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File: 75 KB, 440x148, Skjermbilde 2018-04-20 kl. 16.49.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9002959 No.9002959 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know of any interesting small caps?

Just found out about electrify.asia. The name sucks though.

Hive? Bodhi? WeTrst?

>> No.9002977
File: 134 KB, 1262x704, datis kuva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Datawallet is fucking undervalued


>pump started, still only 15mill$$ marketcap (-80% below ico)

>all-stars team + Tim Draper& Marc Benioff as active investors

>holding rewards program will be announced really soon

>PR marketing starting in china, block72.io is handling that
>Edelman pr office hired for marketing

>Only trading in bad exchanges. but ico sold-out in 1 day and collected 40 millions
>team said upcoming exchange listings are coming soon

>whales are accumulating, check a chart to see accumulation peaks
>sell orders are really thin

>> No.9003000
File: 18 KB, 500x374, 1517931596931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRAC- team been together for years, won food & safety innovation award from walmart, smashing their road map, sub 50 mil cap

TOMO- founder of NEM, multifaceted coin that is already functional, tiny cap that has finally got a tiny bit of meat after only just starting to get attention

PPY- dividend coin. gambling platform, all rakes go to unit holders. tiny cap under 20 million.

>> No.9003091

Nice find. Decent team and size. Lots of room to grow.

>> No.9003354

I felt that way about antshares OP.
pretty sure they will drop the .asia after a while. wouldn't worry

>> No.9003425

TOMO just started to gain traction. It's a platform that is way ahead of other platfroms, already has ICOs announced and running for it. Recently announced that they are way ahead on roadmap and will release mainnet way earlier, and with dPOS masternodes to boot. Compare this with other platforms which have no testnet, no adoption, nothing, and are valued at 3-4 times the market cap.

They even have a mobile wallet prototype on Android (Tomo Wallet) where you can play around with their Ethereum cross chain atomic swaps on testnet already. They just randomly dropped that without hyping it, but it's a pretty awesome functionality.

>> No.9003439

ELEC is the next moon mission

>> No.9003456

i like ELEC and TOMO

TOMO gets shilled a lot unlike ELEC here tho.

desu electrify just signed a MoU with the national university of singapore for joint research into solar research.

they also are tied with Jun from OMG and have that MoU shit with TEPCO too.
usually i'm not into moon talk, but this should be an easy 10-15x over the next 9-10 months

>> No.9003466

Tomo is a goldmine. And checked

>> No.9003509

>next moon mission
wouldn't say next, but I'm stacking this shit like a greedy cunt while it's at ~ICO price.
before q3 should see something special
Jun Hasegawa from OMG has a AMA about it in a week about it too. might see a nice little rally from that.

>> No.9003526

Thank you )) I can promise you that it will go 150m marketcap in this bullrun

>> No.9003586

yeah it's actually crazy how long it hung around ICO price (still is) and it dipped below that too. i mean even now we're at 1x ico in USD and 1.7x or so in satoshis.

once this hits bigger exchanges than kushit and idex, this will be an automatically 2x/3x BEFORE any additional news/hype

>> No.9003708

one of the only projects in 12 months that I get that gut feeling about. shit's like buying omg at 20 cents.
can't be bothered to shill it here usually but it needs more exposure to get out of its current range. no one talks about it.

>> No.9003764

same feeling here anon

interesting thing is even the subplebbit for electrify is very small still. and this is another sign how undervalued ELEC is currently

oh well at least we can accumulate in peace, right? 40K stack atm but i want to stock up a few more thousands before liftoff

>> No.9003851

I "need" to keep stacking anon.
recently got knocked out of top 300.

>> No.9003873

switcheo is on a moon mission for a week straight

get on


<30m market cap still

>> No.9003889


>> No.9003938


I shit you not, once this thing gets off Cryptopia it's going straight to top 100

>> No.9003948

don't forget the 4th -> UUU

>> No.9003989

U network
Its way to manage online content via people. It has partnerships with huobi And Is backed by po.et

>> No.9004000

jesus, jelly of your stack anon. godspeed and let us make it then

>> No.9004027

Skip all that bullshit and all in UUU.

Seriously. I know there's a lot of shilling, but it's VERY early.

Get in.

>> No.9004052
File: 56 KB, 624x468, pepe_phr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PHORE is so undervalued right now


>PIVX fork

>Aiming to be a leader in the privacy coin arena

>1st privacy coin to implement private smart contracts, where two parties can create a smart contract and remain anonymous.

>First POS/MN with segwit

Block Maturity set to 50 blocks
PoS reward 2.8 PHR
Masternode Reward 4.2 PHR
Masternode Collateral 10,000 PHR

>Working marketplace

>Circulating Supply - 12,740,475 PHR

>Market Cap - $22,394,060 USD, 2,645 BTC

>Incorporated in Gibraltor

>Road map :

>Get on

>> No.9004521

It really does sound interesting. I might invest a bigger sum.
But when do you think it will really go up. A simple 2x would be mpre than enough for me.

