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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8975270 No.8975270 [Reply] [Original]

>how much USD you have in cryptocurrencies
>are you happy right now?

>> No.8975316

>Not really

>> No.8975329
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>digital marketing, ecommerce, and SaaS
>also fulltime student, but business comes first at this point

holy fuck yes I'm happy. College is going well, I'm finally able to pay for things on my own, I quit my shitty wagecuck job and can focus on school/my own business. All of that, and I have a really fun car to wrench on and a committed girlfriend that I really like.

This time last year I was graduating high school as a fat, ugly loser. I got in shape doing landscaping, started using my programming skills to ship MVPs, and built on the fledgeling website design business I started by expanding internationally and outsourcing a lot of the work. Now I'm in a much better place.

Sorry for the wordwall but I couldn't be happier.

>> No.8975347

Coal sampler

Still on anti-depressants so im not too happy

>> No.8975352


Life is pain. Wageslavery is slavery

>> No.8975365

Oh commercial banking

>> No.8975369

I used to laugh at all those people that said money can't buy happiness but turn out they are right. You get more options but you will always be unhappy

>> No.8975461

Holy fuck that is terrifying. this is why I started a business at such a young age.

I am so sorry for all of you. If you ever need a job or help dropshipping chinkshit to get out of your jobs let me know

>> No.8975505


if you have legitimate resources/guides to getting started in dropshipping id love to know, but please dont bother if you're just one of those affiliate link spammers

>> No.8975509


>> No.8975512

money truly can buy happiness, but it can't fix mental illness (yet, anyway)

>> No.8975541

>DBA/server admin

Not exactly living the dream, but at least I'm living a pretty comfy life right now.

I make tons of money and tell this to people all the time. No one believes it until they actually do have the money they want and realize it brought them no happiness.

>> No.8975543

this please>>8975505

>> No.8975606

Why did you go to college if you're running a successful business?

>only a couple thousand
>starting in june as a GIS Programmer after I graduate
>I'm fine I guess, things are going well enough

>> No.8975611

>2k (invested 3.5k in Jan)
>Hungry Jacks (Australian Burger King) / Student
> its my birthday tomorrow and I told myself if I don't have a good week then I probably shouldn't be alive.

>> No.8975622

I've never built one of those courses or anything but here are some of the basics:

>pexda.com has essentially everything you need for product research
>if you can't do graphics yourself(which I can), hire people on fiverr for EVERYTHING
like people will literally build out a store for you for $100 there. It's worth it.
>don't spend less than $100 on ads at any time, you won't make it

>> No.8975628

You post this same response in every thread like this. Something is fishy.

>> No.8975735

a safety net. I can't get hired unless I have that piece of paper that says I can code. Trust me I've tried. I've thought this through.

>> No.8975742

i come to biz all the time. There is no other place I know where I can talk anonymously with people that don't know me, and have some inkling of understanding about money.

I'm in threads all over the place. The whole thing about "being here forever" isn't a meme.

>> No.8975743


>> No.8975781

>Possibly the happiest I've been my whole life

If you any of you rich anons need help being happy, you can pay my poor ass and I'll teach you the ways.


>> No.8975792

>ketamine helps

>> No.8975842

>Business Analyst

>> No.8976022

Not working atm
Happy, but not fulfilled.

>> No.8976066

Can you share how you got to 3m at 28 y/o or are you larping?

>> No.8976103

>Fuck yeah, because I only have $2k in dumb shitcoins and over $1 million in real investments

>> No.8976161

>NEET, watch twitch all day
>Yeah, stoned all day, screwing 9/10 big-tit cute asian hookers regularly

No idea why these other rich faggots are depressed or suicidal. I used to be dirt poor, eating nothing but a cup of rice and soy sauce like once a day, and after I've "made it", I've had nothing but tons of fun.

>> No.8976190

You're a retard trying to shill coins. 4chan is not a soapbox.

