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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9011649 No.9011649 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the bear is dead and we're finally financially independently independent, post your celebratory meal

>> No.9011669

enjoy your heart disease and/or cancer

>> No.9011671

jfc learn to cook

>> No.9011681

Also paper plates? Holy fuck. What is wrong with you?

>> No.9011683
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>> No.9011686

some advice: cut open that potato while it's piping hot, dump in some grass-fed butter, a good serving of hydrolyzed collagen (or gelatin powder if you want), and some cinnamon. yee.

>> No.9011688

low t basedboy detected

>> No.9011694

you are made out of meat not sugar you fagit give your body what its made out of fag

>> No.9011699

is that.. a raw potato

>> No.9011704 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9011705

Nice meme meal retardo

>> No.9011712

sick meme bruh

>> No.9011713
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Idk they taste pretty good plain.

>> No.9011731

what is that, pudding?

>> No.9011732

>dat logic
hows it feel to be a retard?

>> No.9011751

bit gay desu

>> No.9011759

Fuck you OP, use a real plate. Stop contributing to our throw away society. You're killing the planet!

>> No.9011764
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>> No.9011790

they do, but it's always nice to mix things up, and most people don't get enough collagen in their diet to balance out all the meat they eat. my advice was my latest go-to comfort meal on lazy rainy days, usually the potato mess is mixed up with cut-up chicken though and sometimes some chopped up pineapple for sweetness
anyway im a faggot, enjoy op

>> No.9011793

meat is low t you manlet. if youre incapable of eating well then why are you even obsessing over your borderline testosterone levels, onions?

>> No.9011808 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9011826 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9011845


>> No.9011857

where the fuck are the mods

>> No.9011863
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>vegans have low t
i love when retards make this argument

>> No.9011871

the hot new autoreplace for S O Y

>> No.9011877


>> No.9011879

Its a biz related celebration bread. It's just people aren't posting their meals.

>> No.9011892
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>Vegan charges into a /biz/ victory thread to be a faggot

wow surprised

>> No.9011907

Let's do that experiment one more time, but this time without allowing swallowing cum as part of the daily nutrient.

>> No.9011910
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Fried shrimp, of course. I don't raise them and make a killing on it for nothing.

>> No.9011932

awww dont cry basedboy. eat more plants and youll get higher t levels you meatcuck

>> No.9011944

was waiting for this

>> No.9011948

then what the fuck am I meant to do with these knee pads if not look for sustenance?

>> No.9011971
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shrimplets btfo'd

>> No.9011986

Anecdotal but every Vegan I've come across is a low t beta fag

>> No.9011992


>> No.9011999


>> No.9012016


>> No.9012034
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o look this thread again from the same pleb

>> No.9012035
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don't come begging when shrimp prices enter the stratosphere, haven't you seen where the market is headed?

>> No.9012041

I doubt enough of the omnis ate cum regularly for this to affect the results

Unless you're trying to make a joke about vegans in which case you're retarded, as cum ain't vegan

>> No.9012064
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Gonna be eating this with my gains

>> No.9012076

this and some nice shrimps

>> No.9012083

youre on the right path but that is seriously lacking seasoning. get some lemmon pepper on that chicken nigga.

>> No.9012198

Enjoy that chicken flesh as it lowers your testosterone. Men eating plant-based diets have more testosterone. It's ironic people think phytoestrogens produce exogenous, estrogenic activity. No, it's derived from unhealthy, non-human animal flesh, beer, dairy, et cetera. Unfortunately for your current condition your're unable to comprehend. Try. Expose your mind to it.

>> No.9012207

Haha trying to save some face are we. Well there's no cruelty behind good ol spunk so it is indeed vegan friendly. I don't you judge my dear newfriend

>> No.9012246

you're a fatty, aren't you? the fatties who fud veganism are so easy to spot. atleast you can suck your own titties. you have that going for you. congrats

>> No.9012248

Lol, your funny

>> No.9012303

oh dear. straight on the personal attacks. No just joked about that with vegan thots i've brought home. Have some humour :)

>> No.9012355

nice larp fatty, it must suck to constantly have greasy skin and smell like shit 24/7. unironically kill yourself you fucking disgusting blob

>> No.9012393

Welcome to the internets my newfriend, try to not take things here too serious :)

>> No.9012401

shut up fatty, you're fatness is getting boring

>> No.9012510

While you quoting shit. Also quote why people who eat onions have high levels of estrogen.

