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9007819 No.9007819[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whats it like dating a alpha female?

>> No.9007873

Insufferable. They think they actually earned their college degree despite standards going to shit the more they and darkies go to school. They think they earn their jobs when they wouldn't be hired if it wasn't for diversity. They think that they are charitable when they vote peoples money away.

Much like all women, even the alpha lives a life of delusion. Maybe one in twenty actually deserves her position in life.

>> No.9007972
File: 263 KB, 411x434, cantmossad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that thing

>> No.9007987


>> No.9008009

I dated an attorney for a bit. She was a controlling cunt. Her house and tv were nice tho.

>> No.9008018

Does alpha female equate to having a job/apartment/taking care of themselves? You need to go outside more anon

>> No.9008019

I see a schnoz and a laundry ball, what am I looking at?

>> No.9008078

They both are looking at it in a different lens. They don’t need each other if they are independent, rather it should be wanting each other. If you’re an independent person, you don’t need anyone.

>> No.9008103


>> No.9008138

>does not say what does she need him for

>> No.9008147

Clearly what she really needs him for is to virtue signal on twitter and expand her ego at his expense.

>> No.9008169
File: 8 KB, 220x228, CD8B4965-1061-4708-9008-0308D79B7AFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally pay $400 a month to rent a room in a huge two bedroom condo in the center of a major city where my rent would otherwise be $3000 because I share it with a woman who’s in love with me and her family owns the building.

It’s been almost a year now and I’m not sure I can keep it up. We dated and then I continued being her friend, watching out for her and shit while secretly pitying her inability to ever form real relationships with other people.

Pretty sure her family hates me and I’m starting to hate myself as well. She buys me things and is currently building me a bookshelf. She didnt even want me to pay rent.

I’m developing serious alcoholism and hardly work anymore because I have no motivation. I kind of want to die. Also a lot of good looking girls take interest in me but I’m unable to be interested in them because now I think, “What are you even going to do for me?”

This is what it’s like. It’s bad and my life feels meaningless and I’ve recently become suicidal. I was hoping I’d make enough money from crypto to leave and just live a humble life elsewhere but that hasn’t happened.

>> No.9008178

like grinding your erected dick on tree's bark

>> No.9008197

This sounds like a you problem honestly.

>> No.9008211


>> No.9008234

I only care if the pussy can still get wet.

>> No.9008235

>censors her own cursing
>alpha female

My word.

>> No.9008250

Man, she's ugly.

No offense, ugly woman.

>> No.9008267
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> a alpha

>> No.9008283

>putting your dick anywhere near a female lawyer

Do you have a deathwish or something?

>> No.9008288
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I'm in law school and it's full of """"alpha females"""". They're normal girls except they think they're entitled to everything and they think they shit gold. Essentially this: >>9008009
I prefer people that are level-headed, rational, and can compromise. Being an adult-sized spoiled brat is incredibly unattractive to me and screams "daddy issues".

>> No.9008316

>Whats it like dating a alpha female?

you mean have the whole economy cater to you.
Companies get tax cuts to have more women employed

>> No.9008327

Have you read recently anon?

>> No.9008356
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based chad lmao. would have lold if i heard him say that in real life

>> No.9008379

fuck is wrong with u bro.

>> No.9008395

>They think that they are charitable when they vote peoples money away.

Vote away entire nations actually.

>> No.9008416

You can't have two men in a relationship

Even if you actually do have two men, someone has to be the woman.

A man cannot be in a relationship with another man. Someone has to be the bitch.

>> No.9008419


I dunno.

>> No.9008422

I was waiting for this

>> No.9008429

>i was dating a guy and he said he doesnt like that i have a job and live in an apartment

>> No.9008547

>date alpha woman, she doesn't need you, she opts for Chad
>date omega woman, she still doesn't need you, opts for Chad and daddy government
>Chad still loses half + alimony/child support

The only way to win is to not play. MGTOW or marriage overseas.

>> No.9008811


Chad doesn't marry these whores, he only fucks them. He ends up marrying that virgin qt that you thought was the one for you.

Normies are the ones that end up with Chad's throwaway roasties and lose half of their shit.

