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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.44 MB, 2550x3300, res page 1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
901873 No.901873 [Reply] [Original]

Time for another resume critique thread. First time I've posted mine.


>> No.901874
File: 1.32 MB, 2550x3300, res page 2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.901905

Is flash relevant anymore?

>> No.901907
File: 283 KB, 117x112, 1442848639649.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more than one page

>> No.901908

I haven't had to use it for a while.

>> No.901910

I used to believe that too. I've since changed camps.

>> No.901911

2 page isn't bad unless you're fresh out of school

>> No.901922

Way too much info

Try to limit your clauses/phrases per sentence to less than 100

I hate use improper use of proper nouns

A lot of vague info

A lot of buzzwords

>> No.901926

I don't necessarily disagree with you but some of the buzzwords/industry terms are there to be picked up by HR resume parsing software.

>> No.901929

This. The sad but important thing to remember is that you resume doesn't have to look good to you, it has to look good for some retarded HR cunt, your future boss will find out what he needs on the interview.

>> No.901932


Good point. Perhaps try to limit their use...once that comes into the hands of a human it reads pretty shitty. You can accomplish both things though--to pass a computer and a person.

>> No.901999

That's the goal.

>> No.902261

Other people welcome to post resumes too

>> No.902263

>55 wpm typing ability

>> No.902265

I was waiting for that on here. 55 is fine.

>> No.902277


Buzzword Buzzword Buzzword Buzzword. I have nothing to say and I am absolutely uninteresting so I'm filling my CV with meaningless Buzzwords.

And how do you know you have a GPA of 4.0 when you haven't even graduated yet.

Also, what position are you actually applying for? secretary? i mean thats what this screams out to me, "i wanna be a secretary, I have no hard skills and I think I can type fast"

>> No.902379

City Clerk/Assistant City Administrator/Management Analyst is what I'm shooting for before masters degree.

And 4.0 GPA because that's from the courses I have completed.

>> No.902866
File: 69 KB, 534x651, MuhResume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to get wrecked to shreds on /biz/ but whatever, I need to make this resume good. Let's get shit on together OP.

>> No.902882
File: 487 KB, 818x1058, resume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 me

>> No.902883
File: 181 KB, 649x638, 1375680871134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>puting LoL on your fucking resume

>> No.902884

Way too much writing. Cut that shit down to 4 or 5 bullet points

And don't just list 'core competencies - government affairs'. That just reeks of bullshit, give an example of a time you achieved something related to each competency instead of listing 20 things that nobody is going to read.

I never understood why people just list their skills with one or two words, nobody is going to look at that and go "well he ticks all the boxes, he's hired"

>> No.902895

into the trash it goes

>> No.902994

College junior detected

>> No.902996

seriouslt more them LoL shit, you dont want them to know you spend autistic amounts of time playing children's dota

>> No.902997


What have you been doing since March 2013?

>> No.902999

Shitposting and YOLOing pot penny stocks

>> No.903002


Yeah, but you can do that while having a job...

>> No.903446

>Summary statement
>selected highlights
>core competencies
>2 pages
>few accomplishments in experience, just descriptions of what you did

>stars at the end of the resume

Honestly OP please take your resume to you're schools resume workshop or a professional. There are basic best practices that you should know if you want it to be taken seriously

This is speaking from a canadian though so I dunno what its like in your part of the world

>> No.903575

Thanks Canada bro

>> No.903645
File: 61 KB, 628x809, Screenshot 2015-09-23 21.18.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, first time on /biz/ and I've got nothing better to do tonight.

>> No.903658

Seems like you're in for a neat career. Resume is pretty disorganized. I had trouble moving seamlessly from section to section, particularly near the bottom.

>> No.903674


Actually already have a job lined up with Envoy (aka American Eagle) that gives me a 10k signing bonus and a foot in the door with full benefits once I get my Commercial, Multi-Engine License.

