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9016182 No.9016182 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you smoking weed to give you a competitive advantage?

>> No.9016197

Weed gives me the buy high, sell low advantage

>> No.9016204

who the fuck said I'm not?

>> No.9016218

>competitive advantage

>> No.9016231

>not dabbing concentrates that give you a clean high and taste amazing too
enjoy making shit trades because your brain is fogged up with all that CBN, man.

>> No.9016232

weed is for niggers and faggot teens

>> No.9016238

sativa is unironically better than adderall.

>> No.9016241

that reminds me

>> No.9016257

Sativa doesn't do shit for energy, its a placebo meme.

>> No.9016268

I've smoked and dabbed a lot. There is no major advantage whatsoever, not saying their is a real disadvantage either besides having to spend money to get it.

>> No.9016284

low-temp vaping is far superior to dabbing or smoking if we're talking mental clarity

>> No.9016290

I am. Smoking on some larry og live resin rn.

>> No.9016295

>competitive advantage

because it's a handicap instead of an advantage

amphetamines and stimulants are literally the only thing that can give you a competitive mental advantage

>> No.9016296

You are getting the same chemical bud. Vaping is nice though.

>> No.9016308

So mucj this nobody fucking understands it either. All my friends who like weed just think im memeing and just scream "HURRRR DURRR 420 BRAZE IT BRO SMOKE FOR LYFE" whilst coughing up blackshit the whole time and are retarded

>> No.9016322

I live above a dispensary with 50 different strains. I get high every single day, but I don't see any obvious competitive advantages. Half of the time I have to tipple check whether I locked my door when I leave my room. I figure that I make enough money and have my life together well enough that its acceptable.

>> No.9016377

haha dude yea weed makes me like SUPEr smart and stuff and also it cures cancer and aids too

>> No.9016461

vaping sativa while drinking a cup of coffee is the most creative you will ever be.

>> No.9016475

the high is different though, why? Probably the lack of burning plant matter in comparison to simply smoking.

>> No.9016496
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>> No.9016508
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>> No.9016516

Because I am not a musician.

>> No.9016704

Nigga what THCa degrades into CBN it's all foggy kek

It's all about them terrrrrrps

>> No.9016722

high af and not doin shit because portfoilio is already high af not doin shit anyways

>> No.9016759

Fuck yes I'm not alone! Just smoked my remains from my vape and couldn't believe the shit taste of the gas and ash.

>> No.9016789

Also got high and went on a bike adventure with my dog for about two hours, rather have had my vape but I'm happy.

>> No.9016809

im so high wtf

>> No.9016818

All of you are close but nah

Terpenes dominate the type of high more than the cannabinoids.
That's why strains exist.
Strains like Northern Lights and El Diablo (both indicas, although indica and sativa refer more to "morphology based" genetics than strain effects) contain a higher ratio of the terpene "Myrcene" in comparison to others (linalool, caryophyllene, pinene, etc) which in turn creates a more sedative "couch lock" effect.
Whereas sativas, like Durban Poison and Agent Orange, contain more Alpha and Beta Pinenes, and especially Limonene. Which all create more uplifting effects, and aid in lucidity.

Fun fact: Cannabis terps pretty much validated aromatherapy.

>Manager at a dispo

>> No.9016863

>not snorting that mysterious white powder I occasionally find gathering on the pipes underneath my basement's bathroom's sink

>> No.9016869

I'm not competing in retardation, I don't need that kind of advantage

>> No.9016873

> Having the luxury of picking strains.

You lucky fuck. I can never get any sativa. Vaping is the closest I can get

>> No.9016918

You can try cannabis derived terpenes sold online. You might be able to pull some sativa effects out of em.
I mix them in with everything, wax, shatter, flower. Vaping Terps is fucking taaaasty.

>> No.9016934

Wait...so you choose to live somewhere outside of California?

>> No.9016956

Why the fuck would anyone want to live in commiefornia?

>> No.9017092

Sell High bitches

>> No.9017103

I don't need a competitive advantage. Perhaps that's because all my "competitors" are smoking weed. Thank you for being retarded, retards

>> No.9017106

great line

>> No.9017132
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Stoner mostly is stupid and lazy ass people, think smoke some kind of grass will make them smarter than everyone else without actual learning and training.

>> No.9017168
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Please don't post asian women when you shitpost

>> No.9017212

I don't smoke because I have a successful life.

