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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7378 No.7378[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone interested in creating 4chan's first business through /biz/?

I really think we're onto something potentially amazing here. Any ideas?

>> No.7395

someone find a way to monetize autism

>> No.7411

we will sell used condoms.

>> No.7396

Depends, am I allowed to wear a hijab at work?

>> No.7401


But Moot had so much trouble monetizing 4chan.

>> No.7438

We should set up a call girl service, only with effeminate crossdressing traps.

Oh, and we should probably sell the panties they wear online.

>> No.7426

/biz/'s business ideas:

1.Take all of your investors money, find loans for maximum leverage, and gamble of it in crytocurrencies.

2.Do the same thing, but buy gold instead.

>> No.7458


Okay, this is probably the most viable idea so far.

Let's move it to first on the list.

>> No.7462

Helium tank business

>> No.7534
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A dating/friend-finding service for NEETs to approach other neets and set them up for meet-ups because they're too beta to do it themselves, so why not charge them for the privilage of getting paired by the computer?

>> No.7541

Custom foot/leg/armpit/hand/sweat/bellybutton/weight gain "porn". I'm dead serious.

>> No.7585

"Custom" as in like, webcam request? Or like, a full-blown customer-driven business where they write the porn scenes and pay you to get actors to act them out?

>> No.7588

A dating site for autists?

>> No.7591

>so why not charge them for the privilage of getting paired by the computer?
Think about it m8.

>> No.7608

>Male NEETs in your state
>86,000 found
>Female NEETs in your state
>62 found

>> No.7611

I was thinking more along the lines of a full shoot. Most stuff you find online is amateur or cam stuff.

>> No.7604

I'd buy the leg and armpit porn, not even kidding.
They'd better be smooth and flawless, tho.

Also, add sleep and necro play, I know plenty of people are into that.

>> No.7627

Make it cheap.
Allow the site to list off potential NEETs to meet in their area, and pay $2 to initiate a meetup.
You only pay if they agree, but on the flip-side, they pay $2 also.

>> No.7648

>implying most NEETs haven't reduced themselves to cock-lusting bisexuals
Not having sex for 22 years really fucks you up.

>> No.7637

I'm sure a lot of NEETs have given up on women if you know what I mean

>> No.7662

HD fetish porn? You're sure this hasn't been heavily monetized already?

>> No.7651


I love it. Firstly, we'd have to think of willing pornographers. Should we consult /r/GirlsgoneWild and pick out the best?

Also, I really think we're agreeing on some sort of dating/porn site for NEET or autists, or something like that.

Keep submitting ideas guys. We're coming together nicely.

>> No.7688

I'll have to do a little checking, but I doubt it has been yet. Most body fetish stuff is just chicks with blogs.

>> No.7682

Have suitable ads that target the NEET community.

>> No.7704

>10% your next purchase of hot pockets

>> No.7734

That's strange, for a thriving industry it's surprising that niche fetishes haven't been snapped up and monopolized

>> No.7736

Here's something we have to think about:

Yes, there are many NEETs on the Internet. That being said, would they be willing to show themselves on the Internet? Most NEETs really believe in anonymity and the like, so would a dating site really be viable?

It's a good idea though. Also, how can we make money off of NEETs? That's the underlying question.

>> No.7722

Charge computing power to mine doge :^)

>> No.7728

That actually doesn't sound bad.

>> No.7762


The advertising idea is viable. I could buy a domain right now if any talented developers are willing to work on this project.

Do we like NEETMEET?

Waiting on more suggestions

>> No.7786

We can make a cock expander emporium, it sells cock expanders.

>> No.7789



>> No.7790

Buy cheap land on ebay, build shit on it and sell it for a higher price.

>> No.7775

I like the way you think

>> No.7813

I like the idea of NEETMeet but I think we need to examine the viability of it, maybe do some surveys on various 4chan boards where NEETs hang out (/jp/, /r9k/, /adv/) to see what they think and what kind of services they'd like us to offer

>> No.7803

Wincest niche porn. The market hasn't been saturated yet.

>> No.7842

NEETMEET sounds like the best option so far

>> No.7823

I think to monetize it you need an accurate ratio of male to female NEETs. This isn't like a Christian dating site or an over-50 dating site. This is a demographic that might have too huge a gender imbalance, which for a dating site is a terrible place to start.

>> No.7831

Lot's of guys find it easier to just pander to the majority who want blond bimbos and asshole shots. The "fetish" stuff I've found is largely a four minute halfhearted fluff before anal/vaginal/oral.

>> No.7862
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>Buy cheap land on ebay
D-do people sell land on ebay??

>> No.7866

Honestly the best idea so far except maybe this >>7541
Speaking of which, /r9k/ has a guy who occasionally asks for people to "perform" in his bug-squashing porn. The point being, it should be a niche market that isn't really abundant, as certain parts of >>7541 are already fairly common.