You think it's indentation or just the sheer amount of information?

>> No.903681

truly the tim buckley of resumes.

>> No.903689

>Integrated communication
Wtf is that shit? Makes you sound retarded


>> No.903693
File: 144 KB, 1166x868, resume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never had a job before. What else can I put to make it longer? It's actually just a half page in pdf format.

>> No.903697

I'll take it.

>> No.903705

honestly best one I've seen in a bit. actually relevant and, if you have the skills to back it all up, you'll be fine.

No lol though, that's sad. unless your boss cares about it.

>> No.903828

>Florida State

>> No.903848
File: 330 KB, 519x518, mnigu wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't read that even if I was a machine learning algorithm. Worse yet if I'm a lazy cunt at 16:50 wanting to go home after sucking thirteen dicks in a row.






I'm not into IT so I don't know how circlejerkable is to put common interests like Lol on your resume, but



Your claim is as plausible as saying you know "Romance Languages".

>> No.903849
File: 235 KB, 300x400, Intothetrash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice novel

>> No.903850
File: 1.57 MB, 580x433, OWaUVX6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another novel.

>> No.903951
File: 55 KB, 652x799, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /biz/, can anyone here advise me what career I can move into with my current qualifications/job experience? I want to move into Supply Chain, either into Production Scheduling or Buying.

Right now I make $22/hr for a chill office job, but it's way too easy and stress-free and I want to make more.

>> No.903952
File: 21 KB, 652x799, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, if there are any Canadians who work with Supply Chain, Logistics or Warehouse management, please give me some advice! Thank you.

>> No.903988

cut all the text. None of it is relevant and it is boring as fuck. Bullet points.

What you should do is then tailor your duties/accomplishments whatever you want to call it from each job you've had depending on what and who you are applying for.

>> No.904919
File: 1.89 MB, 4959x7017, Resume Redacted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebbit was literally no help.

Just cuck my shit up.

>> No.904960

too much white space. detail your impacts in the classroom/companies more

>> No.904963
File: 3.00 MB, 400x311, ahahahah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whole thread

jesus guys, you can wank your cv to the worlds end. nobody is going to even bother reading them. any decent job receives 100-2000 cvs just like yours. get a job by connections.

>> No.904991

is there a way to tell if there is too little or too much white space?

I don't want to write a novel and i want it to be easy to read

>> No.905001

What kind of places are you applying to? That makes a big difference.

>> No.905010

You located anywhere near vaughan?

>> No.905031

>Not typing at least 90 wpm

What shit.

>> No.905032

>get a job by connections.
That's easier said than done if you come from a working class family.

>> No.905521

I have applied to and gotten interviews for:
-big companies like Chase, AEP, IBM, CBC, DIscover, Bob Evans, and others
-small companies
-tech startups like CoverMyMeds

all for data analytics positions (sometimes specifically purchasing analysts).

>> No.905728
File: 1.46 MB, 2550x3300, Resume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1% chance I get wallstreet job from alumni connections/prof.
Otherwise I'm gonna apply like everybody else to places like fidelity/no-name hedge funds/and credit unions/insurance places.
validation plz, or cuck me up fam

>> No.905752
File: 32 KB, 480x319, Do It Right Now!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

over 1 page lmao, too long
aesthetics matter make it prettier
too long, looks like shit, will get trashed instantly
Pretty good my man

>> No.906255

this is digusting lmfao...

