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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 312x92, Skärmavbild 2015-09-15 kl. 18.05.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
894579 No.894579 [Reply] [Original]

So apparently PP went into the gambling market quietly, is it worth buying them att 33 dollars for my portfolio?

>> No.894890


Disclosure: I own PYPL in my IRA

>> No.895235

They are making crazy cash right now. The big rumor right now is that the payment market is saturated, PYPL will need to dabble in something else besides just payments...maybe purchasing an online bank or purchasing a P2P lender like LC (oh please God yes!). With the separation from eBay, part of the agreement was that eBay had to filter all payments through PYPL, but PYPL was allowed to conduct any type of business it wanted even if it was a competitor like Amazon or WalMart. This is great for those companies as PYPL already has the groundwork in place and a method that works and is secure (so far).

I haven't bought myself, but I am keeping a close eye. This will be an eventual Apple within the next 5 to 7 years with sound decisions and management. They will have to do something revolutionary in the nontraditional financial market to really be a solid company for the long haul though.

>> No.895379
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I bought it at 40$ per share like a retard during its IPO.

I thought the IPO price was @38$ per share, so a 2$ difference was no big deal for me.

I was unfortunately. Rookie mistake.

Hold regardless, the shares are worth much more than they are currently valued at.

The market will correct it soon enough, the 4th Quarter tends to be the worst time for stocks historically.

>> No.895383
File: 22 KB, 400x400, [001552].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paypal IS NOT allowed to compete in the same business as Ebay.

That was one of the main highlights of the agreements.


>Future pizza hedge fund manager

>> No.895407

Do you really have to do that here?

>> No.895426

If you have a 4chan "Gold Pass" you don't have to.

>> No.895512

How many dicks does one have to suck in order to get a 4chan 'Gold Pass?'

>> No.895524

Just moot's

>> No.895527

So they're going with gambling before they go with porn.

>> No.895564

My oh my are you a stupid faggot. Thanks for letting me use your own article.

"For instance, PayPal could offer payment-processing services to Amazon"

>> No.895566

Welcome to 4chan Herman Cain

>Future pizza hedge fund manager

>> No.895568

From geekwire

"Under the agreement, PayPal can partner with competing retailers and other financial firms, and even tech companies looking at getting into payments like Google and Apple."

If you are a hedge fund manager, then you need to give your clients money back, you fucking faggot.

>> No.896411
File: 12 KB, 225x224, 1417339090660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice samefagging,

Obviously your comprehension skills are of a third grader, so let me reiterate myself.

say it with me:


Reread what you put, then read what I just said.

I never once said that Paypal couldn't indirectly compete with ebay nor help its rivals.

What I said was that Paypal CANNOT create a SIMILAR service (like ebay) and compete with it in those terms.

Your autism is showing,

now go back to your containment board >>>/b/

>> No.896434

>uses the term samefag wrong as if people aren't allowed to post more than once in a thread
>double spacing after every sentence

back to reddit dear god your post is hard on the eyes seriously stop double spacing after every thought fuckboy

>> No.897622
File: 14 KB, 240x320, 1417669490069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh shit I didn't realize their was ids
>time to tell him to go back to reedit
>hurrrr durrr hurr durr

get >>>/out/ now you autistic NEET.

>> No.897633

dont direct him, or you to my board ffs
>one of the only not retarded boards