows how to samefag. Thats something

>> No.9027117

Send me some free phore nigger

>> No.9027118
File: 234 KB, 650x540, dingus_by_sircollection-d6jvm7k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i make my coin slightly less shitty than bottom of the barrel coins so you should give me money

>> No.9027123

I don't rotate many images when working on crypto.

>> No.9027125

What exactly is Phore's killer feature that sets it apart from the other coins? Because voting, masternodes, quasi-privacy, and fast transactions have all been done before.

>> No.9027141

>$30k volume
nice scam

>> No.9027147

We're developing sidechain pegging and smart contracts in Q3-Q4. This will allow masternodes to secure many different chains. We'll start with smart contracts, but this architecture will allow for any other type of blockchain to use the Phore currency (2-way-pegged).

>> No.9027169

>twin developing 2 way pegging for 4chin
Okay i was wrong. This coin is awesome

>> No.9027207

how will your smart contracts be better than eth's implementation?

>> No.9027213

Noting your sidechain pegging development:
What coins are Phore's main competition and why is Phore better than those coins?

>> No.9027220

There technically is, but it's sybil-attackable. OpenBazaar and us are still working on a solution to this.

>> No.9027234
File: 418 KB, 480x640, vitalik phore book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik learned everything from him

>> No.9027256
File: 8 KB, 228x221, 1470097584786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a pink boipucci?

>> No.9027264

Can you suck my phoreskin?

>> No.9027267
File: 380 KB, 1000x800, 1521278322990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely 18 year old shitcoin developer
Congrats on this, seriously. Now fuck off and take your trash masternode coin out of here until you reach Romano's level. I believe in you.

>> No.9027273

We see our main competition as PIVX, Particl, and Lux possibly.

PIVX: zPOS from them is just to encourage more people to mint Zerocoin. This took them >3 quarters. We could technically merge it in, but there's really no point. We'll be focusing on features that are useful to more people.

Particl: They aren't doing anything. We will have more features than them after the Segwit update which is coming out soon. (Their smart contracts are really dumb and not turing-complete).

Lux: Lux is implementing smart contracts on the main chain which will not scale. They will be extremely expensive and slow. Our system will allow for cheaper, faster executions and will not only support smart contracts.

>> No.9027281


>> No.9027294


We will allow smart contracts to hook into the already existing Phore ecosystem including PoS, masternodes, and any other chains we add on with the new system.

>> No.9027298

where did you realize you that you are a faggot?

>> No.9027312



>> No.9027314

Bow down to HEXX

>> No.9027326

At least he has the balls to show himself

>> No.9027358

What's the upcoming feature/aspect of Phore that impresses you the most?

>> No.9027378

I see there are other Phore team members here too.

>> No.9027393

I've been working on SegWit all day and the possibilities that it allows are pretty neat. We will be able to implement payment channels and atomic swaps with OP_CHECKLOCKTIME and OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY.

The side chain paper I'm writing is also pretty neat. I haven't seen anyone do something like this before. So far, masternodes have basically just been a useless feature to give more block rewards out, but now they'll be an integral part to the network.

>> No.9027395

I'm not a team member, just an investor with a bag.

>> No.9027423


>> No.9027451

Not the same thing as you can see.

>> No.9027493

Me will peg you for $200

>> No.9027497
File: 481 KB, 575x812, PhoreChan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phore Chan's new waifu

>> No.9027526


Neat. So Phore will have unique features that makes it different from PIVX/Particl

So, will Phore hit $100 this year?

>> No.9027544


By the end of this year, we'll have at least 2 major differentiators from PIVX/Particl.

I hope so. :)

>> No.9027551

>not even using the meme right

>> No.9027567

>ask me anything
>I will only answer questions by paid shills that help me promote my product
Please kys before youre old enough to vote

>> No.9027586
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>> No.9027603

it just shows you're a newfag

>> No.9027631

Sidechain pegging sounds like some gay orgy game. Are you and your team forking each other?

>> No.9027648



>> No.9027651

not sure what phore is just wanted to say you are an faggot

>> No.9027668

>I funny mark


>> No.9027676
File: 738 KB, 1440x1557, hurrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hurr hurrr im asking retarded questions not related to the project and complain about getting no answers

>> No.9027683
File: 143 KB, 683x913, comfyphr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope so. :)
So do I.

>> No.9027684

>criticizing someone for using an ironic ifunny watermark

You're newer than him. Not by much, but don't kid yourself.

>> No.9027695

>ask me ANYTHING

>> No.9027701

You're a new fag too newfriend

>> No.9027722

Nice stack anon. Youll be able to afford a happy meal EOY

>> No.9027727

>he thought doing AMA on /biz/ was a good idea.