>> No.7852


Muh sides

Ooh I got more sides than the KFC menu

>> No.7888


>> No.7879

NEET aren't gonna leave the house, let alone meet other NEETs

>> No.7891

>NEETMEET sounds like the best option so far

>> No.7908

NEETMEET has the most votes right now.

Also, other ideas aren't out of the question. This one just seems to generate the most buzz.

Basically, I'm seeing a website for a bunch of people who are just desperate for sex. It'll be borderline prostitution, which is great. A lot of money in that. I have a background in law too, so I'd make sure the website is legally sound.


There's a lot of places we could search. I know a lot of 4chan boards have a majority of women on them, like the costume board.


Not a bad idea. Anyone want to take this initiative while I keep organizing things?

>> No.7895

Yes, you can get extremely cheap and large lots there. I recently bought a 10 acre lot with some other people, in Texas for 1.2k off ebay. The land it completely ours now, no strings attached.

>> No.7904

The only thing I could imagine working is an investment company in which which shares we invest in are decided almost democratically through shares. If you wish to participate, you need to register your tripcode with the current owner of 50% of the share that will be invested.

So, if someone on /biz/ notices a company that will do well, they start a thread, rally the trips and then the money goes into that company.

>> No.7931

What do we call ourselves?! /biz/ards?

>> No.7912

Well it could webcam first then if they agree to stop being faggots and meet in real life they can do that

>> No.7917

How about instead of a dating site, it'll just be a general meet/hangout site? A forum where NEETs can organize and see if they can make any friends or relationships.

>> No.7936


A business in what?

Maybe marketing an "anonymous" think tank? How the fuck would you even keep that anonymous, assuming that is the route you went. What else could you offer?

>> No.7937


This sounds like a smart option too. Start soft, maybe add a "go hard" section to our website later.

>> No.7959

It could be an option I suppose

>> No.7960

Isn't that what 4chan is for?
Why would neets go to another forum?

The entire idea is that that the site is supposed to pair them up with someone, and they they pay money.

>> No.7968


I have a lot to offer. Trust me. If we're successful with this, we could make biz be the go-to for place for start-ups.

I seriously feel good about this.

>> No.7970

We could start a Wolf of Wallstreet type shitty stock business.

>> No.7985

>Isn't that what 4chan is for?


>> No.7982


What are your thoughts?

>> No.7992


Is this off of wizard?



What about show/biz/

>> No.8004

Since NEETMEET.com is taken, what about NEETMEET.net.

We could call it the NEETMEET Network.

Or just the Neetwork for short.

>> No.8005
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I have the PERFECT idea for you . . .

>> No.8022

Sell penny stocks to rich fags then hopefully you've made enough to afford good lawyers when you're tried for fraud.

>> No.8025

Yeah, but here you just dive right into the deep end and start name calling with a bunch of faggots. I thought NEETMEETs concept was more personal and less anonymous

>> No.8026

Neetwork.com is available.

>> No.8012

/jp/ is the unofficial neet board, didn't you know?

>> No.8015

pump up a business that we find on the pink sheets that's in financial trouble

>> No.8033

Wizard but show/biz/ sounds cool

>> No.8046

Clever and contradicts itself. I like it

>> No.8040

I see what you did there. And I like it.

>> No.8041


>> No.8057

I'll set up a survey on /r9k/

>> No.8065

how about ForumforFriendlessFaggots.com?

>> No.8076

this one is the best imo

>> No.8080

Welp, apparently neetwork is taken.

Still like NEETMEET.net though.

>> No.8096


>> No.8090

just have it redirect to 4chan.org

>> No.8099

how about simply friendless.com?

>> No.8119

did someone just snap it up right now

>> No.8120

It's already been decided


>> No.8124

Laying it on a bit too thick, I'd say.

>> No.8111

Real life shitposting, imagine, pay someone to shitpost at anyone in real life. Angry at some asshole who cut you off, pay us to go to his house and yell the most idiotic drivel at him for hours.

Think about it, we could revolutionize the world.

>> No.8113


>> No.8116

i like this

i like this a lot

>> No.8142


>> No.8132

Or, the NEETwork Network


How about Friendless.co

For Friendless & Co.

>> No.8147
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I change my answer

/biz/y bees

>> No.8163

I'd much rather pay for a service that sends out a crack team of specialists to smear shit all over people's houses and/or car.

>> No.8168
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how clever

>> No.8174
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>> No.8188

We can do that too.

>> No.8178

I want to become youtube famous. What's the easiest way?

>> No.8184

Moot monetized 4chan?

>> No.8194

360 noscopes

>> No.8196

meetaneet.com is available

>> No.8200


Quiet, Mootski.

>> No.8201

>be a girl
>do guy things, only with a vagina
>if you don't have vagina, pretend you do
>rake in dem views and adsense checks

>> No.8222

Strawpoll created.


