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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 140 KB, 360x480, 45645645646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9013134 No.9013134 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw normal guys aren't even good enough for pregnant women and fat single moms anymore
So how much do I need to make it /biz/? I haven't had a gf in a while and no woman on plenty of fish messages me back. I'm a normal guy, job, apartment, not a manlet, work out 3 times a week. I decided to do an experiment, I looked for only pregnant women and fat moms to see if I could at least get a response. What happened to women where fat pregnant women and single moms are only interested in chad. I think my only options are to go to church again to find a woman and or make it with crypto. Is plenty of fish dead, should I be on another website?

>> No.9013168

buy whores dumb ass

>> No.9013195

>mentions crypto

>> No.9013221

It is though, you mad?

>> No.9013226
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Let me guess, you're holding Link right?

>> No.9013241

I wouldn't even message that girl, she's not the type of bitch to boost your confidence from fucking, if anything you'll leave feeling disgust.

>> No.9013285
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No I'm all in on Funfaire
>tfw I just want a woman to have fun with

>> No.9013372

>it is
Absolutely deluded
Back to r9k nigger

>> No.9013404

you just need to be dominate in your messaging, dont smile in your profile

>> No.9013409

You mad.

>> No.9013454

>gets rejected by pregnant roasties on POF
>vents about it on the finance section of a thai knitting forum
>calls other people mad

>> No.9013469

t. mad

>> No.9013478

This guy is a salty walty. Atleast my linky stays super stinky . You know what rhymes with stinky and linky? KINKY .

>> No.9013497

It's not about money idiot it's about how attractive your face is. What you need to make it is plastic surgery.

>> No.9013502

t. college student smashing thots like there's no tomorrow
good luck with your online dating though famalam

>> No.9013519 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 387x337, 1505515091107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She at best, but extremely rarely, will contribute 40/60, but it will usually be 30/70
>90% chance of being an attention/materialistic whore
>She will occasionally want to allow 2 to 6 of her family members to stay for a few days when it's actually a week or more, into your tiny apartment/house and you have to play host while they use your kitchen and look through your shit and everyfucking time you pass by one of them you have to do small talk
>This will happen twice a year, minimum

Unless it's a 100% open relationship, you will lose your independence, free time, and wealth due to compromise after compromise.
Just to get your dick wet.

Why would you unironically want that, retard?

>> No.9013571
File: 72 KB, 1200x1200, sorry-this-guy-is-already-taken-by-a-super-hot-mexican-girl-women-s-t-shirt-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

code a program that crawls the online users, greps profile for red flags, not caucasian, single mom, and send a random opener using command line using curl. i did this multiple times to troll, i found a girl that i really clicked with, who became my gf.

basically make your attachment to it as minimal as possible and that helps when you take a shotgun approach rather than sniping. i ended up getting lots of messages and i didnt even reply to most of them.

>> No.9013607
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Thats a good idea, thank you anon.

>> No.9013626

It isn't though you stupid faggot, you should be banned for posting your /r9k/ garbage here you stupid ugly loser. The reason you can't attract fat women is because you are a massive beta faggot who has no friends and compensates for this by posting blogshit on the inappropriate boards. You think that /biz/ is full of "your bros" who will give you advice but in reality you are just a massive friendless loser. Now fuck off faggot.

>> No.9013652
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t. ultra maximum ass blasted projecting mad

>> No.9013660

You get rejected by single moms dude. You are a loser.

>> No.9013710
File: 1.84 MB, 202x360, 1520885744611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. increasingly infuriated hemorrhoid inducing mad

>> No.9013764

>im preggo n hungry
>provide me with nourishment for tyrone's baby

>> No.9013833

>has such low self esteem he hits on single moms
lol the cognitive dissonance

>> No.9013879

If you can't even get the single moms to swipe right on your Tinder profile then you seriously need to rewrite your profile and/or get someone to take some decent photographs to replace whatever blurry horseshit you took yourself.

>> No.9013920

keep your incel rage at r9k

>> No.9013946
File: 61 KB, 598x687, 1523339915621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see post, immediately enrages
>gets btfo
>is mad
>gets called mad, get enraged even further
>hemorrhoids are flaring uncontrollably now
>have to go treat bursted hemmoroid
>cant think of anything to say
>"c-c-cognitive dissonance heh"
>pass out from assmad hemorrhoid blood loss

>> No.9013968

>gets rejected by single moms constantly
>cries about and blogposts about it on /biz/ because he thinks we're his only friends
kek everyone in this thread is calling you a loser

>> No.9013983

T. Manlet onions mad tears

>> No.9014009

>message single moms because you're a desperate ugly beta
>get BTFO
>cry about it some
>then go and blogpost about it on /biz/ like we care