All I could find in the near future is the jun q&a. But that is pretty good anyways.

>> No.9004563

How do you guys find solid low caps? My portfolio is low six figures and it has become clear to me that small caps are the next step

>> No.9004614

Nvm, just noticed that with 1-2 exceptions this thread is full of fucking Indians

>> No.9004691
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About to go Super Sminem Phore

>> No.9004731
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>reads 1 post about phore wtf that is
>disregard thread
yeah, good strategy.

>> No.9004743

This will be on Binance. Guaranteed. It's a matter of time. They are also geographical neighbors now.

>> No.9004779

As a investor, I believe in the credentials of Phore.io. Slowly gaining steam. They have a working product and nice roadmap. Right now they have a working desktop amd android wallet, a marketplace to buy things using phore. Looks promising- check out Phore.io

>> No.9004807

i think they might get listed on binance over the next month or so

sure, it's expensive, but jun might open up his wallet. the two teams are getting tighter (check the news about the Neutrino shared space)

binance is an easy bump and is only a matter of time

DIY on electrify, but they're very prompt and non-hype with their communication. very professional.

i'd wait to check whether it can dip a further 4-5% from its current satoshi value though. that's what im doing anyways

>> No.9004809


>> No.9004824
File: 50 KB, 982x388, IMG_20180420_164134545~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look Indian to you? I'm on the toilet now ffs.

>> No.9004870

no, you look like a fag

>> No.9004875

You wish.

>> No.9004911

Binance normally is fast with adding good chink coins.
I am almost sure that they will add MAN very soon too.
I need a new portfolio. I played it safe and got a lot of money. Now I have to risk a bit to really make it.
Man, elec. I just need a few more.

>> No.9004926

dxt is only good low marketcap coin now ;=O

>> No.9004928
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One word: Deep Brain Chain
Thank me later



>> No.9004953

MAN looks awesome. I really like their approach to scaling with randomized clusters and a network of delegated reps from each cluster. They also got a contract with that big Chinese project. One road, one rail whatever it's called. It might even bring bigger gains than Phore.

>> No.9004962

dont even know what they are.
dgaf either.
fud ELEC please pajeet

>> No.9004987

ELEC will easily hit $1, remember these words anon

>> No.9005019
File: 637 KB, 568x1968, garbage_team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young people, ceo is black, no autistic "vitalik" type person, not finished, empty promises, vaporware, anonymous members.

>> No.9005053

Where can i short this?

>> No.9005076

Can't believe ELEC is still this cheap, love getting into small mcap coins with great teams this early.

>> No.9005089

No Limit Coin

>> No.9005128
File: 23 KB, 960x380, tomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New NEO get ready boys

>> No.9005139

LOL, they have one of the saddest teams on crypto right now


>> No.9005223

Yeah the main guy looks very cringy.
But they have a real working product (99% of coins don't)
And they keep expanding to different sports and states.
I've made about 500% (of not much) just by buying below 800 and selling over 900 for the last weeks. I don't mind keeping BTC, or bags of this, because I think that as a long term project is pretty good.

>> No.9005233
File: 107 KB, 944x467, 1868435345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robin8 PUT


>> No.9005374

>empty promises
>not autistic
Get your facts straight. They have delivered by their deadlines and have a working product, unlike more of your shitcoins. The founder is definitely autistic. I heard he is a direct descendant of Yakub.

>> No.9005392

holy shit Coolio Yang is an advisor/investor?
"the" Coolio motherfucking Yang?!

>> No.9005588

nice find anon

i'm in, less than 10 mil

>> No.9005652
File: 3.21 MB, 1336x941, Vivo $100 eom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9005778
File: 19 KB, 1615x1055, DID-final-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute microcap this, ±1m at the moment. Decentralized ID (DID).
> First product to market
> US government approached them to test ID solutions
> Solid UK based team
> Micro cap: ±1 million
> Was launched on its first exchange this week (Mercatox), applied to 10-20 others
> Advisors include David Drake (LDJ Capital) and the Head of Investment at Microsoft London
> Ran a pilot in the election in Sierra Leone

If this goes to 10m market cap, which it will, you will already 10x your money. Potential 100-200x here.

>> No.9005923
File: 135 KB, 855x565, chimaera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chimaera is the best small cap you've never looked at

>First second generation gamecoin,will disrupt the entire gamecoin market (1 bil)
>15 mil hardcap, only raised 1.7~ mil
>Creating an ecosystem where games are published and connected to, serverless, directly on the Chimaera blockchain
>Doing this through a tech called game channels. Think Lightning Network for games
>Evolution of 2013 (successful) Huntercoin experiment
>Mainnet is complete, launching end of pre-sale
>Already has 4 major studios developing games on Chimaera, including Soccer Manager (17 mil players)
>Team includes many industry vets
>Also senior producer of WoW, Cod, and more

Do you want to be poorfag forever or not anon?