>> No.8224

Comment on various funny videos, cat videos, gameplay videos, and movies, but instead of leaving comments like a normal person, make videos expressing your comments. Add in a personal Jihad against Muslim extremeism and you'll get instant followers

>> No.8236

I'm ray william johnson and i approve this message

>> No.8242

Assassinate someone important.

>> No.8255


>> No.8260

Someone already tried that, didn't work.

>> No.8261


Being a flaming autist and/or knowing how to curl your hair seem to both be practical youtube models

>> No.8268

Shit sorry I thought you just said famous, never mind, don't kill anyone important, it probably won't help.

>> No.8292

Who the fuck voted NEETMEET.NET over NEETME.ET?!?!?!

>> No.8310

Honestly, I think Friendless & Co. has the most marketability.

>> No.8300

Me. I did.

>> No.8329

I like Neet & Greet

that works well too though

>> No.8345

Haven't some /k/ommandos been running a business for a while already?
I think it's about making uniforms in old camouflage patterns or so.

>> No.8394


i thin it's a bit rough.

>> No.8397

Nugget enterprises, they sell military surplus n shit, niggas love their flecktarn

>> No.8490

me too

>> No.8494

this guys right. its rough as hell
people might be turned off because it says friendless

neetmeet sounds better

>> No.8510

xactly my point

>> No.8527


You know, I don't give a shit about military gear, but I love that someone's actually doing that.

>> No.8547

neetandgreet.com is pretty good actually

>> No.8571

Well, there's a bit of a problem here, because NEETs and friendless people aren't necessarily the same demographic, even if there's a lot of overlap.

So why not both? Why not make two sites that are interconnected so you can only choose to mingle with the NEETs or the Roneryfolk or opt in for both with the same account?

>> No.8580

How about we start a company called NEET-Sweets

The company can sell various sweets that would taste in a way to appeal to desperate and pathetic virgins

For example
>Used Panty and crack sweat flavoured jawbreakers
>Foot flavoured chewing gum
>Female lip flavoured chips

The sweets could be delivered in a box so they would never have to leave the house

>> No.8599

Black Tuesday 2 Electric Boogaloo

>> No.8602

oh man i'm dying over here thank you

>> No.8619

i've been thinking about making this for a while now

>> No.8637

why make 2 sites when we could make one with a name that accommodates both groups

i just think 2 sites would split the userbase too much

>> No.8638


Good point. I think we can move forward with the NEETMEET Network.

Now, we need some talented developers. It'll be a simple website at first, so don't find it too daunting.

>> No.8674

should be easy to find some on /g/
id do it but i dont know shit about sites aside from very very basic html

>> No.8675

kinda cool idea, but how many participants would you need to see an investment return?

>> No.8696

You do realize that targeting specifically NEETs that our main demographic are people without any income correct?

that means we have to operate mainly based off advertising revenue.

>> No.8717

youd need tons since youd have to make it all of ad revenue

neets aint gonna pay for shit

>> No.8729

Neets also all (or mostly) have adblock.

>> No.8746

well, i guess that pretty much screws our idea over

>> No.8778

Well, there's the 4chan divegrass tournament, but they are strongly against monetizing as well.

>> No.8779

Yep that was my next point. So you'd have to make complicated schemes in order to force them to do ads.

NEETs would be too lazy to jump through these holes.

>> No.8781

I looked at doing an online dating business a few years ago. I can see that you like this idea, but the biggest problems I see are:
>neets have no money
>neets have no transportation
>neets don't go out and meet other neets
you would need to create a platform that addresses these concerns. Listing fun free hang out spots and activities. Like "Free Concerts in the Park in X City" or "Come play parkour for free in warehouse district"

>> No.8786

how about cam shows? Many of the traps and others round the boards love tht sort of stuff.

>> No.8806

could cookies come into play here? sort of what exhentai does.

>> No.8810

It could always just be for fun

Projects like these tend to give valuable experience to the participants afaik

>> No.8812

>you would need to create a platform that addresses these concerns. Listing fun free hang out spots and activities. Like "Free Concerts in the Park in X City" or "Come play parkour for free in warehouse district"
Perhaps that could be the source of ad revenue that the site needs?
When again who in their right mind would advertise their venue to a bunch of useless people.

>> No.8819

You guys don't understand NEETS on 4chan. They are antisocial and most don't want to meet people, and won't use that service. The few NEETS on /v/ might use it because they are normalfags and a few on /jp/ might because they are suicidal and have nothing to lose, but the majority won't use it. It's a lost cause. Of course if you are looking for more general audience, you can just use people on 4chan, but then calling it NEETmeat would be misleading.

>> No.8836

that would be the NSFW version, I presume?

>> No.8845


Advertising to NEETs would be the same as advertising to kids. Except adults are more likely to buy their kids things rather than their grown adult offspring whom are already a mooch.

Honestly I think myself and a few others have a few good ideas but have come to the realization that posting them would probably result in them stolen.

