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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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901793 No.901793 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone wanna speculate as to how many shekels this guy got for selling 4chan?

>> No.901802

/pol/ said $5mill

>> No.901820
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Bigger question is how will 4chan be monetized to provide an adequate rate of return?

>ad revenue
>data mining and discussion trending
>captcha solving
>outright sale of user data to big data and nsa

I'll take all of the above trebek

>> No.901832

bout tree fiddy

>> No.901975

/pol/ says a lot of things.

>> No.902486


I thought this guy sold out to the feds a few years ago?

>> No.902495
File: 42 KB, 386x269, Gooby car suspicious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what's their source?

>> No.902511

Average 4chan poster's dick size
Then sell dick growth pills

>> No.902528

/pol/ told me labor camps don't exist in north korea

>> No.902530

>i-i would n-never sell 4chan, e-even though i got offers!
top cuck

he did nothing technical anyway. the website was volunteer ran and he was just a figure head. the only good thing about him was that he was fairly hands off, so he didn't fuck with the website too much.

>> No.902552



>> No.902577
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Not as much as the guy who bought this place will make selling all our personal/credit card details.

>> No.902899


>> No.903888


>sold out to the feds
4chan is not the mafia

>> No.903901

the numbers are in and moot made a little over a million on "4chan passes"

i dont think he would give that cash cow up for a few thousand chump change

either way, his "i dont make money off of this" speal was a ruse/flat out lie

>> No.904053
File: 529 KB, 940x672, 1402562033139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Six million.

>> No.904290


1) heresay is not a source
2) it's spiel. don't pretend to be a jew when you can't even into yiddish