"strong communication skills" How can you be that retarded, everyone else has that and there's absolutely no tranferable skills anywhere this resume is trash. Start from scratch

>> No.906323

Remove the entirety of the the first 3 sections. The wall of of text is meandering drivel that will put the person reading it in a bad mood immediately. No-one wants to read a huge block of text like that. The selected highlights don't belong there. They belong in your work experience section, and need to be backed up with examples of work you've done that demonstrates the qualities that you're asserting. The same applies to the core competencies. Having them listed like that adds nothing. You can state you have them, but I simply don't believe you unless you link them to something you've actually done.
Education looks OK.
Work experience. You need to write in the past tense, always.
Mentee: "Gain insight and advice" is vague and tells me nothing. Some for receiving coaching. The only interesting thing is the projects you've worked on. State what you actually contributed to those.
News: again, "gain through education and experience" means nothing. What did you actually do? "Relay..."- so what kind of things did you relay, what skills did you learn, tell me how you needed to have a deep understanding of the topic. You've also used far too many words to say a very simple thing. Keep it concise. Similarly saying "new that impacted their lives" does nothing to show you off. "Utilized the internet" what did you actually do? You're telling me your company's strategy, not what you did.
Marketing: led brainstorming. What did that involve? What did you contribute? It sounds like you sad in a room and said "ok, kids, everyone write some words on a piece of paper". "Manage business development opportunities" - what did you do in managing them? Too vague. It's good you have results, but there's nothing that links those results to your input.
Parks: "leading janitoral"? Meaning? You shouted "ok lads, grab you're brooms, we're going in!" charged to the toilets, and were the first one to start cleaning? What did you actually spend your time doing?

>> No.906326

Generally OK.
In your robotics section, make sure you focus on specifically your contribution to team efforts, and what was build, rather than spending time describing the format of the competition.
Similar case for the software. Focus more on your contribution, and what technologies you used, rather than what the thing you built was.
Don't say "see blah blah blah on website". No-one is going to read your website. If you want them to see it, it absolutely needs to be on your CV.

Remove the first 4 bullshit skills, move the rest to the bottom.
Jets: what projects did you report on? What did reporting involve? For all I know you're the guy who delivered papers to him. "Cowrote and.." what did you contribute to the plan that made it effective? "assessed IT issues" - that makes you sound like tech support. What did this actually involve? "Marketed" - again, what's your contribution? Basically, most of your experience is a similar story. You're tying to sell yourself as "hey, I'm best buds with the CEO and did all this high level shit", but you haven't really showed off your specific contribution, and it makes you come across as a hanger-onner.
Sharp: data on what? Was this purely optimisation? Did you need to have an understanding of the data you worked on? I want to see that you're capable of understanding what you were working on.

>> No.906327

Formatting sucks. Copy the formatting from one of the guys above.
Pilot: of what? Commercial jets? Light aircraft? Space shuttles? R/C helicopters?
Experience: put it into bullets. Most of your experience is shit. For the retail jobs, try to use it to convey that you're capable of working with other people. You don't need to list your supervisor. In civil air patrol, you've listed a bunch of ranks, but nothing about what you actually spent your time doing during that. If you're going into piloting, it seems like this is your most relevant experience, so you should be listing what you've done during it.

Ugly. Use normal formatting. Non-standard layouts will just piss people off.
If your projects are your only experience, you need to put those into bullets. You've listed that you've worked in a team, and what the task was, but you need to make it very clear what your specific contribution was, what tools/skills you specifically used, and what results you achieved. For example, in the mobile project, you've spent most of it saying what the app did, but I don't really care what it did, I care about your programming skills, and your ability to work in a team. So those are the two things that you should focus on showing in that section. Similar story for the others.
Abilities: remove all of them, and demonstrate them in the other sections. You get no points for asserting something with no evidence. Every single person who has ever written a CV is a team player, good communicator, and problem solver.

>> No.906330

Remove summary. Remove the key skills, because they're all pretty much obvious from your experience - no need to repeat yourself, and you can get this to one page.
Text needs to be bullets, and you need to write them in the past tense. Also, since your jobs so far have been quite procedural, think about if there's anything that you've done that's show leadership, or has achieved something above that which is required of you. You say you want something that's less easy/stress-free, but from reading what you've written, I would hire you if I needed a replacement for my robot.

