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File: 2.28 MB, 1638x1024, nickszabo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9027449 No.9027449 [Reply] [Original]

Is this man satoshi?

>> No.9027470


>> No.9027791


YES. see linguistic forensics in the netflix show unabomber. szabo like satoshi speaks like ted kazyszinksi, its unmistakable

>> No.9027894
File: 43 KB, 632x410, satoshi on bcash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9027946



>> No.9028138
File: 154 KB, 800x363, Coincidence - 6 Days.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likely Yes part of a team.. He renewed Smartcontract.com domain 6 days before Satoshi introduced Bitcoin .. See attached. 6 years later he handed the keys to the kingdom to his selected genius, Sergey, to finish his true end goal. Implementation of Smart Contracts.

>> No.9028193
File: 211 KB, 1225x735, 0_-VyQ0TVAr_ARrd_F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig said it was him and 2 other guys so

Craig, Dave, Hal
Craig, Dave, Nick

Both are possible

Maybe even Craig, Dave, Wei

>> No.9028267

Got to believe it was Hal .. The ghost coder.

What gets me is Szabo let the Smartcontract domain end up with Sergey - that is HUGE.

>> No.9028541
File: 50 KB, 630x330, archives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real Satoshi says no

>> No.9028562

No. Satoshi had profound disagreements with this man.

>> No.9028599

Not at all. This man is more likely to be him

>> No.9028602

>Craig, Dave, Hal
>Craig, Dave, Nick
>Both are possible
>Maybe even Craig, Dave, Wei
Nick wasn't involved, that's according to Nick's own blog. It was Craig and Dave for sure. The founder of Liberty Dollar (Von NotHaus) has known and been in contact Satoshi before Bitcoin existed. Hal may have been a core member after Bitcoin. Wei Dai and Adam Back, though their work was integrated into Bitcoin, were not directly involved and both sort of thought Bitcoin would fail.

>> No.9028677

The writers of the bitcoin whitepaper

Satoshi (Nick Szabo) Hal Finney, and wei dai.

That’s why the ETH denominations in order of decimal magnitude: Szabo, Finney and wei.

The ETH team are industry insiders. They know who Satoshi is and they know it’s Nick

Also, text analysis confirms Nick Szabo.

Also swap the initials around Satoshi Nakamoto : SN Nick Szabo: NS

That’s enough evidence I think. Craig Wright doesn’t even know how anything works and just technobabbles and retards and newfags think he knows anything. He doesn’t.

>> No.9028722

craig, ver, etc are total fucking narcissists and know what they're doing by creating/pushing this narrative that craig = satoshi and bcash = real bitcoin. it literally does not matter whether everyone believes them now-- with persistence and time, people will come to accept what they say as true. it's fucked up and says a lot about 'em. manipulative little faggots.

>> No.9028999
File: 1.74 MB, 1672x909, fake satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off, cashie.

>> No.9029067
File: 74 KB, 993x618, satoshi email.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: During the spring of 2014, Hal Finney gave the Wall Street Journal a copy of some old emails he had received from Satoshi during January 2009. I was reading through these old emails (link) and noticed a strange comment by Satoshi in the following exchange (pic related).

You can see the Bitcoin address begins with "1NS", yet Satoshi incorrectly says this address starts with his initials. The only way this makes sense is if his first name started with an N, and his last name started with an S, like... maybe Nick Szabo? He either got too carried away and forgot he was using the "Satoshi Nakamoto" pseudonym, or Hal Finney was already in on it, and Satoshi never expected this email to get out. You can draw your own conclusions.

>> No.9029141

szabo looks like he can kick some ass.
wonder how many colored folks he has made bite the curb before stomping them

>> No.9029158

Well Japanese people write from right to left.

>> No.9029170

Listen you fucking retards, I'm only going to say this once, so listen the fuck up.

It's fucking over. Don't tell yourself otherwise. You are an actual brainlet if you don't understand the implications of VEN's announcement. Even if you ignore the fact that most businesses would just utilize VeChain's smart contract platform with its built-in oracle rendering your shittoken absolutely fucking useless, their announcement also implies the simple fact that literally EVERY SINGLE ONE IN THIS BOARD WHO HAS HIGHER THAN ROOM TEMP IQ. Any smart contract platforms can just have their own oracles. Blockchain agnosticism doesn't fucking matter because everyone would just shit out their own oracle network because IT'S THAT FUCKING EASY. Your "moonshot" isn't anything special, sorry LINKies. Get absolutely fucking fucked lmao. On that note, see how it's currently pumping? That's the whales propping the price up as they finally sell their positions on this gamble of a token. I'm sorry, the dream is over. Go fuck yourselves. It's over.