Myself and a friend actually came up with the idea of listening to music for free on ipods via an online service with advertisements. Someone else went with it while we were looking for someone to code it though. Now it's rather mainstream

>> No.8852

This is a great idea, I'm leaving my email here in case this shit takes off

>> No.8868

>you'd have to make complicated schemes in order to force them to do ads
Not really, you just need to made ads indistinguishable from site content.

>> No.8870

I've gone on /jp/ a few times, and sometimes they all group together on some really old mmo and talk to eachother

They mostly use irc for that though, most of their meetups happen at conventions afaik

>> No.8878


This. Who knows, it could really blow up.

Can anyone start posting to /g/ about developers? In the meantime, let's start envisioning how we want this website to function.

Will it be a profile based website, like eharmony?

Or will it be like Hot or Not?

>> No.8888

Easier said than done.

The only method I could think of is putting the ad's on your actual website's server so they couldn't be adblocked.

>> No.8899
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>> No.8902
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>putting the ad's on your actual website's server

>> No.8914
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slow down
don't panic
calm down


>> No.8929

nice quads :^)

>> No.8922

>Hot or Not?

I don't like any of those models, but this is definitely the worse.

We should link people by interests, not by appearence.

>> No.8934

or number of piss bottles owned

>> No.8960
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>piss bottles
>not cum bottles

>> No.8981

>We should link people by interests, not by appearence.


we're talking about fucking NEETs here, how many of them do you think actually look good? They're probably just looking for somebody to talk about anime with

>> No.9000

>it could really blow up.
The only way income would be generated is if non-neets (higher chance of not having adblock and such)

That would make neets leave and the population eventuallyt stagnate and die out i feel

>> No.9001

We over 9000

>> No.9011

posting a website is the easiest step to building a business, ie. a monkey could do it. I just put a site up last night for a business idea I'm starting. It took 2 hours to buy the name, host it for free and then steal some code for a basic background.
The trouble with building a successful business is coming up with an idea that is viable for the market. Marketing to neets is going to be hard, and there is little pay out.
I've been working in a bar for the last few months as a manager. We brought a company in that does Free Texas Hold'em tournaments. It cost my bar $250 or $4 per person that showed up. And more then 50% of the people didn't drink. Neets could be useful in a bar promotion like Free Texas Hold'em

>> No.9025

Yeah I didn't expect to quads that. The only reason I thought about it is because another chan website that about the marijuana date does it with banner ads.

I haven't been able to find a way to block it and im sure theres others in the same boat

>> No.9037

Brightly-colored tiny horses.

>> No.9038

>Marketing to neets is going to be hard
we're just going to have to viral market on /soc/, /g/ and maybe /b/

>> No.9046 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9104

>starting a business
inventing a product is much easier

what products could we make? guys from /vg/ have made video games and /ck/ did a cookbook once i think.

>> No.9110

if you think NEETs only exist on 4chan that's not the case at all. The issue is the lack of payout

>> No.9117

4chan guide to de-neeting yourself

>> No.9120

As a NEET about the only way to get money from me is to help solve my life problems and help me get a job that won't break me.

This is probably too much of an investment for too low return.

>> No.9123

No I don't think that. I think that 4chan is filled with NEETs and is the perfect advertising place.

>> No.9143


4channers prob have better insight on 4chan/internet/weeaboo neets than old white ladies who normally write those things do

>> No.9164

Bar promotion idea:
create a nationwide anime bar promotion site. market to the bars that your business has a huge following and can guarantee 100-150 people will show up for a cosplay night.

>> No.9197

>whole bar smells like ass and dried cum afterwards

>> No.9201

make a blog website thats only for neets

>> No.9202

That same NEET from >>9120

The problem is they are typically written from a success story so it's hard for those currently in the failure state to understand. Even someone who WAS a NEET writing one doesn't properly address all the individual problems that each unique NEET goes through that holds them in their position.

I'm one of the few NEET's who actually does desire to get out and get on my own (I don't want to be normal though because fuck that shit) and I would love to be a success story but I can't see it happening. Someone would need to get to know me personally and help me daily until I solved all my problems and was a confident happy person (tm). There's just way too much investment.

NEET's don't/can't self motivate.

>> No.9227

invest in wrinkle face. Wrinkle face is the next big thing!

>> No.9218

see http://www.geekswhodrink.com/
a national site that sets up trivia drinking at bars, if you explore the site they have all the info on what they offer and how you can host them at your bar

>> No.9220


>> No.9236

has there been anything that has helped you in the past

>> No.9239

I like this, but let's make it a pool instead. we charge 10% on profit, the 10% then gets redistributed via percent ownership (e.g dividend)
That way people actually want to stay in.

>> No.9279

Going to therapy for years. I managed to hold a job at Kroger for about 3 weeks which is pretty impressive if you know anything about being a NEET at all. Then both my big toes got infected so maybe if you work you die is true

I don't even have 'major' problems either. Just habits and minor traumas (crazy stepmother tier) that developed into massive social phobias. I don't have autism or anything so no neetbux.

