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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8998718 No.8998718 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say you get lucky and you now have $2 million USD in Cryptocurrency.

How do you cash it out without paying 50% tax? Can we make it or are we destined to be taxed?

Would you trust an exchange to hold millions in fiat while you transfer it?

Would you do a one lump sum or lots of small deposits?

>> No.8998740

Consult with financial advisors and lawyers not biz.

>> No.8998741

Who is that girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl

>> No.8998745


>> No.8998764

Her name is G'onthrash.

>> No.8998770



>> No.8998777

God damn are those titties real or photoshop

>> No.8998785

saw them titties and bought 100k, tnx OP

>> No.8998788


are you the hacker from

>> No.8998829

the fuck is happening?

>> No.8998862


>> No.8998865

i found her https://www.instagram.com/rosangelaeslo/

>> No.8998900

god bless

>> No.8998902

Disgustingly big tits.

>> No.8998918

If you want to pay zero % tax there is an easy way. Just move to a foreign country without extradition with your country, then renounce your citizenship

>> No.8998920

>making steady gains since 2017
>never been bogged
>in the mood
>go on /s/
>nothing but pleb trash
>sigh and fap to sadpanda instead
>go back on /biz/
>high quality thots everywhere
turns out you can't escape the bog

>> No.8998944

renouncing is not that simple start learning now mutt or get raped by the IRS

>> No.8998953

<OMG OP's pic is faptastic!!!
Instagram ruins everything

>> No.8998987

>Find steady project, hodl for a year

How fucking hard is it to be honest?

>> No.8999006

find ZIL, hodl for a year. meanwhile post more thots and spread FUD

>> No.8999014

Also wish that roastie did porn, want to see how she fucks, God dam it!!!

>> No.8999018
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>cashing out
How long have you been here? Not long enough it would seem

>> No.8999045

Please anon don't, as soon as a seen zil at 3-4c knew I would regret not making it one of my hodls, please just don't. Already have the hodls I believe I think will do well, but fuck ask myseld everyday why I shouldn't make zil and maybe qst another one

>> No.8999067
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as long as you have a US bank account and citizenship you can't, unless you find someone to sell to who will work illegally in cash or another physical entity. You are basically looking at doing the same steps as money laundering where you are trying to get your hands on money with no ties to you.

Without being in a 3rd world country, it will be extremely difficult, because of all this money laundering regulation.

>> No.8999144

what amount of ZIL will help you make it? I have around 200k and feel like I need way more

>> No.8999157

don't be a burger and cash out

>> No.8999172

You have two choices

Cash out the normal way, pay your tax, and then use the money for whatever you want


Cash out covertly, pay no tax, and have no way to actually use the money to invest, at which point it slowly dwindles over the years due to inflation, unless you manage to waste it all on nigger tech

This is an age old problem and eventually everyone just pays their taxes, the issue is not hiding the money OP, it’s soending it. Basically just pay your taxes

>> No.8999189

Good advice Mr. Tax Man, now you can go back and see if your peepee touches your asshole.

>> No.8999197

I've studied this extensively
I would sell my info to you but...
I don't want to come off too pajeety cause I'm a chink
anyhow, I'd suggest you open an offshore business in a zero corp tax country and cash out using that entity. (they won't know it's you if you use a nominee shareholder (dyor on this, I'm not going to spoonfeed for no payment))
afterwards, take the proceeds out as a loan to yourself.
so basically your balance sheet would look like
(undisclosed equity) - 2M
Debt to your own self-2M
you can talk to a tax lawyer for more info on this
yw anon

>> No.8999254

I don’t care what you or anyone else does, there’s a reason criminals launder money.

What do you think money laundering is? It’s literally paying tax on illegal income.

>> No.8999270


>> No.8999273

why are you in crypto if you want centralization? Fuck govs, fuck paying taxes for daquan's welfare check.

>> No.8999287

Not telling you what I want, I’m telling you how it is in real life right now. Just trying to help you dumb kids out a bit

>> No.8999295

thanks chinkanon, does this method work for any nationality? im not a burger

>> No.8999305

Probably not very enthusiastically

>> No.8999313

Seems unlikely that you can get away with literally zero tax liability by loaning yourself money from an offshore entity but I’m interested in this strategy. I do wonder about simply purchasing assets with the offshore company-e.g. a house and living there, commercial real estate, etc.

>> No.8999342


>> No.8999374

Np, this is my way of giving back to biz
>does this method work for any nationality
I wouldn't say so
as >>8999313
it doesn't seem that likely
I haven't consulted with enough lawyers to be sure about this
Just to point you towards a direction, go read up on the panama papers
interesting stuff.
t.third worlder

>> No.8999397
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Anyone have the screencap?