>> No.9029192

and god, that lying faggot is so full of himself. he must be dying to delete that from teh internut

>> No.9029208
File: 1011 KB, 1893x1075, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that core cucks think szabo is satoshi is hilarious. I can't wait to see the lamentation of your women when you all neck yourselves from what is coming

>> No.9029210
File: 20 KB, 301x299, 1522444420848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. watched american history x last night and i LOVE It. curbstomp niggers kek XD

>> No.9029213

This seems most likely.

But on another note, it's fucking over. Don't tell yourself otherwise. You are an actual brainlet if you don't understand the implications of VEN's announcement. Even if you ignore the fact that most businesses would just utilize VeChain's smart contract platform with its built-in oracle rendering your shittoken absolutely fucking useless, their announcement also implies the simple fact that literally EVERY SINGLE ONE IN THIS BOARD WHO HAS HIGHER THAN ROOM TEMP IQ. Any smart contract platforms can just have their own oracles. Blockchain agnosticism doesn't fucking matter because everyone would just shit out their own oracle network because IT'S THAT FUCKING EASY. Your "moonshot" isn't anything special, sorry LINKies. Get absolutely fucking fucked lmao. On that note, see how it's currently pumping? That's the whales propping the price up as they finally sell their positions on this gamble of a token. I'm sorry, the dream is over. Go fuck yourselves. It's over.

>> No.9029240

Why this guys keep pretending to be me?

That's annoying.

>> No.9029450
File: 1.74 MB, 177x150, cage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gavin CIAndresen

>> No.9029799

You realize that this is meaningless and doesn't prove anything either way right?

>> No.9029816

>Craig Wright doesn’t even know how anything works and just technobabbles and retards and newfags think he knows anything. He doesn’t.
Except the fact that he was the only person out of over 500 who cited the Selfish Mining paper by Sirer-Eyal to realize that Sirer-Eyal's gamma variable is only relevant if Bitcoin was a mesh. But Bitcoin is a graph, so gamma is a non-existent variable. Only retards who don't understand crypto ignore Craig. Is Craig a cunt? Yes. Does Craig say a lot of stupid shit? Yes. Does anyone understand Bitcoin better than Craig? No.

>> No.9029828

The fact is that if Satoshi wanted to be known it would be very easy to prove with a 100% certainty. Until he actually signs with his keys, nobody is Satoshi.

>> No.9029856

It’s funny how core cucks Force Craig the shitter poison pill in to the bcash camp.

>Get him to meet roger ver
>take photos and spread them
>use him to scam ver
>brigade upvote csw posts

Deliberately to make Bitcoin Cash look stupid.

Craig Wright is working for core and (((them))) to sabotage the real bitcoin.

Get fucked corecucks.

>> No.9029859

Google "craig wright plagerism"

>> No.9029869

Drink poison corecuckold

>> No.9029917

Craig has never been accused of plagiarism in any of his published work. A few drafts he wrote weren't fully cited, but they were drafts. And this has nothing to do with my point. Craig Wright was the only cryptographer to state that gamma is a non-existent variable as far as Selfish Mining goes since the distance between miners is 1 hop. This means in order to get a gamma greater than 0 the Selfish Miner needs to propagate blocks using tachyons. So Craig was the only person in the space to make this point. Out of hundreds of cryptographers only Craig saw the mistake. He's on a different level than anyone else. The rest of crypto is a bunch of autists without the self-confidence to say unpopular opinions.

>> No.9029938

Kill yourself corecuck

>> No.9029945

Your posts indicate you are confused or an imbecile. Craig Wright, especially with his release of Nakasendo, which makes wallets at exchanges hack-proof, is leading the way for BCH's comeback. If you don't like him go buy Segwit coin you communist pussy.

>> No.9030094

>current year
>still overusing "cuck"
go to bed, grandpa

>> No.9030119

Lol you are behind the news. Google it.

>> No.9030302

Have you seen the paper he wrote which he 'plagiarized' (https://poseidon01.ssrn.com/delivery.php?ID=156082089114107064084092085113119102002054084092007058124025018088064092014089124096027019013002018046016030090069092078083115059084071008033070123010071081016001094019081083091001081006119108118098116030023085076111020114007095064081001084076098006067&EXT=pdf))

The paper has not yet been finished, quite obviously. Please DYOR. Also the math in Craig's paper isn't very good. Craig got proved wrong on the statistics side of this argument, but he won the topology argument. Please google it.

>> No.9030632

They don't. They do however put the family name first.

>> No.9030676

lmao you fucking google it
craig is a scam artist and you cashies have tied him around your neck.
Better get working on rationalisations to spam after hes jailed

>> No.9030685

except he doesn't. Szabo is american and Satoshi said shit only UK or Australian people say.

>> No.9030739


>> No.9030796

Are you fucking stupid? Did you dven read the article? It says you can HIDE pages by preventing them to be archived. It DOES NOT mean you can change a snapshot from the past once it has been taken. SO if there is a snapshot from 2008, that’s how the page looked like back them. FUCKING RETARD

>> No.9030807


Bruh.. that's real

>> No.9030899

j astor was the original but now you all are satoshi