But yeah consistent therapy and support, which sounds unmanly and shit, is exactly what a NEET needs. The MAIN PROBLEM of a NEET is that factors conspire to make them incapable of self betterment.

>> No.9324

Well I'm not a magician, so I can't think of a way to convert that into a book.

The typical "self-help" books afaik take the most common problems and outline solutions, so I figure if reformed neets could collab w/ some /biz/dudes they could make something that might end up helping peeps

Probably a lost cause though

>> No.9351

What about a massive NEETNOMORE campaign, where we help NEETs find cheap therapists and have a NEET support forum.

>> No.9357

Again like I said it would have to be a business that personally went around to help NEETs in exchange for future money via contract.

A book won't work and/or would just be torrented, I mean look where you are and what a NEET is.

>> No.9358

Do you guys want to take this to an irc? I can set up a channel.

>> No.9378

But how are you making money from that? That's the issue. Sure there's ways to get NEET's fixed, and they involve lots of therapy, but there's no way to make money from it unless they contractually promise you a portion of their wages for 10 years or something.

>> No.9383

>cheap therapists
won't happen

>A book won't work and/or would just be torrented
Yeah, you're right. I got nothing.

don't see any reason 4 it lel

>> No.9412

Sounds like something that can easily degenerate into tumblr-tier hugboxery

>> No.9453

I feel like it would be easier to keep track of everything. And rein in the serious people.

>> No.9454

If we were smart we wouldn't try to market to the fellow autists here on 4chan.

Look at the dude that made Flappy Bird. Dumbest fucking game and he made $50k a day.

We'd be better off selling tumbler-tier degeneracy

>> No.9464

we make sex robots

>> No.9465

/asp/ made a guide to Martial Arts e-book.

>> No.9479

there isn't even a "thing" yet imo
do w/e you want tho lol, i'm not ur mom

>> No.9497


>> No.9526

Web Designer/Developer here, if anyone needs one of those.

>> No.9581


There are a lot more female neets, it's just that they get taken care of by a real man with a real job.

Remember, women don't have to settle. There are hot body builders with a fetish for fat girls. Girls do NOT have a fetish for fat men. Fat men are disgusting.

>> No.9601

I've got some good video game ideas, but I only know how web programming, not 3d model/game programming.

>> No.9608

for free?

>> No.9628

for partnership, depending on the idea.

>> No.9636

How does this thread NOT violate this rule:

Note: /biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed.

>> No.9657


>"i really think we're onto something potentially amazing here"

>no ideas

>> No.9659

probably because we don't even have a thing to advertise or ask for right now

>> No.9661

What languages

>> No.9680

what is op advertising and what business are they marketing?

>> No.9681

>Anyone interested in creating 4chan's first business through /biz/?
Sounds like SOLICITING....
That question can only be followed up by exchanging contact information, website info etc....

>> No.9686

how do you advertise a business that doesn't exist? faggit

>> No.9706

see >>9681

>> No.9722

HTML/css,html5,java (not really related),javascript,jquery,php,xml,ajax,sass,sql

know xampp/mysql, photoshop and illustrator for design

and I love drupal. Use it all the time.

>> No.9746

its a simple, localized idea. hard to partner with if you are too far away, small gains...$50 a week the first month or so, then maybe up to $500 a week after that.

>> No.9760

Honestly, use this to manipulate markets.
You've got countless people of different strata, locations, and social circles who can spread whatever it is you want spread.
Markets? They're ruled by the stupidity of the populace. Create whispers with heavy words, people eat that shit up. Create an artificial crash, buy the fuck out of it, and wait for the inevitable rebound.

>> No.9763

I can't fucking believe he finally did it.

>> No.9768

what's the idea?

>> No.9770

how does one send you an idea

>> No.9787


>> No.9789

lol ikr... moot was like "there will never be a business board"... a few years later, LET THERE BE A BUSINESS BOARD

>> No.9793

post it

>> No.9816

can't because it would be advertising

>> No.9842

It's not advertising, I'm asking you what your business idea is.

>> No.9897


I assure you I can handle the marketing.
Sorry guys, had to step out for a bit.

Let me read up and see where we're at.

>> No.9914


Hey man.

We need one for NEETMEET. I'm willing to give you 25% of all Ad revenue, for the rest of your life.

Think about it!~

>> No.9950

It's a terrible idea. Girl neets have plenty of potential suitors. and they don't want a guy neet, that's for sure.

Furthermore, a quick google and you'll find there's plenty of other nerd dating sites.

What makes your special?

>> No.9970


Many things are terrible ideas that still do well. Many things are great ideas that don't do well.

What makes an idea successful, though?

Momentum, and 4chan is great at that.

>> No.9982

email me and I'll share it

>> No.10007

If you were asking me to make some kind of static site, I'd consider it.

But a god damn dating website? I don't think you recognize the intricacies of building a huge, dynamic website like that.

