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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8960397 No.8960397 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8960401

"continue the dump"

>> No.8960425

I follow some trading gurus and I'm not really sure who's posing and who isn't. But all those that were calling to buy every red candle have gone down a lot in my estimation.

>> No.8960444

I lost 1 eth on this. Was down over 10%. I fomo'ed in. I think I even managed to buy the very bottom of it. If that was a bottom. Its above from where I got out atm atleast.

Learned a lesson, I hope. NEVER FOMO INTO NEWS!!

>> No.8960446

uneducated traders are 'selling the news' because a guy on twitter told them too
unbeknownst to them all us whales are gobbling it up ready to pump it to .20

>> No.8960455

I wanted to say "I managed to SELL at the very bottom".

>> No.8960508
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Must be the bottom, going all in

>> No.8961215

>us whales
yeah right, faggot

>> No.8961566

Where is the bottom so we can buy? 70%?

>> No.8961585

300-400 sats

>> No.8961606

When the fuck do you buy a partnership then in this industry????

>> No.8961632

verge aka dogecoin dark holders are the most delusional bunch ive seen

>> No.8961633

easy oppurtunity to 10x your portfolio on verge. let the dip finish, buy in at 2 sats, sell on the pump to 20 sats

>> No.8961636

>Not even 1 month's low

Fuck off, shill

>> No.8962473

>all the educated traders are down 35%
what did he mean by this?

>> No.8962494


>> No.8963392

Nice LARP lol

>> No.8963447

Haha congratulations. Verge is now Porncoin. I am impartial to the currency itself, but what a loathable set of oafs it has for a following

>> No.8963918


But goddamn look at that volume.

Crypto investors are literally bottom-feeding Mongoloids and retards.

I want a Bitcoin crash to $200 to shake out all the vermin and insects that chase garbage like Tron and Verge.

We need an ethnic cleansing of this market, like it was prior to 2017.

>> No.8963978

This is probably near enough the bottom, tbf.

Sunerok just had a pretty good interview on Bloomberg radio about XVG, normies asking lots of crypto questions. This is GREAT for all of us.

>> No.8964019

>endorsing a 1 dev project that hasn't been doing a good job for months now

>> No.8964095
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>A crypto currency makes a deal to be exclusively used by an online video streaming agent that is well known and people pay to utilize the perks of fapping to their favorite model
>It tanks
>Meanwhile a Pajeet and a 75 year old twitter autist points their finger at shit and turns to gold
>Fundamentals do not apply
>good news is sold and dumped on
>rumors and shitposters are sought after and bought
>hype and shilling from CNBC and talking heads is the golden rule
Don't even own any Verge but I cannot say this enough, fuck this market.

>> No.8964121

>hating on the one crypto that actually got a multi billion dollar business involved, a market leader no less

Crypto community showing it's true colors here lol. Especially monerotards are salty as fuck.

>> No.8964155

What? Its nothing big at all. You can buy already with btc.
Would have been big if it was vergins only. Or have access to cp content or some shit since its supposed to be szper anonymous. Theres no reason to buy with verge when btc exists

>> No.8964164

>uneducated traders
you're a funny guy.

>> No.8964176
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We don't see Pornhub heavily shilling Buttcoin by plastering it on Lambos and other luxury cars and changing their Pornhub logo to compliment Buttcoin with the same color scheme or adding the Buttcoin logo next to their trademark logo.

>> No.8964246

Go to pornhub. The verge logo isn't even there lol. They paid for them to advertise verge for ONE DAY

>> No.8964258

Priced in. Imagine not trading before the news

>> No.8964302

It's just not that big of a deal. Anyone who would be willing to actually fucking pay for porn is conversely guaranteed to be too fucking dumb to figure out how to buy verge for one, and pay with it for two.

>> No.8964316

banner ad is still there

>> No.8964340

>being a NEET
>thinking people uneducated for selling bags they've been holding since December

Uneducated people bought Verge because they READ the news. If you buy in after seeing a partnership was announced, it was already 2l84um8 you cuck't yourself.

>> No.8964371

The point is not the paying for porn... ofc that is not that useful. It's that Mindgeek now has incentive to shill this shit to the moon. They certainly have millions of verge now. And their reach is gigantic.

>> No.8964396


>> No.8964404
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I made this in January. It's so much worse now.

>> No.8964417

Everything went according to plan
I hope u XVG retards enjoy your losses

>> No.8964430
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300 sats eom

>> No.8964460

>holdings 7,673
>market value $1675


>> No.8964485


I bought in during the news and sold just below the peak, I made around 10-12% profit - a whole $10 lol

>> No.8964605

This is what you get when you bully Charlie Lee.

>> No.8964675

Damn the memes will be great when they make the first Brazzers video where the poor college girl is fucking to get verge

>> No.8965012

>implying the devs aren't helping Mindgeek majorly dump and PH accumulating through new memberships only to pump this shit to 20cents or more then do a massive dump

>> No.8965917

all idiots calling 300 sats are whales trying to get ur vergins. Without any announcement or partnership this would be around 450 sats just from btc trading sideways for this long. with this announcement i actually see it worth around 600

>> No.8965948
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>> No.8966077

>all 40k look rich cars, including a niggerbile
The absolute state of vergens

>> No.8966560

Whales set stop losses, they don't tank -35% drops

>> No.8966692

Chill guys, its just verge holders dumping their loads

>> No.8966719
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>> No.8966751
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Excuse me sir but it's neets who are the uneducated traders.