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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 377 KB, 1698x1645, 1519806279012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8996938 No.8996938 [Reply] [Original]

Initiate #zerpening

>> No.8996958

fuck off with your facebook memes retard

>> No.8996968

banker jew cuck coin, enjoy the bags

>> No.8996970

shit meme desu
hope you aren't getting paid to produce this garbage, because whoever is employing you is wasting their money

>> No.8996977

OP is a nigger who bought the absolute top

>> No.8996997

cripple will never be a real cryptocurrency

>> No.8997015

looks like we're at anger

>> No.8997019

why would business using xrapid mean SHIT for xrp the shitcoin?

>> No.8997024

>t. denial

>> No.8997185
File: 39 KB, 620x443, Boomer with XRP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8997321
File: 53 KB, 403x448, Brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would using the software designed to use XRP influence the price of XRP

>> No.8997384


Ok serious question here, why do you all hate XRP? I bought it when it was 50c and I still suggest you all to get in.
> " b-but baNkS usE iT anD jEwS "

Do you really care about this? Wtf is Biz about? You all talk about Profit and shit but then when it comes to make real money you complain.

>> No.8997386
File: 228 KB, 1488x996, 1514557459754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>File: Boomer with XRP.jpg (39 KB, 620x443)


>> No.8997409
File: 108 KB, 830x557, XRP Collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really all-in tho

>> No.8997423


>> No.8997434

Oh true, Biz is about buying high and selling low

>> No.8997484
File: 994 KB, 1437x908, The crippling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has to be some sort of mental illness

>> No.8997499

proove me wrong faggot
buying $1 of xrp and selling it for $1 worth of something else does literally nothing for the price of xrp.

>> No.8997528


DUDE are you fucking stupid????

>> No.8997535

Obviously he is

>> No.8997541

>missing xrp
>#3 market cap

>> No.8997543
File: 71 KB, 752x500, Scattered Ripple coins on a lighted background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesnt work like though. You buy 1$ of XRP at market rates and sell them at market rates 4 seconds later. This adds to volume in the XRP ledger. Enterprising individuals or companies will other, for a fee, to offset change in value value risks.

Volume and use will dictate value

>> No.8997612

>prove me wrong faggot
I guess not if its that hard to prove me wrong.

totally obviously i mean rite guise

why would volume alone cause the price to rise?
there is literally no reason for the price to rise other than retards like you.
the majority of xrp is not even in the market.
did you forget what it will be used for?

>> No.8997720
File: 14 KB, 403x365, Tx speeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its being bought at the market rate (increased demand). The tx time is where it is unavailable (decreased supply). Do you know what that does to price?

XRP not on the market will get sold to industry to foster adoption

>> No.8997784

/biz/ still does not understand that xrp will easily reach new ATH by July 1st. SAD!

>> No.8997806
File: 47 KB, 640x362, Flippening2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8997854

>Wtf is Biz about?
Buy high, sell low.
How new are you?

>> No.8997872


Nah, I just thought stupid people did that thing but it looks like there's plenty of stupid ppl

>> No.8997968

Ripple is one of the longest running scams right now in the crypto sector

It is premined, the dev has control over a HUGE supply, the dev looks greasy disgusting and like the merchant prototype, the "coin" is a centralized shitstain and it pumped to billions on the romur that "banks are using it".

Ripple is a huge bubble.

>> No.8997987
File: 57 KB, 640x577, BTC is decentra....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8998011
File: 63 KB, 842x494, 1522973192195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks just scammed 100k

>> No.8998027

Newer underestimate stupidity of a group, just imagine some people necked them self's 2months ago

>> No.8998038

Banks are using the ripple labs tech.
XRP can be used on top this to gain further efficacy with ripple labs products (this is why the price is influenced by adoption of r.labs tech).
XRP + ripple tech Xrapid and Xcurrent removes the need for nostro accounts and reduces transfer time and fees-
They can solve liquidity problems, which is just adoption of industry giants, which we're seeing them start to with ripple tech.

>> No.8998060

y think there is a smart person on this board ?

>> No.8998108
File: 48 KB, 750x927, Apple_Ripple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8998110
File: 20 KB, 2034x182, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just got into trading kek

>> No.8998973
File: 2.73 MB, 1920x1920, XRP-BULL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> hurrrr BANKS WON'T USE IT !
> durrrr BANK COIN !

The absolute state of XRP fudders. Literal brainlets and pajeets. Retards who hate making money. Stay poor idiots.

>> No.8999026

banks will not use it
XRP currency is not related to the company

only idiot gamblers are buying hoping for the next greater fool

>> No.8999063


No matter how dumb you are, there will always be someone dumber, and someone even dumberer than them!

>> No.8999078

It's called a stable coin for a reason, even modest gains go against the coins usability, it must be stable (enough). That's why ripple retain so much of the coin, to sell it to stabilize pumps. It's in the white paper

>> No.8999114

xD. So you're saying the creators of a made-up currency keep 1/3d of the total stack TO SELL WHEN THE PRICE IS MOONING TO KEEP IT STABLE, for the sole reason that the price remains relatively stable???? Do you realize how you are brainwashed? No, they are using 1/3 of their made-up stack to make mad bank! It's a blatant cash grab

>> No.8999223


that meme is retarded considering people like bitfinex and other exchanges have HUGE wallets made up of thousands of peoples coins, which makes shitty chars like that completely misleading.