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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9008229 No.9008229 [Reply] [Original]

apologize to the new king biz

>> No.9008301

“Buy my EOS token, the ETH-killer, now available as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum network.”

>> No.9008317

45 days from one MASSIVE PUMP. Cant wait to dump bags on you clowns

>> No.9008333
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Here’s a (((you)))

>> No.9008405
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>> No.9008516
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I apologize. Seriously. I FUDded this coin like a retard and missed on the bullrun. Congrats on this.

>> No.9008655


Charles will prevail

>> No.9008918

>“Buy my EOS token, the ETH-killer, now available as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum network.”
>too ignorant to know that representing ownership in something (aka the real EOS network) is the main purpose of ERC20s.

>> No.9008960
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>> No.9009048

he's uhhhh, well he's not wrong.

>> No.9009573

>he's uhhhh, well he's not wrong.
yes he is.

>> No.9009789


>> No.9009808


>> No.9009852

is this seriously the only fud you faggots have left? this wouldnt even fool my grandma at this point.

>> No.9009889

when did cardano get on top of LTC again?

>> No.9009922

it aint over man. its going to keep pumping until june. then there will be a short pullback as retards sell the mainnet launch. then it will continue to bull shortly after once people realize they are airdropping over a billion dollars worth of ICO tokens to EOS holders.

>> No.9010055

Regulators have indicated in private meetings that they are considering whether virtual currencies — including Ether, EOS, the second most widely used digital token — should be categorized as a security, according to three people who have been in the meetings. That designation could cause a significant drop in the value of Ether.

>> No.9010085

Cool source nigga

>> No.9010143

I apologise. Cant believe I only just start looking into this. Oh well. Larimer is the real deal.

>> No.9010227

>king erc20 token

>> No.9010433

"The number of full nodes in EOS is going to be smaller. So Dan Larimer has this concept called DPOS where he says that in DPOS you only need about 100 nodes in the network and consensus happens among these full nodes and everyone else is a thin client. The other reason it (EOS) claims it can process more transactions is because the requirements (bandwidth, computing) for each of these full nodes is much higher. This is one way to achieve scalability.
The problem is that if you have 100 nodes the system is much more centralized. You can denial of service them. Because you have to vote for them, the nodes that win are going to be the nodes that everyone knows. So it is much easier to attack the people running the nodes. ISPs can shut them down, companies can shut them down, governments can shut it down fairly easily. That particular path to scalability does come at a fairly high cost and that cost is that if you try to achieve scalability by having larger nodes then the number of nodes becomes much smaller is that that makes the system more centralized."
Once any eos shill can find a solution for this without mentioning eth/btc mining pools i will believe that this project is legal, otherwise its just a xrp 2.0 but with no jews backing it and with XLM already on the market.

>> No.9010505

> otherwise its just a xrp 2.0 but with no jews backing it and with XLM already on the market.
Except that XLM and XRP are not turing complete.
We can finally have a decentralized enough facebook on the blockchain. If it doesn’t satisfy you, you can always invest in Ethereum which has a ceiling on scaling, started on the wrong basis and solutions are years away from being implemented. Or Cardano which will also be beaten to the market.
EOS will deliver. It is decentralized enough.

>> No.9010532

>It is decentralized enough.
>let me completely ignore vitalik's argument and tell you about muh facebook killer
Its not decentralized.

>> No.9010557

> Ethereum which has a ceiling on scaling, started on the wrong basis
that sounds like bullshit to me. ETH can have centralized sidechains like Plasma to give it the speed of EOS while keeping the main chain as decentralized as possible. I have yet to see anything convince me that that isn't the ultimate compromise.

>> No.9010606

>Once any eos shill can find a solution for this without mentioning eth/btc mining pools
By participating into a mining pool, you're pretty much "voting" for a single node. There's really no difference in centralization / censorship resistance.

Lets say the USA or China does a major crackdown on EOS nodes and shuts all of them down at the same time somehow (impossible).

So in this scenario, 50% of the EOS nodes go down. Who cares? there's gonna be hundreds competing. 50% going down is irrelevant. There's never gonna be a time where every country in the world decide to take out every node at the same time.

