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File: 190 KB, 2000x1550, R_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9003009 No.9003009 [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody know the r programming language?
Is it worth learning?

>> No.9003032


I use it for data mining and simulation of large sets of raster data that we use in landscape geology, and things like simulating flow.

It's pretty similar to Python

>> No.9003061

How do I tune it for crypto?

>> No.9003062

This fucking thing raped me my entire master's degree

>> No.9003222

>How do I tune it for crypto?
like with any other programming language moran
its just that, a programming language, oriented for big data and statistics

>> No.9003239

if you haven't taken classes using it just learn python instead.

kek. story time sempai

>> No.9003270

It's worth learning to improve your data engineering, machine learning and/or statistics skills. The Rstudio program, however, is total aids. It takes alot of ram.

>> No.9003332

Learn R if you are working in biology or chemistry related fields. Has many many packages which are relatively user friendly and can make some fancy data transformation and reduction techniques to just generate some plots and move on.

If engineer or physicist level, just go with python and do everything yourself.

t. i make biomedical devices so actually am a bit of both biologist and engineer; program my hardware to perform chemistry/workflows in python then make the R packages technicians can use to make readouts

>> No.9003427

Good post

>> No.9003521

Thats pretty fuvking cool anon

>> No.9003536

Good packages for econometrics and finance too. And excellent graphical output, you can basically do whatever graphs you like, tailored to your liking.
Check out: https://www.r-bloggers.com/

>> No.9003857
File: 34 KB, 600x600, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it this shit is too hard.
I just downloaded the coinmarketcap app.

>> No.9003904

it is literal shit tier. big companies use special software or python. its not even a language, has huge flaws but is nice in so many ways. however fuck it do python.

>> No.9003994


>> No.9004013


You need to develop an idea of the function you want it to perform and then learn how to execute it in code.

>> No.9004162

What's with the hard on /biz/ has for python?
I do literally everything in Java.

>> No.9004394

Im getting my masters in biochemistry. Are there any resources online where there are biochemical problems/datasets?

>> No.9004445

python has a lot more statistics libraries than java so you'll generally be more productive doing statistics in python than java

>> No.9004467

nah go with python

>> No.9004508

Literally saved mine. Got it published in a high impact journal also.

>> No.9004766

i have used it for 2 years doing actuarial/data science work

it's great for modeling, data manipulation, visualization, pretty much everything. if you are proficient then you appear to be a wizard to old phogies that don't know da wei

>> No.9004815

>kek. story time sempai
inbox me fagggit. Im mech eng and gf phd biomed.

throwaway at thefatblackman@yahoo.com

>> No.9004918


>> No.9005180

Tell me about it... i'm an economics undergrad (did programming classes in highschool). I learned R to git gud at data /statistics manipulation in economics and now professors at my uni want me to intern for them to get their shit done

>> No.9005523

learn how to compete on kaggle. data exploration, cleaning, thinking critically about data, modeling, etc.

>> No.9005613

I debated between this and python and chose to learn python. The latter seems to have more overall utility and I believe is a more marketable skill.

>> No.9006745

>I do literally everything in Java.
This is why you'll never make it, anon. Java is really good for nothing except Android dev. Python has goldmines of fantastic libraries which are really just calling compiled c/c++/cython code. For example, tensorflow or numpy. Then you consider readability. Java is a hellhole of brackets, long function calls, semicolons, function signatures 2x the width of your 4k monitor, and absolutely requires an IDE unless you're some mutant who memorized an infinite number of deep hierarchies of imports and respective function calls. Meanwhile python reads like a book, is extremely clean, and implements syntactic sugar anywhere it can to improve coding speed and readability. Compare python tensorflow code to java tensorflow code, the difference is night and day. Doing everything in java in 2018 is like doing everything in cobalt in 2010.

>> No.9006800

It's aight

>> No.9007210


>> No.9007250

You really don't want to do that in R.
You don't do everything yourself in Python unless you like writing C++ code, in which case you can use R as well.

>> No.9007279

Yeah I use it every day, but I do stats things. If you want general utility try python. For most data stuff (not all) R isbetter.

>> No.9007291
File: 13 KB, 268x268, my-brain-is-full-of-fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In 2011+7

>> No.9007348

nice logo, what exchange is this coin on

>> No.9007394

java is so easy to use that people learn it by mistake just from surfing around

>> No.9007667

Use out of core algorithms then

>> No.9007749

In some scientific fields it is used a lot (e.g. psychology and other fields that use a lot of statistics). Therefore all useful packages are written for R. If you are nog in such a field, learn another language or learn Matlab. Matlab is much faster (but not free)