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9001503 No.9001503 [Reply] [Original]

There's no reason for a bull market.

>> No.9001513


>> No.9001525


The future is now, old man.

>> No.9001529
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>> No.9001545
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There was no reason for a bear market either

>> No.9001562

Yes but there is also no reason to not have a bull market.

>> No.9001578

>cant actually use crypto anywhere yet
>no scalable solution yet
>only like 2 good DApps exists

>> No.9001579

It's just Soros pumping it before he shorts and dumps.

>> No.9001586

It’s because pornhub now uses crypto. When men with really had cocks are looking for some pussy but instead are exposed to crypto it creates a positive feedback loop of green dildos.

>> No.9001603
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>> No.9001690

You're right. People are buying based on a fantasy that Bitcoin will go to $100,000 at the end of the 2018. In other words, purely because they want to be rich, not for the tech, not based on news or events, neither whether or not Bitcoin is even ready for mainstream adoption yet. There's no logical reasoning to it.

>> No.9001736

Soros pumps the market to FOMO in as many normies as possible. Then he dumps his bags on them and everything dumps.
>rinse and repeat

>> No.9001748

don't forget gox coins + that guy getting sued for half of 1M BTC

>> No.9001767

>sell a chunk after 10k
got it

>> No.9001791

as if it was any different with stocks of companies. As if any of them are in because of "the tech".

>> No.9001798
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There's no reason for a bear market.

>> No.9001834

All of you naive faggots who believe this is going to keep going up, maybe you should remember to collect your profits now...This is an OBVIOUS trap, you could make money with it if you are not too GREEDY.

>> No.9001836

And that's why they're in a massive bubble right now. They're going to crash hard and it will be well deserved.

>> No.9001855

what? The Stock market crashes? Dude, the whole world will collapse if that were to happen like in the 20's. Won't happen because then we would have WW3.

>> No.9001863

If you think about it too hard you go blind.

>> No.9001905

Where's the bulge?

>> No.9001932

Won't happen? How are you going to stop it? You're gonna pump more money into the stock market? Buy everyone's bags? How long can you delay the inevitable?

>> No.9001939

Everyone's saying "This is a sucker's rally." Get ready for a massive bull run boys

>> No.9002274

forever bascially. Just invent new coins and the ponzi scheme can go on for all eternity. If you think >>>they<<< will let a reset happen amongst all the wealth they have amassed you are delusional.

>> No.9002335

>Bitcoin went 2000% during the last year
>Hurr there's no reason for a bear market, BTC has to keep going up forever durr

>> No.9002349

Kek what dapps are you talking about

>> No.9002378

pretty much this

>> No.9002394

EOS is being wash traded with Bitcoin causing the entire market to rise. You can thank EOS for all your gains.

>> No.9002404
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>> No.9002421


>> No.9002423
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>things which don't matter in bitcoin are bearish signs

>> No.9002452
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>printing infinite money solves finite resources reality
>this is sustainable infinitely
This is not how it works.

>> No.9002517

1. tax day is over, i didnt think tax day would make such a difference but someone made a point of something like "tax washing" or something the other day. whales waiting until the tax season was over to make their moves.

so big institutional money is beginning to latter their ways into the market. can pull up dozens of articles ive read about huge players in the investment world getting jobs to trade in the crypto market.

2. consensus next month which might cause a pump and a dump in the market as a whole, many top projects trying to attract big money investors

3. talk of a bitcoin ETF in the near future, CBOE pushing for it and the SEC is into the idea. which wallstreet would absolutely go crazy for.

we're in bullish year. this shit is just the beginning. get ready for a crazy ride over the next few years bogs vs sminem has only just begun

>> No.9002598
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>invent new fiat
>strategy taken: pump more money into the stock market
>thinks this will stop the inevitable
>thinks HE is not the delusional one here
>thinks (((they))) keep all their wealth in the fiat loop system
Okay buddy. Makes total sense.

>> No.9002647

annaleese posting = bull market confirmed

>> No.9002666
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You’re describing every market you dirty retard. Tell me a flourishing market where everything is exactly the right price/value all the time.