Remove summary.
Teacher: what did you teach, and at what level? I can't tell if it's lego to pre-schoolers or robotics to undergraduates.
Intern: an intern what? Don't just say intern on its own. Analytics report on what? You compiled the report, but have shown no evidence that you understood a word that was in it. What did managing PR websites involve? Show me that there was more to it than clicking a box saying "yes I would like adverts". What kind of decisions did you advice the PR head on? What was the impact of your advice? What was in your statistical report? What an analysis methods/tools did you use?
Operations: vague title again. What kind of ops? Repairs to what? What did managing PNL involve? Show what you actually conributed.
Skills: you don't need a section to demonstrate you can use office. You are giving your ability to use office equal amount of space and prominence as your degree in maths. Remove the subheaders from it, from data analytics too, and don't list that you've known how to use a keyboard for 15 years. And remove the stupid bars.

>> No.906335

Formatting isn't great. Copy someone else who has good formatting. Remove objective.
Experience: data analysis - what data did you analyse and how? Too vague. Client retention strategies? Retaining clients of what, and how? Too vague. Developed cost benefit? How? What was in it? Am I expected to know what SBDC is? Too vague. Hands on experience? Tell me about it. What did you spend your time doing. Too vauge. Financial forecasting? Of what? What tools? What results? What impact? Too vague. Valuable experience? What experience? What did you do? Show me the skills you acquired. Too vague.
Remove personal strengths, they're all bullshit. If you want me to believe you can do those things, you need to show examples of you having done them in your experience.

>> No.906432

Thank you for being a good critique, I'm the robotics person.

>> No.906438

Thank you very much, screen capped. Gonna apply today once i fix it up. Will remove fluff and elaborate.

>> No.906450
File: 67 KB, 651x826, resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also not very sure of what I want to do after graduation, think my resume is alright b/c of experience but my GPA is not so great. do I have a chance at big 3 consulting or even IB?

>> No.906459
File: 132 KB, 1984x2806, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get a job/internship as a first year, I know my layout is bomb

>> No.906515
File: 102 KB, 729x815, Screen Shot 2015-09-26 at 1.46.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone critique mine? I haven't really had luck getting anything in my major because I choked and didnt do internships while in university so my resume is pretty shit for someone who graduated I feel.

>> No.906532

appear motivated to do the job you are applying for

companies hire noobs because they are cheaper than experienced people

>> No.906533

I work at FMR Co
>you will never work here
Good luck in your future endeavors.

>> No.906534

Also I can clearly see you go to Bryant

>> No.906536

You have overseas experience in a potential market. That's a huge puls. Sell that.

>> No.906542

Can see address and phone number. Want to blackball so hard for your comment/ranking as "below" Wall Street.

>> No.906552

> remove languages - when you apply online there is a box
> remove all high school stuff that was 3+ years ago
> add more experience please tell me you have more 4-5 bullets each tailor for job you want
> fix resume so the format is consistent through line up dates in a row.
> are you a us citizen? Doesn't look like it good luck getting a sponsorship

I've spent more time looking at your resume then actual candidates cause I was so pissed earlier and decided to help you out

Good luck in your future endeavors

>> No.906553


>> No.906562

For all here :
>Google mergers and inquisitions
>read everything
>copy resume templates rewrite with their formatting/ post here so others can fix language/ spacing / etc.
>be confident in interviews
> live happy life
> profit

>> No.906565

>Google mergers and inquisitions
Awwwh yeah we're going medieval up in this bitch!

>> No.906567

Pricing: what type of statistical analysis? What asset classes? Remember you're writing for someone who knows the field, so they'll be looking for signs that you have a detailed understanding. What were the metrics, and what markets? What kind of ad-hoc requests? Am I expected to know what SAS is? 60k cells isn't big, and saying you routinely pulled from it adds nothing.
Accounting: good. Some grammar points: you've put a capital P after a comma, and financial controllers shouldn't have caps. If it's not obvious what industry this is in from the blanked out bit, make sure you make it clear.
Finance: over $800,000+. over or +, not both. What client worksheets? What tax policies did you get familiar? What were your tax-related responsibilities?
Idea competition: what were the results?
Accounting club: write in past tense.