>> No.9010629

>ETH can have centralized sidechains
yeah maybe it can, in years. By that time it'll be too late. EOS is coming in 1 month. Not years.

>> No.9010645

You can leave minging pool anytime. Mining pools are not a single entity, eos nodes are. You can't just shut down a mining pool with your scenario. And shutting down 100 entities is very much possible, and it won't even be 100, it will be 21 that are most used.

>> No.9010704

eos corecucks on suicide watch

>satoshi's vision

>> No.9010708

1) plasma will most likely come out this year
2) so EOS can come out years after ETH and instantly kill it, but if ETH takes years to come up with a perfect scaling solution, it's too late? i don't think so.

>> No.9010743
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Nooooo bitcoin stoooooop muh stats

>> No.9010752

>You can leave minging pool anytime. Mining pools are not a single entity, eos nodes are. You can't just shut down a mining pool with your scenario. And shutting down 100 entities is very much possible, and it won't even be 100, it will be 21 that are most used.
You can change your vote for an EOS node at any time. It's the same shit.

And it's entirely not possible to shut down hundreds of competing nodes in every country in the world at the same time. Most countries have common sense and simply won't comply.

And it will be much more than 21. There will be hundreds competing. Anyone can compete.

You're obviously retarded. Your arguments don't make sense. Why would there be just 21? Is there only 1 applicants for every job just because there's only 1 position available? Brainlet.

>> No.9010803


>autistic screeching

>> No.9010816

>1) plasma will most likely come out this year
no it won't. where's your proof?

>> No.9010848

Guys, I might be mistaken but I think that picture is using Photoshop...

>> No.9010876

Its not the same shit, nodes are centralized, how are you not seeing this fucking hell.
21 node will be used for validating, its in a fucking whitepaper my dude. There will be more nodes that you can vote for, but essentially everyone will just use nodes that they use all the time, maybe there will be a pool of around 30-40 commonly voted, but even that i doubt.
Don't you call me brainlet if you don't know how your coins mainnet should work.

>> No.9010885
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>> No.9010891

>You can change your vote for an EOS node at any time.
No because votes are processed by nodes. If you control a majority of eos nodes it's game over, as you censor votes

>> No.9010907

>We can finally have a decentralized enough facebook on the blockchain.
So many people will want this.
nobody wants this

>> No.9010921

>Its not decentralized.
You are fucking autistic and your black-and-white thinking condemns you to eternal poverty.

>> No.9010943

>Its not the same shit, nodes are centralized, how are you not seeing this fucking hell.
mining pools are also centralized. using a mining pool is the same shit as voting for a node.

you're the retard here, not me.

the mining pool operator can do whatever the fuck they want. They are essentially a single node.

Maybe you need to do some research about how crypto works before you talk?

>> No.9010993

>No because votes are processed by nodes. If you control a majority of eos nodes it's game over, as you censor votes
Yeah sure, if you can trick EOS voters into electing you as 17 nodes out of 21, you can control EOS.

That's pretty much just as hard as a 51% attack on bitcoin/eth.

>> No.9011103

Because its black and white you fucking retard. Whole idea of blockchain and whole advertising shtick of EOS is that you can't censor it, but you literally can.
They can until they have hashpower, if they will disobey they will lose their hashpower that same second, EOS nodes won't lose their votes because votes are already given. You give a vote before you do transaction not the other way around.
> Yeah sure, if you can trick EOS voters into electing you as 17 nodes out of 21, you can control EOS.
you don't need to, you can render most voted nodes useless simply ddosing nodes, bribe node holders, just fucking kill them and run away with the money after shorting EOS to the ground based on compromised chain, when you have a target for attack you can execute that attack, with eth you just can't go and kill couple thousands neets running their gtxes 24/7.

>> No.9011177

> Because its black and white you fucking retard. Whole idea of blockchain and whole advertising shtick of EOS is that you can't censor it, but you literally can.
You can censor anything if you have enough money/hash power. How is ETH decentralized by your definition when it is controlled by <10 mining pools?
> you don't need to, you can render most voted nodes useless simply ddosing nodes, bribe node holders, just fucking kill them
You can do the same thing with 2-3 ETH mining pools.

