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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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893590 No.893590 [Reply] [Original]

Any advice for an 18 y/old senior majoring in Econ next year?

>> No.893598

Major in accounting instead and thank me in 4 years.

>> No.893679


Economics degree is worthless unless you have a PHD.

>> No.893704

do not major in economics, dipshit.

>> No.893736

kill yourself
its the most economical choice

>> No.893754

Don't major in Economics.

A. You won't be working as an "Economist" (Unless you get your PhD, or M.S. from a top school)

B. You'll be working as an analyst for some company/gubment

C. You'll be better equipped to do a job (In the business/money/finance realm with a Business or Mathematics degree.

D. Go major in some kind of engineering, faggot.

>> No.893767

Get a real degree. You'd have better employment prospects with a degree in Chicano Studies or some bullshit.

>> No.893840

I hope your dad manages a hedge fund

>> No.893913

>accounting ever
>like $40k starting, if lucky
>caps at about $50k

Eh it's not all that bad if you're growing a business on the side but damn fam...

>> No.893914

Yeah, fuck off with your numbers.

I don't need numbers, I have science backing me up.

>> No.893926

use the advice board


when did 4chan become full of "how should i live my life?" threads?

>> No.893938

unless youre at a top tier school, dont major in econ

>> No.894006

Econ grad here, don't do it.

You will have nothing to offer a business as an entry-level employee that a finance or accounting grad doesn't have too.

If you want to go into financial services, you will be at a disadvantage to a finance major unless you really know your shit or went to a target school.

At the BS/BA level, the only real advantages an Econ degree gives you over any other biz-related degree is a better understanding of markets (how they work in general; not how specific ones work) central banking, and stats. but your knowledge in those things will still be useless unless you have an advanced degree. You will sound smart at parties tho ("What's yah mayjah; dude?")

>> No.894112


This thread almost worrying me. I'm in Economics (focusing on econometrics) and I'm minoring in Math (and taking every available class in Stats, just not going past several variable calc) and English. I will (likely) have a 3.7-3.9 and I will know 5 relevant programming languages.

I think if you're not a retard, economics can be useful. Better than fucking business lmao

>> No.894159

Guys, I'm in Economics and Finance. My course is only 3 years long (24 courses). 8 of them are fundamental bullshit course(intro to accounting, intro to marketing, intro to management etc) shared by all Business students. The rest are a mix of economics and finance courses.

I love Finance but I'm terrified that the financial information in my course are inadequate.

How can I argument my Financial technical skill? I can't afford a master for now. My parents saving helps me go through my B.A without debt. Can I learn more about finance from books, or CFA courses?

>> No.894200

>get additional qualifications as a CA/CPA
>earn 6 figures
>more CEOs have an accounting background than any other area apart from engineering
>will never be automated (only basic bookkeeping shit)
>grows with the economy

>> No.894203

Yeah, don't get an econ degree.

Source: I got an econ degree.

>> No.894255

I would go back in time and do a major in Acc with a minor in Fin

Be a boss like my managerial account prof who retired at 50 and taught as a hobby. being a vp of an acc department at jp morgan will do that.

>> No.895550

Funny. I'm in govt accounting.
Started at 65k
20 vacation 20 sick days
Pension after 5 years.
Boss job is mine in 3 when she retires. 120
They paid for my MBA and they will be paying for anything related to my CPA

-dude graduate school and live some time in the real world. Accounting is a win for sure. I can only think of one buddy in a different major doing better - he was a chemy

>> No.895587

So if I don't go to a target school, I should just give up on the dream of working for the Fed Reserve, World Bank, or IMF? Would a finance degree be okay?

>> No.895633

Switch to finance or accounting

>> No.895731


I'm in the same position myself.

>> No.895743

It really depends on the school. Talk to people and see if there are any statistics published on what is typical of Econ majors at your school. Also try to find leadership roles on campus and network a ton. For most econ grads that matters a lot since you're probably going for a job that will need really good people skills.