>> No.9027728

Holy shit it's like youre 14 and you finally got the courage to go on 4chan without using 10 of your VPNs running for safety measures

>> No.9027757
File: 3.73 MB, 470x200, 1517449417969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As long as you're the one serving it to me anon.

>> No.9027771

Good bants ngl senpai

>> No.9027801

What are some coins (besides Phore) you really believe in and/or are invested in?

>> No.9027803
File: 75 KB, 636x597, IMG_0855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I'm part of McAfee's team. We are pretty balls deep behind LUX at the moment but I think we could spin Phore as a friendly competitor within your market vertical and signal boost It pretty well.

Hit us up at promotions[@]mcafeecryptoteam.com to make memes more than dreams

>> No.9027963

ironically this. he must rly be a newfag

>> No.9027975
File: 19 KB, 98x128, phorechan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9028074
File: 46 KB, 400x350, i love phore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, please chill.
He did the AMA on his own.
At least be grateful a lead dev did an AMA on /biz

>> No.9028139

Isnt Phore a fork of PIVX, a masternode privacy coin?

Why did you guys fork? Was there drama/disagreement? What are you doing differently?

>> No.9028183

This coin sounds like a shitcoin. Its a no from me dawg.

Going to FUD this coin this whole week. Maybe people will learn and not come on here with their shit AMAs. Good coins don't need AMAs on /biz/

>> No.9028209

>hurrrrr im a faggit with nothing better to do with my life hurrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.9028230
File: 358 KB, 500x408, 1514834319733.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about LINK

>> No.9028231

I bet you have so many interesting things going on in your life replying to a "faggit" on 4chan.

>> No.9028342

Are you going to make more AMA sessions here in future? I'm asking exactly about 4ch since here we have quite unique discussions if you ignore 80% of noise (fag posts and etc), and it's more dense in time than on reddit where people can take hours before answering + sessions are much longer which often causes people to lose the track.
If you will be doing more AMA here and could stand nasty questions your project will have much better reputation than many of others who are shady in eyes of people who don't like general tone of public spaces

>> No.9028353


Phore was original KTK / Kryptkoin. They swapped the coins to the new blockchain using PIVX as code base.

>> No.9028403
File: 24 KB, 497x271, bizama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9028417

No one wants AMAs for shit coins. People can just email them or use a Telegram.

>> No.9028438

whoa, what a rebel. didn't wear a suit for the team page photo.

>> No.9028481


Not based

>> No.9028500

waifu phore ants

>> No.9028504

>the lead dev is a reckless faggot who doesnt understand branding so now we are doing damage control

>> No.9028529
File: 97 KB, 1080x261, Screenshot_20180421-182707_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coin with nigger ceo wants nigger adoption. What a surprise

>> No.9028548
File: 167 KB, 1080x517, Screenshot_20180421-182828_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9028578

>lead dev
How do you post properly fucking picture on 4chins?

>> No.9028607

made me kek

>> No.9028635

if somebody sent you a picture and you will have to rotate it as your priv.key you wouldn't be able to do it even if your life depends on it?

>> No.9028672

16 year old with hormonal acne problems. What's your coin written in buddy, react.js?


>> No.9028673
File: 109 KB, 500x469, images.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9028715

If you can't into phone rotation how the hell do you expect to handle crypto?

>> No.9028768


Considering that their repo is just a fork from PIVX, and the only commits they have made is renaming "pivx" strings to phore.

I bet they don't plan on doing much, just AMAs on /biz

>> No.9028777

10x kek. bought a bag cause dev must be autistic to post here. guaranteed profits

>> No.9028815

Fuck those digits make me think youre on to something anon

>> No.9028893

is that sergey in the background?

>> No.9028936

which exchange? gonna get some cause those digits

>> No.9028955

React + TypeScript is the best programming experience there is

>> No.9029090


>> No.9029200
File: 23 KB, 787x729, PhorePepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9029303


I was honestly considering going deep into Phore until you posted this. You don't look like someone I want to give money to.

>> No.9029324

I'm interested in investing... are you a virgin?

Sorry, can't trust normies with the blockchain technology.

>> No.9029360
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>> No.9029402
File: 86 KB, 640x642, 1524284577679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op why do you have a pencil neck? you think woman will suck your peee peee just because you run a 30k$ volume shitcoin?

start lifting you retard

>> No.9029432

Does you boyfriend drink pineapple juice to make his semen sweeter?