>> No.10019

Just have it set up for guy NEETs to meet traps then

>> No.10052

>just build us a yacht
>it just needs to float

>> No.10099


>> No.10105


what if..

what if we just sold used panties worn by traps?
We could also make softcore porn productions where the panties are featured, each pair of pantsutrap (tm) panties are guaranteed to have been worn for 6+ hours by a real live trap!

>> No.10123

>posting an awesome business idea on 4chan

then again
>implying I would ever start it up

>> No.10131

It's going to be tough moving in on the Japanese market.

>> No.10133


Right, that's a given. It'll definitely be an endeavor, eventually. But I say we brainstorm some ways to make it easier in the beginning. Can we start with a coming soon page?

BTW, I say we make this a general thread with the subject being:

Official 4chan makes a business social experiment thread.

Or something.

>> No.10189

I think it's illegal in Japan now

>> No.10235

lots of good ideas have been put out there Business Man, but you only seem intent on a neet dating site. You can't force 4chan to promote your business. It won't work. If you get shot down in the first thread, you will always get shot down.
Go back thru the thread and check your stats. How many anons like the idea, how many said it won't work?

>> No.10342

I like your enthusiasm man, will take note of your trip and hope to see you around.

>> No.10408


It's not my idea, just going off 4chan's suggestions.

The point of this thread now, and hopefully going forward is to see if 4chan can somehow get a business together.

There's a lot of positives in this. First of all, it'd be almost an autonomous business, meaning it'll progress based on 4chan's suggestions as a whole. The majority will always win. Secondly, it'd be a fascinating experiment in anonymous decision making, and whether that effects business in anyway.

Thirdly, it would just be plain badass if 4chan is able to sustain a business.

Basically, it doesn't have to be a NEET dating site, but that was the first suggestion. We can keep brainstorming.

>> No.10515

Let's start a corporation dedicated to the research and development of matrix-level virtual reality. I'm getting bored of the current state of video games.

>> No.11513


>> No.11938

seriously, that proffessional fetish porn idea is the best so far, there's really a market for that, but most of the stuff out there is tumblr sluts and clips4sale

>> No.11974

Is this your fetish?

>> No.11983

oh and also another meme I discovered in your post:
nice meme!

>> No.12227

I'd tottaly invest. I'm broke

But eh who knows i invest a hundred or so dollars, and our business takes off.

>> No.15760

Good idea, but the problem with anonymity is that you never know if some anon is just gonna screw you over or what they're even going to do.

Either way, we should have a seperate irc channel to make discussing easier

But I don't like a NEET dating site, dating sites are kinda dying out now, when need something fresh

>> No.16164

What if we had kinda like our own auction site, like eBay, but a lot easier to deal with?

Idk, kinda a far fetched idea but still, not impossible

The Biz Auction, E-Biz, E-Bidz....idk

>> No.17960


>> No.21598

Would such a thing still be possible? In 2014?
What other types of finance related things we could do?

>> No.25295


>> No.25299

Yep, trips confirmed that one.

>> No.25339


>> No.28947

4Chan wants to fuck and find a job, most people here also have basic computer sills, we could raffle steam games and job listings of "cool" people, take advantage of amateur film and movie critics, developers, programmers and even people in diy. I dunno

>> No.30136


>> No.30151


>> No.30164


>> No.31910
File: 360 KB, 1200x1800, zekkana_100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many 4chan users are great at finding information
that people wants. I.E /r/, /t/, etc etc. Why not market that skill.

>> No.34011

ponzi scheme

lets get in early then

>> No.35636

i call them neetups TM

>> No.35682

neeted dot net i want to solve the neet problem

>> No.35861


I like this.


There's some naysayers (well, this IS 4chan), so if we want this 4chan business to really take off, we have to keep trucking forward while ignoring them, or feeding off their momentum and energy to make ourselves better.

I'm back for the night, 4chan! Let's keep moving on.

So, how many people are still on the NEET network idea? And how many people want a new idea?

>> No.35935
File: 4 KB, 256x272, 1392529835640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd have to have a bus to come pick them up because they won't leave the house on their own.

Serious. A bus to pick them up.

>> No.35995

I'm gonna email Moot about this because I'm curious where the line is. I think "organize a business" threads are a fucking fantastic idea and I'll read every single one of them.

>> No.36062

make and sell finger boxes, /b/ tards will buy em

>> No.36521

How about we have a business that ensures they can leave the house and never have to seen anyone in some way. Like a low class body guard of some sort?

>> No.36564
File: 227 KB, 1435x597, WALL-E-363[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To expand on this idea, something like this.

>> No.36627


Thank you for your support anon!


You'd need a couple body guards to ensure the NEETs wouldn't be seen.

>> No.36665

Serious reply here. I can develop apps (iOS, Android) and websites. I will be interested in partnerships. My email is pooterscooter97@gmail.com. Don't judge on the immature email, it is one I made for giving out on 4chan.
Also lurking for a few minutes if someone wants to talk.