Jesus you bear fucks are desperate

>> No.9002798
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Fucking short it then if you’re so smart you filthy subhuman

>> No.9002894
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>You’re describing every market you dirty retard. Tell me a flourishing market where everything is exactly the right price/value all the time.
That's EXACTLY what I'm saying. It IS not at the right price/value. YOU are the fucking retard, not me. It's not my fault you can't keep up with what I'm saying.
...or are you so brainwashed to believe that THIS (pic related) will keep going up forever?

>> No.9002901

gonads and strife

>> No.9002940
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No. Faggot. EVERY market is that way, all the time. If you can’t make money in these situations you deserve to lose.

It doesn’t need to keep going up forever but all markets fluctuate and you don’t understand movement. Short it you fucking cunt. Show us your shorts and let’s see how right you are you ridiculous fucking clown. You lose, good day.

You’re used to being a loser though, nothing personal kid

>> No.9002997

Holy shit dude, you just brought me back 15 years.

>> No.9003041

The only reason I saw was that alts and btc reached technical exhaustion. XVG and ICX got an early start in mid-March and the big boys, BTC and ETH started showing signs of life when their lows started getting higher in early April.

Other alts were starting to pop around that time too.

>> No.9003111


tell me the reason for the dec-jan bullrun.

I'll wait.

>> No.9003123


Why would it not? Even if it crashes it will recover. So fucking dumb, go buy some gold you paranoid faggot

>> No.9003138
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>muh bull
>muh market
>muh bull market

I eagerly anticipate with a handful of lotion a return to 6K. Suck a dick.

>> No.9003139

>other words, purely because they want to be rich

Not quite. They're buying bitcoin because they believe it CAN make them rich, because the tech is sound and an inevitable step in the evolution of currency.

>> No.9003204
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>You lose, good day.
How did I lose if you didn't even refute the central point? How did you prove that the stock market will always and unequivocally keep going up? You didn't, and you never will.

Now all the sudden you wanna talk money? Fine, we'll talk money.
>Short it you fucking cunt.

>Show us your shorts and let’s see how right you are you ridiculous fucking clown.
Fuck you, you worthless piece of trash. I'm not showing you shit. Go straight to hell and burn there.

How about YOU go long? Delusional permabull. We already know who's the real clown here—the one who's buying at the top. i.e. (you).

>> No.9003212

keep trying to find reason in crypto and you will never make it

>> No.9003375

digital scarcity. there will only ever be 21 million bitcoins. half are lost forever so more like 10 million. meanwhile billions of pajeets born evert year, all trying to escape the slavery of fiat currencies their governments keep printing to infinity

>> No.9003382

>How about YOU go long? Delusional permabull. We already know who's the real clown here—the one who's buying at the top. i.e. (you).
Better than being a permabear like some of these 3k fags that can't read news such as Soros and Rockefeller entering market.
> 'Derrr news doesn't matter only my meme lines'

>> No.9003451

>Even if it crashes it will recover.
It's not if. It's WHEN.
Knowing full well that it's the top, you still plan on not selling the top? You'd rather hold bags in a replacement you know is about to happen? Stupidity at its finest.

Don't get me wrong, I do believe Bitcoin CAN make people rich in the future, and it has for super early adopters already. It's an evolution in currency and that won't change. However, the notion that people will be so "readily accept" to Bitcoin and that it will be $100,000 in 2018 is foolish. It's too soon and Bitcoin is not ready for it yet (evidence: late 2017). The people in the cryptocurrency market today are get-rich-quickers inspired by the 2017 boom. They don't give two shits about the technology, and many will get burned.

>> No.9003480

bitshares and steem. ive never used bitshares so I really just mean steem. are there ANY other successful, commonly used dapps?

>> No.9003544

>The people in the cryptocurrency market today are get-rich-quickers inspired by the 2017 boom.
And the speculator cycle is just getting started again and now is really the last time to buy to get into a good position to dump on FOMOers.

>> No.9003579

You will be sitting with a dirty hand for a very long time. Keep that palm up, hope that lotion doesn’t evaporate.

>> No.9003659

Long-term speaking, crypto will go up. Bitcoin $100,000 in 2018? No. This current pump is strictly inspired by this foolishness and I don't believe in it for one second.

Well $3,000 sounds more rational than $100,000, and I HOPE it happens. To not wish for $3,000 is to wish the worst in yourself. To see Bitcoin go sideways for months and accumulating it is a dream come true.
Also, let me burst your bubble on the news...
They did NOT say they are entering the market NOW. Their funds were simply announcing their APPROVAL to trade cryptocurrencies. When they actually enter the market, they don't want to fucking spook everyone beforehand.

