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9025436 No.9025436 [Reply] [Original]

Did people shit on Ethereum? Called it scam, shitcoin etc? I heard about it and as a newfag would like to hear more. Also, what was the sentiment about it back in February/March last year before huge take off?

>> No.9025499
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It was both one of the most heavily shilled coins, and the most fudded.

You can tell something has promise by the way people attempt to dismantle it on the way up.
If you were truly confident something was garbage, you wouldn't bother wasting time talking about it.

Ethershill I was, and ethershill i remain.

>> No.9025548

LINK is over. Accept it. If dubs LINK .16 EOY, after Sergey KYS himself

>> No.9025556

nice singles pajeet kys nigger

>> No.9025584

Basically at first I had to mentally bully people in to buying it. Once it started creeping up to $1.50 and $2.00 it was easy shit started selling itself.

t. /biz/ most dedicated ETH shill since 2015

>> No.9025597


So like VEN or Link

>> No.9025600

This desu
Was around for Eth (didn't need money back then so not buy)
But when me needed money notices all the Eth-like fud for XRP
So me bought XRP ^_^ ez 5x

>> No.9025610

Kys centralised shitcoin buyer. Kill yourself immediately

>> No.9025618

So... kinda like ven today? From your description it sounds similar. Almost everyday threads on biz both shilling and fudding ven.

Maybe I can count LINK also, but it's more like a meme at this point, not really fudded.

That sounds really funny from today perspective

>> No.9025636

Yes for Ven
No for link
No one make good link fud, people who shit on link is same pattern of shit on DOGE -tired of seeing retarded unfunny memes

>> No.9025673
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Off by one. You first, emotionally invested scum bag

>> No.9025672
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>thinks BTC is decentralized
>has probably tethered up

Kiddo, the real banker BTC stealing coin are tether

>> No.9025717

Nothing like Ven. Ven has a team of paid shills based out of Hong Kong and you’re probably one of them. Or a brainwashed fellow traveller.

>> No.9025724

Without ETH, crypto stays stagnant. It's the sole reason for why crypto took off. All the shitcoins and ICO's that ran off the Ethereum network. That's what caused money to come into crypto. Otherwise, 20k wouldn't be reached until 2021 or later.

>> No.9025777

Yeah, I'm a paid shill, that's my entire reason why I made this thread.
You sound really desperate

>> No.9025808
File: 77 KB, 400x400, 291D42B4-E758-4C63-8E83-634D80CFB4BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldfag here. “ETH is a mess” was a big meme just as stinky linky or “just bought 100k” is today.

>> No.9025837

This. Ethereum has had a significantly bigger impact on the market than BTC for the past 2 years.

>> No.9025866

This reminds me of every single Neo thread. There is always a couple of morons there doing the same style of FUD.

>> No.9025904

Been here since 16 and yes it was unironically like link is just now, except that the link memes are better.

>> No.9025958
File: 226 KB, 471x903, 1519177607820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual /biz/ oldfag here. Been holdling ETH since /biz/ started shilling it in late 2015.

>Did people shit on Ethereum?
Everyone knew it was the real deal, the bitcoin killer. Of course there was a lot of FUD but the project seemed to have a really solid team as well.
>what was the sentiment about it back in February/March last year before huge take off?
A bullrun was expected but it exceeded everyone's estimates.

I went from: "I can make some quick bucks on this" to "holy shit I'm going to be millionaire" in the span of 6 months.

>> No.9025970

what do you do now in your free time with your millions?

>> No.9026022

Eth is a mess

>> No.9026029

Wait for the final bullrun to cash out and retire.

>> No.9026034

>but it's more like a meme at this point, not really fudded.
Eth was also a meme way back in it's earliest days. Fud only really starts once it started gaining traction.

>> No.9026052

when do you think that will come? and how do you know it will be final? is it because you've been around ETH long enough to know it has been several years and really hasn't actually been adapted?

I got into ETH at the tail of the first run back in May 2017. Wish I got in sooner

>> No.9026069

LINK is unironically gonna hit at least 1k each. It has that memetic potential that ETH and Antshare had.

>> No.9026072

OP you aren't wrong that it was shit on, exactly, but the underlying sentiment was still incredibly positive. It was shit on like a "you should still probably hold some, but COME ON it's not going to reach Bitcoin levels guys" kind of way and most people assumed it was just Bitcoin maximalists talking that way anyway. It is NOT the same as the coins that get shit on today, at all.

>> No.9026176

Most shilled centralized pre-mined altcoin ever on this board. The people late to Bitcoin thought they were smart by buying this garbage. Sage

>> No.9026222

>It has that memetic potential that ETH and Antshare had.
So much delusion. Link is a meme but not for any good reason.

>> No.9026237
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>> No.9026257

>The people late to Bitcoin thought they were smart by buying this garbage
Sounds like you are mad you missed Bitcoin and you missed Ethereum as well.

>> No.9026272

>when do you think that will come?
Don't know. I'm patient.
>and how do you know it will be final?
It won't be and I won't be cashing out everything. I just want a good amount of fiat that can give a nice steady amount of passive income.

>> No.9026303

Can anybody post that screencap of a post describing a utopian/dystopian (depending upon how you look at it) future where ETH dominates day to day life and the world economy?

>> No.9026328

It’s funny that everything the guy in that post said was true but because a massive speculative bubble formed none of it even mattered

>> No.9026461
File: 263 KB, 529x449, 1513051698939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH $4000 EOY

>> No.9026502

>The people late to Bitcoin thought they were smart by buying this garbage.

I'm sure they feel stupid after making over 100X returns on their initial investment.


>> No.9026793

REQ and FUN $1000 EOY