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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.8975822

He's hiding in Egypt. Won't be long until he gets fucked

>> No.8975913

People have already posted his location with gps coordinates on Twitter

He's a dead man

>> No.8975956

Roger that, over and out!

Wonder if we can look forward to any ISIS tier murder videos.

>> No.8976089
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Its a fucking viral marketing stunt, one employee already confirmed it.
There will be a press statement today.

These fucking idiots ruined their company for a few click.

>> No.8976104

That's exactly what I would say if I fucked up my scam and knew I had a good chance of going to prison or getting killed.

>> No.8976115
File: 143 KB, 1112x924, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is this a viral marketing stunt or did he actually run away

>> No.8976129

Honestly hilarious

>> No.8976131

>Its a fucking "viral marketing stunt"
That's their excuse, after his location was discovered

>> No.8976138

>sand niggers

>> No.8976140

Guys this is all weird for an exit scam.
Fuck the "dead man" he is an arrested and cuffed man in no longer than a month and will go to jail, unless he hides.
How long can you hide in today's world with 50 million dollars?
Also people are asking token holders to sell it to them " because reasons ".
I was never invested in that ICO ( burger here) and just read about it today and it all just doesn't add up.
Who would be buying tokens of an exit scam if I OTC?
Why were they looking for a marketing person on April 15th?

It's of course possible that they took the money (was it 50 mil or 4mil, cause there are different numbers too) and are stupid enough to think that the measly 50 mil will last them a lifetime of hiding.
But to be that stupid and pull a scam that is so well organized at the same time?
Something just doesn't add up here.

>> No.8976157
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serves them right, they trusted a semite!

>> No.8976158

hes a shitskin he'll just fuck off back to the middle east/Mediterranean.

even if law enforcement actually cares (they dont), hunting someone down there is pretty much impossible.

There are human smugglers/terrorists/etc. just walking around in open air out in dune coon land, this scamming shitskin is the least of anyones worry.

as for all the neckbeard neets saying they will find him and kill him, LOL, good luck going into mudslime territory

>> No.8976206

That's what you get for making fun of soyboys

>> No.8976221

Yeah. Middle East is not so cheap that 50mil( and let's be honest, that wasn't a 1 person operation so its less than that) will last you a lifetime if you want a lifetime other than beduin desert or a shit city. Of course it's more than it would be in a Western world, but c'mon 40 + years of a fugitive life for 40 mil?
And the law enforcement may not care much, especially in the Middle East but they care enough to recognize an idiot who plastered his face all over the internet and beyond.

I don't care either way desu but that entire story just sounds weird.

>> No.8976251
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They cant access the cash (most of the ico was paid via fiat) and their lawyer confirmed that they dont have access on the eth and btc wallet (approx 5million euro) because only he has the private keys at this time.

They couldnt have taken anything.

>> No.8976261

And I agree the hitman shit is just funny.

>> No.8976299

>good luck going into mudslime territory
My first name is Muhammad by the way.

>> No.8976310

That was my next point: how the hell they are going to access the money.
Thx for the info.
Also why everyone keeps saying 50 mil?
All I could find was around 4-5mil.
This shit really can be a very very bad publicity stunt.
CNN wrote about them and the crypto channels are going crazy.
I'm not sure if I buy the exit scam.
The people begging the token holders to send them the coin also is weird.
Why would you want a coin of an exit scam ICO?

>> No.8976320

People made a lot of money buying in anticipation of a dead cat bounce for Confido and Bitconnect

>> No.8976339

But this token is not yet listed on any of the exchanges as far as I know (I may be wrong) so it literally is dead. Completely worthless.

>> No.8976349

to be fair, that's the only logical thing that makes sense.

Everything seems too convenient -- no remotely intelligent team would blatantly exit scam their investors like that and then seemingly brag about it on social media unless they wanted to get themselves killed and/or arrested. Information about the team is all public info also.

I definitely think there's something else going on here.

>> No.8976363

If I was baldy enough I would ask for these too kek
Because I have a feeling that it is a PR/marketing idiocy that in the end will bite them in the ass.
Seriously I'm not sure what to think about it, but as exit scams go, this one is the weirdest one yet.