>> No.36694

i had an idea for an app, would be called Branch Out, it's basically a better Omegle app with only partial anonymity. you have a picture and a small profile, and join come to the app, you can choose two population pools: your "roots," where you talk to people in your immediate area, or "branch out" where you can talk to anyone in the world/country/whatever. you decide what your topic is from a list of trending things, or you can make your own for a random pairing.

>> No.36734

Or body guards to lead the NEET's along

Because they would be wearing oculus rifts and have noise canceling headphones on.

>> No.36758

Why would anyone use it? I don't see how it would be useful to a person. Its like omegle+ fluff

>> No.36771

Adding to the social neet site. I think what most of them are missing since 99% of them play videogames are play dates/lan parties.

>> No.36785

the local option sort of makes it into tinder+omegle, also the fact that it's not entirely anonymous allows for a quasi-dating app that can create relationships based on compatible personalities

>also, if i've figured out anything about apps, it's not about necessarily being the most innovating. it's about presentation/ease of a good idea

>> No.36793

How would you monetize on the idea? Just ads? No one pays memberships anymore.

>> No.36834

Let's discuss more. Do you use irc? Come to this channel, we'll talk: #4chanbiz

>> No.36853


Hey man. Stick around and watch out for these threads. We'll definitely be needing you in the near future.

>> No.36867

haven't used IRC in a while. figuring out how to join

>> No.36870

Forgot. The channel is on freenode

>> No.36975

email me at jjjjjfffffkkkkk@yahoo.com
>also a 4chan email
IRC isn't agreeing with me. i'll get on it tomorrow hopefully but just so we can stay in touch regardless

>> No.37004 [DELETED] 

the /biz/jizz

>> No.37088

Alrighty, I've registered the channel so that it isn't deleted. Send me an email with the time on which you want to meet (pooterscooter97@gmail.com).

Other people here can also use the channel. Its #4chanbiz, on freenode. Email me if you need help with irc.

>> No.40330


>> No.40723


>> No.40909


Can 4chan make a business? Potential looking pretty slim right now.

Come on, 4chan. You're gonna let Reddit take over all the glory? Let's do something that's never been done before.

I understand trolling is fun, but let's get proactive for once. Let's initiate some change.

This could be the most brilliant thing you've ever taken part in.

>> No.40925

it's called clips4sale

>> No.40991

i post on both 4chan and Reddit and I like both sites but my fuck I hope we can make a business that kicks the shit out of anything they do there. every couple weeks i try to read a top thread in /r/AssCredit and I want to vomit over all the shitty jokes and attention whoring and fake compassion. i don't want to just make more money than those people, i want those people to give me their money too. so how can we do it?

>> No.41071

Why not shoot for this idea
You said you liked it and it has a lot of potential to turn into something worthwhile

>> No.41103

ok here's a decent model to make neetmeet work:

1. some form of anonimity (nicknames, no real names, no extensive profiles).
2. a form of public communication method (forums? interest based seems the best approach)
3. when you find someone you're interested in you can initiate a form of private messaging (this is where we make them pay, the first week is free, the following costs like $0.50, and so on)
4. when you realize you don't like the other person you can stop paying (and messaging privately)

why should people use our serivice and not just go chat somewhere else?

because when you signup for the service you must add some information about yourself that gets progressively "unlocked" when someone engages in a private chat with you.

so if you are interested in somebody you want to use the system to get such information (which can be a photo after a month of interaction for example)

there are other points i didnt address, but i think thats enough to give you an idea.

>> No.41126

forgot to add:

this is a form of RPG style way of knowing better other people, which i believe neets would love.

>> No.41133


Adding on....

Basically a research site. Something easily used, something people friendly, and something relatively cheap to use.

>Something as simple as "Hey, I can't find this torrent."
>"I need help getting materials to do X project"

to whatever basically needs it needs fulfilled.

>> No.41196

If anyone is thinking of making some dating/social media site they should look at the past for reasons not to

You don't even have to look farther than the whole imageboard thing where there have been lots and lots of imageboards made in the past 10 years and almost none have succeeded

The same thing happens to social media and dating sites

>> No.41216

>because when you signup for the service you must add some information about yourself that gets progressively "unlocked" when someone engages in a private chat with you.
I found it pretty interesting but not interesting enough, need to be more extreme.

>> No.41521


>> No.41547

/biz/, I come to you with an idea. An idea which will make money for everyone involved. What does every single one of us do every single day? Fap. Fap and cum with the force of a thousand suns. And what do we do with that cum? We throw it away. But that's a waste. Think of the barrels of cum that go into the trash every day. But cum isn't trash, it's money. I propose we create a service to sell semen online, using cryptocurrency. But not to get grills pregnant. Rather, I say we sell boiled and cleaned semen to be used for whatever purpose the buyer wishes to use it for, whether it be as a food ingredient, to enhance a fap session, or any other usage you can imagine. Think of the money that could be made off of a service like this. What do you think, /biz/?