>> No.9005950

Pakistani scam. When they exit, you're fucked.

>> No.9005970

if you arent in UUU, you really dont like money. easiest moonshoot with all normie frndly metrics

>> No.9006071
File: 5 KB, 261x193, TFD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But how tf has nobody mentioned te-food? Most legit low cap project after elec, and half its cap. Its livestock/agriculture logistics wit actual working product with yearly returns, partnerships with lotte, aeon, cp group, auchan. These are massive, multi-billion $ hypermarket chains and conglomerates. not pajeet "partnerships" either, they verify partners the explain the nature of them through twitter and medium, and you can literally use their app in some of the above listed's supermarkets.

The fact that it's barely mentioned here is a fat buy signal

>> No.9006108

I'll be alright

>> No.9006152

some of you are alright


>> No.9006218

Bought around 200k electrify, lets see how this turns out. Still looking deeper into $UUU and $DXT

>> No.9006228
File: 27 KB, 250x250, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know all those pyramids, casinos, etc., that have become popular as of late?

Now, imagine all of those things running on code that is easy to understand, runs like it should, and is 100% private.

If you don't see the writing on the wall, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.9006232

this is more like 4-8 million cap, sadly, depending on circulating, isn't it?

>> No.9006498

Admin in the telegram:
>The Total Supply is 2,232,281,871 and the Total Circulating Supply is 1,763,502,678. In Total the DID team has burned a total of 17,767,718,129 DID tokens. For more information, check out our website at Decentralized.id.

That makes the current cap ~1.4m

>> No.9006916
File: 448 KB, 2000x1334, datawallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DXT is only one good low mcap coin there actually..


>pump started, still only 15mill$$ marketcap (-80% below ico)

>all-stars team + Tim Draper& Marc Benioff as active investors

>holding rewards program will be announced really soon

>PR marketing starting in china, block72.io is handling that
>Edelman pr office hired for marketing

>Only trading in bad exchanges. but ico sold-out in 1 day and collected 40 millions
>team said upcoming exchange listings are coming soon

>whales are accumulating, check a chart to see accumulation peaks
>sell orders are really thin

>> No.9007036

$BVTK is undetected so far but huge things are coming.

Bravatek has JVs MAP like no other, their CEO is top tier and they will address the SS soon with a RM with Darkpulse Technologies that will be listed via a RM on the big boards.

It's a Jumper like Monster in the making.

>> No.9007234

TE food is a good pick. still under ico price too

>> No.9007596

linda coin

>> No.9008050
File: 84 KB, 696x449, 1523970026509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought myself a nice bag of Colx. Feels good mon.

>> No.9008241
File: 38 KB, 696x449, sugar-exchange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Exchange token. Micro cap currently at 317k. New website and whitepaper in the coming days. Release was originally scheduled for May and there have been no confirmations that this has changed. Screenshots of the platform look impressive. Certainly better than shittrex.

Easiest 10x of your life. High change of 100x. I'm holding a stack for x1000.

Did not have to raise funds in an ICO because they are partnered with Modulus Global.
>Since 1997, Modulus has provided advanced technology products and services to clients including The NASDAQ Stock Market, J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Credit Suisse, Barclays Capital, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Fidelity, TD Ameritrade, Devon Energy, IBM, Microsoft, Yahoo!, Google, Cisco, Adobe, Ford Motor Company, SAS Institute, Rutgers University, the University of Chicago, and thousands of other corporate, educational, governmental, and non-profit institutions, throughout 94 countries. Our products and services reach millions of end users around the world.

>> No.9008297
File: 323 KB, 1075x812, bloom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently a meager $20m cap
theres really no reason it wont go up a few times honestly, it wont reach a billion probably but a few hundred million marketcap this year i'd assume by the looks of it

>> No.9008322

How do I even buy all this shit?
Planning to dump 100€ into each, im even if just one goes 10x, and its gon b nice if they go with more zeros than that

>> No.9008335

make account to bibox and go all in $DXT.
easy 10x

>> No.9008345
File: 9 KB, 276x276, BABB-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>banking license around the corner
>great team and website

>> No.9008373
File: 68 KB, 901x883, atomic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking took part in the bounty, still haven't received my coins. They only answer my emails saying stuff like "Give us some time, we are looking into it". THEY HAVE BEEN LOOKING INTO IT FOR 2 FUCKING MONTHS NOW

>> No.9008376

DXT is the only coin listed on bibox out of everything mentioned in this thread. I might do it though, ty!

>> No.9008439
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>> No.9008491

yea its most undervalued coin ever.

check fundamentals, so low marketcap ;)

>> No.9008515

yea pajeet ;)

>> No.9008535

I am not pajeet :) I am from finland.

>> No.9008877
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Chad low mc spread

>> No.9008927


Nice, jelly of all those bbn