>> No.8976195


Where do asian hookers have big tits?

>> No.8976270

Sure, it's anonymous I guess.

I made a few million botting online games and selling the virtual currencies (think Runescape gold, though I never specifically worked with RS).

Some buyers paid me in crypto (probably ~100k worth). I was already worth about $3m at that point so I had no need to touch the Bitcoin, I just let it sit for a few years. Plus I was a Bitcoin evanbgekist, it wasn't completely dumb luck.

Now it's even more than my $ that I slaved away for. Not sure how I feel about that.

>> No.8976283

That'll teach me to rely on autocorrect.

>> No.8976296

>1.400 USD
>Political analyst at foreign embassy, 22.000 USD/year (I live in a shitty third world country)
Today I broke up with my BBW girlfriend. She is a nice person, sex was horrible.

>> No.8976317

Dude, you are only 18 years old. If I could tell you how life gets better afterwards.

Yes, I am not happy right now, but fuck it, I am living life as I want to. I'm not going to die knowing "I could have done that... shit, I should have done that"... no, I will die going like "Man... that was a cool thing to do back in the day"

I am not happy, but life is not about being happy, but living and making the things you love, even if happiness doesn't reach to your soul.

>> No.8976341

>summer intern

>> No.8976364

>Dude, you are only 18 years old. If I could tell you how life gets better afterwards.
This guy is lying.

>> No.8976376

I’m happy for you anon

>> No.8976379


>> No.8976394

i'm 32. worst part of life by far was high school. with some dips and hikes (sometimes serious, but never near high-school level) it's been a long-term upward movement from there, overall happiness wise

>> No.8976410
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>neet student former dishwasher
>hell yes

wagecucked during my first 2 years of uni, spent nothing and all inned back in june 2017

>> No.8976418


>> No.8976475


>life gets better afterwards
>35 years working for jews
>10 years without energy or body to do anything

>> No.8976497

Hghh... that face looks so fucking punchable hmmmmm!! Wish I could drag her nose and teeth along a wall.

>> No.8976503

>Commercial Account Manager

>> No.8976543

How does one become a political analyst anyways?

>> No.8976615

>$00 but I'm gonna get started tomorrow with about $100 after I get paid tomorrow.
>English teacher in glorious Nippon
>My life is overflowing with joy.

>> No.8976616


No one will probably read this and care.

I'm 24, 20k in crypo all into LINK, and my jobs pays 100k per year.

Just got hired but the job starts in june when I'm straight outta school.#feelsgoodman

I also brought my own one bedroom luxury apartment in January so that feels good too.

Im happy. I believe LINK will make me wealthy. I've started working out seriously because I wanna get a serious girlfriend before I get wealthy, so I know she didn't come to me for money and then I can spoil her.

I've made so much progress girls have started hitting me me. It's actually insane. I plsnned dates with two separate chicms weekend and next weekend. Don't know how. Wish I would have started working out sooner.

Also I realized I can vape alprazolam by dissolving it in vspr juice so that's been litty.

>> No.8977271

no i will not be buying bcash roger.

>> No.8977275


>> No.8977594
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10,000 LINK
Hospitality Agency Team Leader.
Yeah quite. Was nihilist /pol/ack with a bleak outlook for future. Doing drugs and living paycheck to paycheck. Working like a dog taking every shift I could gave me a work ethic and a future to look forward too. I'll be head chef in pub running my own kitchen soon and get to make own menu thus not being alienated from my work. I'd be really happy but the pepe plushes of japanese amazon were not actually in stock reee!

>> No.8978328

>1.3 million
>feels good man

>> No.8978392

>400k, will probably be a millionaire by 2019
>meh, life seems empty after my gf left me

>> No.8978460

>YouTube, affiliate marketing (passive income), shitcoin masternodes (passive income), Telegram community management (I'm active anyway and just have to delete spammers' posts, so passive income), full-time trading

I'm happy with my financial situation since I own real estate already and I'm about to move out of my parents place. I'm happy that I've been able to meet lots of great girls in the past year. I'm happy that I'm healthy after having had cancer a couple years ago. I'm happy with my social life...

