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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9017817 No.9017817 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, couple of days ago posted lesson#1 about /biz/ meme shilling scams.

Here's the lesson 2 for new people in crypto. Don't overtrade and take confidence in your decisions/projects that You invested in.

Seems like everything is mooning around You ? You want to sell Your stack and just hop on a rocket with other coin? Everything is 40%+ in a night, why my project isn't moving ?

That's how you get absolutely fkin JUSTED and left bagholding,saving pink wojaks to your folder. You will be losing your mind from stress and sleep deprivation and You will lose all of the gains.

90% of traders in all financial markets LOSE. Cold fact. 90 of 100 people who daytrade/weektrade lose their money. Which means that You are seeing green on a lot of coins, but under stress people are selling their stacks and buying in higher.

And it's all about confidence. If You invested in something that You believed in - YOU SHOULD BE PREPARED TO LOSE 100% OF YOUR CAPITAL.

That's called "angel investor" strategy. I believe that Chainlink will be x10-x100 coin. All memes aside, all FUD aside, all non-existing marketing, no big news aside.

Why ? Because I'm confident in my decision, and I know this shit is under radar of general public. And second - there are paid shills and paid FUDers here.

We are being inflirtrated by them, day by day, and pic related is happening today, after yesterdays AMB conference, when A-devs confirmed that they are here, B-they got their jimmies rustled because 50% questions on AMA was about chainlink.

Think for yourself and DYOR.

>> No.9017851
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Lesson 1 for all people interested in it.

>> No.9017908

Meh. I’ve a 75k stack, and I still only make trades where I pull in 200-300 LINK. I sell around 10-15k and buy it all back around 100 sats lower. I aim to do that once/ twice a day, but I won’t do it unless the opportunity is there ya know? I know it’s tiny gains, but I’ve been steadily doing it for the past few weeks, way more healthy and safe than the big ass sell your whole stack and try to buy 10% lower lol. I was doing that around Oct/ November and while the pay off was worth it, the stress was horrible. 100 sats back then was 6% difference.

LINK is gonna be huge, just gotta be aware it’s gonna take a while. Use it to your advtange and accumulate or sell and fud. You want to be accumulated by June/ July id say.

>> No.9017957

This post was dedicated to less experienced people in crypto, that I see here more and more everyday. Your strategy is good and You have a proper stack to operate with, and not trading 100% of it.

>> No.9017972
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Good work Redditbro.
You shoud tripfag so I can add you to my whitelist.

>> No.9018133
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I use plebbit spacing for the rant part, so people can actually process information from it, and not read it it one line.Never used reddit for a long period of time, and didn't registered on it.This is my place.I will use this tripcode for posts like this.

>> No.9018191


Yeah I forget there’s a lot of nufags here who aren’t numb to the pajeet shills. It’s like your first relationship, super emotional, then you just get more mature wnd logical when dealing with trades. If you’re new reading this thread, follow his advice, and never ever FOMO into something you’re not comfy holding for a few months, irregardless of price. If you can’t tldr what you’re buying, don’t buy.

Nice of you to make these threads OP. Nice thing to do.

>> No.9018366

Giving back positive energy. There are/were actually a lot of good people here, who gave me advice for free. Many of them are gone I suppose since they #madeit, but I'm just tired of some low level basic shit, that's being played here on daily basis. This board doesn't have a buying force of some big hedge fund, and if people would be actually helpful to each other instead of shilling/fuding all day long, it would be a most useful resource on web about crypto.Also flags would be nice,I'm not racist but some of this back and forth posts with almost identical sentences are just killing me. Paid shills and fuders from some 3rd world country that operate with 5BTC at most thinks that they can get rich off /biz/ back and take advantage of less educated people/new comers.

>> No.9018436

Are your price predictions for EOY? I have a hard time believing LINK will only be $4.70 in 2020.

>> No.9018442
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This is _NOT_ a good strategy _ESPECIALLY_ if you believe that the instrument you are trading is going to have a breakout at some point so in addition to being a shit strategy and especially shit in crypto, it is especially, especially shit as it relates to LINK. This is like playing the Martingale strategy in roulette, where you are risking n to win n*0.05. It will work until it doesn't, and when it doesn't, you either lose everything you gained and FOMO in at some stop-loss point rendering your trading time and effort lost, or lose more than you ever made by selling that 10-15k and never being able to buy back in because now LINK just went 2-3x in a day and you're shit out of luck.

Word from the wise anon: Quit while you're ahead.

>> No.9018473

sorry for the retarded commas by the way, and it's word -to- the wise obviously. Not a native englishman.

>> No.9018619

Not doing any predictions.
Depends, if he's day trading and closing his positions while still on the computer, and he's on top of news related to the coin etc, he might do good most of the time. If he goes to sleep with position open, he might get justed. But that's risk he's taking for a reward he wants. Better than roulette.

>> No.9018843

>reddit spacing
get out you filth

>> No.9018867
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Looks good to me.
Keep up !
Also expect some bitter anons during this dip.

>> No.9018914


Oh I’m aware. I’m a big conservative trader. I should have mentioned that I obviously only the top of pumps wilhich are unsubstantiated. I don’t just pick a random value and sell. There’s a few things I’m leaving out obviously like increasing volume I won’t touch, etc. I’m not an idiot lol. My primary goal is conserve wealth, additional gains are secondary. That wasn’t so when I was sub 50k, but now I’m comfy.

>> No.9018949


X10 and x100 are price predictions you dumb faggot.

>> No.9018991

>I believe that Chainlink will be x10-x100 coin
I didn't stated my entry point, and 4.7USD that You provided will be way above my x10.
thanks fren
i will pleb space in OP, stop putting so much value in spaing meme

>> No.9019009

I am automatically up to date with LINKs news. I’m like one of the 40 actually subscribed to the gitter

>> No.9019046

Thx op, good advice.

I tried selling 25% of my stack on a few occasions. Every time i lost links. I even told myself this is the last time I'm selling. But then ended up selling again and losing more. Now I just buy Bitcoin whenever there's a huge red candle and buy more links with it. I know that my links are going to keep going up, there's no way that this is the end price. Too bad most people are going to have to learn this the hard way as well. You doing God's working on thanks.

Also, with all the fud here...pretty sure links gonna jump up some more.

Still over 1k btc volume. We were at 100-300 for a while recently

>> No.9019098

Great opportunity to accumulate between now and main net release, but not taking chance of selling Link and getting hung out to dry, not worth the risk... Plus tax issues when u sell.

>> No.9019197
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Going offline, good weather, summer is around the corner. Stop looking at charts all the time anons, go outside, do some sports. Enjoy your life. Gains will come when the time is right. Lesson #3 coming in few days. Tripfag out