Your layout is fine, barring the need to indent the bullets, it's your content that's shit.
Education: what did you do in your degree? What is "some profile I picked" supposed to mean? If you have only shitty experience, you need to flesh out your education.
Experience: just list what you actually did. Bullshit like "added value" and "increased satisfaction" makes you sound useless.
You need to actually make an attempt to write something descriptive of what you've done.

>> No.906576

Education: add some details about what you did in your degree. Also, make your degree subject clearer. It's quite hidden.
Experience: fix the indenting on the 2nd lines of bullets; it shouldn't be further left than the start.
Trading sim: What assets were you simulating? What did your simulation involve? What were your results? Show me that you understood what you were doing.Business shouldn't have caps. What did you do in your negotiation? What were the results?
English: don't just state you wanted your students' results to improve, say how much they improved by. "confident and welcomed around foreign students" makes it sound like everyone was racist and you were putting a stop to it. It sounds kind of bad on a CV. Rephrase considerably.
Remove interests, or shrink them considerably. What is the surveying project? If it's relevant work experience, expand it into a section.

>> No.906619

I was a pretty lazy student in my first 3 years of college, and I fear that my GPA will suffer from it. Im thinking that if I dont make anything above a 3.5, I simply wont include it in my resume. Good idea?

>> No.906644

Had the same thing, decided to actually do my best with my master's and nowadays only put that GPA on there.

>> No.906659

There's only one reason for omitting it. If someone is looking at a CV with it missing, they'll assume the worst.

>> No.906699
File: 54 KB, 652x840, Resume Section 1..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I'd just like some input because the career counsellors keep tearing at apart and basically saying it's shit i just don't get it I feel like they're way too picky.

I'm currently in my second year of University looking for a internship position next summer..
Any criticism helps guys.. Thanks bros.

>> No.906702
File: 37 KB, 659x645, Resume Section 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd page.

>> No.906715

You guys serious? You think some faggot in HR has the time to read all that crap? What's up with the 2000 word essay resumes nigga? Imagine you on the job as a recruiter receiving hundreds of resumes looking like this, sounds like a fun job? Serious advice, learn to structure your resume more neatly. Input only relevant or important pointers and achievements. Limit to max 4 or 5 bullets per section and learn to shorten your dawn sentences. If need be, or rather what you should do, is tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying toto. Look at some proper profiles on LinkedIn if you don't know what I mean. No one fucking puts every single detail of their life on a resume. Learn to TLDR your shit

>> No.906726
File: 369 KB, 1280x1919, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand they realistically skim it for 10-15 seconds max but Atleast I didn't put my life story on my resume like some people I know so I'm fine with what I have.

>> No.906730

Remove objective, remove skills (they're all bullshit & meaningless)
Education: relevant courses?
Landscaping: this is really vague. I can't tell what you spend your time doing in this job. You've basically taken the same bullshit skills from above, and rephrased them. Anyone can do teamwork. There is nothing that makes you stand out for asserting that you can do teamwork. If you want to demonstrate you can do it, list some things that you did that obviously meant you were working well in a team, and list specific results from doing that. Same goes for "raise the standard and ..". It's a meaningless phrase. Anyone can say their work was quality. I would believe you more if you could tell me what was actually so good about it, and give evidence. So focus on what you spent your time doing during the job, what good things you specifically bought to the job that other people did, and what you achieved.
Golf: you've done pretty much the same here. "Smooth communication" - what does that even mean? ".. increased planning and time management skills" - again, you're just asserting "i'm good at <generic skill>". Tell me about all the difficult things you achieved which required careful planning and time management. Let me figure out you have those skills from what you've done, as that's the only way you'll make me genuinely believe you have them.
Ref: should this be at the bottom? Are there no bullets to go with it?
Pharmacy: sounds like a mundane retail job. What problems did you solve? Did you do anything above and beyond the requirements of mundane retail?
Extracurricular: your basic computer skills are not worth a whole section. Put it in the bottom section in the same list style.
Team leader: so you have an example of leading people. Make the most of it. Talk about your responsibilities, and avoid doing the same things I said above.
Member: if you're going for a job in this field, seems like an opportunity to show off specialist knowledge.