>> No.8999449

I would pay 23% tax in my country, but ok

>> No.8999470

just cash out and pay 50% tax then use the remaining 1 mil to bang the girl in your pic over and over again until it runs out

>> No.8999518

Just pay it. It will be a massive pain in the ass to avoid it legally, not worth it.

>> No.8999581

If you haven't crystallized your gains you don't owe anything. So just renounce and get a residency where you are treated better. Then cash out.

>> No.8999598

You morons even realize that the dollar is about to implode in a currency crisis and you idiots are talking about investing?

You idiots don't realize that we are about to have the mother of all deflationary collapses. Google "Thomas Jefferson inflation quote" and tel me what he says isn't happening right now as a result of Jew fake money fiat currency.

Within 2-5 years home prices will be upwards of 90% less than they are now. Everything is inflated by criminally suppressed 0% interest rates and all the cheap money that's been flooded into the system.

The play is to cash out covertly and go out a couple hundred K into gold and silver coins. Then prosper once we have an overnight revaluation of gold to between 10k and 100k per ounce to purge all the debt from the system then you can buy 50 income producing homes no mortgage.

China, India, Russia have been accumulating gold in record tonnage for a decade now. You think they are doing that for gun?

The Chinese citizens collectively own 6k tons worth of gold and lots of silver in their hands. Promoted by their govt to start doing that on 2009.

You think those chinks built those futuristic cities that are currently empty for no reason? As soon as they de-peg from the dollar and all prices become gold prices... those ghost cities will fill up faster than your head can spin.

>> No.8999629



>> No.8999639

HODL for a year. It'll be 20 mil by then anyways.

>> No.8999817
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This bitch got a dick

>> No.8999838
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damn you must be some Nostradamus type nigga huh?

>> No.8999870


>> No.9000115

Just move to a place where crypto is not taxed and cash out there. Unless you have a cuck stamp (American passport), in which case you will still have to pay to IRS.

>> No.9000309

>you get lucky and you now have $2 million USD
this mindset is why there's 99.9999% chance you'll never have $2 million

>How do you cash it out without paying 50% tax?

personal income tax is flat-rate 15% in hungary (plus social security but that tops out at like $2k /year)

>> No.9001243

>neglecting /biz/ universal hivemind

>> No.9001288

smart move

put it all in tether

then only take out a bit at a time when you need it.

tether is fucking stable. So you won't lose it.

or you can make a deal with me. I live in cayman. You give me 20% and i will make sure you get 80% of your money.

And no. im not kidding.

simply put. My government doesn't tax me on gains.

So it would be simple. transfer that money into a bank account. And then simply transfer that money from the cayman account into your account
and you bill me for some fictitious work for the EXACT amount I send to you.

>> No.9001297

big tits flat ass

round ass no tits. Gods universal law

>> No.9001311

hey dick for brains.

the chinese who are trying to destablise the dollar
are also heavily invested in crypto. tard face

the US dollar won't have an effect on crypto

>> No.9001401

Well, my father is a lawyer and add a client like that some month ago. Basically he was loosing something like 50k in taxes due to the cash out process. The best thing we managed to do is to "convert" the coins in real goods like rolex or golden jewellery

>> No.9001431

and what happens if you decide to keep 100%?

>> No.9001444

too true. obviously we are talking natural. no mods

>> No.9001459

Milk for days

>> No.9001505

Depending on where your from, sometimes you cannot simply renounce your citizenship. As an American expat myself, you must acquire citizenship in another country first. Also, it costs thousands of dollars to actually file the paperwork. The US is fucked. Also, it's the only who requires you to file taxes regardless of where you live. You can try the "burn my passport and lie" thing, good luck though.

>> No.9001532


>> No.9001865

How long has your family been in america? My mum's from Ireland so I was able to claim ancestry and get my citizenship. I plan on moving after university.

So if I already have citizenship somewhere else, how bad is expatriation and what are my options?

Much appreciated if you can help anon.
Also what countries might be good destinations with irish citizenship?

>> No.9001951


As I’m sure other have said, you can just a wealth manager like Goldman Sachs to handle it for a 20% fee.

Actually I think GS requires you to have a networth of 10 million but there are other reputable companies who help people with tax averersion (not avoidance).

Some techniques involve shuffling funds around into tax free municipal bonds and working with market makers.

You’ll still pay taxes of course but overall it won’t be 50% of your crypto.

>> No.9001998

Cash out little bits. You only realize the gain when you get fiat for it. Don't cash out more than 100k a year.

>> No.9002848


Yeah, what a disappointment.
Another roastie instagram hoe.

>> No.9002908

Weird. She’s a Peruvian whore named Rosa who looks like Rose Byrne with tits

>> No.9002961

Just leave it as crypto and pay for stuff using it.

>> No.9002998
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>futuristic cities
Oh brave new world

>> No.9003095

Hold one year then sell. 50% of CGT so you end up paying ~20-25% tax depending on how much you cash out.