>> No.9008912

Kek playing with fire is fun though anon. I bet she's a crazy fuck too

>> No.9008951

I'm impressed how she turned that into a woman's issue when that was actually a men's issue. The mentality that men need to make the money and own a house and whatever to get a woman is so deeply ingrained in him that he can't understand why a woman would want him for him and not his money.

>> No.9008975

no, the only way to win is to buy link

>> No.9008992

choose only 1

>> No.9009004

I have dated alpha women before. If they want kids, that's great (my aunt is like this, my cousins are extremely intelligent) and worthwhile. If they don't want kids, the relationship is pointless unless you are as materialistic as them and have a low libido.

>> No.9009016

She has all those things because she's ugly as shit to begin with.

>> No.9009038

The irony is her post appears to lay the blame on men whilst reinforcing the fact that the majority of women are useless and actually to blame

>> No.9009055


Ummm, she's black. I'd expect her to have an apartment and a job, but I bet she still doesn't REALLY have her shit together.

>> No.9009064


We now have two whole generations of men that have been hammered with the notion that if they're not rich, then they don't deserve pussy, and women are taught to value materialism above all else when selecting partners.

Most average men would even consider it a red flag for an attractive woman with a job to be interested in them first.

>> No.9009119

I guarantee this was a made up scenario. I can’t think of any guy that would ever say that.

>> No.9009133

Business & Finance, sorry

>> No.9009137

An alpha woman sought me out some years back. I was handsome, wealthy, charismatic, and clearly dedicated. She asked to go on a date with me and eventually begin a relationship. As we were discussing boundaries and rules of the relationship she started listing small demands of submission and eventually escalated to wanting somewhat of an equal partnership.

I dropped her. There is no reason for me to be in a relationship like that. I do not desire equality. I carry the yoke well enough on my own. Two people at the yoke makes steering and staying on course difficult. You need efficiency in decision making. An equal in some aspects? Maybe. Someone that can veto or significantly delay decisions? No.

>> No.9009138

it sounds like a caricature. she probably tells herself "a lot of guys think this way so it's okay to lie about this one scenario"

>> No.9009154

nope. i see myself saying that

>> No.9009165

well that's a dumbass thing to say to a girl lmao

>> No.9009214

>alpha female

I'm married to an Alpha female but she still knows her place in the house. I'd kill myself NOT being married to an alpha.

>> No.9009228

Pretty great. She has less tolerance for bullshit than I do with the stupid fucks we are surrounded by and doesn't treat me like a fucking wallet. Neither of us needs the other one, we want each other. Sounds stupid, but it's fucking great.

>> No.9009238

This sounds like a
>I would never enjoy the people who value me because it is clear that they have poor judgement

You need to overcome your self loathing. Do that by inching toward success in your own life.

In 5 years you can
>master a craft
>get fit
>learn ti socialize
>read a lot
>get a decent job and possibly a career

You need to fix your shit ASAP. People see potential in you. That's likely your charisma. That means you're good at something (charisma is a microcosm of understanding life)
Get a job in sales. You'll do well. I'm guessing on the charisma detail. It might not even be charisma, but rather that you are well spoken. It doesn't matter. People like you. Build on that and develop yourself. Life is excellent and worth living, but you need to put in the effort. None of that sad shit. You're clearly capable-you've just been beat down a lot by subconscious programming

>> No.9009264

>giving serious life advice on biz.

The absolute state of this board

>> No.9009276


>> No.9009283

Pretty terrible I would imagine. A lot of them have a chip on their shoulder and take the competition aspect too far and get over emotional about it and it makes them hateful and mean.

>> No.9009293

Since she is fugly she needs to offer something.
An old friend told me once that ugly girls can't afford to be dumb

>> No.9009303

Pretty good. We both do our own thing and hang out in the evening. Keep separate bank accounts and just enjoy life.

>> No.9009312

That pretty much sums up this whole board. They need to make it to buy some woman who would leave them in a instant if they lost all their money.

>> No.9009322

>independent person
No man is an island, entire off itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away buy the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

>> No.9009352

they tend to be great riders.

>> No.9009394

wowo youre cucked in nice and tight
she is literally using finance to keep you in containment trap
you can redeem yourself only by turning her into mommy gf giving you milkies

>> No.9009475

>she started listing small demands of submission and eventually escalated to wanting somewhat of an equal partnership.
She was testing you.
And you lost.