>> No.9003661
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>> No.9003696

There’s no reason for you to suck cocks and take it up the ass but here we are.

>> No.9003740
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ok sell all ur shit since ur so smart. do it now. and screenshot it wiseguy

>> No.9003794

see >>9003204

If you say so. I say no. Until further notice, I'm not betting on it.

>> No.9003939

There is actually a great reason for a bull market: lots of business colleges around the world are including blockchain papers at the end of their regular non-blockchain courses. Kids who see these lectures will buy shit that’s popular, I.e. shit that’s on coinbase and ripple if they’re smart. Lots of new people across the world buying=bull market

>> No.9003970


>> No.9004698

>the guy who keeps posting THIS pic is back

He's a crypto hedge marketer and he only comes to post on /biz/ when we were in a bullrun. Now that this pic is back on /biz/, this confirms we are, in fact, in a bullrun. I am 100% serious btw.

>> No.9005015
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>> No.9005065


too stupid not to be true.

>> No.9005235

normies first experience with crypto
2013 bull run was caused by people buying BTC to buy ASICs to mine BTC

those two are the only logical bull runs

>> No.9005355

i agree short with max leverage OP

>> No.9005383

Haha, GAY

>> No.9005446
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My theory: the weather is finally getting warmer in the midwest/eastern USA, brightening people's moods and easing tensions. People are thinking positive which spells HEAVY GAINS over the summer months.

Search your heart, you know this to be true.

>> No.9005464

Wow, traps have finally reached a point where they look exactly like women.

>> No.9005526

CO here, you might be right

I've been fucking manic

>> No.9005564

dost thou understand that they will literally blow up the world if they can't maintain their power? But since they don't want that either, it will be a steady decline (that much I don't deny) but they will squeeze every human to below-slave level before that will happen. They will literally club you to death if anyone dares rise against them. And if it gets critical they'd rather blow us all up. Might as well ride with the waves into collective oblivion.

>> No.9005578

> Soros entering with his billions
> Another billionaire fag says BTC will be $250K by 2022
> Hedge funds increasing coming into cryptocurrencies
> Bitcoin futures
> Lightning Network
> Porn industry adoption
> ChainLink, nuff said

Reasons for bull

>> No.9005596


Jesus Christ. This is actually a reasonable assumption.

>> No.9006380

>media attention, enthusiasm, greed, and delusion hasn't happened yet

wew lad

>> No.9006994

the public did not buy in, they couldn't because 1) they didn't know how and 2) coinbase went down from the volume and exchanges halted new accounts

institutional money is really the only thing that matters

>> No.9007371

Holy fuck yes. I’ve legit been depressed the last month over the incessant same just above freezing temps.

It’s maddening, and I’m probably not the only one getting some positive vibes collecting my tax refund and getting sunnier days.

>> No.9007589


>> No.9008260
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>the public did not buy in, they couldn't because 1) they didn't know how and 2) coinbase went down from the volume and exchanges halted new accounts
>institutional money is really the only thing that matters

You literally cannot get more retarded.

>> No.9008852

/biz/ isn't even remotely representative of the real world. institutions are still afraid to hold actual coins at this point even because there's too much risk with hacks or exit scamming, and no way to recover due to blockchain immutability.

2009 was when the libertarian autists jumped in, but their devotion to immutability will be the reason their currencies fail to reach mass adoption (ie: bitcoin). that doesn't work with normies and institutions. immutable money is ONLY good for criminals or people in conflict regions, it's completely impractical for day to day retail usage.

2013-2017 are the early adopters, the autists before us don't count. also pure currencies will die if they don't adapt. only privacy coins that have dark net usage won't be killed off by cheap and fast payment solutions offered by the banks and money transmitters. only smart contracts and dapps will move to the next level of cryptos.

>> No.9009280

>literally "new paradigm"

>> No.9009602
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There wasn't a reason before. Yet it happens each May like a clockwork.

>> No.9009698

I know right. Just sell at the end of the year and buy the crash again.

>> No.9009772

>Bankster fud on biz
>bull market to 1,000,000 btc confirmed
thanks op for your faggoty contribution