>> No.9014039
File: 24 KB, 466x490, 1523339119126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep getting btfo
>so assblasted you spend friday night telling random anon you arent mad
>"heh, y-y-you are the l-l-loser, heh, got him"
t. mad

>> No.9014044

>message single moms because you're a desperate ugly beta
>get BTFO
>cry about it some
>then go and blogpost about it on /biz/ like we care

>> No.9014059

Online dating is a meme
Unless yoh want a nasty bitch they don't really respond unless you 10 out of 10 Chad

Bitches give one word replies and expect you to not start with hi or hey
I should smack the shit out of these righteous thots

>> No.9014105
File: 4 KB, 211x239, 1523768918732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>resort to just copy pasting because so ass blasted
>the bloodloss from hemorrhoids exploding is getting to you now
>can't think so drag yourself to fridge to get more onions
>dragyourself back to pc
>ctrl p
>reach hand to asshole
>sniff hemorrhoid blood covered hand
>pass out

>> No.9014112

>message single moms because you're a desperate ugly beta
>get BTFO
>cry about it some
>then go and blogpost about it on /biz/ like we care

>> No.9014130

SMV in western nations is a black pill to swallow for men. OP, outside of money and roids, fame and being over 6 feet, your chances aren't great, you're just another dick throwing themselves at women.

Why do you think men are going abroad for women? Did you think they were all losers that couldn't hack it?

>> No.9014134

>tfw 21 years old and married to a qt3.14 18 year old girl.
>we were both KHVs when we started dating.
>both from wealthy families and have a lot of money for our age
>tfw will never have to deal with modern dating "culture" or dating apps.
>will never have to deal with non virgin single moms, or dumb college girl sluts.

Holy shit how I pity you guys. Stop being a degenerate and partaking in Jewish hookup culture. It's sad that the average man's gf or wife has taken 5+ dicks before him.

>> No.9014149

Ugly? No response.
Fat? See ugly.

You're young is the problem. Young women are fucking morons. To be fair, it only gets so much better as you age. Go to church. Hit up a political rally for something you believe in. Join a decent club with decent people. Any of it is better than most women that internet date. At least there they care about something. Most e-hags care about another person about as much as they care about buying a new pair of yoga pants they'll never wear. You're a purse or a cock - as easy as that.

>> No.9014150

im dating a girl but shes chubby what should I do? Ive been forcing her ass to the gym the past few weeks but not much progress. should I just bang other girls?

>> No.9014153

>It's sad that the average man's gf or wife has taken 5+ dicks before him.
Uhm anon, I got bad news for you. 5+ is an incredibly conservative estimate.

>> No.9014182

Show a picture or fuck off
Qt to you could be a 4 for me
And it definitely does matter, I can bag an ugly bitch easy. I'd rather not have sex tho

Pic or fuck off

>> No.9014188

I'd say for around 18-21 the average amount of sexual partners for girls is around 5-6. Maybe once you get into mid 20s then it's 10+. Still any girl with over 1 sexual partner is considered a slut to me.

>> No.9014189


>> No.9014194

just keked my pants

>> No.9014207

>any girl with over 1 sexual partner is considered a slut to me.

I unironically agree. I just want to find a qt virgin gf so I can marry her right away and relax without having to worry about previous chad cocks/alpha widow bullshit

>> No.9014216

>tfw manlet and have fucked 15 chicks at least off pof alone

Virgin walker detected

>> No.9014231

>doesn't partake in prole culture because he was born into a different world
>thinks this gives him a right to comment on what proles should and shouldn't do

Shut the fuck up kid, if OP wants to get his dick wet, so be it.

Your situation sounds awesome though.

>> No.9014264

Yeah it really doesn't hold you back as much as /fit/ or imageboards think. Every 'cool' manlet I know does just fine with getting pussy and living a good life. An incel autist will be pathetic no matter what height he is.

>> No.9014290

What do you mean different world? Anyone has the choice to partake in it or not, you're not born into it.

>> No.9014303

I met her online. On omegle.

>> No.9014439

5'6 and i've fucked about 15 girls off tinder/bumble in the past 5 months (would be more if i didn't have a wife, open relationship) After the first couple I realized a majority of women don't give 2 fucks about height

>> No.9014470
File: 70 KB, 470x470, 1523348606370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy that nigger ebola aids you'll inventively get from tyrone raw dogging your wifes asshole.

>> No.9014488

or you could get over your insecurity, will improve your life so much

>> No.9014499

she doesnt pick gross fools fortunately, but thanks for the concern

>> No.9014515

kek your wife sux so much dick nm her gaping holes

>> No.9014617
File: 101 KB, 1086x527, Link is faggotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Kinky" as in degenerate faggotry.


>> No.9014653

Yo for real though fuck this dating shit, where do I find escorts?