>> No.895754

My advice is to not listen to the idiots saying econ is a bad degree. Econ majors do very well for themselves. Just make sure you network and find some good business-type internships before you graduate. Also remember that your grades do matter, as job positions you'll be applying for will likely have hundreds of applicants and w/o real experience your GPA is the only thing companies have to judge your work ethic and intelligence on. The people who are claiming they majored in econ must have gotten mediocre grades at mediocre schools while never making serious effort to find internships because their peers are doing very well.

Notice mid-career salary for econ majors is fifth on the list. They make more than almost every STEM major including CS and some engineers. They also make more than finance, accounting, and every other flavor of business major. These stats are for people with only a bachelors degree, so this isn't because of people with a masters or PhD. Remember this is median, so it is not affected by exceptional outliers who got hired at giant firms straight out of elite "target" schools - and there are far more students graduating from mid-tier non-target schools than top schools. Half of the people that major in econ will be expected to do better than this, so someone is hiring econ majors from mid-tier schools.

Unless you're just generally mediocre and don't want to work hard econ is a fine degree.

>> No.895776

Eh, econ is fine. I wouldn't count on getting a related job though. Most of those jobs are shit anyway. I ended up doing programming. It pays way more and is way more relaxed.

>> No.895781

So if not Economics, which one should I get? and in what concentration?

>> No.895804

Doing anything other than the following:

>Engineering ---> MBA
>Law --->MBA
>Accounting --> CPA---> MBA

Its like you never want to make executive committee.

Cut it out with the struggle degrees and pick one of the above.

>> No.895876


>> No.895969

Sort that list by percent change from starting salary. Notice how economics becomes 4th from the bottom in that list. As your career progresses your degree matters less and less and that vast change from starting salary to mid-career salary means that the people who had those degrees initially started off poorly because of them more than the degrees helping them in the middle of their career.

The econ degree is useless, but people who pursue one are highly likely to become productive white collar worker bees and make those good salaries anyway. But why gimp yourself at the start?

>> No.896049

more money long term = better than more money short term

I fail to see your argument

what's your point?

>> No.896105

>six figures
They're accounted in the 50k as well. At best most CPAs make 80k.
>Major in accounting
>I work for the government
That's why you're making a lot of money. You work for the federal government. They pay you based on the GS scale. It doesn't matter what job you have. You're at the GS-11 scale if I remember correctly. Your boss is at the GS-13. The other anon is correct. Accounting is a flooded market with crappy wages. CPA only increases your wage by a couple tens of thousands dollaroos.

>> No.896139

As a 27 year old with a useless university degree: fuck schooling. Don't bother. Take a tolerable shit job while you figure out what to do in life, and learn to trade. Save as much as possible. That's all you'll need, after a few years of saving, you'll be your own man, anywhere, any time.

Tastytrade. Use their tool Dough, even a moron could make money with this thing.

-Forex/indices/etfs etc. on margin (works the same, really)-

This page might give you an idea of price action, possibly the most important thing you could ever learn.

Read about the basics. From there, I can't really point you anywhere. You'll have to find it yourself. Open a demo account, and start learning.

Good luck.

>> No.896141

* Options/futures, not just futures.

>> No.896148


>all these limp-wrist faggots

I am almost done with my econ major and am loving life. Prospects are looking swell. But keep in mind hard work pays off, which applies to any field of study. Just work hard, push yourself, and enjoy the beauty of economics.

>> No.896161
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I swear to god this isn't a troll.

How do I stop saying dude. I say it subconsciously without even thinking. I know for a fact I'm gonna embarrass myself bad when I'm older because of this habit. The reason is say it is because most of my friends say it aswell (B.A's)

Tl;Dr how do I de-learn the behaviour of saying dude.


>> No.896179


Learn something else.

Read a dictionary and learn some new words and you'll forget all about 'dude'.

>> No.896190

Holy shit. I never thought I would ever need to pass this knowledge on to another human.