But I'm just not quite there. I could be doing better...I could have a girlfriend...I could be in the 7 figures, and I work so damn hard...but I'm just not quite there.

>> No.8978463

now your real story

>> No.8978490

>music producer/civil engineering student

pretty happy because I now have a plan. my dream was always to become the most famous musician the world has ever seen, but now I'm gonna save up enough money through crypto or otherwise and move to LA with my friend next summer and kickstart shit from there

>> No.8978539

>3033 ETH (all in)
>software devloper
>not really..

>> No.8978568

>could be if i wanted to

>> No.8978579

how did you make it anon?

>> No.8978598

>Student/Software developer
>Yes, but could be happier

>> No.8978609

getting in early and not getting out early

>> No.8978708

20k$, previous ATH at 58k$
Freelance dev
Quite happy

>> No.8979298

>truck driver
>eh, I'm not so depressed that I can't keep guns around like a few years back. I'll take it.
Also, LTC $1500 eoy

>> No.8979300

>run a family restaurant
>yeah, pretty happy, wife, kid, house, business and some playmoney (crypto)

Not saying I could be happier. I could use more off time to spend with my family and stuff, but you take what you get.

>> No.8979323
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>Full time software engineering student
>Regular suicidal thoughts

>> No.8979354

>unemployed atm

>> No.8979362


>> No.8979381

150k in crypto and 500k in stocks
Pretty happy. There are some things I want to fix about my life though: better diet, more exercise, be more social, watch less/no porn and get better at studying/working without breaks.

>> No.8979387

And I’m studying business management.

>> No.8979388


Lol faggot.

>> No.8979397
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>> No.8979398

Grad Student in ChemE
Nope, Ive had legit severe depression for the last 9 yrs. Started losing my hair too. I dont look bad cus Ive got masculine features, but it just adds to the depression. Ive almost commited suicide 3 times now, chickened out last second for all of them. Wont probably make it to see 30 desu. The thought of getting rich is all I got going for me, anon and it probably wont make me happy anyway.


>> No.8979408

>Unemployed masters student
>Somewhat suicidal

>> No.8979548

is that you on that pic?
>around 600 lol
>fuck off datamining faggot

>> No.8979627

You're forgetting about recreational drugs

>> No.8979682

happiness hasn't really changed over the last ~5 years

>> No.8979816

Dude 26 grad in orgo chem here. Except 13k in crypto. Pretty depressed too, mostly because of how much time I have to spend grading retarded shit as a TA. It doesn't help I was engaged to a 10/10 virgin yemeni girl, but her parents took her back home and now I have a pretty basic kimchigf.

>> No.8979829

Is this a LARP thread? How can guys in their early 20ies already have 500k+ in investments.

> 32
> 25k
> SW Engineer
> More happy than unhappy

>> No.8980184

Anywhere? Korea and Japan have more natural ones with big tits, anywhere else, it's fake, but hey.

>> No.8980234

Stop caring about getting a girlfriend. Just live life, you over fantasize how amazing it is. It will all fade away with time.

Now you want a girlfriend, but 5-10 years when you've been together, you will want new sexual experiences again. However, if you chose to go without a wife, you will feel lonely and unfulfilled in 5-10 years.

It's like one of those triangles. There are 3 things everyone wants, but it's only possible to pick 2.

>> No.8980256

Yes, it's a combination of LARPING and actual first movers.

But they can't pull out without paying taxes, so remember to cut what they say in half.

>> No.8980286

>electronic engineer
>happy. Not full, perfect happy, but better than neutral.

>> No.8980303
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33 years
around 50k USD
>i dont want to work, have some projects generating passive money for food and rent
im not unhappy but i do wonder what the hell i should do with my life so i havent found happiness yet.