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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9016203 No.9016203 [Reply] [Original]

>more biz traffic this last week due to the pump
>Weekend is the presipice of the greatest bull run if all time
>Friday night
>biz slows drastically

I hate normies so much

>> No.9016217

im sitting at home by myself with no friends chatting with me just biz

>> No.9016223
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>> No.9016247
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norman here.

drunk but lurking.

>> No.9016248

is it really

>> No.9016254


i am the daywalker

>> No.9016273

Who cares? Last friday one of you faggots said the same thing.

>> No.9016311

Because I don't want normies on my board. They have jobs, girlfriends, social lives. I don't want them getting rich

>> No.9016367


You have a miracle of human invention in front of you, with every dictionary printed at your fingertips, and you spell like a nigger.

>> No.9016452

goddamn coons.

>> No.9016463
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i agree

they make me SICK

>> No.9016481

Tbqf senpai honestly niggers imo

>> No.9016519

Fucking hate normies. But I love their money pumping my bags

>> No.9016523

>two whales cause a spike
>bull run


>> No.9016713
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>> No.9016743

Two "whales" didn't raise the price by almost $1000. It's everyone fomoing back in, and I suspect the exchanges pumped it, because sub 7k was driving off too many people. Surprised me, but the volume is piss poor even at the new price, and I suspect that it will bounce between 9k and 8,500 for a week, if Asia doesn't shit the bed over the weekend like usual.
But that won't stop the idiots in the Bitmex chat from hurr durring about "20k next!"

It's definitely manipulation, it's obvious - huge spike, then sideways. It's been BARTing like that for over a week, and the exchanges kept it too low for too long, real crashes were starting that they had to scramble to prop up. Now they have at least a month of renewed fomoing to generate sweet, sweet liquidation cash from.

If this was a real bull run, it wouldn't be going sideways like it is. Stop looking at the minute chart, and look at the 4h, and the daily. This is classic manipulation.