When I was around 16 me and my friends were constantly saying "Dude". Every sentence started with it. And we would say it somewhere in the middle too.

At some point we all realized we were saying it entirely too much. We thought of how we could get ourselves to stop.

We thought of a game. If you said the word "dude" you immediately had to stop what you were doing and do 10 push ups for each time it was uttered. Didn't matter what you were doing. If you refused the ten push ups you would be punched ten times.

We were actually really good at keeping up with it. Every sentence was under severe scrutiny, almost subconsciously.

At one point we had been awake all night on a drive to the beach and after doing several sets for continuing to say the word,I got fed up with the game and I refused to do them regaurdless of the consequences(the tipping point was when I was doing a set and my arms were weak and tired and I literally said "Dude I can't do anymore") My friends didn't hit me and they continued to play and I contiued to say it.

But it was already ingrained in my own subconsious. I would reel everytime the word came out of my mouth, similar to Pavlovs Bell. Slowly but surely this made me aware of every time I said the word. Then it stopped all together. To this day if I accidental say it I cringe, and this was almost a decade ago.

TL;DR: Do push ups every time you say it and you'll either bulk up or stop saying it.

>> No.896201

Kek all this delusion. The real world is going to dick slap you in the face, and dry dock your cornhole.

>> No.896230

i appreciated this story

>> No.896281

Fucking brilliant idea. Idk if the badge is the same but I'm the dude who says dude (kek)

Gonna start doing that with my friend now. Actually fucking brilliant.

Also great story 10/10 ahhahh.

Thank you.

>> No.896468

dude, try harder. like come on dude

>> No.896778

Tell that to my top 5 internship right now. Don't be an autist and it doesn't matter what degree you have.

>> No.896782

Please explain why

>> No.896783

>get a general business degree over an Econ degree.

Jump off a bridge dipshit.

>> No.896785

You could literally gen any job a business or finance major can get with the right interview skills and internships. Don't know why people hate Econ so much. Stop leaning so much on your degree in order to get a job.

>> No.896786

Get some internships under your belt and you'll be solid.

>> No.896793

Don't switch, do less work then them and get the same job prospects unless you want to go into accounting.

>> No.896795

whats your email? I need someone to talk to about this shit

>> No.896800

>in bcom
>finish degree
>get consulting accreditation
>maybe do 2yrs chem engineering tech degree
>make mad bank being a consultant for either oil industry or for the financial sector

anyone can be a consultant and here they make maaaad bank

>> No.897288

what poor country are you from

>> No.897478

>Econ Major

you dun goofed

>> No.897486

Study finance instead and graduate at the top of your class.

Thank me later.

>> No.897508

>Major in ChemE/EE/CompSci + minor in accounting
>graduate cum laude
>be a jock frat type


>> No.897619
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help me with my micro economics hw pls.

>> No.897725

Q#1: The figure shows the demand curve for sundaes.

Suppose that the price of a sundaes rises but all other influences on buyers'buyers' plans remain the same.

Show the effect in the graph. Draw either an arrow on the demand curve showing the direction of change or a new demand curve..

The picture is showing a negative linear relationship. (The line).

>> No.897727

Q#2: Draw a supply curve of cellphones. Label it.
Use any prices and quantities you wish but make your supply curve obey the law of supply.
Draw an arrow to indicate what happens to the quantity of cellphones supplied when the price of a cellphone rises.

>> No.897798

But that's the point everyone in this thread is making. Yes, you can make it in any job with the right interview skills and internships, but why handicap yourself? Why would CHOOSE a degree that is inferior in every way? You're like that guy walking along the side of the road scoffing at people in cars for relying on motor vehicles so much to get places.

>> No.897802


wtf nigger do you pay attention in class

>> No.897815

Finally my econ degree is useful!