>> No.41542

>without income
if they live alone then yes, they pretty much live on SS

However if they live with parents, they probably hold next to no value over any money they receive via SS or autismbux

Also we can easily run some polls on /r9k/ to see what they would be interested in

>> No.41557

This half of /b/ and /r9k/ is in love with traps

We can easily monetize constant easy access to their traps.

>> No.41605

Was listening to the radio the other when the discussion of how dating sites work came up. Apparently "niche" dating sites such as ones for goths or even ones like Christian Mingle tend to be very successful but only if the the niche is well recognized. We shouldn't necessarily just focus on NEETs so much as we should focus on shy people who aren't very social. This way we can get non-NEETs and NEETs in the same site without having to worry about NEETs running away.

Also a trap meet would instantly be successful even if there weren't many traps posting to begin with. Just the possibilty that they might meet a trap would likely be enough to get them to sign up
And how are we setting up the paywall? If it's too obnoxious we might end up scaring away too many potential customers

>> No.41642

In addition to the automated information that gets unlocked we could then allow them to decide the limits of how much gets unlocked at once and at what rate?

Also rather than making the message payment a weekly fee, it would seem better to have it on how many messages you send or perhaps a message bag with a pre-paid amount of messages?

>> No.41644

We need a device solely for the purpose of crypto wallet storage.

A device that auto-syncs and auto backs up wallet info without the user having to manually do it.

The device can hold as many wallets as the user would like and adding data space should be easy.

It's called "Vaulet" because it acts as both.

We can add a seal of /biz/ approval for jewsuranc.

>screen cap this

>> No.41682

We can probably build it up and sell it to Google for some cash if it doesn't deal too much with piracy
All I'm really seeing it just putting all your wallets in one. Couldn't that endanger your anonymity and increase the chances of getting caught for other things you have used that wallet for?

>> No.41691

yes those are all things you figure out once you can get someone to try the system out (time vs messages, etc)

the point of having a weekly fee was to facilitate new interactions: you pay more as time goes by (and hopefully as you get nearer "information milestones") and you are forced to terminate unfruitful channels (in this way you value more private chat channels), also the idea is that the counter resets if you dont pay.

A nice feature would be that the fee could be paid by either person.

>> No.41721

So basically this site exists to act as filter till they trade actual personal information? Because as soon as they determine that they are compatible they can simply share other contact info.

>> No.41735

Did anybody see the /soc/ valentines day thread? All guys. How you going to get women on the site, or at least enough of them to make it worth it for males to join?

>> No.41751

There are plenty of women, just check /cgl/ or /fa/

Seriously /cgl/ is exclusively women and traps

>> No.41770

The intention of the device is to only connect to the Internet once every so ofter ie 24 hrs or 2 days, to sync with the block chain and back up wallet.dat to either cloud storage or USB/sandisk.

Well have to go to extra lengths to secure cloud storage though.

>> No.41784

If we decide what to do, funding will come from donations of everyone's rolls; whatever a person rolls, the two, or three, digits will be the amount they give.

>> No.41785

Why didn't they participate in the valentine's thread? That is the part that needs to be answered. Possible answer, the ones on cgl/fa already have boyfriends.

How do you get them to participate? I hate saying it, but what do NEETs have to offer? I'm guessing most of them are shut-ins for good reason.

>> No.41788

I know some guy on /k/ started an online milsup store. I want to import weebshit in bulk to sell to weeaboos.

>> No.41792

It is for casuals.

People who would rather just use the currency and not think about much more.

>> No.41803
File: 174 KB, 1001x492, NEET MEAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this domain is free

>> No.41806

yes, well you can't do much about it once they like and trust each other enough to exchange phone numbers for example.

still, i think its a pretty good idea.

>> No.41807

Yeah I just think you might have a hard time establishing that your wallet is secure given that most people who get into cryptocurrency have a much higher expectation on the "crypto" part

Also if it only syncs up every 24 or 48 hrs, does that mean you have to wait 24-48 hrs between each transaction for everything to be sync'd up?

>> No.41817
File: 43 KB, 270x400, Her2013Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this movie's onto something.

>> No.41843

thats what tvtropes was. you're late to the game is all.

>> No.41846

It's too narrow.
Maybe more along the lines of people who are just shy?
Market it towards people who find it hard to relate towards other people who frequent bars and clubs, stuff like that.

>> No.41858

Good points.

I'll work on a new version

>> No.41877

Not saying it's a bad idea, we just need to establish that's secure

I actual like the idea of a more fluid version Siri. The only problem is that to create would require sheer capital and that isn't something we have. The ideas that come out of this thread need to be new ideas not necessarily better ones

>> No.41972

New thread up:


>> No.44762


100 DOGE for M&M in bellybutton

>> No.45265

Where in Texas? I've wanted to get a place just out of Austin to shoot guns.