>> No.9011354

>They can until they have hashpower, if they will disobey they will lose their hashpower that same second, EOS nodes won't lose their votes because votes are already given. You give a vote before you do transaction not the other way around.
You can change your EOS votes just like you can change mining pools. I don't know how fast it gets updated but your argument just doesn't hold unless votes take a ridiculously long time to update.

The ddos argument is retarded. BP will make tons of cash. No one will have enough money to ddos them.

As for the bribe argument, that's the only fud vitalik could come up with, and it's pretty weak imo.

It's gonna be super difficult to organize mass bribing and it will alienate people.

I mean no one knows if EOS DPOS system will work for sure. That's why it's not worth $1000 per EOS. If there was a guarantee that DPOS would work perfectly, EOS would just instantly go to #1.

>> No.9011358

> You can do the same thing with 2-3 ETH mining pools.
You can't, you literally can't because the same second that happens it will mean a hard fork and consensus won't support hard fork because that fork will be literally worthless, pools creating hardfork will lose hashpower and won't be able to support that fork, with EOS you give a 24h mandate to validators when you vote, if you don't see problem here I just don't understand how I can explain to you why this things are different.

>> No.9011427

>You can't, you literally can't because the same second that happens it will mean a hard fork and consensus won't support hard fork because that fork will be literally worthless, pools creating hardfork will lose hashpower and won't be able to support that fork, with EOS you give a 24h mandate to validators when you vote, if you don't see problem here I just don't understand how I can explain to you why this things are different.
Ok so you spend millions to gain control of EOS for 24 hours? What do you do with it? Short it? Mining pools can do the same thing.

Even if you were to take control of EOS for 24 hours, the community could just easily go back to the 24 hours before, and all you've accomplished is spent millions to maybe make millions shorting it. That just won't happen for the same reason that 51% attacks by mining pools dont happen. It's basic game theory. It's too hard for the reward to destroy EOS.

Your argument just doesn't hold.

>> No.9011516

You're meddling with trust, if attack happens this will void trustlessness of network because then you will have to put trust in nodes for not to fuck up. What you really fail to see is a market share that EOS is planning to claim and other coins might consider it too big of pie for something you can destroy in one day.

>> No.9011600

>You're meddling with trust, if attack happens this will void trustlessness of network because then you will have to put trust in nodes for not to fuck up. What you really fail to see is a market share that EOS is planning to claim and other coins might consider it too big of pie for something you can destroy in one day.
Yeah but destroying it is incredibly difficult and offers little gain (shorting). Why would anyone do it?

Anyone could do anything. Any government or big corporation could do some crazy shit that fucks everyone over and then "short it". But it's not a real argument. Nobody does that.

A single hacker organization with a few millions won't be able to affect EOS. Only someone with several hundreds millions will. And those people don't fuck with random shit just to short it.

>> No.9011632

by this logic, why even have EOS in the first place? just host your app on AWS, it'll be cheaper and most likely no one will fuck with your app

>> No.9011655

24 validator? source?

I read votes are checked every 3 seconds (after each round), if any of the top 21 lose enough votes, another one will take their place from a pool of 100 backup producers.

>> No.9011682

As a developer - I want to develop apps, not maintain them. I also don't want to market, hype, refine messaging, etc. dApps let me decentralize all those aspects and automate value creation in a way that can outlive me.

>> No.9011714

>by this logic, why even have EOS in the first place? just host your app on AWS, it'll be cheaper and most likely no one will fuck with your app
Because anyone can call amazon and get my AWS shut down.

Whereas to get my EOS shit shut down, an entire government needs to spends hundreds of millions and impeach on the freedom of speech of the entire world.

>> No.9011729
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Will I make it

>> No.9011730

It’s almost as if Ethereum was chosen for that purpose because it works.

>> No.9011747

Needs more EOS. That'll be 10k by EOY at least, though, anon.