>> No.9017266


>> No.9017332

I fucking love vaping. Smells like popcorn, so eternally comfy.

>> No.9017345

I do crack to gain an edge in the market. Step up your game or get left behind.

>> No.9017385


kill yourself you god damn drug addict. you are a waste of space. you are like a turk: smelly and not needed. you smell of losing. if your not kill yourself you mother will because your so smelly you fagot. hitler hates you. I hope you die. Kill is too good for you.

>> No.9018164

i lost 600k$ in one night in december because i was too high to make a decision and just went to bed, got liquidated while sleeping

>> No.9018668
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University educated
500k+ net worth
Travel 9 months a year
Read plenty err day
110+ IQ (modest)

Self made, dont work anymore, smoke err day.

>> No.9018693

Makes me feel hungry but too lazy to do anything. Also I get really paranoid.

>> No.9018711

Because i become so stoned that i cant even log in cryptopia

>> No.9019222
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>> No.9019278

I used to love weed but now every time I get baked I have lot of anxiety and paranoia about my future life this all happened when I turned 29

>> No.9019321

>not eating cannabis

>> No.9019337

I vape everyday. As long as you know how to risk manage your investment, weed will make it easier to treat crypto like a game.

>> No.9019453


>> No.9019696

THC is a handicap
CBD on the other hand...

>> No.9019718

quit smoking. i went through the same shit at 27.

>> No.9019748
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because I'm waiting for it to become legal this summer.

Feels good man.

>> No.9021031

Used to smoke everyday when I was 18 and 19, just turned 22 recently and when I try to smoke now I get really bad anxiety.

Much prefer amphetamines and MDMA.

>> No.9021067

This fgt has never smoked weed of any kind.
Weed is for the weak. A sedative and retardant for the squandered minds of the drones of late capitalism.

>> No.9021076

settle down loser

>> No.9021097

be careful with amphetamine, it will fuck up your happiness even worse than mdma imo

>> No.9021099

>make reverse psychology post to convince some biz fags to smoke weed
>they become lazy, unambitious and want ez money
>turn to shitcoins for fastcash
>eventually lose that money and op cashes in on the new bait


>> No.9021132

This happened to me at 21

>> No.9021142

no need to wait. just close the door, as long as you dont rat yourself out to the cops you should be able to get away with it.

>> No.9021188

brags about modest IQ on an Idaho crime watch forum

>> No.9021201

dont do that
the thc protects your lungs from excessive smoke damage. if you already vaped out most of the thc, which you did, because that is the function of a vaporizer, then youre now damaging your lungs to an unknown degree because its never been studied. so...

why even get a vaporizer if youre just going to smoke the remains. just set your vape to as high a temp as you can and carefully suck out everything you can from the remainder, thats all you can do.

>> No.9021220

and just to clarify, i mean set the vape as high as you can without smoking

also dont smoke stems, very carcinogenic

>> No.9021235

you could also bake your vape leavings into something. but meh, the high is mild i dunno. i got a big bag saved up anyways maybe ill make a cake

>> No.9021258

only one strain of weed is a sedative, and i don't know why people smoke it outside of helping them sleep. sativa, the other strain is fantastic. it's like a less effective, psychedelic version of adderall that doesn't harm your body.

>> No.9021284

Because I take Gorilla Mike's Baboon Brainblast pills when I need an edge.

>> No.9021297


I actually have a Pax but haven't used it in forever.

Sometimes I'll smoke maybe half a bowl and head to class or work in a library. As long as I don't smoke too much I find that I can put myself in a 'flow' very easily assuming I'm working on things I should and not watching youtube videos or listening to music.

What kind of weed should I use to do this? Sativa? Sometimes it's incredible the type of work flow I can get into but it's easier said than done when smoking as you can easily smoke more and go full degenerate

>> No.9021305


>> No.9021405


This guy knows what's up.

Hey I have a question for you...

When I smoke sativas I feel like myself, feel good, just more relaxed.

When I smoke Indicas I get the wild spaced out high that makes me feel anxious and out of it.

Is this common? Why is it like this for me?

It's 2 very different highs for me. I'll only smoke sativa.

>> No.9021423

Unironically this.