>> No.906734

Thank you so much this is the kinda shit that's so helpful that they'll never tell me you don't know how much I appreciate it.

>> No.906739

Given that a lot of people seem to be making the same kind of mistakes, here's my thoughts on what makes a good CV in general.

First and foremost, think about the purpose of the document you're writing. It's to convince someone that you're better than everyone else at a specific set of tasks. The person reading them is going to see CVs from a lot of people who want to convince him that they're good at these tasks, so you have to make sure you stand out from them.

Omit anything that doesn't make you stand out.

This means two things. Firstly, no objectives. The person reading it already knows your objective. It's to get a job with him. If your objective was anything else, why would you apply? There is no need to write a paragraph about this. It doesn't sell you. Secondly, no generic skills. Everyone is a "team player", "good communicator", and "problem solver". You don't need to write these for the same reason you don't need to write "competent breather", "working feet", or "has eyeballs" - it doesn't make you stand out. If you want to express that you're exceptionally good at any of these things, the correct way to do so is to write about things you've done that require usage of these skills in your experience.

When writing experience, bullets need to be concise and meaningful.

Think about every word you write. Is each word neccesary to make the point you're trying to make? Don't use overcomplicated language. Can this word be replaced by a simpler one? Shorter simpler sentences are easier to read and absorb. You'll get your point across better than if you used long complicated sentences. And think about each sentence too. Does the sentence I'm writing show me in a positive light? Is it likely to make me look better than the average applicant? Or am I just writing to fill space?


>> No.906740


In my view, the ideal experience bullet is of the form "I used skill X to perform action Y and achieve result Z". This tells me that you have a marketable skill. It tells me what kind of things you spent your time doing in your previous job. And it tells me you're successful at what you do.

It's also important that, from reading your experience bullets, that I can tell roughly what you spent your time doing day-to-day in a given job. Don't just write about the one time where you spent two weeks doing something amazing, because I'll find that suspicious and start wondering what you spend the rest of the year doing.

On formatting:

If you get your headers right, the rest will follow. Think about the point of formatting. It's to ensure that your reader can slice up the document into related bits. This is his experience, so if I want to look over his experience again, I look a this bit. And so on. Make sure that headers clearly section off the document, and that they don't blend into each other.

As to ordering, think about what sells you. If you're fresh out of university, your education comes top. Since you probably only have some shitty retail jobs, and maybe a two week internship or something, education is your biggest selling point. Include a fair amount of courses that are relevant to what you're appling for, and probably include your high school/A-levels/equivalent too. When you've been in work longer, drop things off it. After you've been working 3 or 4 years, and you feel that your industry experience sells you more than your education, move your experience to the top instead.

So to reiterate: the important things are to make the document easy to read, to make you seem more competent than other applicants, and to make every word count.

>> No.906788
File: 88 KB, 700x871, 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Year+ out of school decided to update Resume after seeing this thread.
Let me know any tips/ improvements thanks.
>In b4 fill out current job

>> No.906836

Im >>906450

How much is too much? I find it hard to do the "used x to do y and z was the result" and keep it simple?

how much of mine do you recommend me cutting out?

>> No.906951
File: 101 KB, 3405x2200, JFMSU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in Australia where 1 page resumes weren't really in vogue

>> No.907014

I fucked up during my undergraduate course and took way too long, I was hoping I could mask it by only mentioning the year I finished it in. Do you guys think that'd be a red flag?