>> No.9012576

>Calls others mad
>6 posts by this ID moaning about other people dietary choices consisting of fauna instead of flora

Really activates the almonds

>> No.9012694
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sure thing fag. here you go.

btw not all vegans eat onions dumbfuck

>> No.9012719

cry more fatty

>> No.9012731
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>> No.9012733

learn how to cook you future millionaire

>> No.9012734


>> No.9012770

We've still got a LONG way to go. Like we need to break $15,000 for the bear to be "dead," but I am buying at this level.

>> No.9012788

For some reason it just became incredibly obvious you are indian.

>> No.9012828

veganism is the ultimate red pill. It literally relieves majority of ppl from their cognitive dissonance

>> No.9012869

nope, but's incredibly obvious youre a fatass. do you realize how many people are laughing at you when you waddle down the sidewalk? whenever i talk to a fatty, i unironically dont even consider them human. youre truly a drain on society. now go eat some more fatty foods blobby

>> No.9012903

Im 70kg you pajeet shitskin, go drink your basedlatte

>> No.9012944

>im 70kg

wow a fatty and a britbong. my condolences you fuckin blob

>> No.9012978
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>hur dur I can only think of one country that uses the metric system

>> No.9013018
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>> No.9013058

oh ok fatty. youre not a britbong. sure thing.

>> No.9013104

Brits weigh themselves in stones, retard

>> No.9013129


>> No.9013356

I’m 90% vegan
Used to be the stereotypical carnivore roido
veganism goes against literately everything taught to you by retarded faggots
so many fsggots suffer cognitive dissonance and refuse to accept that meats bad for you

Meat back in the day when hunted fresh maybe
But absolutely not this manufactured industralised bullshit nowadays
Watch the videos on what they do in slaughterhouses, you actively participate in that by eating meat
The unnecessary slaughter and torture of animals by all the sick fucks out there
Imagine that was your dog or something

Glad I’m on the other side of the fence
They refuse to accept it because 50% can’t cook for shit and only cook disgusting meals like OP’s pic and 50% are disgusting slobs who don’t eat any amount of plants

In the gym I’m better and just as big as my mates who eat meat and do roids
protein is the biggest meme ever fed to you by the gym industry kek
Not to mention I feel 100x fucking healthier and fitter, my skins perfect as well

Open your eyes faggots, you’re not more manly for participating in senseless animal slaughter

>> No.9013560

I'm a 中国人 and I'm kinda offended since I've worked at a slaughterhouse in my teen years before moving to the US and I like dogmeat buns a lot (don't knock it before you try it).

I agree that you can live without meat. But shitting on butchering animals is pretty bad. There is nothing in this world that can compare to the feeling of snuffing life out of a creature. It makes you feel like a god and is addicting. Also killing the animal yourself makes the meat taste better. There's a Chinese poverb that translates to "Suffering is sweet". Basically the meat is more tender the more the animal suffers in its last moment. And you are being very US centric and kinda racist by arguing that slaughtering animals is in any way immoral.

>> No.9013668

>kinda racist
Of all the websites on the internet...

>> No.9013750

i have been so stoned all day ate nothing but candy and soda, i feel like garbage but i cant stop getting high

>> No.9013808


Wasn't expecting to meet likeminded people on /biz/

>> No.9013828

Shut up I'm accumulating

>> No.9013837

>people actually think veganism is healthy for the body and the globe

Not surprised anymore.

>> No.9013864

This thread reminds me that not to take advice from the idiots on here.

>> No.9013972

Rare sight mate
Full of fat NEETs

>> No.9013984

Explain your points

>> No.9014119
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We eating family

>> No.9014234

Well I guess science doesn't even care about its credibility anymore. Like 1% of vegan men could be called masculine, and how long have they even been vegan? Not even knocking the diet, but vegan converts always equate being vegan for a few years to lifetime veganism.

Read "Nutrition & Physical Degeneration". Healthy vegan tribes have never been found anywhere in the world, ever. The ones who were found had markedly poorer health than neighboring tribes.

USE the vegan diet, but don't BECOME a vegan. And DONT FUCKING raise your kids vegan.

>> No.9014288

>is vegan
>unable to empathize with other humans (psychotic)

>> No.9014307

But they don't talk stones on international image boards you fucking idiot.

>> No.9014370

dear god pajeets are getting advanced

>> No.9014395


There are plenty of religious groups that are vegan/vegetarian. And mostly these people live healthy and long as fuck.

Just make sure you get your B12 and omega 3.

>> No.9014414

best thread on biz

>> No.9014455

>compares todays standards to "tribes" who actually had no chemical basis to actually measure health
ok retard
>psychologically evaluates people through 4chan shitposting
>"empathizes" with fatties
ok fatty

>> No.9014494
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