>> No.9021434


>> No.9021495

well then you're an idiot

>> No.9021601
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bro you're a retard, you're replying to "vaping feels different" posts with "no guise it's just the strain"

If you knew your mouth from your asshole, you'd be saying "yeah you guys are right, low-temp vaping does produce noticeably different effects as it's not hot enough to activate/release THCV and the various other cannabinoids and terps that are released or altered by combustion"

or some horseshit dispo-manager drivel like that

>> No.9021624

but I am anon

>> No.9021890
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"mostly" ? are y one of the people i talk about cause y seems to.

>> No.9021966

because they're different strains and have different effects on people. just the way it is.

>> No.9022050

> just turned 22 recently and when I try to smoke now I get really bad anxiety.
If any hallucinogen gives you bad anxiety, you have demons inside yourself you haven't addressed. Go talk to a (good) psychiatrist

>Much prefer amphetamines and MDMA.
You're literally fucking with the chemical that gives life meaning. Enjoy your slow descent into hell.

>> No.9022149

agree with you on your first point, but thru drugs there are people who can "have a bad trip" or whatever and figure some shit out for themselves.

Had a friend who did shrooms at a fucked up time of his life, became depressed for 3 months afterwards. Decides to do shrooms AGAIN, somehow figures out the meaning of his own life and has been kicking ass ever since.

>> No.9022157

Hey I'm not trolling or anything but I've read some papers that say that heavy marijuana use in younger people can lead to schitzoactive symptoms that they would not have otherwise developed. I used to believe the "inner demons" meme but I think the reality is more complicated then that. I used to love smoking weed when I was younger, it made me more creative and relaxed. As I got older it started making me paranoid. I would "feel" people talking about me and commenting on my life, never auditory hallucinations but it was definitely creepy. Stopped smoking and all that stuff went away.

>> No.9022210

drugs are bad

>> No.9022333
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>vaporizer turned to just below burning
>clean waterpipe
>dank citrus-as-hell weed

>> No.9022335

because crack exists

>> No.9022350


>> No.9022443

>Hey I'm not trolling or anything but I've read some papers that say that heavy marijuana use in younger people can lead to schitzoactive symptoms that they would not have otherwise developed.
It's possible that your brain got malformed while it was still developing. But 18-19 is pretty late.
>I used to believe the "inner demons" meme but I think the reality is more complicated then that.
The paranoia you experience while high exists while you're sober, you just suppress it. If you can solve the underlying cause it will go away and you can smoke happily again. That's what I did.
>As I got older it started making me paranoid. I would "feel" people talking about me and commenting on my life
Well that makes it easy. That's your subconscious dragging out all the shit wrong with your life in front of you. Just take them at face value. What exactly do these "people" in your head say about you?

>> No.9022467

>Buying high
>Selling high

>> No.9022610
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>99% of bizlets don't know about the magic that is Fronto leaf
Enjoy your canoeing joints that last 3 minutes before everything but the glue line burns and dumps the remainder of your pot on the ground

>> No.9023094
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>He fell for the 'work harder' meme

>> No.9023116

breaking even is better than most of /biz/

>> No.9023150

A lot of the time joints get me higher than blunts
I roll with raw king-size and raw filters nigga

>> No.9023218
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>mfw burn outs, alcoholics or caffeine addicts they they are any different from you average junkie.

>> No.9023287

still smoking super skunk, outdoor grown, it'b been 17 years now every fucking day and i'm good, still 140 iq.. my Short memory is fucked tho

>> No.9023294
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>mfw high right now and making $220k/year

>> No.9023349

And I know a VP at my company who drinks more than you do water junkie last year he made 7 million and probably double that based on his stocks taking 2 years to vest, there are exceptions everywhere. Not to mention you are probably a liar.

>> No.9023359


>> No.9023372
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>Competitive advantage

My body gets numb and I feel like a sleepy retard. The charts do look prettier, though.

>> No.9023473

Is that you, Rodger?

>> No.9023663

>implying i'm not an alcoholic as well

>> No.9024365

Degenerate subhumans thinking narcotics help them perform better. Keep on doing it lads, really making it easy for the rest.

>> No.9025460

That right mate aye? Well, if you are dumb enough to believe the promises of the promotional material then I can't help you. The world needs victims I suppose.

>> No.9025595

I used to extract my AVB and stems into tequila.

It makes quite a potent shot, just throw in tequila and filter after a few weeks or more. If used in a margarita it might be even better!

>> No.9025807

Because I'm not retarded

>> No.9026860

>not taking mushrooms and finding that you transcend the charts