>> No.9011760

>Because anyone can call amazon and get my AWS shut down.
when has that EVER happened? I tried to google it and nothing came up

>> No.9011834

>when has that EVER happened? I tried to google it and nothing came up
AWS has a terms and services, it doesn't allow all content. If you host content that goes against their terms and get reported, you get shut down.

I've been shut down from hosting services.

If you comply with all their regulation and the government, then you're good.

>> No.9011839
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you'd have to be doing something illegal to get your AWS app shut down, and I still can't find any examples of that. and EOS won't help you there due to pic related

>> No.9011866

>and EOS won't help you there due to pic related
pic related has nothing to do with wether or not illegal content will be allowed on EOS.

The pic is about the ERC20 smart contracts, not about things running on EOS.

>> No.9011899


you contradict yourself in your own post brainlet. You say there is no difference between EOS nodes and mining pools. You admit nodes can be shut down (you randomly arrive at 50%. If 50% can be shut down they all can be). Mining pools cannot be shutdown because the pools themselves are decentralized. You somehow disband the pool and all of those individual nodes can still mine independently.

Nodes and mining pools are also intrinsically different in their levels of censorship resistance. Say 5 EOS nodes control about 25% of the hash power (they do). These 5 nodes want to fuck off and act against the interests of the network as a whole. There is nothing stopping them. Sure you could rally efforts and attempt to vote them out in time but by their nature these nodes are fully autonomous at any given time. Mining pools on the other hand are made up of a bunch of independent actors, they only reason they even join together in a pool is to reduce variance in hitting block rewards (joining a pool doesn't even increase long term winrate, just reduces variance). If a pool starts acting against the network all of the members of that pool can immediately aim their hash power elsewhere.

>> No.9011924

I don't believe that because it's a single eth smart contract for the token sale, and he specifically said 'contracts'. i'm pretty sure the entire reason eos has the ability to freeze accounts is for things like this

>> No.9011939

I'm a poorfag that can't buy another 200 Eos :c

>> No.9011968

>Nodes and mining pools are also intrinsically different in their levels of censorship resistance. Say 5 EOS nodes control about 25% of the hash power (they do). These 5 nodes want to fuck off and act against the interests of the network as a whole. There is nothing stopping them. Sure you could rally efforts and attempt to vote them out in time but by their nature these nodes are fully autonomous at any given time. Mining pools on the other hand are made up of a bunch of independent actors, they only reason they even join together in a pool is to reduce variance in hitting block rewards (joining a pool doesn't even increase long term winrate, just reduces variance). If a pool starts acting against the network all of the members of that pool can immediately aim their hash power elsewhere.

That's a retarded argument. To get elected as 80% of the nodes, you need to control 80% of the EOS tokens.

No one does, and even if they did, why would they fuck over the value of the 5 billion $ of tokens?

If a few elected nodes get ddosed, I'm not sure what happens, but I'm guessing not much. Dan is smart and that's an obvious problem that's easy to solve.

>> No.9012006

>I don't believe that because it's a single eth smart contract for the token sale, and he specifically said 'contracts'. i'm pretty sure the entire reason eos has the ability to freeze accounts is for things like this
that's incorrect. There's at least 2 smart contract, the token sale contract, and the token itself are at least 2 sperate smart contracts.

Plus I haven't looked at the code but they could easily have many smart contracts inside them.

a smart contract is pretty much just a function or a class. A smart contract could have infinite smart contracts in them.

>> No.9012040
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>> No.9012179

Larimer's wife

>> No.9012221

good thing they specifically stated that they are only giving away free software and a community movement will have to launch the blockchain. also good thing they state their disclaimer before they say or do anything 100% of the time. also good thing they are listed as a Cayman Island company with friendly jurisdiction. good thing they thought of everything

>> No.9012289

Voting cartels formed in every dpos system.
Dpos reduces to 2-3 entities in reality (after a while)

>> No.9012442

Your an inbreed! Bitmain and the chinks own most btc mining.....you need a huge fucking investment to even consider btc....and you think this is decentralized?

>> No.9012502

With what? Haskell and 30x slower block times? K. Enjoy having vaporware peer reviewed.

>> No.9012513

i buy bags