>> No.8976368

On the support telegram people are saying he recently converted to ISIS which is why he isnt given any fucks and now lives in ISIS territory. I think everyone who contributed to the ICO should be arrested for contributing funds to terrorism.

>> No.8976380

Either that or the ego of the Savedroid team is so massive that they think they can get away with an exit scam

>> No.8976383

Ballsy for fuck sake. Autocorrect.
Exactly my point. It all does not add up.
And to make fun of the agencies that approved them also? You don't fuck with the gov.

>> No.8976396

>>ego of the Savedroid team is so massive that they think they can get away with an exit scam
Yes. And are stupid on top of that.

>> No.8976414

I live in Egypt. How much would you pay for his exact location or his head?

>> No.8976426

one hundred of my stinkiest linkies

>> No.8976429

Now that's just stupid. Like seriously: the entire tram (And they are all liable for this fraud) converted to ISIS??
First of all you don't convert to ISIS. You may become a terrorist for ISIS or convert to Islam and then become the terrorist .
I'm not sure if he is a Muslim or not but to think that the team will just go fight for ISIS with no money (because they apparently have no access to it) makes no sense.

>> No.8976440

If he really exit scammed and the picture is from the resort in Egypt that has been found then he is so stupid that he will neck himself, no help needed

>> No.8976507

I only know of Yassin Hankir and Marco Trautmann who did a KYC verification through ICOBench.com and Tobias Zander who did a presentation. I cant find any proof any other employees were real. They could have just hired the others to do social media or busy work to appear to be a real company.

Its a bit odd no one can find a single employee to talk to or respond to the allegations.

>> No.8976603

So 3 guys and 50 mil that they can't allegedly access (or can they)
This anon mentions a lawyer too:

Also all of the TG admins are missing from what I read. Just up and left.
I run a community on TG and seriously, I would leave just because the team disappeared. I would be as pissed off as everyone. So why did they leave too?
This is the most blizzare exit scam I've heard about.
And I'm not even invested in it but the stupidity or weirdness of it keeps me digging.
That's really not much to be a fugitive till you die

>> No.8976678

Anyone know how much they really raised though? I saw someone link an eth address but it only had like $4 million ever sent to it.

>> No.8976700

I know that they raised the funds in like 50 currencies on top of crypto. I guess fiat was the majority then?

>> No.8976717

Oh and according to their lawyer they can't access it. Neither fiat nor crypto....

>> No.8976746

>be abdab
>see kuffir giving many denar for pretend internet money
>razzi that shit
>because sons of abraham got the brains, get over excited and dox myself after the theft.
>ring Yahoodi lawyer to see what do
>"shnuuuff tel dem it wazh all a marketing skiam Abdul"

>> No.8976747

They probably raised somewhere between $10m - $50m, a lot of ICOs tend to just pretend they hit their cap and pocket the difference in coins that were to be distributed. Very weird, cant wait to find out more.

>> No.8976782

Bitcoin here, kys you're selves

>> No.8976848

welp I'm not too proud to say I lost 75 eth in this scam
was literally all I earned over the past 2 years
looked legit and there were no real red flags

I honestly didnt expect germans to scam me fml

>> No.8976872
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I guess we may see tomorrow kek
Sorry to hear that. I guess I'm happy I'm a burger and can't invest my money how I want because of the government is protecting me....nah still pissed off with that.

>> No.8976893

Learn to write faggot.

>> No.8977055

I have nothing but respect for people who scam in crypto. Hopefully he spends all of that money freely on actual goods and services instead of fake bullshit.

>> No.8977099

>i-it was just a j-joke guys

>> No.8977127

Holy shit. Are you LARPing? 75eth you sunk into this?

LOL... now I won't feel so bad if chainlink ends up being a scam. I can always say this dumbass on 4chan sunk 75 with into something that didn't look like it had any red flags

>> No.8977187

Egypt has internet?

>> No.8977258

Sorry dude, you'll make it back. Just buy some amb, bch, axp, and nuls. Good bless

>> No.8977364

lmao bravo bro seriously anyone sending money to "savedroid" had it coming

>> No.8977718

>No real red flags.

Didn't you see how many women were staffed? It was honestly like 50%. When you see even a single woman on a team that's a big red flag in crypto.

