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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8974474 No.8974474 [Reply] [Original]

is this project unironically ded?

>> No.8974549

It's been mooning for 4 days... so no

>> No.8975046

yea big deal. not price. the actual project itself.

>> No.8975109

still under ICO price. bagholders holding their breath waiting to dump at 10 cents. it would be funny to see it dump at 8.5 cents and boost again perpetually to sub 10 cents and make it a cult of bagholders like link

>> No.8975120
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>not looking at BTC/ETH value

>> No.8975280
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>not looking at USD value for an ICO
hurrr. people buy ico at a set price based in usd. $100 dollars of ETH gets you 1000 coins at 10 cents each. sell 1000 coins now you get $70 hurrrrr

>> No.8975297

it has outperformed ETH and BTC though
put in $100 into ETH or BTC at the time of AXP ICO and its worth less than if you had put in AXP

which part about this is hard for you to understand

>> No.8975309

why are you comparing investments? put $100 in X stock at the time and blah blah blah. you're actually retarded

>> No.8975318

Hes a newfag who asks questions like "which sub 1 cent coin should i buy"

>> No.8975340

nice try pajeet. you bought first week of january and you're compensating for your heavy bags. your cash was better in your pocket than this shit coin which is currently less than it's initial coin offering price. niggerface

>> No.8975358

nice attention span, you already forgot the entire point of this argument you absolute fucking dipshit lmao

i brought it up because your subhuman self said "still under ICO price" when, at the time of the ICO the entire market was 2-3x higher.
god, spoonfeeding genuine retard fucks is not worth it

>> No.8975368
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