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9023378 No.9023378 [Reply] [Original]

Is Chainlink essentially useless now with vechains new announcement?

Brainlet here and not bothered to do my own research

>> No.9023390

yes buy vechain sir you get a free bmw

>> No.9023397

>not bothered to do any research.
stay poor idiot

>> No.9023400
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Yes absolutely. Sell sell sell

>> No.9023450

Probably. It's not like Chainlink has an incredible network effect to fall back on. At minimum, competition means Chainlink is sitting on fewer APIs, less is locked up, and less price action.

But you know, China companies like to patch together a few Western services, put some stupid names and branding on it, and call it a day. So ultimately Vechain's shit is going to end up being smoke and mirrors but speculators will give no fucks.

>> No.9023471
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its just proof of concept that any currency can do what LINK does

this was proven months ago but this proof got drowned in this echo chamber. ETH dont need LINK to do what link does

>> No.9023472

No. Vechains only works on the vechain platform, a chink shit scam. Chainlink is decentralized to work with any platforms

>> No.9023495

Retard. You are an absolute brainlet. Their announcement implies that every platform you are thinking of can just build their own because it's that fucking easy to implement lmao.

>> No.9023510
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they will ignore your post even tho its 100% true

I warned them a 1000 times

>> No.9023539

Any person who is in control of his faculties (i.e not a retard unlike LINKies) warned them again and again and fucking again that implementing oracle networks is a fucking mundane task but these absolute fucking retards think that their token is something special. It's not, lmao

>> No.9023569

Vechains only works on the vechain platform, a chink shit scam. Chainlink is decentralized to work with any platforms

>> No.9023634
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>hurr there can ONLY be 1 onee winner.

The pie is large enough for both of them

>> No.9023665

>The pie is large enough
And your shittoken isn't getting any part of it, lmao

>> No.9023683

What's the announcement from vechain? Unlesd they are planning on making network of decentralized oracles it doesn't matter.

>> No.9023689

This. I'm holding VEN as a hedge but I completely expect it to be a massive chink scam or at the very least a way over hyped piece of shit that never gets off the ground.

>> No.9023947

It's fucking over. Don't tell yourself otherwise. You are an actual brainlet if you don't understand the implications of VEN's announcement. Even if you ignore the fact that most businesses would just utilize VeChain's smart contract platform with its built-in oracle rendering your shittoken absolutely fucking useless, their announcement also implies the simple fact that literally EVERY SINGLE ONE IN THIS BOARD WHO HAS HIGHER THAN ROOM TEMP IQ. Any smart contract platforms can just have their own oracles. Blockchain agnosticism doesn't fucking matter because everyone would just shit out their own oracle network because IT'S THAT FUCKING EASY. Your "moonshot" isn't anything special, sorry LINKies. Get absolutely fucking fucked lmao. On that note, see how it's currently pumping?? That's the whales propping the price up as they finally sell their positions on this gamble of a token. I'm sorry, the dream is over. Go fuck yourselves. It's over.

>> No.9024144

wow you sound emotionally attached to a token you don't hold anon.

>> No.9024167

Chainlink was useless before and after the announcement. It's literally a json parser.

>> No.9024186

how do you expect anyone to pay for link when literally everyone around you is already using a network with a solution of its own?

mass adoption is the ball game, anons.

>> No.9024249

Did Sergey touch you inappropriately or something?

>> No.9024815

Literally shaking at the thoughts of my link stack being obsolete.

VEN 1000 EOY