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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9022279 No.9022279 [Reply] [Original]

pro tip, you can't.

>> No.9022628

>he thinks this matters
lol nobody cares about philosophy or principles

>> No.9022646

>implying I understand what that shit means.

>> No.9022886

newfag brainlets pls go

>> No.9022915

Bump so that this reach actual smart anons

>> No.9022935

Yeah this is awful. Hopefully These fucks won’t get a penny of their money back. If they do I’m market selling my 900 ETH

>> No.9023008

It would hardly be surprising considering DAO precedent. But it's pretty funny how they made a little show of doing nothing at the time the news broke to promote the "we're big boys now" and are quietly trying to slip it in the back door now that the attention has died down and they got good boy points for it.

>> No.9023035

I don't see that implemented. They also called a non-binding vote to campaign it to the ETH devs, but 2/3 of the votes were against it. I don't see it implemented.

here's a summary https://www.coindesk.com/new-last-ditch-effort-unfreeze-260-million-ethereum-fortune/

>> No.9023313


Bear in mind that EIPs are open-source. Obviously people with money tied up in the locked contract are going to submit proposals to get their cash back. Doesn't mean the core team is supportive.

>> No.9023411
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Eip999 will not ruin ethereum
Prove me wrong

>> No.9024038

Just did my reasearcho, on a quick look I dont consider it likely.

>> No.9024206

You cant fight city hall. Rich people will have their due.