A: The rising price of the sunday causes demand to fall. This lack of demand and weak sunday market signals the federal reserve to keep intrest rates at near zero for another year. These low intrest rates allow new firms to enter the market attracted by the rising price of sundays. In the short run this causes unemployment to go down and lowers the equilibrium price. Long term this produces a sunday glut that everyone refuses to acknowledge and continues to produce until they drive the price of sundays so low that everyone but OSEC is driven out of business.

>> No.897817

Lmao. Accounting is a shitty fucking major in one of the most boring fields in existence. Also guess what? Automation is right around the corner.

>tfw I'm a software engineer that's going to be paid big bucks automating your job soon as I graduate

Feels good man.

>> No.897833


>I have no experience in the workforce but let me talk as if I did anyway

>> No.898020 [DELETED] 
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halp halp

>> No.898026 [DELETED] 
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>> No.898027 [DELETED] 
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>> No.898029

draw le happy merchant.
Your prof will understand your power level, you wont even have to show up in class anymore.

>> No.898030
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>> No.898032
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>> No.898034
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He has a PHD dough

>> No.898043
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Last one, Q#7

>> No.898044

pretty huge dick is not something that can prevent anyone from understanding le happy merchant meme.

>> No.898045
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Whoops two more.

>> No.898047
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>> No.898051
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$1,25 will be sent to the person's Paypal for every answer answered correctly before midnight tonight.

Current time: 12:22 PM PST

That's almost 11hrs left.

Don't let me down /biz/.

>> No.898054
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$1.25 * Question*

You will get paid for the questions answered correctly.

If I learned anything from this class, it's that people need incentives to have an influence on their choices.

>> No.898056

This is pathetic. These answers are basic as fuck.

>> No.898060

Let my failure be a stepping stone for you for some extra pocket money.

>> No.898064

Give me the answer and post your paypal already.

I thought /biz/ would of been full of econ majors, considering that every other thread is "Economics this, economics that".

>> No.898066

iHaz is this you? Are you testing if this place is worth coming back to? You know the answer already, why lose ~$15?

>> No.898069

I only come to this board for a good laugh, but every now and then /biz/ surprises me.

Give me four of the answers (One at a time so you don't think i'm screwing you over) and I'll send the $1.25 for each one.

>> No.898087

Welp, time for work.

I'll be back later, hopefully someone will give me the first few.

If not, oh well.

>> No.898115

I don't know where are you from, but teenagers learn these basics in high school. It's not even worth replying. Just get very very basic lecture book for complete beginners. This is only about abstract realization and two dimensional data quote application.

>> No.898350
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fuck off

>> No.898550

Everyone hates on economics majors but people with just a bachelors degree in econ do very well for themselves. I know multiple econ majors who have business-type internships.

If you sort by median mid-career pay economics is 5th, higher than accounting or finance. And for the 90th percentile economics is the highest.

>> No.898565
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>its so easy
>fuck off
>theyre are so easy it's insulting

This all I see but no answers.

/biz/ is full of a bunch of edgy tryhards who think they're the shit.

Its an easy $15, yet no one will even attempt it & instead insult him.


>> No.898589

get fucked, /biz/ isn't here to do your homework dumbass

>> No.898597
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Not for free your not.

Do it faggot

>> No.898599

Hahaha holy shit it took me 15 seconds to do the first one and i just have an econ minor. You're not going to make it bro

>> No.898601

It's embarrassing. Use the question help portion of MyEconLab and you'll be able to do all of these problems yourself very easily.It's an easy software to outsmart plus you have unlimited tries on similar (almost identical if not always identical) questions on HW.

>> No.898603
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Pics or it didn't happen
You only have two attempts, I've used the first already.

Holy whack, /biz/ is full of Arrogant narcissistic faggots today.

I wouldn't be asking for help If I didn't need it, I haven't even read the chapter,

I was planning to read it tomorrow night, but the hw is due today and I couldn't do it because I'am a wage slave.

I even offered to pay.

Forget I asked.

>> No.898606
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Of course,

/biz/ is full of wolf of wallstreet wannabes now.

