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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9010550 No.9010550 [Reply] [Original]

Find me a faker buy-side orderbook. I dare you/

>> No.9010558

better close your shorts friend.

>> No.9010573

Orderbooks are for scaring out small fish to buy/sell, no one cares.

>> No.9010632

inorganic growth gets OWNED in the long run.

>> No.9010637

I'm getting out of this

Something isn't right. I am almost 100% sure someone is playing everyone.

Shorts first, longs second

>> No.9010691
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Unnatural as FUCK

>> No.9010784


Agreed. The upcoming correction down is going to be violent.

>> No.9010806

shut the fuck up, you're about to get liquidated just accept it

>> No.9010817
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>why is this happening
>I tethered

>> No.9010902

Ok, so when we're dumping for months with no end -- that's organic, but not when reversal happens. Keep shorting then.

>> No.9010966


>> No.9011227

This is different. Bleeding like that is " normal " for this market as far as anything can be " normal " in this market.
This is just my theory and I have no proof but this is how it looks to me:
Someone(s) figured out the cyclic nature of the market and is trying to emulate it. It started in March and failed(99 day MA never really moved in their favor). In March they didn't take care of the alts Also, so the volume was even lower than now, and it fell to pieces at the end.
So they restarted in April in full force.
Notice how the Bart patterns got bolder and bolder in the last weeks? No one even cares about them anymore.
They started with a prop up of BTC from 6k, then they started to buy alts slowly.
Then they pumped alts( because historically the alts go first, right?)
When alts were going BTC was trading kind of slowly up, with more and more evident Bart patterns, being propped up when needed.
Then yesterday it looks like they remember that ETH should go next and then LTC. They did just that.
Have you noticed the exchange rate between ETH and BTC yesterday?
Then all the alts(well most of them) just suddenly stopped their growth in alts yesterday. And then the BTC got it's rally and the " correction".
There is more to that than that and more weird shit happening. This is not a natural market movement and I just hope I will figure out what the fuck are they doing and what is the goal here.
The Bart patterns are so obvious because there are only bots and a few people trading. There are no new money in the market.
Here's to hoping that their goal is to get the normies to FOMO in.
In that case this BTC "organic Bart growth" will have to surpass 10k and stay there for longer than a week....and then the media will join, and then the normies
I'm no conspiracy theorist but what happened in the last 2 months looks like someone is playing with the market and is trying to pretend it's natural, but they are even trying less and less.

>> No.9011378

Yes I agree.
This looks staged as fuck, they're trying to get the normies back in the market before dumping their bags.
It's just too fast.

>> No.9011437

They're painting trade signals to bait TA fags too. The first upward break of the 60 RSI level on hte 1D since November just happened if today's candle closes above 8700. Gonna be one wild fucking hour.

>> No.9011493

They are forcing the market cycle. That's why we know it's not natural.
It's like a boomer entered the market and figured it out with statistics and graphs and fucking wanted to make it happen.
I'm staring at the charts since yesterday's morning and I have my theories.
Also They are taking the profits as they go.
Not so much profits, more like the initial investement, so it still costs them a shit ton.
I just hope that they really want to get the normies, because the other alternatives are seriously not that great.

>> No.9011538

Not only that. Look at the orders before 15min candles (and most of times the 5min ones) close.
Like 12:23-12:25 and you'll see what's happening. It always closes exactly or almost exactly where needed.
Last 12h is full of wicks and it should go down 4 times already....instead it just shoots up like crazy for no reason.

>> No.9011552

yep, the bull signals are like 150%.
it just doesnt happen after being at the bottom 1 week ago and no volume

>> No.9011570

yea its like your fucking mom on crack fast.

fuck it is slow as fuck you braindead moron.

>> No.9011613

If you like it no one is telling you not to participate idiot.
I guess you like to participate in games where you don't know the rules with your eyes tied. Go ahead. Enjoy the ride.
I'm in the market for quite some time and I still trade. But, unlike some, I like to win.

>> No.9011623

ITT: cope

>> No.9011667

How could anybody belive that anything is "natural" in the cryptosphere when everything goes up and down together. It's all bots and whales.

>> No.9011708

Listen Mongo, if you had friends or a life, you would'nt rage so much on the internetz.
Maybe eat a gun or something.

