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9003706 No.9003706 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a bull trap?

>> No.9003729

Unironically yes

>> No.9003766
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It is

>> No.9003824

Return to mean.

>> No.9003924

>all the rise in price happens in 5 minutes then just goes sideways or down
what do you think? theyre trying to get people to buy in since 6.7k

the sad part is nobody is buying

>> No.9003978
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We are on target

>> No.9004072

I would say yes but if you look at the news cycle it is not. Large corporations and even governments are bullish on crypto. Every fucking day there are new articles of some large corp or govt testing a blockchain solution. We are going to see a bull market like that will make 2017 look minuscule.

>> No.9004157
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>> No.9004180

When has news ever affected crypto?

>> No.9004229

Oct-DEC 2017
If you didn't notice that you weren't paying attention.

>> No.9004286

When it was going to 20k kikes were writing articles about niggers buying above ground pools with their "bitcoin side hustle."

>> No.9004470

>I won't give you an example, but I will call you ignorant if you don't agree with me
Fucking lol

>When it was 20k
You mean when it had a natural correction?

Been in crypto since Feb of 2017, and I still haven't seen a single piece of news affect the prices.

>> No.9004490

Also the answer to OP's question is yes, this is a trap.
There hasn't been enough volume to justify these price increases.

>> No.9004528

not really, btc prices will stabilize for now

>> No.9004577

>bull trap lmfao

its a fucking bart learn to do TA

>> No.9004584

Last news cycle was about people getting rich, fomoing, taking home equity loans to buy crypto etc...all the signs of a bubble. Meanwhile the news was also talking about govts banning etc.

Now the news cycle is mostly about this company using blockchain for this and this govt finding block chain beneficial for this etc. The normies for the most part are on the sidelines or licking their wounds. Also, govts have backed off of the banning / heavily regulating talks but I do expect some regulations to ICOs which desu are prob needed. This is the ground floor of a large bull run.

>> No.9005387

News cycles are affected by price, not the other way around.

>> No.9005436

no, we're in new paradigm still if you zoom out on the 1 month

>> No.9005620
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>literally billions of dollars entering crypto
>more infrastructure than before
>in first 4 months of 2018, we have already more ico money than all of 2017

this is u