>> No.9003097

Move to Texas, or a shithole in Europe like Romania where there's no crypto taxes

>> No.9003284

How about how the fuck do you cash out I'll pay the tax I just need to cash out. What do I contact coinbase and tell them I need a 1 million dollar withdrawal limit?

>> No.9003384

Convert all to monero
Pay someone to convert it to USD using localmonero or something.

Alternative way: use all my 2 million to fund my business; business expenses are tax-free

>> No.9003541
File: 108 KB, 640x1104, personal_income3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a infographic I stole from that website anon posted

>> No.9003572

You're welcome
in case anyone really makes big savings in the future and revisits this thread
feel free to tip me


>> No.9003595

go away fucking retard, you post this in every thread

>> No.9003621

>and you bill me for some fictitious work for the EXACT amount I send to you.
which would be taxable so he'd pay 20% for you to launder his money on which he'd pay another 20-40%

fuck off caynigger

>> No.9003853

Otherwise good except you have the same fucking problem... When your company wants to open a bank account the bank will ask? Who is the ultimate beneficial owner? Of course that would be you => they will still report this just the same as a normal bank account in your name. So now not only have you wasted time and money on this bullshit structure, you have also done illegal tax evasion. The only way is to move your own residence, which is an absolute pain in the ass when you don't work in the country. Believe me when I say it's not fucking worth it.

>> No.9003887

this, how dare you think for yourself you fucking imbecile

>> No.9003974

I don't think it's a practical move for banks to do that
Imagine having multiple owners for that corporation
you'd have to chase each and everyone
the beneficial owners is supposedly undisclosed as well

are you baiting mate?

>> No.9004004

death and taxes you can't excape

>> No.9004784

I mean you can try it and report back. But the banks have gotten so fucking strict with this bullshit that they wont open accounts just like that before they get all information.

As for the legal way, I tried it and it made me fucking miserable.

>> No.9004790

false unless you're an american LOL

>> No.9005102

>keeping all the money you rightfully earned instead of giving <40% to a gov makes you a criminal, goy.

>> No.9005353

> OrmeusCoin, CrypteriumToken, FaradToken, MCAP, NAGA Coin, MobileGoToken, EnvionToken, AeronToken, LockChainToken, Linker Coin

who the fuck buys this shit?

>> No.9005714

>"invest" in internet meme tokens
>hard earned money

>> No.9006028

>posting divorce rapists
Get off of my board CIA.

>> No.9006374


>exchange for monero
>transfer monero to another wallet
>fly to belarus
>create new exchange account
>transfer monero from wallet to new exchange account
>exchange for bitcoin
>transfer to bitcoin to a new wallet
>cash out at bitcoin atm for rubess
>exchange rubels for dollars
>fly home
this should take a few weeks time and a few k dollars

>still cheaper than paying taxes
>still faster than filling out those forms

>> No.9006469

t.poor people
your method isn't for cashing out 2mil. It's for like 5k.

>> No.9006505
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>> No.9006716

>you will still have to pay to IRS.
I don't get this. Is there a special unit that kidnaps tax evading burgers from virtually all places of the world?

>> No.9006728

You won't be able to bring that money back to the US and spend it. If you're a US citizen you're required to pay taxes to the US no matter what part of the world you earned it.

>> No.9006760



>As a result, the division is forming specialized teams with expertise to develop high-impact cases. Aside from cryptocurrency and the flow of funds out of Switzerland, the international team will focus on tax crimes involving expatriates and cases arising out of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.

>> No.9006918


>> No.9007087

Last time I checked, Lambo dealerships still don’t accept bitcoins.

>> No.9008055

even if you somehow manage to exchange all that crypto for cash and if you somehow manage to bring it back with you to the US, you still won't be able to spend much of it
the IRS is gonna be knocking at your door the second you buy a house or car and ask where that money is from

>> No.9008087
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>Renounce US citizenship
>Re-register all of my businesses in Hong Kong
>Move with my girlfriend(or whatever girl I'm with at that point) to the Seychelles
>cash out with 0 capital gains tax
>continue operating businesses
>re-invest in real estate, collect rent money for easy income
>create base of operations for all of my businesses overseas
>purchase condos in Singapore or Hong Kong, LA or Miami, and a house near my family back in Ireland
>When I have enough, buy back the land confiscated from my grandparents in Rhodesia
I know I put that at the end but that's kind of my life goal. I want to retire there and have one of my kids run it after I die.

>> No.9008303

won't the nominee shareholder or someone else from the company run off with my money?

>> No.9008378

you dont give him all of it, only a bit each month or week, so its in his interest to keep playing along

>> No.9008861


>> No.9008997
File: 32 KB, 640x456, 925FE625-D8EA-47C2-A4FF-239705D95D3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act

Also known as FATCAt

>> No.9009053

I doubt any kids you have will share that dream.