>> No.9011722

There is natural and there is " natural "
Crypto had its "natural" cycle more or less and price movements.
Now it's ""natural""

>> No.9011813
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>> No.9012357

Thank you for that.
But I was talking about the fact that I don't know where the entire market is going because of the few that decided to take it somewhere.
My theory is it's a normie bait move, in which case we are going to 10k and will stay there for a second or 2 and then, possibly go higher.
This indicator is really neat but it doesn't unfortunatelly help me decide if I should stay in BTC or maybe move to a coin that someone is prepping for a flippening?
In other words: so much is wrong with the market right now, that even BTC moving above 10k doesn't make me super happy.
I don't want to 2x my money. I would prefer to make much more.

>> No.9012901

They're having too much fun and making too much money. What are thy going g to do? Cash out and go invest in Facebook?

>> No.9012977

I don't mind them making money or even manipulating the market.
I would prefer though if they were smarter about it.
I'm a small fish and I would like the normies to FOMO back in. If they Bart one too many times, even normies won't touch this market.
If, of course that's their end game...

>> No.9013051

>If, of course that's their end game...

People interested in doing that would be current banks and bankers who would have it in the media by now to taint it as an unsafe market

>> No.9013140

there's no better feeling than snapping these up though. I bought $400 worth of GNT at 2 cents and sold it almost at the top of the mid 2017 bull run. some asshole was flashing an order like this in the book when I went to sell, so after that he was the proud new owner of $10k in GNT tokens.

>> No.9013150

So the alternative would be people who just want to get rid of this market by playing with it so blatantly that they will:
A) force the regulators to " do something"
B) Drive BTC to $0
Neither of these makes me feel good.
If that's their end game though then I'm not a fan.
And, if I understood you correctly, in your opinion bankers wouldn't want normies in neither.
Either way, we are fucked?

>> No.9013430

> implying they don't control the regulators too

>> No.9013752


Wouldn't surprise me if a major player is about to get wrecked and throwing caution to the wind before crashing this market with no survivors.

>> No.9013785

Like who?
Why would they want to crash it though?

>> No.9013869


That's the obvious choice, who knows what other options there are. Maybe an exchange or multiple will get smashed for money laundering, that's been a relatively minor story in crypto relative to what it's very likely been used for. Either way it might not be so much of a wanting to do it thing over getting people to buy as much expensive BTC as possible before everything goes tits up. Of course I'm just pulling this out of my ass, but some sort of oh shit moment on the whales part is possible.

>> No.9013899

I agree with you because the charts tell the story.
Something is seriously wrong and that's why I'm stepping aside to think and see where the fuck is it going.
I didn't invest enough to really worry but I do still have hopes for blockchain technology(and some gains in this wild west ofc) so it would be shitty if the fuckers ruined it.

>> No.9014040

If you don't like what you see the door is always an option. Just understand that it doesn't have to change because you don't like it until you like it.

>> No.9014093
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Average length of BTC bear markets is 71 days.

>> No.9014113

6800-7800 "Ain't fallin' for this shit".
7800-8800 "Aint fallin' for this shit"
8800-9000 "Fuck it. Take my money"
9000-6000 "Shit it's going to 5k. Sell"
6000-7800 "Ain't fallin' for this shit".

>> No.9014132

Dude what?
Being careful about the investement because of some asshole that is painting BTC chart like it's a 10ETH volume shitcoin, is somehow equal to whining?
If you like it and you think it's good for the overall market, go ahead, invest and trade. I like the volatility and don't mind the manipulation but that shit is like trading x10 leverage on Bittrex without the rewards or ability to even start predicting the move of the market.

>> No.9014187

It's been longer than that or so it seems. And I would like a bull market back.
What you see now is not a bull market. It's an attempt to (hopefully ) cause a bull market.
I hope it succeeds and it stays that way.
But the March attempt failed so I'm cautious

>> No.9014236


>> No.9014417

We'll self regulate, I swer.

>> No.9015050

This is exactly what it it is. A huge coordinated pump to bring back normie money. Once CNBC starts talking about Bitcoin rising 50% to be over 10k again the hope is the normies will FOMO back in to try to double their money on the rise to 20k.