>> No.9030067

Possibly. I think it went relatively good, as you said, ignoring 80% of the comments. The questions that were legitimate were definitely good ones.

The marketplace is and we're planning to write the new wallet using React.

That's pretty much what it was before I joined. In fact, one of my first jobs was changing the copyrights back because Phroshi had accidentally replaced the PIVX copyrights with Phore. We're now focusing on some cool developments if you look at my previous answers.

Pretty much.

Seems interesting. Oracles are definitely important for smart contracts, but I don't see them as hugely profitable.

Also, I did this pretty much on my own. Neither I nor Phore endorse anything on 4chan, but it does serve as a decent place to hear from people.

>> No.9030096

Lol even teenage dev trying to pander to 4chan crowd btfos chainlink. Haha

>> No.9030152

All bullshit aside. For the past few months, I haven’t moved any of my coins. Wanted to wait but after seeing Phore, I am going to make some moves.
Before you make your judgement, take a look at their whitepaper. That shit really had me salivating for a second.
smartcontracts, sidechains, atomic swaps, marketplace to buy/sell items plus the option of privacy. Also not to mention there was no premine, no ico and these dudes even participate in charity.
I’m fucking sold.

Join their discord, my name is Brypto, just joined after seeing this

>> No.9030156

How many for Masternode?

>> No.9030168

>Join their discord, my name is Brypto, just joined after seeing this

>> No.9030257
File: 57 KB, 1056x696, FAF5F66D-4482-48EA-9835-172A26D0DF12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys must genuinely hate money. I stumbled upon this, just like you did. Only difference between us is mental capacity and the lack there of, on your end.

>> No.9030310

stfu you're dumb too faggot

this pizza dev came on here for attention and attention only

>> No.9030317

Oh boy im already up like 100x my original investment in solid projects but i guess i hate money for not buying into a twink shill on 4chin

>> No.9030330
File: 65 KB, 670x800, 27123423-7B58-4A2D-A82D-B121625102C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for proving my point

>> No.9030344

What? it is true tho? normies can't handle the blockchain.

Pussy is a good motivation, it is just the truth, you yourself here to make money so you can get pussy.

>> No.9030345

how many big whales have invested in your platform and I'm not talking about Chinese ones I'm talking Americans.

>> No.9030350
File: 61 KB, 431x267, 6C604B75-16F2-48DA-BE47-74B92E4C1A39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao holy fuck. Just realized you have 18 posts in here. Some kind of personal agenda you got going on?

>> No.9030373

Dubs proves it. My bad man, must have accidentally clicked your post to respond

>> No.9030380

fresh from facebook arent you?

>> No.9030392

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.9030691

GET a life you geek, a kid who is a lead dev posts here and you throw a shitfit like a ten year old. Grow up.

>> No.9030820
File: 1.64 MB, 2448x3264, ledger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this you OP?

>> No.9030858


>> No.9030865


>> No.9030871

No im just autistic enough to find this solid saturday night entertainment

Actually 9gag. I saw a post there about this site and its my home ever since. I love you broskis

>> No.9030905


>> No.9030914

>lead dev of via coin posts anime on r9k
>lead dev of phore posts amas on biz

whos next

>> No.9030919
File: 6 KB, 251x241, 1524223059593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all the post related to photo orientation

>> No.9031114

>using a dynamic, weakly typed programming language notorious for it’s runtime errors to create an immutable ledger
>expect people to invest money in this

>> No.9031125

Neither of those are immutable or a ledger, but nice try!

>> No.9031130

Just sold 100k

>> No.9031138

La creatura...

>> No.9031207

when are you going to exit scam your pyramid?

>> No.9031238

Are you biz vlogs?


>> No.9031316

if you have to ask you won't make it
also i just realised Sergey choses his shirts to match chainlink color scheme

>> No.9031328
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>> No.9031417

There is absolutely nothing wrong with blue. Perfect color. Even lambos look good in it, and lambos look shit in anything other than yellow black and onrange.

>> No.9031447


are you half nigger? what are you?

>> No.9031512

I checked your github and and the code is so bad you should be ashamed. In other eras you would be hung from a lamppost for this trash. There are parts of the world where you could still end up in a mud brick prison for sloppy crap like this

>> No.9031546

Are you really only 23 years old?

>> No.9031910

And I was thinking about buying it, dodged a bullet, I guess

>> No.9032358
File: 70 KB, 3361x1143, BitBay_Logo_Purple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your attempt is honorable but you can't dethrone the true king of peer to peer crypto marketplaces & trustless contracting which is Bitbay. Bitbay is literally years ahead of your project in terms of development, how do you deal with that?