I would offer to help, even for free, but i've never taken microeconomics before.

Sorry bro, your better off turning it in late rather than asking for help on this board full of crypto currency nuts.

Too much pride & arrogance on here.

Good luck

>pic related

>> No.898614

My uni offers an integrated master's program that's basically a dual applied physics/engineering course that's very physics heavy (obv) but also contains engineering courses like programming, technology management and production technology, and there's also a ton of math (quite a bit more than in the regular physics program). The uni is the most prestigious in this country by far (Norway) but I'm not sure how recognisable it is elsewhere in the world (and I'd really like to work abroad, namely in the US). Also when you graduate you are awarded the title of "engineer" on the same line as someone studying mech eng or EE (I'm thinking this may be of relevance with regards to pay).

If I choose it I would probably specialise in either nanotechnology, laser physics or plasma physics & nuclear science.

Thoughts? Should I go for it?

>> No.898615

btw integrated master's program means it's a 5 year program that combines undergraduate and master's into one program.

>> No.898623


Is it a full and proper Masters degree with sizable research component? In the UK we have something similar called an M.Sci degree (note the difference between M.Sci and M.Sc). An M.Sc is a full, "real" Masters degree and the M.Sci is basically a glorified undergraduate degree with another year tacked on the end and less research work. The difference is that if you want to go for a PhD, only the M.Sc is recognised as the proper postgrad qulification. If you're not going for a PhD, it doesn't really matter. Secondly, if you are going the PhD route, you might be better served applying for the "purer" option i.e. physics on its own, instead of the more scattergun approach.

>> No.898628

It is a M.Eng degree, on the same level as the more traditional engineering degrees like mech eng, EE, chem eng etc.

I am considering a PhD eventually and what I've heard from faculty and other students is that it's very easy to continue over to a PhD (almost half of the graduates of this program does it).

>> No.898720

I honesty don't see Economics inferior in any way. And to be honest neither do employers.

>> No.899380

Do you have to be a whitey to be a consultant?

>> No.899384

>implying there won't be another dotcom crash.

Business cycle, motherfucker. Do you understand?

>> No.899386


Start learning how to make Starbucks drinks now.

>> No.900720


>> No.901580


Non-target Econ guy here. A kid with an average resume and little research experience from my cohort got an RA position with the Federal Reserve Board in DC. The fucker was the envy of all the other Econ students. I only applied to the branch in our area and barely got a first round interview. Everyone else ended up at a Financial institution or a regulator after college. I just finally landed a job as a Healthcare Analyst and just feel like a huge failure. Meh, at least I stole a position from one of those Healthcare Management fucks.

>> No.901581

would you take advice from niggers?

>> No.901583

Find an old peoples home, go to administration, introduce yourself as a Canadian comedian for $150 for an hour show.
Tell jokes, just literally rip off 20 pages of jokes from the internet and read them. Its gonna be almost women so yeah temper the jokes to that. Noone cares if they laugh or not, just finish your two hours and get the money, then get out.

>> No.901647

My advice is do not major in economics unless you

1. go to a target school
2. go to a school with a well-known economics department
3. take a heavy quant and programming courseload within the major

2/3 is preferable.

>> No.902151

Don't major in econ.

>tfw 23, unemployed, and 50k in debt

pls no bully, eurobros

>> No.902954

As I read the comments the thread gets worse and worse...

>> No.902963
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>tfw majored in econ last year

Everything but econometrics basically belongs in the garbage.

>> No.903297

You guys must have been some seriously mediocre students, as statistics show your peers are doing very well for themselves.

>> No.903726
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I was criticizing the usefulness and truthfulness of the knowledge you learn in undergrad. Basically all of it is crazy simplifications which are mostly untrue and just laying the groundwork for things that are more likely true in grad school, but useless for an undergrad. But so many other econ students at my school took neoclassical simplifications at face value as absolute dogma.

I am making decent money in computer programming now.