>> No.907019

marketing shit

>> No.907224

>Wtf is that shit? Makes you sound retarded
CORRECTION: It IS retarded, but is makes you SOUND smart as hell.

Like being a master of English Language Vocalization and Communication Methods.
Basically sounds hella smarter than "I can talk real gud."

>> No.907522

Thanks. Good pointers. Any links or blueprints to follow that shows how to structure a good CV? Where can I easily find (almost) only good ones to look at to give me some more concrete pointers?

>> No.907612
File: 195 KB, 315x476, 1420505588697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sophomore in college.
>majoring in accounting
>only job I've had was at a restaurant

I've been working at the restaurant for 4 years now and I'm not even sure if theres any point of putting on my resume. How do I make being a server more appealing?

>> No.907726

TBD? Are you even trying?
Finance intern: what do you mean analysis on electronic systems? That doesn't make sense. How did you remodel balance sheets? What about it made verification faster? "Facilitated"? What did you actually do that facilitated it? Stop using big words and talk about what you actually did. How did you collaborate? Don't just tell me you did it, say what you did.
RA: What industries? What was high quality about your deal flow? What was the impact of your database? The phrasing of the last bullet makes it seems completely nonsensical. I had to read it several times to realise that it's the client that's doing SEO and CRM, not you.
PWM: What were the target markets? i.e. what markets did you get experience in. What did reviews involve? What kind of queries did you answer? What kind of recommendations did you make?
Also, you don't need to point out the rank of people you worked with so often.
Service learning: your first bullet, I can't tell if it's describing the group, or describing your actions in the present tense. What were the clubs needs that were met, and what was your involvement in meeting them? What did planning involve?
Life: write in the past tense. How did you ensure that it was upheld? This doesn't sound like it's going to show you off much.
Chair: again, this makes you sound like a pointless bureaucrat. What did you actually achieve that was special during your time?

Put yourself in the position of the guy reading it. Think about the impact what you write. No rule is hard and fast. With the XYZ thing, think about it more as "if I've written X, is there an associated Y+Z I could write to make it better?" Maybe in some cases there isn't all three, or that one of them's a bit shit and not worth adding, but the important thing is that you ask yourself that question as it's a good way to make your bullets hit home better. Try and strike the balance by asking "does this make me look better?"

>> No.907746

It doesn't matter what length is in style, what matters is what's most effective at making someone with a stack of 50 CVS not get pissed off. i.e. short is better.
Remove profile. Future grad, so add some relevant courses.
Clerk: don't have nested bullets. It's easy enough to merge that into one. "improved file management and backup procedure using richcopy and windows batch scripting, resulting in a 50% reduction in backup time". What relevant procedures did you research? Was there any other improvements beyond the speed? Even though your job sounds kind of shitty, this kind of stuff is good cause it shows you went way beyond the basics of what you needed to do. What QC measures did you use? There's no need to capitalise and abbrev. terms you only use once. What was the impact of the procedures you created?
Leader: "valuable knowledge of potential oportunities..." is vague. Be more specific here. What form did your research take, and what results did you achieve? "such as but not limited to" = wordy. Is this the kind of stuff you should be using to expand the second bullet?
Consultant: you don't need to list all the types of people - just say staff. How much efficiency did you gain from your templates?
Volunteer: "excellent customer service" - what was so excellent about you in particular?
Strengths: remove collab - it's bullshit. Remove bullet about batch scripting. You've listed the skill below, and it's also obvious from your experience bullets that you learnt it yourself. Move the remaining intro to VBA in with the relevant bullet below. Collapse the subheadings.

Depends on how attentive the reader is. You'll probably get asked at interview about it regardless. If the rest of your CV is decent, might as well be open about it. It's really not as bad as you think it is. People are generally fairly understanding about that kind of thing, and are more interested in your future potential working for them.

