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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8987234 No.8987234 [Reply] [Original]

You cannot add any coin not already held.
You can, however, sell and consolidate any given coins.
You cannot tell me to charge my phone.

>> No.8987267

1 charge your phone
2 sell everything and go all in on link

>> No.8987294


$5k min. into LINK and you good nigga. Diversification is pointless as the market moves as a whole more or less.

>> No.8987327

Charge your phone

>> No.8987335

Listen to the man, anon. He know what he is talking about.

>> No.8987357
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>go all in on....
Shill detected

>> No.8987447
File: 202 KB, 600x583, 46278644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're close to deserve the assistance of autistic neets but not humble enough. Enjoy your sexual life.

>> No.8987526


>> No.8987531

>only have 7k
>diversifies in 10 coins

Why are biz idiots?

1. Sell everything
2. Buy the one you have most trust in will x10
3. Wait

>> No.8987571

I can count to 8.
And I really only have REQ for memes sake. Was considering moving all of my OST into BAT.

>> No.8987591

Also, feel free to share which of my picks you like most.

>> No.8988071

C'mon, biz, help a brotha out.

>> No.8988463

Looking at all the factors I can confidently advise you to charge your phone.

>> No.8988575

It has been done.

>> No.8988870

I genuinely want to know what biz thinks on this. Other than my base ETH stack, which of my alts should be the three that I consolidate into?

>> No.8988917


All in RLC

>> No.8988956

Oh fuck, bro. Thats so bold. Be careful, I just might do it. Also, OST is pumping hard as shit right now.

>> No.8989090

Everyone ignored my OST threads all week, too.

>> No.8989157
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Wait 3 years
Congrats, you made it

>> No.8989390

Selling OST at 0.00044 I suppose

>> No.8989810

Where to put two ETH now, BAT? XLM? ZRX? RLC was just coming off a pump but allegedly they have more news coming.

>> No.8989850
File: 416 KB, 3496x4024, 1468827269399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> no EOS
you're not gonna make it anon, better just give up now

>> No.8989885

at leat turn on battery saver anon

>> No.8989910

You. You're alright, anon.

>> No.8989959


Sell everything for BTC.

Buy Phore

Thank me for an ez 50x in one year anon

>> No.8990001

You need to do exactly what anon says ASAP if you want to make it.... Phore about to set course for moon

>> No.8990183

Why cant people be sincere enough not to shill in an honest thread?

>> No.8990255

lol no BTC no EOS this faggots entire portfolio is about to get outperformed to shit.

>> No.8990288

>Diversification is pointless as the market moves as a whole more or less.

Morons actually think this

>> No.8990683

this but go all in on link and eth