>> No.8977730



Almost 1000 commits. How are you not seeing this?

>> No.8977752

It's back, check the website.

Just a PR stunt

>> No.8977763



>> No.8977779

kek this is genius

>> No.8977793

WTF? April fools was a few weeks ago.

>> No.8977794

ha, this nigga

>> No.8977860

Pretty clever DESU. The whole thing was a little too tongue in cheek to seem real, but I guess we are all used to exit scams so were willing to believe.

>> No.8977936

meh he just have to jerk off 10 years in egypt and he'll be all good

>> No.8977968


>> No.8978021
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>> No.8978041

On a loosely related note
I hope everyone who promoted GVC on here gets cancer and dies a slow death

>> No.8978049


>> No.8978108

>no red flags

Mate you need to learn to invest by race. Anything with connection to Asia should be disregarded straight away.

>> No.8978529

>even if law enforcement actually cares (they dont), hunting someone down there is pretty much impossible.

It isn't, Actually it shouldn't be hard to find him, unless he hides in remote places controlled by tribes like Somalia. He took 50 million from investors around the world. That's a lot of money and a of countries that can cooperate to catch him. Not to mention that he's too white to hide in Africa, especially when you have 50 mil. They can easily block his accounts and prevent him from ever cashing out. His digital footprint can be easily traced. He's going to get fucked for sure.

>> No.8978557

Just a prank bro.

>> No.8978566

crypto investors are cucks anyway, nobody did anything about karpeles, nobody did anything about the bitgrail guy
the type of people who invest in scammy ICOs and dubious exchanges hoping to strike it rich are too lazy to make any effort in their personal life, and you expect them to get their shit together and hunt a guy down
this holds true almost at any level. did jordan belfort get killed? nope, the same type of people who got scammed by him worship him now
the largest part of the population are sheep. they will never kill except in a moment of passion, and they will accept just about anything that doesn't kill them
you see this rule break only at the mafia/elite level. see: madoff's son "hanging himself"
but twitterfags and pajeets banding together to chase down a scammer? rofl
things don't happen for no reason, the guy was a shitskin propped up by germans desperate to virtuesignal, a story you can see a million times today. what differences exist are details compared to this core dynamic
this guy WILL get away with it. 100% guaranteed. and 50m does last you a lifetime of upper middle class living in many middle eastern countries. fuck, with that kind of easily fungible money you can just make sound investments and buy a new identity after a few years. it's not like he looks any different from millions of people. for all we know he'll be pitching startups ideas in the bay area by 2022

>> No.8978610

>yassin hankir
>no red flag
I'd call you mentally challenged, but it's thanks to people like you people like me make money.
Shame that your kind gets to vote though, our countries will go to shit as long as you manage to reproduce.

>> No.8978894
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>Middle East is not so cheap that 50mil( and let's be honest, that wasn't a 1 person operation so its less than that) will last you a lifetime
The average human produces less than 2 million during their entire lifetime.
50 million is 25 times that.
You could buy 25 human lives with that money, and you're saying it's not enough to live an entire life of relaxation on for just a couple people?

>> No.8978929
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>50m does last you a lifetime of upper middle class
>upper middle class
>the equivalent of getting a six figures salary for 500 YEARS

Has crypto completely fucked your conception of how much money is actually worth?

>> No.8978930

wrong. a lot of those people you think disappear with the money forever are just dead. crypto has a high rate of crazy fucks.

>> No.8978973

he's in Israel

>> No.8978994

Nice dubs, Muhammad. Did you know that the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would wash down dog semen down with wine and a bacon sandwich?

>> No.8979089

Reminds me of Chainlink, desu.

>> No.8979120

>got scammed by a turkroach

>> No.8979390

Chainlink is a scam and will never go high because of marketcap. look up coin market cap and how it works you dumb fuck

>> No.8979661

That's Paul Krugman's son!

>> No.8979805

i'm out of the loop on this one.
first time hearing anything about it.
the fuck is soydroid?
and what did this soyboy do?

>> No.8980274
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>> No.8980388

Are you fucking retarded or what?
50 mil is 500k/year to spend over 100years. Even with inflation and whatnot you are some ridiculously delusional neet if you dont think you can live like a pleb king from that in the middle east.

>> No.8980644
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