>> No.907759

Nope. All I can recommend is reading a bunch of other peoples' CVs, and thinking about what pisses you off most about them. Then copy the structure of ones that didn't piss you off.
My only experience comes form having done a lot hiring/interviewing and coming to conclusions about it myself. I don't work in HR or anything, I've just seen a lot of terrible CVs over the years.

What's you biggest selling point? It's probably your education. Focus on selling that. I imagine your potential future employers are more interested in your ability to do accounting than your ability to wash dishes.

>> No.907788

imo the things in my CV make me look better, but I'm asking for a second pair of eyes to make sure im not adding anything that seems irrelevant

>> No.908260
File: 504 KB, 734x929, Resume_Pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fan of the wall of text at the top

ugly as fuck format

Another ugly format. looks more like an essay

Microsoft office as a skill is taking up too much space. you could slim that section down and add some additional skills.

>Dat layout
mahh nigga

What does biz think of mine?

>> No.908269 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 975x649, resumee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be gentle

What fonts do you guys use?

>> No.908270
File: 33 KB, 975x649, resumee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 it m8

also what fonts do you guys use?

>> No.908293

what do i put on mine if my wamn was only ~60 and i've only ever had one job which is essentially manual labor.

am i doomed?

>> No.909020
File: 45 KB, 701x798, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graduating in a month. Every programming position around here requires years of experience and I never did an internship. My grades are pretty average/mediocre (3.0).

Just fuck my shit up.

>> No.909142
File: 64 KB, 1445x837, KillMeNow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm getting pretty desperate here. Lost last permanent job 11 months ago. Was under the assumption accountants had an easy time in the job market...

As an aside, any /HR/ here? Lets say as a stupid 16 year old I was fired from a grocery store for stealing a sandwich. Would I exist as a No-Rehire in the same database as the corporate employees? The company was Wegmans if it matters

Please help me get off this god damn unemployment

>> No.909145

I'm open to relocating but I don't know what the best way to do so is, other than applying to random things on indeed.

>> No.909196

was the sandwich that you stole good at least?

>> No.909217

The best I ever had. I miss working in a deli sometimes. Simpler times

>> No.909222

Probably the best resume I've seen so far, good job anon

>> No.909960
File: 64 KB, 658x844, DELETE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changed up a bunch of statements, also my school wants me to do PAR statements, it's due tomorrow night and they want objective and skills so just going to leave them in..

>> No.909961
File: 40 KB, 662x806, Critique 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2.

My resume looks like a lot of words but i'm banking on them seeing on how structured and formatted it is and kinda dipping in a bit more then reading the sentences...

>> No.909989


Could you put the resume on a dropbox or something? I love the fuck out of your layout.

>> No.910016

>poor layouts
>more than one page
>moreover the second page doesn't end in the bottom
>no profiling to show what the company wants to see before submitting
>gmail or yahoo

>> No.910036

How is gmail or Yahoo bad? Also 2 pages isn't always bad. What's the point in leaving out crucial information?

>> No.910048
File: 38 KB, 680x787, res.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what is one supposed to put into the tagline?


are you really expected to go into that much detail?

>> No.910107

Pretty plain might want to add a little bit more information.. What else did you do in those jobs? Any awards ? Managed people? implimented a better system?

Make them bullets and conscise. You can add a lot more things in your resume to market yourself.

>> No.910165


I don't wanna insult my employers by posting self evident shit and irrelevant projects.

I plan on getting most of my jobs through networking.

should I still change it?

>> No.910228

If you are graduating with a compsci degree, you have a few years of "hands on" programming experience.

When you go onto those job websites that say "76 people have applied for this position", 50 of those people likely have English degrees. Autistic weebs, with no credentials whatsoever except for the genius in their own minds also apply.

Don't sell yourself short. Apply to the job if you think you can do it.

>> No.910373

If that's the case then no but even then you could still go a little bit more in depth regardless.